Ok first off, please be willing to separate things into paragraphs, giant walls of text are annoying to read.
And secondly, now you're just ranting, reaching, and speaking for people.
But lets be civil and see if we can't figure something out. You're main complaint is that you don't want to play with low level players and are sick of tired of facing down stacked crew form team as a solo pilot. And because of this you want a way to prevent people from joining your ship such as captain/votekick, password protected ships, and locked slots. You also sound completely sure that these privileges would not be abused and would only be used in circumstances like such that you've mentioned in you're OP.
Now here's the thing, if password locking, Captain/votekick, Perma Locked Slots were added to the game everyone would have access to them. Doesn't matter if you lock it to a level because high level trolls exist in all games and they WILL use it. Can't speak for everyone but I at least know that I do NOT want to have to deal with that kind of bullshit.
And you know what? All of those features don't mesh with what this game is all about, cooperation. This game is not meant for solo play with the AI, it's a game built around communication and teamwork, none of those things are promoted by what you want.
I'll admit, sometimes I get aggravated dealing with low level players who don't want to learn or listen, or just doing things for shits and giggles. But with these features you're shutting down the people who do want to learn or at least are willing to try. And yeah fighting against coordinated crews and ships is a pain when the rest of your team don't know what to do. But how else are people going to learn to play the game? Novice exists but if you've been around the forum enough (Which by the way I somehow doubt) you'll know that people don't think that it's enough to give new players the environment to get used to the game and how it works.
Honestly I'm going to put this in here, if you're tired of playing alone after your clan heads off to bed you should probably make friends that you can play with after they're gone. I can't stress that enough, if you want skilled players to play with you're going to have to find them and become friends with them.