It Starts now!
Everything you need to start rocking and rolling is right
You will be able to edit some tabs, that's so it is easy copy and paste for me. I will be taking the approved parts and copying over to a protected tab (that you can view, but not edit) just in case someone of a less reputable nature stumbles onto it.
It is a risk and I am trusting you guys, but you all have proven to be worthy and stalwart allies.
If the system fails for any reason we will find another one.
We're in this one together.
Feel free to ask questions I will try to stop in and answer them as possible.
There will also be a live FAQ this Friday (8/9) at 3 PM EST on
Qwerty's channel.
The main goal of this system is to promote and help facilitate high skill play. Any tournament can be run any way it likes and it's victories can be counted as points.
Skirmishes are to allow high skill fights to happen whenever two teams can get together. You want to beat each other brains out after a nice lunch? Go ahead! You feel the bloodlust at midnight and need a worthy opponent? Have at it!
As time goes on we'll integrate the system more into the website, but we didn't want to have you wait around while we work out those little technical bits.
If you spot any glaring bugs, inconsistencies, or any part that could be explained better please let me know so we can get it fixed up.
Remember to list your team in the Apply your team tab. It's open for anyone to adjust to after I've approved the information I'll copy it over to the protected one.
Also use the open scrimmage tab to set up and organize times to fight other teams.
Since it's an open document I'll have a record to copy it to I'll save just in case.
The System is live as of this moment so if I get a screenshot of two clans fighting 5 minutes from now it counts if they want it to.
Remember to send in the screenshots to ~Morbie