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Messages - nhbearit

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what would thoughts be about a Pyra wit better angles on the side guns?

Well, we already have a ship like that.. The Mobula. What causes an issue with the current state of the Pyra, isn't gun arcs so much as survivability.. It takes time to get into range, and normally, the Pyra is destroyed before it can really get into close range. To be effective a Pyra needs to be able to survive long enough to get into range and do it's damage. The simplest two ways to achieve this would be making the Pyra be able to take more hits (so it can spend more time getting shot at without blowing up)  or make it faster (so it spends less time getting shot at in the first place).

Gameplay / Re: Suggestions for the Mobula and Junker
« on: September 22, 2015, 09:41:08 pm »
There is one thing about this thread that manages to confuse me. Since when aren't Junkers awesome? They are the quintessential escort ship. Period. They have two sets of weapons that they can basically switch out at a moments notice. They also are highly maneuverable, and very easy to coordinate crew on. Like seriously.. Pair a Junker with any other ship (including another Junker) and it just shines. Assuming that the Junker is IN the fight of course. I've seen a lot of ridiculous comments on this thread so a quick note to everyone here: take a minute and think through what it is you're saying before you post.

Sord, good to go!

Perhaps someone should tell the Team Infinite guys that their first match of the day won't actually be against novice players. Letting them think that they'll be playing against players level 7 and below is more than a bit dishonest.

Sord, good to go!

Well, Sord has to pull out. Sorry for the late notice, we had some stuff come up kinda last minute.

Well, Sord, good to go!

Sord good to go! Contacts for this week will be BlackenedPies & Steelking.

Oh, almost forgot; Can we have a real password this week? Last week's was needlessly difficult to relay to everybody.

Sord, good to go!

Feedback and Suggestions / Rearview Mirror
« on: April 13, 2015, 11:41:30 pm »
Can this please be a thing?

Sord, Good to go!

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Oh boy, another gunner balance thread
« on: March 11, 2015, 04:35:01 pm »
So, firstly, I don't see a problem with gunners being underused or underpowered. They are a single facet of an extremely complex game.

With that said, to all players that think gunners should be a more attractive option:

There are several changes that wouldn't work. The first is simply making gungineers less attractive. This wouldn't work because all it does is move the choice further into the engineer's court. When a gungineer is selected for a position there are two reasons for it. Repairability and damage. With this kind of change you're basically trying to remove the increased damage from the equation. Well alright then, let's think this idea through. Without the increased damage output the choice becomes one of repairability and general versatility versus versatility on guns. This is probably the most ironic option available because the outcome of the choice is exactly the same as it would be now. On the guns that benefit from having gunners, you'd take a gunner. On guns that don't really benefit from a gunner, you'd take an engineer, but now that gungineers aren't really an option, you'd just take a normal engineer. Your ship is now doing less damage and engagements take longer, you've also not made gunners any more prolific. This is the reason that ideas like BlackenedPies's, and to a lesser extent Caprontos's, wouldn't solve any problem.

The second would be to do anything too big. Anything potentially game breaking goes into this category. For example, things like the stamina system. Or anything asymmetric. Changes that would change the name of the game more than they would fix it. There's a lot I would like to say about changes that fit into this group, but for the sake of brevity and to remain polite to Muse, I'm going to leave it at game breaking.

The only options are to introduce changes that make gunners easier to incorporate into the rest of the ship. Make gunners easier for the rest of the crew to work around. While it's a bug, an example of this is the 90s buff on guns. When buffs last long enough for a buffgineer to keep two guns buffed throughout an engagement, it allows gunners to have both versatility on guns AND benefit from the extra damage of the buff. It makes bringing a gunner a much more attractive option. While 90s is a bit long, if it was increased to around 60s it would be long enough to last throughout most engagements. And because you can keep buffs up on a gun almost indefinitely (by rebuffing between reloads) It doesn't have much of an effect overall. The gun is buffed either way, but now you can bring the gunner and the extra ammos for one of the guns.

Community Events / Re: Guns of Icarus - League
« on: February 28, 2015, 12:54:06 pm »
The thing is, before you ban weapons, all teams are equal. They have had the same amount of opportunities to practice with whatever weapon regardless of how new or established the weapon is. Once you ban a weapon, especially with little to no notice, you change the equation. Teams that spent time investigating the new weapon are at a disadvantage compared to teams that didn't spend time looking at it.

Mean Machine, you really should care. Not only should you care, but this should scare the living crap out of you. I, and every other competitive captain, have to budget time for eight people. We have to decide who practices what and to what extent. We have to have these things decided in advance. Competitive captains simply can't afford last second changes to rules. Sord has already put time and effort into figuring out the minotaur. We've invested in learning how to use it and how to get around it. The decision to ban the minotaur has effectively made that time a waste.

I never even knew a forum about it existed, let alone was about to influence a rule change. I also must insist that a full conversation about whether or not to ban the gun starts THIS Sunday, March 1st. I simply need this resolved as quickly as possible. The longer this takes to deal with, either way, the more time gets wasted.

Clamour's signing up!

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