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Messages - Dr Brobotnik

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General Discussion / Re: To the developers...
« on: June 04, 2015, 07:34:44 pm »
Much, much love :D <3

General Discussion / Re: Was GOIO A Fluke?
« on: June 04, 2015, 06:23:21 pm »
I never stopped enjoying this game. It was a blast to jump into at any time from the start and to me, it still is. It maintains what makes me adore it to bits: simplistic yet heavy teamwork focused gameplay, voice communication being almost a neccessity, and lobbies that are just full of laughs for everyone.
I think the real problem is how people tend to focus so much on things that they think should be there, so that they forget to appriciate what they have. Making something with the intent of being as appealing as possible to hundreds, and later thousands of people is never an easy task. If nothing else, I can appriciate how the Muse team does their best to find the best way and shows no fear in the face of trying new things. It's just a game to you and me, but to them, it's their life and everything they worked for.
I'm not willing to give up on such a dream just because of a few bumps in the road. I patch my wheels up and enjoy the ride. Because at the end of the day, I'd much rather ride with somebody who believes strongly than somebody who just considers me an object of revenue - regardless of how competent the driver is.

General Discussion / Re: I played with X
« on: June 04, 2015, 06:11:50 pm »
Well... I happened to stumble into a match full of Rydrs. As it happens, I was on the same boat as Ayetach. He must have had a laugh at how bad of an engineer I am :)

General Discussion / Re: Why
« on: June 04, 2015, 05:52:41 pm »
Iunno about you guys, but this is not bothering me at all. I wouldn't even have known if you hadn't pointed it out.
My personal feelings is that this is definetly something that I can learn to live with - and if it's really that bad, then obviously it will be fixed - until it does, I just choose to appriciate what I have, rather than fussing about things that I think should be there. Up to you what ya wanna do =)

Much love.

General Discussion / To the developers...
« on: June 04, 2015, 05:33:00 pm »
Quote taken from the status update concerning the DDOS attacks...

"this game and our players are our lives and everything that we’ve worked for"

Developers, I love you for this attitude <3 That is all.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Pyramidion and minotaur cannon - feedback.
« on: February 26, 2015, 06:41:29 pm »
Dr bobotnik, try. Just a simple touch of monshine is enough to render any turning movement. So when you get hit by a minotaur, simply hit moonshine for the small second youl get hit again and then you dont have to keep moonshine on for that long.

The time it takes to fire heavy clip Minotaur is quite long so youl have enough time to turn back and hit moonshine just before another shot. And its only 3 shots if he has heavy clip.
Like you cant just not be try something. And really it renders a person managing the gun and the gun slot on the enemy ship very obsolete if you can use moonshine versus minotaur well.

That is not the point. My problem is how much you MUST do to cope with one gun. You have to: damage your engines, reduce your abilities to target another ship due to the reduced turning rate, focus a very spcific ship, and bring moonshine - when many other items of the same loadout slot exists. It simply seems like too many musts for one weapon. Another ship on the enemy team may deck itself out specifically to deal with you, fully aware of that they won't be targetted by you in return. Basically, by forcing you into a specific setup with one weapon, other enemies can exploit you.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Pyramidion and minotaur cannon - feedback.
« on: February 26, 2015, 10:55:03 am »
I do not see moonshine as a valid counter. Forcing you to damage your own ship just to deal with a single weapon feels all sorts of wrong. Chem spray doesn't damage the ship - now try to go constant moonshine while also combating flamethrower along with the minotaur, my oh my... This is exactly why I would have liked the minotaur to be a stopping weapon - counter vs close range, most of all the dreaded flamethrower. It would have added a spoke on the meta wheel, so to speak, which is never a bad thing. You can chem spray, or if you are fine with giving up a heavy gunport, go with minotaur. It could have been great. But instead we get a gun that can disable most of a ships firepower for a relatively low cost.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Pyramidion and minotaur cannon - feedback.
« on: February 26, 2015, 09:08:48 am »
A few things are being overlooked. Yes, the minotaur can be destroyed - but if yur guns are unpositioned, it can't, and therein lies the problem, as I see it. You're basically being denied the chance to disable the gun, and the ship, if you can't take the minotaur cannon out fast.
As it were, disabling a ship without actually disabling it, simply becaause it can spin your heavy ordinance out of range.
And once more, it's a weapon that forces the ship carrying it to be prioritized - bait ships is nothing new, but now it's almost a must to target a specific ship, possibly making your allies die because you can't spare time to help them.

I still believe it should have been a stopping weapon, not a movement one.

General Discussion / Re: Feedback and you - a word that has to be said.
« on: February 25, 2015, 09:28:27 pm »
Well, it's reasonable to expect that a new feature should be balanced. It's not like Devs have dedicated people who will test everything for free, right? Right? I assume that they were under some kind of pressure to release this patch fast, whether it's decreasing game population or money issues in Muse or something else is a matter of speculation and debate.
Trust me that Muse gets the best feedback we can give them. Sometimes we get a bit emotional (especially when taking a first glance) but then we cool off, murmur some curses and get to work.
We all have faith, but there's only so much you can do when almost whole community advise one thing and Devs do the other.

Balanced, yes, but not right away. It is very rare nerfs/buffs and or new content altogether to be balanced right away.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Pyramidion and minotaur cannon - feedback.
« on: February 25, 2015, 09:25:10 pm »
Post-patch, Pyramidion now has less armor than the Squid. A huge vessel made for close combat and ramming, as I understand it. How then, does it make sense to nerf it to the point where it may well go down before getting close enough to pull it's weight? And why does a small ship made for hit and run have more armor? It makes no sense.

... an easier solution would probably have been to make the Pyramidion slower, or to keep the armor a hundred or two above Squid.

I think you're confusing Permahull and Hull Armour. They pyra has always had (and still has) more armour than the Squid. Over 400 more points of armour to be precise. If you mean "permahull" then, the Squid has always had more perma than the Pyra. The squid is supposed to have a lot of perma and a small amount of armour. It's one of it's traits, along with speed
It is however my experience that the nerf is a bit too heavy.

As for the minotaur, the problems, as I see them, are the following.
It forces enemies to focus a specific ship, just to be able to reliably land shots, ignoring allies in the proccess - that alone is a terrible advantage. It also gives an almost sadistic potential for "bouncing" an enemy ship between two ships, thereby sealing it's fate completly.

As for the minotaur cannon, I think that it should have been made into a stopping weapon, not a moving weapon. Making a ship stop for a few seconds on hit would have made it effective against close combat weapons and ships, yet demanding positioning. It could also have worked as a balancing pin vs the Pyramidion. Possibly that could result in a meta game where the minotaur cannon is a must, but that seems to be the case as things currently are anyways.

The Minotaur is no more frightening or powerful than any other heavy weapon. I'm more frightened of a hwacha or an H Carro than I am of this new gun. I don't know why you want the game to circle around the new gun and have it become a "must", but, in it's current state, I think it does it's job fine. There are plenty of "balancing pins" against the pyra as well. It's been countered for as long as it's been around. Disable builds (hwachas, Artemis, etc.) have been very strong against the Gat/Mortar combo before this last update.
However, hwachas can be disabled pretty quickly with two guns.

I like the theory crafting. It's really cool to see new players think about the game in terms like you are, but I think you're going about a lot of your criticisms the wrong way
I disagree. Nerfing the durability of a ship made to go into the thick of battle makes no sense. There are other avenues you could have taken.

Feedback and Suggestions / Pyramidion and minotaur cannon - feedback.
« on: February 25, 2015, 05:20:40 pm »
Hello. This is a thread intended to provide feedback about the recent patch. Everything posted herein are my personal opinions and does not reflect what the developers should do - merely what I think they should do, and I shall argue for what I think they should do.

Post-patch, Pyramidion now has less armor than the Squid. A huge vessel made for close combat and ramming, as I understand it. How then, does it make sense to nerf it to the point where it may well go down before getting close enough to pull it's weight? And why does a small ship made for hit and run have more armor? It makes no sense.

As for the minotaur, the problems, as I see them, are the following.
It forces enemies to focus a specific ship, just to be able to reliably land shots, ignoring allies in the proccess - that alone is a terrible advantage. It also gives an almost sadistic potential for "bouncing" an enemy ship between two ships, thereby sealing it's fate completly.

Now, I have been discussing this a lot with my GoI pals, and several suggestions were made about the Pyramidon. One idea was to reduce it's turning rate instead of it's armor, or it's lifting power, basically a slower ship. However, the real problem, as I see it, was always the two guns at the front of the ship, which resulted in a gatling-mortar/flak combo that was really hard to defend oneself against. Basically, the gatling gun ate up the armor too fast and the mortars/flaks blew the hull up faster than it could be repaired. But since switching the gunports might require a redesign of the ship at large, an easier solution would probably have been to make the Pyramidion slower, or to keep the armor a hundred or two above Squid.

As for the minotaur cannon, I think that it should have been made into a stopping weapon, not a moving weapon. Making a ship stop for a few seconds on hit would have made it effective against close combat weapons and ships, yet demanding positioning. It could also have worked as a balancing pin vs the Pyramidion. Possibly that could result in a meta game where the minotaur cannon is a must, but that seems to be the case as things currently are anyways.

Those are my thoughts about the patch. Feel free to post your own ideas.

Thanks a lot - Dr Brobotnik.

General Discussion / Feedback and you - a word that has to be said.
« on: February 25, 2015, 05:12:16 pm »
Alright. So, post-patch I see a lot of complaints about two things: the current state of the ship balance, and the new minotaur class weapon. I have something to say about both of these, and I will do so in the feedback board. I am going to say something even more important here.

Very rarely has anything been balanced right after it comes out of the forge, yeah? Starcraft 2 took years to get balanced across the board. Warriors were once grossly overpowered in World of Warcraft.
This sort of thing HAPPENS. Even tripple A game developers does it. The point is, give the developers some actual feedback and see what happens. If things still seem bad in the future, then that's when I'll take down my flag and declare all hope lost. Until then, I am not going to quit Guns of Icarus over a problem that happens to everyone, and I'm going to try to actually have a smidge of faith in this game, and it's developers. They're doing what they can with limited resources, but they don't actually play the game as much as we do. But they have the power to change things, and we don't. That's why we need to give them CONSTRUCTIVE feedback. So please, understand that nothing is ever good without a few redesigns, and have patience.

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