Author Topic: How to drive a veteran absolutely insane?  (Read 18951 times)

Offline Skymonger

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How to drive a veteran absolutely insane?
« on: April 12, 2016, 11:27:19 am »
Not saying I'm actually gunna use this.
But let's say...I MIGHT use this to someone that POSSIBLY DESERVE IT.

I'm a nice guy, I do my best, I do my job, and I never try to pick a fight with the captain or my crew.
But sometimes I run across a person that no matter how good I do my job or how much I follow their instructions, they just lose their shit and emotionally bash me on my efforts.

Rather than leave the game, wait another 20 minutes in que, and effectively screw over the ship I was riding on because I was captain or I was a main deck engi

...didn't work obviously,I'm a nice guy, I'm not good at making others angry.
So I thought I'd ask e forums. How do you make a vet angry?

(Note. I say veteran not because all vets are dicks, but because of their experience. They have seenalot of shit and incompetence, so it be pretty hard to make them rage. And if you can make THEM rage, you can probably make a less experienced person rage.)

(Side note. Don't say sit there and refuse to do anything. That's too easy and you are supposed to be pissing off ONE PERSON. Not the whole ship.)

As a vet, what drives YOU insane?
« Last Edit: April 12, 2016, 11:30:41 am by Skymonger »

Offline nanoduckling

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Re: How to drive a veteran absolutely insane?
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2016, 11:41:54 am »
Recognize that you are playing a game you cant win. You cant hurt someone who is bitter and already hates themselves and everyone around them. Or you could force them to watch the Star Wars prequels on a loop with bad French overdubbing.

Offline Kamoba

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Re: How to drive a veteran absolutely insane?
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2016, 12:13:36 pm »
Let me preface this, I do not condone nor encourage trolling.

Do the opposite of what they tell you.
If they say shoot, repair, if they say repair, shoot or repair a gun.
Shoot the flare fun, camp the flare gun.

Follow then to the next lobby, decline loadouts and take gunner or chem extinguisher buff hammer engineer.

Take range finder.

Go as their ally pilot and go gunner at helm.

Spam them with clan invites.

Offline Skymonger

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Re: How to drive a veteran absolutely insane?
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2016, 12:38:25 pm »
Recognize that you are playing a game you cant win. You cant hurt someone who is bitter and already hates themselves and everyone around them. Or you could force them to watch the Star Wars prequels on a loop with bad French overdubbing.

I recognize this. But hurting is not my intention. Making them angry IS.
But your suggestion might make people commit suicide...

Let me preface this, I do not condone nor encourage trolling.

Do the opposite of what they tell you.
If they say shoot, repair, if they say repair, shoot or repair a gun.
Shoot the flare fun, camp the flare gun.

Follow then to the next lobby, decline loadouts and take gunner or chem extinguisher buff hammer engineer.

Take range finder.

Go as their ally pilot and go gunner at helm.

Spam them with clan invites.

Damn. That's a good start. Is this from experience?

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: How to drive a veteran absolutely insane?
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2016, 02:01:46 pm »
Call a woman in lobby names, and you're gonna have yer ass filled with mines.

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: How to drive a veteran absolutely insane?
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2016, 02:25:04 pm »
Success is the best revenge. Jump ship to an enemy's ship next match and win. If you want to be dickish for the sake of being dickish you could spam quick message "I'm getting on aft guns" until they block you. Word to the wise however, ending up on too many people's block list in a community this small might have repercussions further down the line. Experienced players will avoid being on a ship or even team with you and you may end up playing a lot of stacked matches.

Offline Erom Gary

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Re: How to drive a veteran absolutely insane?
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2016, 03:22:27 pm »
What heavily teases me is when I'm a crewmember onboard a ship, and the captain or other engineer/gunner has a mic, but rarely uses it. Sure, you might be shy, but that's not going to stop you by typing or using voice commands. But seriously on bottom line. This is a team-based game. You either stay silent and watch your possibilities for a victory get shattered or you work your way through to piece it togheter.

I've encountered a couple of times crewmembers and captains (usually more centered around novice-ish) using mic or chat in two occasions: The beginning of the match, and the end of the match. Then you find these crewmembers again in a different lobby and LOOK WHAT HAPPENDS! THEY SPEAK LIKE NORMAL PEOPLE! PRAISE THE LORD! But really? You've decided now to speak out?

But anyways to tease a vet, man any type of gun and yell out: "Sorry guys! I need to take a shit!", but you don't press afk button. Do that, and watch that sparkling salt getting poured out from a sack.


Offline DJ Logicalia

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Re: How to drive a veteran absolutely insane?
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2016, 03:26:38 pm »
Complete isolation

Offline DJ Logicalia

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Re: How to drive a veteran absolutely insane?
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2016, 03:29:59 pm »
Oh, are we talking about GoI?

Offline Skymonger

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Re: How to drive a veteran absolutely insane?
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2016, 04:22:31 pm »
Complete isolation
Oh, are we talking about GoI?

Well...that's the pretext.
But really the question is how to piss off a veteran without making the whole ship hate you.

Or what drives you bonkers as a vet player.

(On a side note, I'm really glad people are taking this seriously and not attacking me for "learning how to troll" was really scared that would happen.)
« Last Edit: April 12, 2016, 04:27:44 pm by Skymonger »

Offline Daft Loon

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Re: How to drive a veteran absolutely insane?
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2016, 05:44:00 pm »
When the ship is out of combat jam yourself into the space in front of the helm and jump up and down, trying to trigger as many glitchy movement animations as possible.

Offline Hoja Lateralus

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Re: How to drive a veteran absolutely insane?
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2016, 08:38:29 pm »
1. Create another steam account
2. Buy GOIO on sale
3. Add your victim to friends
4. Join him/her every time
5. Hop around the ship ignoring all his orders (you may also as engineer jump on the main gun and refuse to leave)
6. Repeat until he/she uninstalls
7. ??
8. Profit, veteran removed, Muse opens a champagne bottle

Other options include:
- If you have a mic get your shittiest phone and your shittiest microphone at start playing some music, with bad enough phone and mic any music can be annoying (especially during long periods of time) but I recommend Sonic Earrape if you really don't like the guy/gal
- Tell them that they are tryhards and you're just playing for fun, and that they should "chill" and they probably have no life
- Imply that communism isn't complete bullshit
- Ignore all their communications but after several minutes tell SHOUT AT THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS some bullshit (i.e. point above or that you sexually identify as a dolfin or that you are happy that our high-tech civilisation exists because you have no idea where you would have to go to hunt gluten-free dumplings)
- Use only microphones made in the '70s, try to get as much distortion as possible
- Spam V-commands, preferably from japanese or russian voicepack
- You may drop the communication whatsoever and just respond "Mio no englese" or sth like this. Or be creative, find out something similar in swahili or klingon and just send it once in a while.
- Argue that chem/extinguisher/buffer is the only valid loadout for engineer, you can also be creative here and try to argue silly claims telling that "you've won all your games with this loadout so far and have a winstreak of 50 matches" having played only 25.
- Walk to the captain and try to block his vision (stand in front of him) or keep jumping around him trying to distract him
- Tell them that [this clan which shall not be named] is full of very nice people and they are very cool if you get to know them better
- Have GROX clantag
- Have less than 100 matches played
- When captaining say that you didn't do tutorial and you will win because "this is basically the same as CS:GO" (funny thing, this happened to me in the game, the 1/1/1 captain without tutorial was saying this, so we took a full carro mob and just let him die slowly in agony
inb4 blah blah, that doesn't help the community, blah blah, vegetarianism, blah)
- If you are non english speaker, especially with less popular language (like, dunno, Hungarian) find a similar friend and talk loudly in your language in the lobby
- You can also try to recreate this sketch
- Be a brittish 11-year old with shrieking voice
- Be annoying bastard and throw a fit when somebody reports you for being annoying bastard, then report everyone in the lobby you currently are (regardless if there are or aren't people that may have reported you)
« Last Edit: April 12, 2016, 08:44:08 pm by Mr.Disaster »

Offline ramjamslam

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Re: How to drive a veteran absolutely insane?
« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2016, 08:48:07 pm »
Please take a look at the Community Standards.  Trolling and harassment of other players will not be tolerated.  Feel free to contact Community Ambassadors or Moderators in game if this behaviour happens in game.

Edit: Trolling/Harassment is not tolerated against any player, veteran or not.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2016, 08:50:25 pm by ramjamslam »