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Messages - Skrimskraw

Pages: 1 ... 70 71 [72]
The Pit / Re: "Guns of Icarus" fans, holding game back.
« on: March 06, 2013, 05:13:21 am »
Hey Aythreuk
I can understand your concern about this,
But I have seen more games with only low level players in than I have ever seen before.
The high level players tend to play high level players for the benefit of getting good competition.
I have some members of SMAC, Ducks and gents on my friends list so I can quick join them instead of using every single minute of my game time teaching new players how to become better.

However I host a games daily called Crow Nest where everyone is welcome. And I dont mind getting level 1 players on my team, and I am quick to compliment them on their behavior and when they do things right.

But then there are players who just doesnt get the game, and no matter how hard and long you try to explain to them, you use more than 80% of your game time telling them how to fix  a hull, or how to aim than actually steering your vessel. - that is where my patience wears off, I just can't play with new players that doesn't respond.

Another problem is people being unable to take criticism, If i tell an engineer he needs to do a better job I expect him to step his game up and do his best. This isn't a game where you can slack off like an mmo, here the entire crew works as one unit, and if someone is doing a bad job I tell them to leave my ship or step it up, some people cant take that criticism and those are the people I actually don't want to play with.
also players insisting on piloting as level 1 is really annoying to be honest, no matter how many advice you give them, they wont learn because the best way to learn piloting is to first know your ships, health and limitations. - so starting as an engineer for some 30 games according to me should be mandatory.

My best suggestion is if you are going to play against high level /skilled players, don't whine about it, you can always join another game, but I learned a lot from being constantly defeated by players that were better than me at the time.
also ask the captains if you can be allowed to serve on their ships to learn the game, dont blame us for not doing anything, blame yourselves for not taking the initiative.

It's not that we like winning all the time, it's just that if we have to decrease our knowledge and  experience, the game just feels like its a boring job instead of us trying new tactics etc. etc.

Community Events / Re: "The Cogs" League Signups
« on: March 04, 2013, 11:54:38 am »
Team Name: -CROW- Corvus Marauders

Crew 1: Havoc Crew
Captain: Skrimskraw
(Mattilald will standin if i cant make it)

Crew members:
Mattilald Anguisad

Crew 2: The Cold War Crew
Captain: AquaMac

Crew members:
Gunner- Grayknight
Gunner/Engineer- CFG
Main Engineer- Zitruskiller

Two Team Colors (Optional): Black, Dark Green
Team Logo* (Optional): to be drawn.

*Note from Qwerty: Cleaned up, thanks for that*

Community Events / Re: "The Cogs" Update
« on: March 04, 2013, 11:27:16 am »

Community Events / Re: "The Cogs" League Discussion
« on: February 28, 2013, 11:23:02 am »
It may take a few failed attempts to get the Cogs league up and running.  Especially with all the new players, alliances and teams tend to shift a lot during these moments before settling down into something semi-solid.
I've been considering abandoning the niche of Mercenary Captain and formally opening up a team of my own The Whalers.  My general concern is a lack of high numbers participating on the boards at this time to really fill 2 ships.  Possibly fill one ship, and partner up with another team that is lacking a ship.

atm we have ยด1 full team, we are working on scrambling team 2 together

Community Events / Re: "The Cogs" League Discussion
« on: February 27, 2013, 06:08:04 pm »
I'm not sure if SMAC will be able to field a team. We only have four or so players who have made it clear that they can come. And plus with Spasmic Monkey stepping down from the leadership position... It's going to be hard for us.

hope you guys can find a team regardless.
you are awesome.

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