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Messages - Kamoba

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General Discussion / Re: How would you balance/change the game?
« on: March 18, 2016, 12:10:48 pm »
I'd add a heavy mine launcher that deploys five clusters of five Mines.

Imagine if everybody in the Brawl takes a munker.
That's really nothing new since "mines don't take sides" anyway.

Why imagine it... When you can do it!
Would be better with free-for-all any weapons though, create sniper kill stealing Squids or Quick kill spires, or quad hwacha galleon (to piss off everyone, that's all.)

General Discussion / Re: Heavy Clip: What is it good for anyway?
« on: March 17, 2016, 03:40:57 am »
Heavy ammo in my opinion is not a good choice anymore...

Before I would give buff gungineer heavy clip on a Gatling to allow effective mid-range shooting while keeping good damage, choosing greased or lesmok only based on situations (IE Lesmok vs Squids.)

When playing with pub crews it goes to the Hwacha gunner to replace their lesmok, or the heavy carronade gunner, which I advise then to use if they're struggling with Loch.

That's only in pub crews....
Which is a pretty crappy niche for an ammo in my opinion..
"Okay so we have this ammo which is not good at much, but it is a better choice for newbies in some situations."

While other ammos have a use of.
"This ammo is THIS, other ammos do not compare! Bow to the greased Gatling, cower in fear at charged merc, and tremble in awe at burst Artemis!"

While heavy ammo sits in the corner and cries.

I still want a Brawl mode. No teams. No allies. Pick your own flag colors. 2 to 8 ships. Pure insanity.

I approve of this idea still.

The Gallery / Re: GoI Fan Fiction
« on: March 17, 2016, 03:16:47 am »
Done, 3rd in command.
Might Die spectacularly

Most of my characters tend to have dramatic over the top deaths at LARP. :) (Kaldaka, a wolf beast kin was once awarded "best death after a successful suicidal rescue mission to save his friend from a hiarde of undead! I succeeded in saving my friend and dieing.)

The Gallery / Re: GoI Fan Fiction
« on: March 16, 2016, 12:35:36 pm »
Captain Kamoba, flying The Sky Slicer (Pyramidion armed with Gatling Artemis hades and flare.)

Brief back story:
Ex-Ryder having flown against the Mighty Fynx for a long time, Kamoba retired his Ryder mantle and joined the "Bards" for drinks, songs and shenanigans in the skies, doing merc work to pay for his new hobbies.

English accent, short temper and crazy, when not flying the Sky Slicer he pilots a Squid The Rusty Razor. Armed with mine launchers.

General Discussion / Re: How would YOU nerf the Mobula?
« on: March 16, 2016, 08:57:56 am »
Mobula nerf in dev app is pointless and a waste of time.

The only thing I would change to mobula, is possibly a tweak in its hull numbers to lower it a bit, so it becomes a scary thing to loose armour, if the vertical Dodge fails, so would the mobula, but in this current state the mobula has ample tanking abilities to be able to afford mistakes...

The balance changes needed compared to the ones proposed are vastly different...

Small tweaks to everything.. And rather than screw the hwacha to a newbie crews worst fucking nightmare, I'd rather see a state on the thing changed...

Balance changes over gameplay changes...

Mobula OP?
Nerf it's perma-hull a little (Little!)

Pyramidion UP?
Buff it's perma-hull or turning speed a little (Little!)

Hwacha OP?
Nerf it's jitter reduction a bit. (Or just revert all the changes to heavy ammo, Carronades and hwacha!)

Heavy flak Under Used?
Realise that it is the Hwacha dominance that's killing the use of Flak! Why use flak when you can use "LION GUN, FUCK YEAH!")

Also I agree with Newbluud..
Matches these days fall into three types..

Vets using what ship and weapons they want against other vets of a like mind. (Rare, hard to find lobbies, but the most fun.)

Vets stacking the fuck out of the game either with custom no scramble lobbies or switching sides with new pilots, using Mobula, unless someone takes a squid then they go squid. (I won't name the clan who do those, but they might want to watch the fucking salt and shit talk they throw at people when they stomp a level five flying with 7 novice players, fuckers.)

Mixed lobbies of vets and newbies, the vets hard countering any chance they get and a lot of rematch votes, if there happens to be three vet ships in a 2v2 lobby it often turns into games of " pass the newbie, suck up the loss." This lobby you see mostly Pyramidions from the newbies (because the guides are all outdated now, pyra is no longer a great ship.) Or they use Hwachafish.

It's the stacking vets which is why I play less often. I will rant about them, I will hate the specific fuckers who do it, for one reason, their salt and shit talk. It is not skill to win a fucking stomp.


General Discussion / Re: ...What IS Alliance DLC?
« on: March 16, 2016, 08:41:23 am »
So it's not a finished product yet?

Huh. I was under the impression it was a "this is done, and this is all you get by buying this and you should probably get this so you don't look like a behind the times scrub lord"
Or something of that sense.

Maybe I shouldn't rush this and let them build it before buying it.

Well if you purchase you can get involved in the beta tests on the dev app, so you get something for your money, if you're not interested in testing, then hold onto your money till you're ready. :)

The Lounge / Re: Prove you're oldfag
« on: March 16, 2016, 08:38:47 am »
I'm not that old, but..

Match Maker was brand new, maybe a day or two old, so the salt was real.

Tover Twatch was a competitive team.

Pyramidion was the only choice of ship.

Flamer was something to be feared by every ship and ship build so long as the ship didn't have great chem cycles.

People knew what a chem cycle was! (Mention chem cycle now and people get confused!)

Hwacha was just the Lion Gun.. Now it's the LION GUN FUCK YEAH!

People who piloted Squids were either bat shit crazy or incredibly good pilots.

SPQR had two teams that competed almost every event!

Cakes were incredibly active.
Gents were well known and active.

LeonXross 4v4 with 4 mobula all Hades, sitting ontop of each other to make a highly visible, very deadly tower.

Richard LeMoon harpoon moonshine galleon.

Any weapon combination on a pyramidion was somewhat effective.

Blenderfish were in a good state and often picked over hwacha fish.

Light carronade component sniping.

Stamina broke everything, especially turning due to the faster turn speed AND the extra gunner arcs, so they are nerfing the gun platform ships to compensate.

I think the best 'return to roots' would be a complete revamping or removal of 'stamina' (it is only stamina on engineers). We all know they are having a terribly hard time balancing the base ships. Adding stamina just broke everything they were trying to do with ship, gun, and class balance.

Yes but... This would mean Muse would need to admit Stamina was wrong/a bad move in its state..

Stamina as a concept is fun and people in game mostly seem to like Stamina (though usually the ones why like it are the ones who don't know what it's doing... Aka newbie uses stamina while shooting claiming it buffs his gun..)

So the Stamina bad and press shift to initialize can stay... What Stamina does and how it affects those using it, that is what needs to be looked at..

World / Re: Planes in the world: designs and inspiration.
« on: March 14, 2016, 08:33:42 am »
There is a thread somewhere where one player gives their opinion on why the planes should not look WWII but should look WWI, find that thread you should get more details...

But ultimately they look more WWII.

The Lounge / Re: Introducing the new CAs!
« on: March 11, 2016, 08:32:17 am »
Because of Sir Steffens dyslexia, I thought I'd write it for him.

I Sir Steffen, in the presence of the Great Sky Whale, commit my true faith, love and service to the community of Icarus.
To provide knowledge and friendship to those in need.
And to stay sane, and regularly available.

Mann, we'll make him recite it in game, be prepared for Steffen stalking :)

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Spire hitbox
« on: March 11, 2016, 06:53:28 am »
I would rather they change the model entirely to make it harder to hit. I don't much care for hidden stats.

Yo! I heard you like smaller Spires. Well the boys over at Solidus's MS Paint Shop decided to hook you up.

Newbluud, say hello to your new ship.

You sir. Have earnt another salute.
Pimp my airship! Totally needs to  be a new thread of it's own... XD

The Lounge / Re: Introducing the new CAs!
« on: March 11, 2016, 06:47:34 am »

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Player-suggested tips
« on: March 10, 2016, 09:17:56 am »
One I would change would be:
Some ships allow the pilot to help repair or shoot so the pilots loadout is important too.

Or something to that effrect, I say Some instead of most as new players often struggle with priorities and saying most ships could lead to them not piloting enough, that's all :)

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