Author Topic: Uncharted Skies  (Read 556680 times)

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #300 on: July 22, 2015, 09:27:02 pm »
"Amelia, I have to ask, where did you get an engine knocker?"

"A what?"

Reagan just looked at her funny, "Engine Knocker, they literally live inside engines from time to time, call it a Sky Squid if you want," she looked at it, not like it wasn't an apt description anyway. "but seriously, why do you have one?"

The younger woman simply shrugged and gave the little squid a pat, "I found it the other day while offering my services as an engineer. Don't know why I kept it, maybe because it's so adorable?" She was lost in thought for a moment, "Does it have a gender? I'd rather call Andromeda something other then it."

"How about Andy?"

"That's more a nickname, but it will do."

They walked and talked a bit more before they finally reached HQ, Reagan went off to file the paperwork and Amelia went to wait by the armory. Or rather inside it, a few minutes later Reagan came back with two large carts, both of which seemed to have been created with transporting weapons in mind, one was two standing weapon racks atop empty boxes that should be filled with munitions, the other was simply a bin, Amelia couldn't find fault in the bin.

"Alright Amelia, we need a little bit of everything here, rifles, sidearms, be reasonable when it comes to choosing, we don't need weapons we only have limited supply of ammo for, granted we do have a limited supply but... never mind just begin throwing things in the bin, carefully."

Reagan set about placing rifles on the racks, followed by carbines and other weapons before filling the ammo crates, Amelia followed her example, grabbing multiples of various weapons and then grabbing sufficient ammo for them, they eventually moved onto explosives and heavy weaponry, the armory was quite expansive and by the time they had finished there was barely a dent in it. She sent two young guardsmen off to bring the carts to the transport, they really needed to learn it's name, and brought Amelia a few weapons and some ammo.

"I said we needed to get you a proper weapon, so here." She passed her a carbine and another weapon, it was shorter and lighter then the carbine with a drum magazine, "We're going to bring these back to the ship for now, stash them the room for now." And with that they went back to the ship.

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #301 on: July 22, 2015, 09:34:06 pm »
When Alison arrived in the galley, Alister was already there. Currently he was dismembering the carcass of a chicken. "You know, most people prefer EGGS for breakfast, not the egg's mothers."

"Most people do not have my appetite."

She couldn't argue with that one. "Gaige has some kind of mechanized sword contraption."

"Seriously? He actually made it? I wonder if it will actually get any use."

"No idea." She grabs a chunk of bread and an apple for breakfast, eating them in a far more civilized manner.

"How does that fill you up?"

"Well Alister, some of us weren't raised by wolves."

"I was an alley kid ok? If I didn't make enough money in the pits, I went hungry. Believe me, this is a very difficult habit to break."

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #302 on: July 22, 2015, 10:17:36 pm »
--The Transport, Militia Dockyard, Cathedral--

Corporal Terry Finnegan was not a happy man, neither was his friend, colleague and subordinate Guardsman Will Henric, the two of them having finished bringing aboard the rather heavy shipment of weapons the two of them were rather understandably very hungry, so the two of them decided, both angrily, and commanded by their stomachs, to seek out the ships galley, which they did, finding two people who seemed that they would be the ones to order such weaponry. Though both of them were very aware that it was Captain Morgan who had sent them, Finnegan really needed to vent.

"So it was you two who ordered that pile of weapons!" Henric just looked at him like he was mad, it wasn't like either of them could complain about Captain Morgan, that was stupid, civilian contractors however were fair game, "If you wanted some skies be damned weapons you should have gotten your own! If you want them they're in the cargo bay! Come on Henric, I'm hungry and the Wild Winds is serving breakfast right now." He pulled him along and quickly exited the ship.

--On Deck, The Transport, Militia Dockyard, Cathedral--

Contrary to what Reagan had said earlier they had not stashed the weapons in their room, instead stopping by to grab some items to make into a makeshift firing range on deck, mostly empty bottles which were now standing in front of empty space.

"Alright Amelia," Reagan passed her the carbine, still holding onto the sub-machine gun, "Aim down the sights and fire."

She did, hitting one of the bottles and sent it spiraling off the deck. She cycled another round and fired, missing this time, neither of them sure by how much. Reagan passed her the other weapons, it was still lighter than she had expected but the drum was adding a bit of weight in an odd way. She didn't give her any instructions on how to fire it, so she brought it up and aimed at the bottle again, most of the rounds hit off target but a few found purchase on the bottle and sent it off the ship like the first, she switched between the two, getting a feel for both of them.

"I like them." She said once they had depleted their supply of bottles.

"Keep the both, they both have a purpose after all." Andromeda took this point to come back, having hidden around the corner while they were testing weapons, latching onto Amelia's shoulder instead of her arm this time, she took a box out of her pocket and presented a snack to the squid, giving a purr of delight as it ate.

"So, now what?"

"I need to move the rocket craft to the hanger." And with that she left the two of them for the cargo bay.

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #303 on: July 22, 2015, 10:31:55 pm »
Alister spits out the chicken bone that was until recently, covered in leg meat. "I think I found a verbal punching bag just begging for it." Standing up, he jogs out of the transport, seeing the two guards less than 100 feet away. Inhaling deeply, he switches to his gunnery sergeant voice. "CORPORAL! AAAATEEEEEEEEEEEEEENTION!"

The two guards, though not going to attention, are nonetheless startled long enough for Carn to close the gap.

"Next time you accuse someone, Corporal, make sure they're to blame! Else wise, they're likely to clean your clock!" It should be noted that Carn has his rifle, pistol, axe, combat knife, and several throwing knives visibly on his person. "In fact, I have no bloody idea what you are complaining about, but I don't give a rat's ass!"

Alison is standing roughly 50 feet away, suppressing a smirk.

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #304 on: July 22, 2015, 10:39:16 pm »
One would think a guardsman would be smarter but as Henric looked at his idiotic friend he could only suppress a sigh, and a shiver of fear. Honestly he wondered why Terry was promoted before him, maybe it was because when he actually used his head he was very good at what he did, which was very rarely. Still, he was the more reasonable of the pair and that left him to get them out of this mess, though watching Terry get his ass chewed out might make him use his head a bit more often, and so stepped off to the side and watched the proceedings with an internal smirk.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2015, 10:40:55 pm by Piemanlives »

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #305 on: July 22, 2015, 10:46:56 pm »
"When I was in the military, corporals knew how to use their flacking brains! That includes not pissing off an Anglean Marauder!" Alister's hands move to hover over his axe and revolver, his tone changes from a parade ground roar, to a sadistic and deadly whisper. "Particularly not a standard militia grunt like you."

Alison notices Alister's rapidly rising anger, and walks forward to intervene. "ALISTER! He's not one of your whelps, and your not in the military anymore! Cool it! He's just an idiot." She moves her hands to her weapons, if Alister goes berserk, which he has the potential to, she'll need them.

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #306 on: July 23, 2015, 09:40:17 am »
Amelia stood there for a moment, Andy latched onto her right shoulder, holding both weapons and a bandoleer of ammo with 2 additional drums attached to them that fell around her left shoulder and over the right side of her hip, she had to admit it felt odd, unlike the various tools she typically on her person which were just normally heavy, this weight was just... odd. She motioned for Andromeda to move, it was actually rather astounding for how short a time it had taken the creature to learn basic commands, which in all honesty was only a few hours by this point. She slung the carbine over her shoulder and let the sub machine gun hang under her left arm and decided she was going to continue exploring the ship, she knew where most things were but it was probably best to memorize them.

She wandered about the halls, apparently more crew members might be joining them later but she wasn't sure, but it wouldn't be unexpected, a vessel this big would definitely a crew to run it, even with everyone already on board filling in various duties. Trains of thought however never left the station as she heard a rather large amount of yelling from a nearby hallway. She quietly sneaked towards the nearest corner and took a peek. The scene however was not making her very happy, Mr. Carn seemed to be intimidating two poor guardsmen that looked very- Oh they're the ones that brought our weapons back. She watched both parties, that women she had met was standing back and was looking very ready to interfere, the two guardsmen were looking very terrified, and very hungry, she sighed, "Men and their stomachs always getting them in trouble." She entered  the hall and very calmly made her way over, no use in being nervous at this point.

"Mr. Carn, I thought you had far better manners then that!" She squeezed in between the two parties and placed her hands on her hips, "Now you are going to apologize for terrifying them right this instant!" She turned to the two relieved looking guardsmen, "And you two are going to apologize for whatever set him off, is that clear."

--Cargo Bay, The Transport, Cathedral--

Reagan walked in amidst another shipment of supplies and found her way to where the rocket craft was sitting, somehow she found it odd they had never named it, they made a joke calling the Saint Rocket and the name had unofficially stuck, maybe it was time to make it official. Still this wasn't the place to decorating it, time to move it to the hanger bay, however she was going to do that. She looked around, finding ideas to get it moving, the cargo crane was a grade idea, maybe she could use the carts sitting off to the side, that's when she realized they were the weapon carts she had delivered earlier, it was good to know they had been delivered, instead of sold off.

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #307 on: July 23, 2015, 10:00:07 am »
A vein begins beating in Carn's temple, and he actually begins to growl. Alison gets in front of him and tries to push him back, while commenting to Amelia and the two unlucky guards.

"He was a gunnery sergeant. So low ranking enlisted men with bad manners tend to set him off. And he's had a annoying morning, having almost exploded, not to mention he impulsively had some cheap rum he found in the command room. Sky knows how old it was."

Alister continues his death-stare and growling.

"Alister, cut it out." Mentally groaning at her impulsive and stubborn ex, she takes action. Grabbing onto his shirt, she jumps and kicks both the guards in the chest, sending them flying down the hall. Landing, she uses the opportunity while Carn is slightly stunned by her actions, to get a secure hold and throw him over her shoulder. However, she keeps her hold and continues with him, landing on him and getting him into a choke hold. "Now calm down you ass!"

Offline ShadedExalt

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #308 on: July 23, 2015, 05:53:09 pm »
Gaige strolls into the galley, notices what's going on, and stops for a second.  A look of intense concentration appears on his face before he shrugs, walks into the kitchen, and grabs another chicken.  Striding over to a booth, he sits, kicks his legs up, and eats his breakfast, complete with show.

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #309 on: July 23, 2015, 06:05:48 pm »
"Now then Alister, are you going to calm down? Or am I going to have to choke you out?"

The muscles in Alister neck begin to bulge, resisting the choke hold. Bringing his arms up, he grabs hold of her wrists and begins pushing them away. His corded muscles, overpowering her more, lithe frame. Through it all, he's red faced, and smiling like a wolf.

Mentally Alison berates herself. Alister has over 30 pounds of raw muscle on her, all of it hard as granite. She has one chance, she spits into his eyes, breaking his concentration and loosening his grip. Quickly, she pulls out a syringe gun from her pocket and presses it against his neck. "Now then, this is filled with either a) high power sedatives, or b) stimulants. You want to gamble on which it is? Or will you calm down already!"

Alister slowly relaxes, his face losing it's reddish hue. He still has the smile on his face, though its more playful, rather than intimidating.

"You should know Aly," He flicks his eyes down quickly then back to her eyes. "The top three buttons on your shirt are undone."

"Don't make me inject you." She quickly gets up, and fixes her shirt before the others can see.

Alister waits till she's off, then handsprings to his feet, walking back down to the galley. "I'm going to go finish breakfast."

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #310 on: July 23, 2015, 06:18:58 pm »
Militia Docks

Hearing the commotion even deep inside the transport, Frey strolls out onto the gangplank and sees the scene inform of him. Irritated, he switches his cane to his left, unholsters his Luger and fires two shots into the air.

"What the bloody hell is goin on out here!," he yells out.

He sees the two militia guardsman trying to walk away as well as Carn and his associate, "Your four, halt. Answers now."

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #311 on: July 23, 2015, 06:30:11 pm »
Mentally groaning and quietly muttering under his breathe. "Officers." He turns around and begins explaining what happened. "A couple of grunts, specifically the corporal here, thought it would be a good idea to interrupt my breakfast by accusing me of requisitioning a couple cartloads of arms and armor. Obviously, I don't have the clearance for that, and as I almost exploded right after waking up, i wasn't in a pleasant mood."

"They're fine Commander," Alison says, though she hasn't met him yet, it was obvious who it was. "Just scares out of their minds."

"Is that what you call mule kicking them back 10 feet?"

"I needed room to deal with you. And it got them out of range of your axe."

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #312 on: July 23, 2015, 06:46:44 pm »
And Melin says that I'm rash.

"Well Mr. Carn I was going to inform both the Captain and yourself that I will accompany on this expedition as another resource, but I may have to add watching out for your outbursts."

Sighing, he holsters the pistol and turns toward the cargo bay, "If you need me, I'll be looking for the Captain."

Southern Docks

Seeing that no one is answering, Courage assumes that they are out on another trip. Going to try again some other time, he turns back towards the Market District with thoughts of buying a new a rifle.

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #313 on: July 23, 2015, 07:01:07 pm »
Alister walks back to the galley to finish his breakfast, muttering various obscenities about officers. He is perfectly aware that similar obscenities have been said about him, but like all NCOs, he has special ones for officers. Mostly towards junior officers, but some for the higher ranks.

Sighing a deep breathe, Alison looks over to the two guards. "Next time, don't piss him off." She puts away the syringe gun, perfectly aware that it was empty, and relieved he didn't call her bluff. She walks out into town, maybe she can find somewhere to get a stiff drink.

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #314 on: July 23, 2015, 07:29:05 pm »
"Men, always getting in trouble because of their stomachs..." Amelia sighs, she looked at the two guardsmen who were busy calming down a fair distance down the hall from them, "You two might as well get moving, no use in sticking around."

She decided this was the point to leave herself and decided that using her newly acquired firearms back on deck might be a good idea. She thought about informing the Commander that Reagan had gone to the cargo bay but decided against it and headed back the way she came, only to come face to face with an unfamiliar face as he looked on with a distracted look upon his face.

--Earlier That Day--

Davis Hargrave is a mercenary, the hired help that no one really wants to keep around because it's far too expensive. And he is currently out of work, the last job he had taken had been far more exciting than he had been expecting, far to exciting. So when a friend pointed him at a help wanted ad he decided he would take it. Expeditions weren't really his thing, far too quiet but it would work to balance out insanity that had been happening the past few weeks. It wasn't like he wasn't going to pass up a chance for 10,000 crowns anyway, that was a lot of money.

It had taken him time to gather up his belongings and head over the Militia's own private dockyard, waiting in exceedingly long lines for a chance at the money, it had taken a while but he finally had his papers signed and decided it would be best if he claimed a cabin while things were still in swing. His ship was a large converted freighter serving as a ship tender and he could immediately tell something was off with it, there seemed to be a lot more happening around it then the other vessels, it had the attention of probably a couple dozen militia officers and that meant trouble, he sighed, he could have backed out at this point but he had signed a contract, and he wasn't one to leave things half done.

He traversed the gangplank and boarded the vessel and went in search of a cabin, of course events had a way of finding a way to draw him in.


He looked at the young women standing in front of him, blond hair tied in a bun, and shorter than him, but it wasn't the woman who had grabbed his attention, but the squid thing on her shoulder, he quietly stood there taking in the sight and he had no idea what to do. Fortunately she did.

"Are you hungry?" She said as she seemingly sized him up.

What? "What?

"I said, are you hungry?" She raised an eyebrow at him.

"I guess?"

She sighed, she actually sighed at that statement! Was she disappointed? Did she have something against food?! "Come along then, there is no need to be hungry if you are joining us. You can locate a cabin later."

She motioned for him to follow, reaching the ship's galley, which he was very glad existed at this moment. He was not alone, one man was eating an entire chicken and another was eating breakfast with a disgruntled look on his face, a woman was standing in the hall outside very angrily and the young woman regarded them with a dead look in her eyes that said this was all their fault. If this was something about food he was very glad she had offered and hadn't brought it up himself.

--Merchant District, Cathedral--

"Dahlia I don't understand why we have to go shopping for clothes!" Lorena was never one to really understand why women had to own so many, sure she somewhat understood but that didn't mean she had to! She was perfectly fine with what she owned.

"Lorena you need more then five sets of clothes, look, if you want we'll look at something more utilitarian, but you need to own more!" She sighed, "We can go to the Wild Winds for food if you want but you have to buy something first."

Lorena sighed and picked out a leather vest with a number of pockets, at least it seemed like something that would get some use. She grabbed a couple of shirts and a few pairs of pants, and a wrench that looked really solid before returning. "So, can we get food now?"

Dahlia shook her head, "Fine, we'll get food, and back to shopping."
« Last Edit: July 23, 2015, 07:45:09 pm by Piemanlives »