Author Topic: Obligatory Revised Hitmark System Feedback Thead  (Read 13465 times)

Offline Atruejedi

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Obligatory Revised Hitmark System Feedback Thead
« on: February 23, 2016, 09:29:51 am »
I created this thread so that, instead of inundating Muse with emails about the new hitmark system, we could just discuss it here and see how everybody feels. Full disclosure: I hate it.

The old system involved three variables for hit markers: Size, color, and ... filled-in-ness.

  • If a hit marker was filled in, it was yours. If a hit marker was an outline, it belonged to an ally.
  • If a hit marker was big, it was effective. If a hit marker was small, it was ineffective, and you knew to aim elsewhere.
  • If a hit marker was white, the component was online or the armor was up. If a hit marker was red, a component was destroyed or the armor was down.

This was a good system! A VERY GOOD SYSTEM! A great system to explain to new players how the system worked! The problem, in my opinion, was that Muse did a poor job explaining it. I've explained to countless (hundreds, at least) new players how the hit marker system works, and the typical response I get is, "...Oh. Well, that's easy! Thanks, I didn't know that." And then the problem is solved, one new player at a time.

Now? There are only two variables involved in the hit marker system.

  • If a hit marker is red, it belongs to you. If it is white, it belongs to a crew mate.
  • If a hit marker is a "large" X, it is doing effective damage. If a hit marker is a TINY PLUS, it is doing ineffective damage and is nearly impossible to see, especially on a red map like Canyon Ambush.

I feel like this is a huge step backwards, and, while the patch has only been live for a few hours, I've heard nearly universal negative feedback in relation to it in-chat and in-match. Tomch tried to defend it by saying he saw what Muse was trying to accomplish, but I can't agree with him ;D

So... commence feedback. I'll get my pitchfork.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2016, 09:32:51 am by Atruejedi »

Offline C r o w

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Re: Obligatory Revised Hitmark System Feedback Thead
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2016, 09:41:28 am »
"If it's not broken, don't fix it": so was said, so will be said, always.
They should have used blue for a teammate or a crewmate hit, while keeping yours white, the difference that we had before between white hit and the glorious RED HITS was lovely, and was very appealing to the eye, seeing something like a galleon becoming suddenly covered by red blossoms when shooting it with burst hwacha.
New one's "meh"
Old one was prettier

Offline Fynx

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Re: Obligatory Revised Hitmark System Feedback Thead
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2016, 09:46:33 am »
Why not allow the players to choose whichever hit markers they like more by putting an option in settings... I don't understand this.

Offline Kamoba

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Re: Obligatory Revised Hitmark System Feedback Thead
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2016, 09:51:31 am »
I agree with "if it's not broken don't fix it." The old system was great, it really was good as a visual to when teaching Novices too. "please shoot hull with Gatling, notice the hit markers change [insert rest.]"
"With the mortar watch the hit markers.. [Insert the rest]"

The old system was only confusing during first glance and is easily learnt either through explanation or through learning over time...

I vote bring back the old Hit Markers.

Offline MightyKeb

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Re: Obligatory Revised Hitmark System Feedback Thead
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2016, 09:51:41 am »
Bubbles confirmed that the new hitmarkers have been misconfigured into the game and were only intended for alliance, aka they're a bug. Should be hotfixed by the end of the week. /Thread

Offline Atruejedi

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Re: Obligatory Revised Hitmark System Feedback Thead
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2016, 09:55:31 am »
Bubbles confirmed that the new hitmarkers have been misconfigured into the game and were only intended for alliance, aka they're a bug. Should be hotfixed by the end of the week. /Thread


Still, if they're adding that system to Alliance, it's still a step backwards... but one I care much less about :D


Hey guys,

The new hit markers shouldn't be going out yet and the balance changes are upcoming. They are a little more aggressive than normal so we're going to be doing more testing and we'll keep you informed on what's happening with it asap.

Keep an eye out for the announcement!

Bold, italicized, and underlined for emphasis... maybe this isn't over yet. Keep vigilant!
« Last Edit: February 23, 2016, 10:16:43 am by Atruejedi »

Offline DJ Logicalia

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Re: Obligatory Revised Hitmark System Feedback Thead
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2016, 01:13:58 pm »
I'm anticipating a hit marker change eventually, though. I've spoken with Howard before about this, and he's unsatisfied with the hit marker system as it stands (or atleast, he was ar one point, this was a few mon tha ago). I'm not sure why, considering the hit markers are so good at shoeing so much in such a good way

Offline Kamoba

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Re: Obligatory Revised Hitmark System Feedback Thead
« Reply #7 on: February 23, 2016, 02:15:43 pm »
I'm anticipating a hit marker change eventually, though. I've spoken with Howard before about this, and he's unsatisfied with the hit marker system as it stands (or atleast, he was ar one point, this was a few mon tha ago). I'm not sure why, considering the hit markers are so good at shoeing so much in such a good way

We should all pester as to why he does not like them and convert him to the right side.

Offline Dementio

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Re: Obligatory Revised Hitmark System Feedback Thead
« Reply #8 on: February 23, 2016, 05:12:32 pm »
"If it's not broken, don't fix it": so was said, so will be said, always.

An outdated saying that leads to the lack of progress. Remember how computer's used to have less than one megabyte of available space?

I don't mind design changes, but yeah, when you put both next to each other and the old one proves to provide the player with more information based purely on visual feedback, then the old one was better.

But then one can come with the following example, a perspective I want to mention and talk for a moment here, but is not required for you to read as the tl;dr is already said above:
Looking at the kill feed is an option, but if I go into your average shooter like Call of Duty and kill a random dude then I know I killed him, because he drops dead, I don't have to check the kill feed for that. In Guns of Icarus you can see guns and engines smoking when they are destroyed, balloons being deflated and smoke coming from the hull when the armor is damaged and I think you can even see bits and pieces of the armor fall of the ship when it is destroyed completely, in addition to that, all these components emit a bright little flash on their ship the moment they are destroyed.

So just like in your average shooter the player is provided with arguably enough visual feedback. If you don't look at the armor you don't see it die without watching the kill feed, no, but if you don't watch somebody get killed in your average shooter than you won't know about that either unless you check the kill feed as well. If the hitmarkers are required on top of all the other current visual feedback then it most likely means the other current visual feedback is not strong enough or designed well enough to transmit the desired information and needs to be looked at.

Newbies may or may not need guidance through the hitmarkers. Shooting ships in Goio adds more depth than killing a random dude in your average shooter and a lot of newbies may not be used to this depth as it may very well be unique to Goio and a selective few other games. Imagine a person in your average shooter would consist of just as many party as in Goio, what would if you shoot an enemy arm or a leg, how does shooting these specific parts impact your fights with other players? Players have to adapt that logic to ships, non human entities that they cannot associate with as the players behind the screen is probably a human being and not a ship.

That depth itself is easy to understand though, destroy engines and they can't move forward or turn, makes sense alright, but it gets complex with the different damage modifiers which also leads to how guns synergize with each other, which players have to learn by heart or else they will be incredibly ineffective and be on an almost guaranteed losing streak. Now the tutorial would have stepped in here at some point, but you know, tutorials are not appealing to all players that just want to play, and what if they take a break for a bit and forgot some basics? Redoing the tutorial seems boring. The old hitmarkers help these players to understand the game without having to fully understand its depth and complexity, which makes it more appealing to players that are not as dedicated as some of us vets and competitive players. Considering that a lot of them make the game's playerbase, Muse may want to stick with the old system of the old hitmarkers, but they are allowed to make it look prettier if they wanted to.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2016, 05:18:48 pm by Dementio »

Offline C r o w

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Re: Obligatory Revised Hitmark System Feedback Thead
« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2016, 06:11:44 pm »
Oi Daniel! Calm down, I was not criticizing the utility and/or the performance of the new hitmarker, I was just saying that I found the old ones more appealing to MY eyes and thought that in MY OWN PERSONAL opinion the old ones were more appealing in general. Of course, being that my opinion, you may differ, you may like the new ones, that's cool, good for you.
You mention the computer with one megabyte maximum memory, that one was not fixed, it was improved, with the performances brought to a higher level, surpassing previous performances, fixing and improving are different and...
Well, I do not want to argue, I don't want it at all.
Your rant was pretty entertaining, and it got many righteous, true and incontestable points...
Really I don't want to argue about hitmarkers, I just expressed my opinion, you may criticize it, as it should be every humans' faculty to do so.

Offline Richard LeMoon

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Re: Obligatory Revised Hitmark System Feedback Thead
« Reply #10 on: February 23, 2016, 06:15:39 pm »
I like the old ones because they have more character and remind me of the Red Barron cross. I have made note that I don't like the Alliance ones at all as soon as they introduced them.

Offline Dementio

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Re: Obligatory Revised Hitmark System Feedback Thead
« Reply #11 on: February 23, 2016, 08:30:00 pm »
Oi Daniel! Calm down,...

You could view it as my feedback to complement yours, because this is a feedback thread, with a paragraph or two serving as explanation of why I choose that to be my opinion: The old one is better, the new one is unnecessary and the visuals around it may need improvement, if there is a need in changing the hitmarkers.

I live for the entertainment.