Author Topic: Password lock ships  (Read 27727 times)

Offline Huskarr

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Re: Password lock ships
« Reply #15 on: April 21, 2016, 01:44:21 pm »
That's so antisocial, I'd expect seeing such a proposition made by REDACTED.
Did a mod change that?

yup Zill changed it.

Sorry if I sounded agressive, I just dislike the Idea.

Offline Arturo Sanchez

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Re: Password lock ships
« Reply #16 on: April 21, 2016, 01:49:24 pm »
lobby stacking=problem solved.

Offline Hoja Lateralus

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Re: Password lock ships
« Reply #17 on: April 21, 2016, 02:40:31 pm »
Stop complaining, they just edited one word of your post, not deleted 2 pages of the thread.

Nobody expects Muse Inquisition ;]

Back to the topic - even votekick is a better idea than this, and devs hate votekick. This is not going to happen and probably wouldn't be a good idea even if it did.

Offline Richard LeMoon

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Re: Password lock ships
« Reply #18 on: April 21, 2016, 06:27:44 pm »
So, now that you have that out of your system, back to the original post and the problem presented.

You crew form. You join a lobby. As OFTEN happens, one of your crew loses connection for less than a minute. Bam, second gunner!

I don't think the solution here is a password ship or votekick, but rather an enforceable 'reserved' spot for people that lost connection for a bit.

So, you join with your crew, one is lost, and someone else joins. The captain or crew (if the pilot is lost) can mark the spot as 'reserved' before or after another person joins. The person in the spot will be given a popup saying the spot is reserved due to technical difficulties, and they may lose it if the player comes back.  If the previous player returns, they can click on the person in their spot and force a swap slot in some polite manner.

Problem solved in the least trolly manner possible.

Offline Solidusbucket

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Re: Password lock ships
« Reply #19 on: April 21, 2016, 06:54:08 pm »
So, now that you have that out of your system, back to the original post and the problem presented.

You crew form. You join a lobby. As OFTEN happens, one of your crew loses connection for less than a minute. Bam, second gunner!

I don't think the solution here is a password ship or votekick, but rather an enforceable 'reserved' spot for people that lost connection for a bit.

So, you join with your crew, one is lost, and someone else joins. The captain or crew (if the pilot is lost) can mark the spot as 'reserved' before or after another person joins. The person in the spot will be given a popup saying the spot is reserved due to technical difficulties, and they may lose it if the player comes back.  If the previous player returns, they can click on the person in their spot and force a swap slot in some polite manner.

Problem solved in the least trolly manner possible.

I like this.

Offline Narayan

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Re: Password lock ships
« Reply #20 on: April 28, 2016, 09:48:49 pm »
No i want closed slots, Im tired of joining stacked lobbies on the other team and getting swarmed by matchmaker assigned noobs cause im not invited to the clan stack crew form. I can actually probably beat most of those guys in a carro fish with a gunner and 2 ai, or at least give them a run for their money. However giving me a level 3 and level 5 engie, or even sometimes a level 1 engie who swears he played the tutorial but is still 111 means im sunk. I can do pretty good on a goldie with 2 ai, and thats all i want is the ability to have those 2 ai. Ive been playing the game for a long time, and im sick of training the whole team, my crew, and ally captians. Even more than that I know what the outcome of a stacked lobby is going to be before i even start the match if my engies arent going to be able to keep my engines going. Muse im sick and tired of it, the community has shrunk, everyone who can plays in a crew form stacked ship, which means solo pilots like I am after KG goes to sleep are totally hosed. Give me the ability to close slots, give me the ability to vote kick, give me the ability to password lock, but please give us something! I guarantee that if some system was implemented which let captains control their ship than 90 percent of the community at least would use it, and I wouldnt have to be so salty from playing all these frustrating games. Or what actually happens is I just leave the match and quit the game and hope maybe when i come back later ill get a decent crew. That however means the poor noob team i left is gonna get super stomped, which by the way is driving away your new players. If i had stayed at least I could mentor the noob captains on there load out, and tell them how crazy king works. IMO you are killing the community more by not having this feature.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2016, 09:51:17 pm by Narayan »

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Password lock ships
« Reply #21 on: April 29, 2016, 01:51:24 pm »

Ok first off, please be willing to separate things into paragraphs, giant walls of text are annoying to read.

And secondly, now you're just ranting, reaching, and speaking for people.

But lets be civil and see if we can't figure something out. You're main complaint is that you don't want to play with low level players and are sick of tired of facing down stacked crew form team as a solo pilot. And because of this you want a way to prevent people from joining your ship such as captain/votekick, password protected ships, and locked slots. You also sound completely sure that these privileges would not be abused and would only be used in circumstances like such that you've mentioned in you're OP.

Now here's the thing, if password locking, Captain/votekick, Perma Locked Slots were added to the game everyone would have access to them. Doesn't matter if you lock it to a level because high level trolls exist in all games and they WILL use it. Can't speak for everyone but I at least know that I do NOT want to have to deal with that kind of bullshit.

And you know what? All of those features don't mesh with what this game is all about, cooperation. This game is not meant for solo play with the AI, it's a game built around communication and teamwork, none of those things are promoted by what you want.

I'll admit, sometimes I get aggravated dealing with low level players who don't want to learn or listen, or just doing things for shits and giggles. But with these features you're shutting down the people who do want to learn or at least are willing to try. And yeah fighting against coordinated crews and ships is a pain when the rest of your team don't know what to do. But how else are people going to learn to play the game? Novice exists but if you've been around the forum enough (Which by the way I somehow doubt) you'll know that people don't think that it's enough to give new players the environment to get used to the game and how it works.

Honestly I'm going to put this in here, if you're tired of playing alone after your clan heads off to bed you should probably make friends that you can play with after they're gone. I can't stress that enough, if you want skilled players to play with you're going to have to find them and become friends with them.

Offline Narayan

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Re: Password lock ships
« Reply #22 on: April 29, 2016, 02:50:18 pm »

Honestly I'm going to put this in here, if you're tired of playing alone after your clan heads off to bed you should probably make friends that you can play with after they're gone. I can't stress that enough, if you want skilled players to play with you're going to have to find them and become friends with them.

Well that is an argument, but the argument your making is the game should be a popularity contest where the people with friends get to stack, and the ones without a lot of friends get stomped. Thats unequal as far as im concerned and you are essentially saying that your game quality will be correlated with the quality of your personality and I dont see that as fair. I think the main thing this game is struggling to figure out is how to make it fair and open for everyone,not just the ones who have a large clan or a lot of people on their friends list. I have a lot of people on my friends list, but there not gonna quit playing with their clan, ALTO, CAKE, GRIM, what have you to come play with me.

Ill admit that muse has made some progress with matchmaker in the ability it asks you to split crews, and tries not to stack, but it certainty isnt fool proof.  More often the not the stack lobbies will refuse to split crews.

While I understand that you feel passionitly that this isnt what the game is "about" youre still pretty low level in captain, and you probably just havent felt the burnout yet. Plus youre in a pretty large and active clan. When was the last time you played pilot  with a full crew where no one was above level 10 in any class?

What you see is anti social I dont. With 2 ai i can train the one noob I have left as gunner and at least he will leave the match knowing how to use the carro. I can help the noob ally cause im not having to say, "hey guys repair the turners, and please get off the side guns when the engines are about to go down" every 45 seconds. As far as high level trolls go Im not to concerned anyone who would abuse this system would be subject to the same disciplinary action from muse that the low level trolls are who join my ship, so nothing to worry about!
« Last Edit: April 29, 2016, 03:19:12 pm by Narayan »

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: Password lock ships
« Reply #23 on: April 29, 2016, 03:55:04 pm »
...You are aware, how old in this game Piemannlives is, right? He just wasn't playing the game for QUITE SOME TIME.

And I speak as an almost burnt out veteran.

Your fucking ideas ARE antisocial, they WILL do harm to literally EVERYONE.

And your rant about "popularity" contest is an utter bullshit. If a barbaric, berserking shovelhead like myself can find people to play with, this means that with little to no effort anyone willing to get anything from this game can.

That's all I gotta say. Your views on how immaculate this system would be is naive, but thankfully - that idea will NEVER see the day of light, because it's gonna be ridiculously harmful - and this says that asshole, who is almost all for votekick. And votekick is said to never gonna happen.

Offline Shinkurex

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Re: Password lock ships
« Reply #24 on: April 29, 2016, 04:08:29 pm »
Hey Guys,

Let's keep things civil here. Please remember that personal attacks are against our community standards:

You both have differing opinions on this, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. If this topic degrades again, I will be forced to lock the thread. Please PM me if you have any questions.

Clear Skies,


Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Password lock ships
« Reply #25 on: April 29, 2016, 07:18:23 pm »
...You are aware, how old in this game Piemannlives is, right? He just wasn't playing the game for QUITE SOME TIME.

Thanks for the backup Schwalbe, and it's less I haven't played for a while and more I couldn't bother with achievements when it was the only way to level up and as such my level didn't receive a notable increase when the cap was tripled, but that's besides the point of this debate.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2016, 07:24:12 pm by Piemanlives »

Offline Arturo Sanchez

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Re: Password lock ships
« Reply #26 on: April 29, 2016, 08:46:41 pm »
And I speak as an almost burnt out veteran.


You can burn more.

But yes, having the inability to function at your most fundemental because you get crew that don't function period is really a pretty big issue. Just today I got command of a novice crew on a pyra. We kicked ass because I am awesome and it kind of rubs off WHEN YOU LISTEN.

But my teammate who is a level 20 summat doesn't quite understand the lobby games involved in measuring a player's merit and whether or not its worth it to bother playing a game in the selected lobby. As a result he got one of those potato folks as his gunner on a meta (gg, no functioning gat=whats even the damn point).

We coordinated movements and targets. But 1 functioning ship assisted by one that doesn't vs 2 functioning ships=game over. It only takes (at least) one to ruin it for the whole team. And thats a big ass problem. Sometimes being the softly softly unofficial CA doesn't do the job when alot of people simply want to play a damn game, and possibly practice getting better at it, but can't.

In any case. If lobby stacking is what it takes to simply play the damn game without being Mr CA. Then something is screwed up with the system/
« Last Edit: April 29, 2016, 08:48:41 pm by Maximillian Jazzhand »

Offline sparklerfish

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Re: Password lock ships
« Reply #27 on: April 30, 2016, 04:10:41 pm »
So, now that you have that out of your system, back to the original post and the problem presented.

You crew form. You join a lobby. As OFTEN happens, one of your crew loses connection for less than a minute. Bam, second gunner!

I don't think the solution here is a password ship or votekick, but rather an enforceable 'reserved' spot for people that lost connection for a bit.

So, you join with your crew, one is lost, and someone else joins. The captain or crew (if the pilot is lost) can mark the spot as 'reserved' before or after another person joins. The person in the spot will be given a popup saying the spot is reserved due to technical difficulties, and they may lose it if the player comes back.  If the previous player returns, they can click on the person in their spot and force a swap slot in some polite manner.

Problem solved in the least trolly manner possible.

YES.  If you DC in-game, your spot is reserved for what, two minutes before someone else can take it?  Two minutes might be a bit much for lobby reservation, but it is so frustrating when a friend DCs and their spot is instantly filled with someone who declines loadouts, proving they're not AFK, but also refuses to communicate or seems to not hear or read your pleas of "Hey, my friend down there in spectate was on this ship but disconnected, would you mind going to that empty spot on that other ship?"

Offline Hoja Lateralus

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Re: Password lock ships
« Reply #28 on: May 01, 2016, 09:24:00 pm »
Narayan, firstly let me welcome you in angry vet community, we meet every thursdays at Muse's building. Bring your own torch.

Some of your points may be decent but the delivery is cringeworthy.

As you've seen, first rule of playing GOIO is never playing alone. Always form at least a ship so you're safe from the plague of the neeeewwwwwbbbbbsssss. And I mean it. I only play when I can get people from my clan or my friends list.

If you want to contact Muse directly, write at, devs sometimes read the forum but they prefer getting feedback by e-mail. At least they will write you back.

you are essentially saying that your game quality will be correlated with the quality of your personality and I dont see that as fair

I can see why ;]
Also, there are at least two well-known clans of assholes and one clan of trolls*, you surely can find a place fit somewhere in. :)

Remember that people stack not because they want to pwn neeewbz, but because they just want to play without having to babysit some new player. They just want to have fun and the ONLY way is to crewform together as a clan and friends, and since most active goio players are vets (1k + matches) this leads to stacking. Muse cannot fix it because it's busy with Alliance dreamy shennanigans so it's tough crap for you; you either form with clan/friends and play only/mostly with them or you get frustrated and quit the game. There is nothing anyone can do for you, since Muse has their mind set on votekick and similar options.

disciplinary action from muse

*I'm not telling which clan specifically, shoo CA, shoo

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: Password lock ships
« Reply #29 on: May 02, 2016, 06:22:30 am »

Also, there are at least two well-known clans of assholes and one clan of trolls*, you surely can find a place fit somewhere in. :)

Finally - an opportunity to use this as a reaction.