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Messages - Kamoba

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The turning power is generated from the back of the ship via turner engines.
The force is pushing the ship forward just with one side engine pushing with more force than the other, causing the ship to turn.
How can this cause "tilt"?  Tilting would imply that a force is being directed at the side or lower areas of the ship causing it to "swing" up and down  while hanging under the balloon.

I looked this up, because I've long been curious (especially since I once attempted to code up a slightly more realistic set of airship controls in Unity).

Blimps (and thus I'm assuming zeppelins) CAN roll, just not that much. This is due to the force of the turning engine being affected by the drag of air, specifically on the parts farthest from the engines, much in the same way that the hull of a boat is subject to water drag, causing the boat to roll into turns. So realistically the ship WOULD turn slightly into rotations, although I'd imagine not a hugely significant amount given the force the engines have to put out (to move that much metal) vs. the weaker resistance that air provides over water.

...and you have no idea how hard that was to confirm. There's basically no information easily accessible on the mechanics of blimp / zeppelin flight.

Yup, and keeping that in mind it should be worth noting, ships do get effected in game a little by this.

Most noticeable on a gold fish, lower altitude while reversing will.give the furthest downward gun arcs possible on a goldfish, the side ways tilt on most ships is not very noticeable, but it is there, too much more would be exaggerated.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Make Gunners A Relevant Choice
« on: February 29, 2016, 07:47:00 am »
already suggested long ago that all other crews revert to the old ammo change mechanic of being trapped on the gun to load ammo.

While the gunner has the exclusive ability to quick reload.

Being trapped on the gun or just needing to jump on the gun last second?

If the latter then I'm all in for this too.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: saving ship-bound pilot presets
« on: February 29, 2016, 03:52:37 am »
I think it'd be a great addition. Emailed them with it as a suggestion a while ago too.

"Oh, I forgot to pack the luck lochnagar for the side mine..."

Sorry, when do pilots not have lochnagar? o.O

Heatsink flare galleon, and sniper Spire burst/lesmok Artemis...

It's not often


I would regularly bring a rangefinder on a blender fish if all the above happened.
That's a scary thought...

The only use for rangefinder I saw was in the old blenderfish duels where each uses the first clip to aim for the front gun. The rangefinder would let you know exactly when to shoot. By that logic it would have use on a metamidion to tell exactly when you're in greased range. In both cases it would be carried by the second engi not the gunner. You only need two spyglasses per ship and a rangefinder would let you engage as tight as possible and give you a small edge in duels where every fraction counts

Exactly, that's why it is a scary thought, imagine how efficient coordinated ships would be! 0.0

General Discussion / Re: Who has the biggest ego?
« on: February 29, 2016, 03:48:51 am »
Captains but it is legitimate because they have to deal with all the crap and still make sure their ship doesn't fall apart in the air. Can you imagine how it was during the age of sail? 50...60...over 100 men. Trying to wrangle all that and keep the ship on course/etc. Exactly why things like the "cat of nine tails" came into existence and how keel hauling became a thing.

We would do that on our ships if we could.. "Keelhaul the troll and replace him with AI!"

World / Re: The Cult of Phobos
« on: February 27, 2016, 08:21:33 am »
Hail ph... fotos... philos...  Phil?

Hail Phil!


I would regularly bring a rangefinder on a blender fish if all the above happened.
That's a scary thought...

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: saving ship-bound pilot presets
« on: February 25, 2016, 02:38:26 pm »
I like this idea, I often facepalm as I realise "Oh this is the ram build I need Moonshine." Or "Oh, I forgot to pack the luck lochnagar for the side mine..."

It should be able to find the range of any solid object in the game world and show a marker of where that object is through the deck plating. That way when a pilot is flying through buildings or mine fields the crew can put a spot marker on objects the captain should know about.
I approve of this.

*Thinks really hard, gets a headache, cries, bumps head, gets idea.*
Give range finder spyglass abilities so they would be the same tool for all intents and purposes just with a different mesh and skin.

General Discussion / Re: Are You a Troubadour?
« on: February 24, 2016, 07:30:26 pm »
And yes Hanna should do all the dancing! <3

She stil refuses :(

World / Re: The Cult of Phobos
« on: February 24, 2016, 02:02:10 pm »
*Shaking with adrenaline and insanity at the helm of an all mine Squid, Kamoba prowls the skies, wing whipping his ghastly face as his crew, driven by whip lug heavy Mines to their guns ready to load.*

Faster ya bunch o' layabouts! Our ally is somewhere nearby! I can smell the fear!

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Lochnagar
« on: February 24, 2016, 09:23:38 am »
As a joke yesterday I was blabbering and came up with an idea, imagine loch emptied a whole clip at once but with increased jitter, plus the damage and shot speed slowdown..
Gatling would explode but if buffed and in good range could potentially strip armour one shot on most ships, hwacha would be hilarious and light carro hit markers would hide an enemy ship....

I was mostly just blabbering idly though, it would be an extreme change but funny.

I like loch as it is but it can be a nuisance when a new player who does not come uses it on any gun they can get..

I'm anticipating a hit marker change eventually, though. I've spoken with Howard before about this, and he's unsatisfied with the hit marker system as it stands (or atleast, he was ar one point, this was a few mon tha ago). I'm not sure why, considering the hit markers are so good at shoeing so much in such a good way

We should all pester as to why he does not like them and convert him to the right side.

I agree with "if it's not broken don't fix it." The old system was great, it really was good as a visual to when teaching Novices too. "please shoot hull with Gatling, notice the hit markers change [insert rest.]"
"With the mortar watch the hit markers.. [Insert the rest]"

The old system was only confusing during first glance and is easily learnt either through explanation or through learning over time...

I vote bring back the old Hit Markers.

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