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Messages - Morbie

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The Lounge / Re: The most glorious Quotes ever
« on: September 25, 2013, 07:31:05 am »

The Gallery / Re: The GoIO Catwalk - Your Favourite Outfit
« on: September 22, 2013, 10:42:47 pm »
I've been wanting to post in here since it started, but that would've been awkward. However now that everyone knows about the khovansky, this is my multiclass costume.

I also use these for female

The Lounge / Re: Other Games You're Playing Now
« on: September 18, 2013, 04:11:37 am »
I'm attempting to play outlast for the youtubes. It scares me. I scream a lot.

Community Events / Re: Titles, who has them, and what they do.
« on: September 14, 2013, 03:19:58 am »
The Ducks have claimed Paritan

The Lounge / Re: What did you name YOURSELF and why?
« on: September 07, 2013, 08:48:44 pm »
Man. Just a few of us Nicks out there, huh?
Well I bummed around the net for quite a while as 'Manta' in my early teens, but never overly got attatched to the name or anything. When I picked up the orange box around 5 years ago, I had to set up a steam account, but Manta was taken. So after a huge amount of thinking, I settled with "Morbid_Myths" because isn't it just fun being that angsty, young teenager? Wahahahha.
Over the course of 2 years, and being in a L4D2 clan, I ended up just being called "Morbid" by people, which I still actually answer to quite easily, and was actually called by most people in my last year of highschool. Morbid then became diminutised over the course of that same year and ended up as Morbie.
Cool story, bro? 

General Discussion / Re: I played with X
« on: August 29, 2013, 08:56:24 pm »
Had Rutger Shaw, Garou and Humacius on my squid a moment ago. I've never seen anyone take to my crazy offensive mine launcher build so quickly. Had heaps of fun as a result of having a brilliant crew.

Community Events / Titles, who has them, and what they do.
« on: August 29, 2013, 08:13:49 pm »
As per the wishes of Squash and the ducks, we're bringing the titles into the full ruleset for competitive, and making a new thread so that all questions about them will go here, and he won't have to deal with them. Down to business!
At this very moment, the titles stand as follows. This is going to be constantly updated to have the most recent in place, so you know exactly who to hunt down an claim a title from. But how, and why, would you claim a title though? To claim another title from a team, simply beat them on a map they hold the title for! Other then proving that you are even better at that map then the team you wrestle it from, it will get you and your team one extra point towards the end of season tournament

Bringers of Dawn: Ducks

Timekeepers of Paritan: Ducks

Lords of the Labyrinth: Merry Men

Masters of Ambush: Merry Men

Sultans of the Dunes: Overwatch

Barons of Fjords: Ducks

But once you have your title, others will come for it, so be prepared to hold it, and even more prepared for an ambush.

The title can be taken from you, and you have to protect it. Any time your team competes in a competitive scrimmage, Cogs, or participating tournaments, on the map you hold your title to, your title is in jeopardy. Should your team lose, the team that beat you will take your title, and you will no longer be the champions of that map, or holders of the territory.

To take a title from another team, you just have to beat them on the map they hold the title to. If you are scheduled to fight them (either by official scrimmage, Cogs, or participating tournament), but the map you are scheduled to fight them on is not the map they hold the title for, you can force them to play on the title map instead. The decision to do this can be done at any point before the match starts, even in the lobby.

Let’s use an example. The Lizard People have claimed the title to Duel at Dawn in The Flotsam Dynasty Tournament. They are now the undisputed champions on that map. You’re in Eagle Squad, and are unhappy with this turn of events. In two weeks, you’re scheduled to fight The Lizard People in Cogs. Unfortunately, you learn the map your teams will fight on is Northern Fjords. You can only steal the Duel at Dawn title by beating The Lizard People on Duel at Dawn. However, you can Ambush The Lizard People, forcing them to defend their title, and changing the map minutes before the Cogs round starts.

While this may seem unfair to the poor Lizard People, having a title makes the clear assertion that they are in fact the best, most fearsome team when fighting on that map, of course they have to always be ready to defend themselves on that map! It also means that the more titles a team collects, the harder it will be to defend each of them, as the number of maps they could potentially play on in every competitive event grows!

Community Events / Re: Who wants to Pluck a Duck?
« on: August 26, 2013, 01:21:48 am »
I actually think it's a good way for people to directly challenge the ducks. We'll leave the thread up so players can use it for those sweet sweet underdog points.

Did nobody notice "the score is 5 to Zill" ?
IT hurt me in my happy place.

Community Events / Re: New Competitive scene Squid Racing Skirmishes
« on: August 24, 2013, 08:04:22 pm »
In the rules of the new competitive scene written by Keyvias

*cough* it was morbie *cough*

Community Events / Re: The New Competitive Scene
« on: August 22, 2013, 06:06:51 pm »
and are at an inherent disadvantage as far as the scoreboard is concerned.
Underdog bonus can get you 10 points a week ^^

The Lounge / Re: What did you name your ship and why?
« on: August 22, 2013, 12:35:54 am »
So TIL morbie's got thousands of subscribers on youtube.
The benefits of TGS mate. A pity none of them ever watch anything >.>

The Gallery / Re: Guns of Icarus Cypher
« on: August 21, 2013, 07:07:19 pm »
Shhhhh we're all meant to have forgotten about this by now >.>

General Discussion / Re: GoI:O on Playstation
« on: August 20, 2013, 08:31:47 pm »
I think the coolest thing about it is the use of steam on playstation can be used for cross platform play

The Lounge / Re: What did you name your ship and why?
« on: August 20, 2013, 08:29:54 pm »
Gwah!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who could hate such a lovely ship?

People who have flown against a squid in the hands of a veteran? I still have nightmares about what Zill did to me on Canyon Ambush.

I'll just shamelessly plug this here.
Squids are scary in the right hands.

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