Author Topic: SCS Timer  (Read 43984 times)

Offline Spud Nick

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SCS Timer
« on: February 10, 2016, 01:20:09 am »
Is the SCS more enjoyable to play and watch with the 20 minute timer? Has it changed how you fight in the SCS with your team? I want to hear your thoughts.

Offline Newbluud

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Re: SCS Timer
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2016, 01:38:50 am »
It's necessary but it makes it viable for people to play the timer, something I personally find shitty. I mean, it's fair, but just being a bad sport imo.

The other thing is the coin flip system in the event of a 0-0 tie. That is just not good enough in my opinion.

Offline Skrimskraw

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Re: SCS Timer
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2016, 03:47:24 am »
it puts the event beneath the roughly 3 hour marker :) I like that a lot.

Offline Spud Nick

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Re: SCS Timer
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2016, 04:43:29 am »
it puts the event beneath the roughly 3 hour marker :) I like that a lot.

I do too. I love playing GOIO but I got other things to do on Sunday.

Offline BlackenedPies

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Re: SCS Timer
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2016, 07:25:39 am »
The only thing I don't like about the timer is when two ships are brawling less than 300m away. It doesn't make sense to stop combat and declare a winner, but it makes the rules simpler

Offline Solidusbucket

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Re: SCS Timer
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2016, 09:28:41 am »
I like the timer. It adds a nice element of strategy and keeps the game short.

I do not like the coin flip rule for a 0-0 but I do not have any other alternatives. It is a fair rule.

Offline Fynx

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Re: SCS Timer
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2016, 11:05:45 am »
There was already plenty of discussions about this in some older threads.

To keep it short, it's a lesser evil. Working out some more complicated rules is, well, complicated. And it's a problem when "both teams decide that sniping from their spawn is their preferred tactics" for first two hours of the game...

Offline Newbluud

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Re: SCS Timer
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2016, 06:33:25 pm »
The issue with coming up with another system other than coin flip is it could create a disadvantage in bringing certain ships. For example, if you go by which team has the most perma left, ships like the squid and the fish are much more likely to have dropped their hull and survived, meaning the junker would have an advantage in a lot of these circumstances. Equally, perma is not represented numerically so it would have to be done on percentage, which is unfair to those ships with less overall health.

Additionally, this doesn't cover the rare instance where no perma damage goes down for the entire match. A judge's decision would require an entirely new points system to be created just for this rare circumstance, and would also require a huge workload for the referee and opens the floor for potentially subjective criteria for who wins, which is a dangerous road to go down. At present, there really is no way to make this fair. Quite frankly, the coin flip really is a punishment for teams that adopt an overly passive role. To take a 50/50 gamble on who wins the whole thing regardless of who maintains advantage encourages teams to take more risks and actually make at least a small attempt to be aggressive.

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Re: SCS Timer
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2016, 07:22:44 pm »
The only change I'd like to see is something similar to how in Football, if there is currently action the game will play on until the ref deems the match as over.

Exciting combat is kept up,
Nerf to playing the clock,
Keeps to time limit, since most brawls will be over quick

Subjective decision making by the referee,

So the 4 rules I would like to put forward for consideration:
"If the match timer runs out, however the Referee still deems the match as "in combat" (same rules as pausing), there is an additional 90 seconds of overtime before the match must end. This time can end prematurely if combat ends."

"If the match timer runs out, however the Referee still deems the match as "in close combat" (short range engagement in progress), the match plays on until combat ends."

"If the match timer runs out, however the Referee still deems the match as "in close combat" (short range engagement in progress), the match plays on with 1 minute of overtime, this can end prematurely if combat is deemed as finished."

"If the match timer runs out, and scores are drawn, however the Referee still deems the match as "in close combat" (short range engagement in progress), the match plays on until combat is deemed over, if the match is still at a tie by the end of combat, proceed with standard rules."

I hope one of these, or a combination will fix one of my only critiques with the timing system - that intense and interesting combat can be cut short by a timer.

Offline BlackenedPies

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Re: SCS Timer
« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2016, 07:35:46 pm »
Many systems use overtime and I'd like to see it in SCS. The definition of a close engagement could under 500-300 meters. Overtime more accurately determines the outcome and it puts the losing team at an initial disadvantage because they have to charge before timer ends

The problem with overtime is that it adds rules. If there were overtime it would need to be a simple objective decision by the ref. +30 seconds when two ships are engaging 300m away

Offline Newbluud

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Re: SCS Timer
« Reply #10 on: February 10, 2016, 07:39:53 pm »
I like the idea of the overtime because it stops teams basically tanking an assault hard in order to maintain first kill advantage in the event of a tie. This prevents a ship that is guaranteed to die eventually from eking out the timer just long enough to be saved and win the match.

Offline Solidusbucket

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Re: SCS Timer
« Reply #11 on: February 10, 2016, 11:58:52 pm »
I disagree with the overtime.

I feel like it would be too subjective and open to disagreements. I also feel like it diminishes the strategy of the timer. Time management is an important aspect of combat, especially vehicular and more especially to air vehicles.

 I do not like the idea of being able to rush in at the last 30 seconds to declare in close combat after a first kill advantage team has held their ground for however long.

Offline Skrimskraw

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Re: SCS Timer
« Reply #12 on: February 11, 2016, 03:34:28 am »
the general idea is to not overburden referees with rules, so that they make less mistakes.

we've been waiting for almost 2.5 years for ingame changes to help these things ;)

Offline Spud Nick

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Re: SCS Timer
« Reply #13 on: February 11, 2016, 09:14:59 am »
The only thing I don't like about the timer is that a team can win a match by running away from a fight (As long as they get the first kill) This was not the goal of the timer. The goal was to have faster matches so players could participate in the event and still have the rest of the day to chill.

I would like there to be a coin toss deciding the winer of the match in case of a time out (reguardless of the score) This would encourage teams to be more agressive and fight to the death in order to secure the 5 kill victory. The matches would be more entertaining to watch and to play.

Offline Guagadu

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Re: SCS Timer
« Reply #14 on: February 11, 2016, 09:45:25 am »
The only thing I don't like about the timer is that a team can win a match by running away from a fight (As long as they get the first kill) This was not the goal of the timer. The goal was to have faster matches so players could participate in the event and still have the rest of the day to chill.

I would like there to be a coin toss deciding the winer of the match in case of a time out (reguardless of the score) This would encourage teams to be more agressive and fight to the death in order to secure the 5 kill victory. The matches would be more entertaining to watch and to play.

The problem I see with that is that if a team is down 4-0, they could just run down the timer and have a 50% chance of winning.

Maybe the problem lies in the fact that the players know the time. They see that the match is almost over, and then run away from a fight. Due to the fact that players have the ability to set their own approximate timer, there is no way to get around this, though.