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Messages - Extirminator

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I think that if even the tie breaker has failed to determine a winner - no team should be crowned victorious because at this point it's just ridiculous, you can keep asking the question of - "what if..." but it just gets so unlikely and the means to determine a winner get so controversial that you might as well just declare a tie between them.
No one said the event has to have a winner.

what if the duel match ends up 0-0?

I dont think this rule has any significance anyway, how often does a 0-0 match show up?

Duel at Dawn 10min time limit, first kill,first part destruction on tie.

About the specific map, I don't really like having it be ALWAYS duel. Since duel is a really close range map and if your team is better at long range stuff than close range you are at a clear disadvantage. I thought about just having it another random map, but that could mean that any picked map can be a map oriented heavily towards either long or close range which just repeats the same point.

I asked lu why duel at dawn and he said that it was because it promoted engagements and is very likely to not end up with no kill after 10 minutes of match.

The point of having a map that encourages engagements is an important one, and so does a map that is balanced in the sense of not promoting any particular range of engagements or playstyle with a noticeable balance of even sides and opportunities for both red and blue. I think its really hard to find a map like this, which is why it could be problematic to implement this kind of rule.
Personally I am torn if we should let this through or not because of this reason.

About the second idea with teams calling a tie breaker if its not going anywhere, I think it's really unlikely it will come to this, and even if it will, I expect it to go the same way like when you want to finish a match quick and both sides agree on finishing it, but for ego reasons no team wants to be the one that surrenders and thus "lose" the game. I think both teams will acknowledge the need for a tie breaker, but no team will step forward and ask the other one for a tie - because it indirectly displays the acceptance of defeat.
Not saying it'll be a bad idea, but it most likely will rarely be ever used because of team ego and pride.

Release Notes / Re: Version 1.4.2 Release Notes
« on: July 07, 2015, 01:12:02 pm »
I've heard people saying that the new flares aren't as bright and annoying. With my graphics at the lowest I never had problems with flares, are the new flares better?

I tested the assumption that they travel slower or have a lower max range and that appears to be false - they have the same max range, and assuming that the bug is not affecting shell life they should also have their appropriate speeds in that case.

I cannot comment about illumination because my PC is crap and I can't have any settings on medium without having game crashes.

I did find out though that if you shoot in practice a normal flare it deploys right away like many experienced in the bug. But for some reason shooting lesmok makes the flare not illuminate at all, even when it hits max range or a cloud - as if it never even reached the arming time. (reported that too.)

Release Notes / Re: Version 1.4.2 Release Notes
« on: July 07, 2015, 12:15:53 pm »
Flares feel very different. I don't think anything was changed besides the visual but they feel slow and shorter range.

That is because they are bugged on certain maps for some reason. They will deploy and illuminate from the moment of being fired, but will still continue moving forward. this leads me to believe their speed or movement could be bugged too even on the maps they do seem to work normally.

Release Notes / Re: Version 1.4.2 Release Notes
« on: July 07, 2015, 12:01:19 pm »
I double checked all in-game ship stats with my database of the old patch and there wasn't any contradicting data, I thought the case could be some stats changed like what happen to the squid a couple patches back where the top longitudinal speed changed. It is clearly not the case, and I am guessing you all are just having "new patch syndrome" where everything seems to be different and new suddenly.

Community Events / Re: Sunday Community Skirmish Format changes
« on: July 07, 2015, 11:10:24 am »
Might be irrelevant to you if you got a 5-4 win but towards both fighting teams - taking into account both of their scores is more meaningful, accurate and fair.

Community Events / Re: Sunday Community Skirmish Format changes
« on: July 07, 2015, 09:28:56 am »

welp, no more being okay with 5-4 scores in round robin style.

Well, sure, you aren't gonna win 5-4 and be happy about it. But on the contrary the losing team gets a fair amount of points out of it too. So it's not a "The winner takes it all" mentality. The scoring system in Round Robin better reflects the skill level of the teams and the outcome of the match - and rewards each team accordingly.

You could say that if someone fights a lower skilled team and wins 5-0 and someone fights a higher skilled team and wins 5-4 it wouldn't be balanced. But at the end of the day, every permutation of team combinations will be achieved so that everyone fights versus everyone. So if there is a lower skilled team and a higher skilled team - you are going to get placed with both over the duration of the event - so you will get both the 5-0 and the 5-4 score.

At the end, it comes down to how much better your team in relation to all other playing teams is - as it should be, because if you have double elimination with 3 teams, not only that the event is really short usually, it is also potentially leaving some teams not fighting other teams and not showing their worth against different and varied opponents - Round Robin fixes that.

Guides / Re: Guns for Gunners
« on: July 07, 2015, 06:44:46 am »
The counter argument to this is that gunners' ammo types are generally used for modifying your weapon's range. Junker in itself is a platform where you can modify ranges. Why switch to greased hades to deal with a charging enemy when you can just turn the gat mortar side? One of the junker's most optimal uses is triple engineer.

That is one case versus dozens of viable gun combos that will require the use of gunner because of diverse ammo type usage. The Hades just happens to be a commonly used gun.

Also, if you aren't able to kill the enemy in time for whichever reason, a junker - especially moving backwards to generate only 50% of its thrust will be easily caught up with the charging ship quite fast, sometimes fast enough that turning around will simply take too long and will just kill you.

The Gallery / Re: GOI - Screenshot Gallery!
« on: July 05, 2015, 12:24:14 am »
Ship with one player with 1k+ matches and the other one having played something like 6k if not more - Underdog
Enemies - two ships with players below 9, so probably having like 150 matches in total.


It is important to note that AI crewmen have a base MMR of 0.

Having played a few fact finding matches with Ayetach and others earlier, there are a significant number of bugs and balance issues on this map - especially for the blue team. Invisible tar, invisible heavy guns and hit markers on those guns, flare issues...

I strongly advocate that it be left out of the rolls this week until muse can address these problems.

Surely these don't show up only in the new map, it hardly sounds like a map specific problem. If it is, that is extremely odd.

Release Notes / Re: Version 1.4.2 Release Notes
« on: July 03, 2015, 09:44:12 am »
I am still waiting for the actual harpoon fix and not visual harpoon fix, its still only connects to the ship and not actually pulling it in like it should for months now.

Other than that, great update!

The Gallery / Re: GOI - Screenshot Gallery!
« on: June 30, 2015, 06:45:15 pm »

Filthy sand-rakers... I was always the blood eagle type.

General Discussion / Re: Ship Sizes
« on: June 30, 2015, 05:17:10 am »
Anything not using the range finder is just guesswork. Using the range finder, the hull length (from gun mount to front of engine) is about 47 meters.

You didn't say which ship was the 47m.

I am guessing you meant to say a goldfish though, that roughly aligns with my personal data.

General Discussion / Re: Ship Sizes
« on: June 29, 2015, 06:21:53 pm »
A good way to estimate a size of a ship is to summon a target dummy in sandbox and range finder it walking from the back of the ship to the front and subtracting the results.
That's how I got most of my rough measurements a good several months ago, and a good and easy way to get rough measurements if you don't wanna get into the more complicated and exact methods.

They said they still haven't added them in. A map without cloud cover would be really boring and not balanced in the slightest.

Since this testing seems like a pretty finite stage, do you have any date approximation in mind for the release of said stuff?

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