Author Topic: Uncharted Skies  (Read 556494 times)

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #315 on: July 23, 2015, 07:48:40 pm »
Alister eyes the new guy, hand going to the rum bottle which Alison immediately swipes. He glares at her, and she glares right back silently reminding him of earlier events. Sighing he gets himself a cup of water. "Come on mate," he says to the new guy "We won't bite. Pull up a chair and grab something to eat." Alison is silently drinking from the bottle in the corner, keeping an eye on Alister for anymore outbursts. She doesn't think it's likely, but it's Alister. It pays to know his mood, right now it seems calm, albeit semi-annoyed.

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #316 on: July 23, 2015, 08:00:12 pm »
Davis is still trying to comprehend the young woman's dead eye glare that didn't so much sweep the room but simply permeated it when the invitation to sit came. He looked at the man who was a walking armory and noticed that much of the dead eye glare was situated on him, didn't seem like he noticed as he distastefully grabbed a cup of water. He looked at the woman drinking from the bottle of alcohol and decided that he liked her, got her priorties straight, keeping the guy who looked like he could take on a bull drunk away from the alcohol while taking it yourself. Still if he was being polite it would probably be best to get to know his future crew members and took a seat. The blond went to the kitchen and began furiously cooking something before returning with something that would put most breakfasts to shame. She hoisted the weapon under her left arm, before leaving, abandoning him to wolves.


Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #317 on: July 23, 2015, 08:08:48 pm »
"You just get signed up?" Alister says. Alison continues to sip the rum in her corner.

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #318 on: July 23, 2015, 08:12:44 pm »
"Yeah," he took a bite of his food, it was really good. "The money was good and considering my last job, something quiet and easy is going to be appreciated." He almost missed the barely visible change in everyone left in the room, "What? Did I say something?"

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #319 on: July 23, 2015, 08:20:03 pm »
"Nothing, you'll get the details en route. In any event, I'm Alister Carn. I hold joint command of this expedition, as well as being the pilot of the squid in the hangar. You have a specialty? Alison," he nods at Alison in the corner "Is our medical officer, and infiltrator."

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #320 on: July 23, 2015, 08:29:43 pm »
Well it was good he would get told... Wait this was the exact same situation that resulted in the disaster during his last job, still, he would take it at face value, for now. Now specialties was something he could talk about a little bit.

Marksman "Pilot." What the hell Davis!? "Uh, and Marksman." He jostled the scoped hunting rifle slung over his back. Much better. He held out a hand, "Davis Hargrave, at your service."

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #321 on: July 23, 2015, 08:41:45 pm »
Alister shakes his hand. "Always good to have a sharpshooter." A slightly sadistic smile adorns his face. "I'm an explosives man myself, that and melee fighting." The light catches his axehead in a none to subtle way.

"Quit scaring him."

"Says the woman with twin SMGs, and two razor sharp short swords. Not to mention a temper to match her hair."

"Your one to talk about tempers. You have a ship David? I'm the infiltrator by the way, and currently the most qualified to be the medical officer."

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #322 on: July 23, 2015, 08:55:18 pm »

Mumbleing to himself about the earlier events, Frey walks inside the cargo bay where he see the large carts of weapons and munitions.

"They fought, for this? Honestly people have very short fuses."

Shaking his head, he goes over to one of the carts and picks up a rifle. An Enfield, he balances the weight on his free arm while visually checking the bolt. Leaning the barrel on the ground and leg, Frey pulls back the bolt and looks down the chamber.

"Man I miss mine. Gotta say never go wrong with a bolt action," he says to no one in particular as he locks back the bolt.

Market District

After walking from the South Docks, Courage enters the guns store he visited a month ago. As the door swing opens and rings a bell above it, the man behind the counter looks up from disassembling a shot gun. Adjusting the glass on his nose, he squint his eyes to see who had entered. After several seconds, he smiles as he recognise the person.

"Ah Courage, I wondered when you will come or order from me again. Please come in," he say as with a wave from his hand.

"Thank you Mr. Zuki," Courage replies back with a smile of his own.

"ah don't call me Mr. Zuki, makes me sound too professional. So what can I help you with?"

Going over to the counter, Courage leans on the top as he looks behind the man onto the gun rack.

"Well Isamu, I'm in town looking for a new rifle. And before you say that I could get a better one back in Anvala, your weapons have a certain feel to them that I like."

Placing his thumb and forefinger on his chin, Isamu turns around to face the gun wall.

"A new rifle huh? Don't like your old Guard rifle back home huh."

"She still have a certain kick to it, but I want something Something that fires long and fast."

"Fast and long distance him." Isamu mutters to himself as he moves down the racks. Shaking his head, he moves towards a door at the end of the counter and goes in. Courage stands idle as he listens to the various clanks of metal going on in the back. Soon Isamu returns with a rifle in hand.

The stock, upper and lower hand guards covered in dark oak, Isamu places an empty 15 round magazine underneath the receiver and pulls back the bolt. He then hands over the weapon to Courage as he examines the weapon.

"It's a carbine, still fires and kick like a rifle but is semi automatic then it's bolt load counterparts. Can load more than those five clip rifles, 10 rounds more. I made it from an old blueprint I found in an Old War tech book. Called the M1, this should be of your liking."

Bring up the carbine to his shoulder, Courage looks down the sights and pulls the trigger. Hearing the hollow click as the action falls, he looks over to Isamu with a satisfied look.

"You know me well. How much is it?"

"A good 1,500 silver crowns or 2,000 with gold."

"I'll take it. Can I send in payments though?"

"For you, I'll do it. I know you are a man of your word. Here are several more mags and a scope if you want to go sniping."

Slinging the carbine over his shoulder, Courage attaches the rest of the equipment in the empty pouches on his belt. Securing everything, he shakes Isamu's hand.

"Thanks again, I should have the first payment in two weeks."

"No problem hope I see you again."

With a quick two finger salute with his left, Courage walks out the shop while holding onto the strap with his right. Back onto the street he passes by a restaurant which he looks into. Passing the window, he stops and backtracks a little looking through once more. Inside he see two females at a table, one with many bags and another with maybe one or two. Trying to get a better glimpse as people are walking back and forth, Courgae taps the window and waves hoping to get their attention.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2015, 08:58:27 pm by BdrLineAzn »

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #323 on: July 23, 2015, 09:21:43 pm »
Never before had Davis been captivated by his breakfast, okay that was a lie but it was an apt description to describe how he was feeling at that moment. He took another bite of it, still, the attention was warranted considering how tasty it was. He was about to cut in when he heard a stream of automatic weapons fire, a very long stream of automatic weapons fire, followed by another, and another. He thought it was over but then the tell tale sound of a bolt action going off could be heard.

--On Deck--

There was something about letting loose with weapons that Amelia found relaxing, perhaps it was the knowledge that everything about it was in your hands, if a weapon didn't fire correctly it was your fault, same thing with engineering, things worked because you worked them. She had set up a pile of sandbags and was firing into them relentlessly, currently she was working the bolt action carbine, cycling round after round and having to load a magazine every so often. Still, looking at the pile of sand maybe it was time to stop before she punctured the deck. Andromeda came back at that point, it seemed continuous gunfire made it/he/she a bit uncomfortable.

She gathered up the fallen mags and stuffed them into her bandoleer and kicked the sand a little just to make sure, satisfied that there was no damage she went to the armory to reload and maybe she would grab her engineering equipment and get some work done around the harbor.

--Merchant District, Cathedral--

Dahlia adjusted the bag in her possession, this hadn't been a day for her so it wasn't really a time to splurge. Lorena on the other hand was performing a balancing act with the numerous bags scattered around their table, it hadn't really been that expensive a day either, a thousand or so crowns between the two of them sure, but that was still only about a quarter of their pay. There was however something interesting happening, off to the side a man was tapping on the window, she really couldn't get a good look at them with all the people around. Still she waved a hand politely in their direction, hoping they saw it.

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #324 on: July 23, 2015, 09:35:26 pm »
Carn perks his ear up. "Sounds like somebody is practicing." He looks over at the others. "So, are any of you willing to,"


"I didn't even,"

"No Alister. You want to go pummel heads, go to your beloved pits."

"Knocked out to many teeth yesterday."

"Why does that not surprise me."

"You tell me. I guess I'll just practice my axe work on the deck." Spitting out the leg bone onto his plate, it and every other bone stripped of meat, he gets up and heads out the door. Seeing Amelia coming out of the armory with her guns, he chuckles. So, somebody was playing with their new toys. Good. On the deck, he sees the sandbags. "Hmm, she could use some more work on her accuracy. But not bad considering her level of experience." Going over to a section of the deck, a 20 foot radius devoid of equipment or debris, Alister prepares. Pulling out his axe, he then unbuckles his weapons belt, putting it down to one side. He then takes off his shirt and armor, setting them next to his other weapons. His torso, like the rest of him, is pale skin over corded muscle, a variety of scars adorning it. Considerably less than those on his arms. Taking a wide stance, he takes a deep breathe, then begins to go through the motions. A complex series of looping blows and quick chops.

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #325 on: July 23, 2015, 09:50:17 pm »
Transport, Cargo Bay

Setting the rifle back onto the cart, he makes a reminder to himself to have these stored in the ship's armory. Walking around he sees a strange craft sitting idle in the middle.

"Interesting," he says as he walks around the frame and engine, "When did you get in here?"

Market District

Pressing his lips together at the distracted wave and a slight huff, Courage goes towards the restaurant door. Entering, he doesn't go far until the frontman stops him.

"Excuse me sir, no weapons allowed in here."

"Huh," he says as he turns to the man.

"Your rifle and pistol. If you want to have a seat I request that you store them in the back." the frontman points to a door behind him.

Really? We didn't do this at the Saloon

Rolling his eyes, Courage complies no goes through the door and stores his weapons in an empty slot. As he exits, he doesn't notice a loose rifle sling on the ground which catches his prosthetic.

With a yelp, he crashes down onto the floor bring the frontman down with him. Both of them groaning, the frontman is the first to come to.

"You alright sir?" he says as he stand up and holds out an arm for him.

"Yeah, better look in there more often for tripping hazards." Courage replies and grabs the offered hand.

Standing back up his prosthetic is still caught in the sling which slides off his stump. Balancing on his one leg and the frontman Courage looks down between the empty space and his prosthetic.

"Ah flak me, can you get it?"

"Suuure." the frontman says slowly as he lets Courage balance on his own.

Grabbing the "leg" he helps Courage hop to a free seat to let him attach it back on.

"My apologise for all this, if you want this meal is on the house."

After adjusting the end to his stump, looks up in confusion as he missed what the frontman said, "Hmm?"

"If you are dining here, the meal is on the house for this inconvenience," the frontman says again.

"Oh thank you, I guess?" Courage answers with a shrug.

Nothing much for his answer, the frontman leaves and returns with a waiter who gives him a menu.

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #326 on: July 23, 2015, 09:59:41 pm »
Snorting at the obvious attempts of Alister, to get a rise out of everyone, and she suspects her more so. "Honestly, he's not actually stupid, but he can sure act like it when he wants. And that's nothing to say of his table manners." She says, looking at the pile of bones left on his plate.


Alister is still whirling and cleaving. Subconsciously going back to old battles. Snow, red with blood. Smoke and fire, screams of fear and pain. Gunshots and artillery blasts. Old wounds burn with pain as if he just received them. And through it all, he's smiling."

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #327 on: July 24, 2015, 02:24:01 pm »
--Merchant District, Cathedral--

Dahlia notices whoever was at the window had gone, of course she was curious about who it was, but that was neither here or there. Still their food had come and the two of them were eating peacefully while talking about various pieces of news and other babble.

"Oh I ran into Amelia the other night, she hasn't experienced repetitive-reconstruction syndrome yet, I feel the day she does is going to lead to an interesting conversation." She drank deeply of the very vast drink before her, "I wonder what it must have been like for Dad's subordinate's when he was still serving, imagine the paper and the repair work it would put them through."

She was nodding at this point, Dahlia was fully aware as she maintained the crew's weaponry, both shipboard and ground side and it infuriated her to no end when they were damage. Thinking on it now Lorena was the most prone to breaking their ship's weaponry, they'd had many arguments and discussions regarding this. Though Lorena did tend to have more pride in her engines than she did in her weapons. She had no idea why this was.

She took a bite of her food, "Which reminds me, what is your father working on with Richard?"

"I don't know," She shook her head, "if I knew what went through their heads I'd be able to avoid most of it."

"It's going to explode, somehow I just know it."

"Still, some of their ideas are pretty good. Which also reminds me, Reagan apparently came by the other day and took their rocket craft, which got me thinking, what did you do with ours?"

"It's at the back of the workshop why?"

"Why is it in the-" There was a very loud crash from the entrance and both of them oriented to get a better look.

--Cargo Bay, The Transport--

With a plan in place to move the craft it was time to return, hijack the cargo crane, and other things that required moving it to the hanger. Plan was cut short when she noticed someone circling around it like a predator.

"Hey, hands off the craft!"

--Galley, The Transport--

"Really? You could have fooled me." He took his last bite of breakfast and sighed. "Still, he's not going to be a problem is he?" He took a few looks around, "By the way is this everyone?" There definitely not enough people to fully crew a ship like this, so where was everyone?

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #328 on: July 24, 2015, 02:33:56 pm »

"He is impulsive and hot headed. He already has had an eventful morning to say the least. It also doesn't help, that the old berserker blood is strong in him. As for his table manners," Alison shrugs. "I can't completely fault him on that. His father died before he was even born, and his mom died giving birth to him. His last relative was an uncle, who died when he was 8. A year or two after that, he found his way into the Kinforth fighting pits, which is where he learned his skill at unarmed fighting. Then he enlisted in the military at 15, and was put in a marauder unit straight put of boot camp. He never really HAD anybody to teach him table manners."

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #329 on: July 24, 2015, 02:45:18 pm »
"Are his table manners the only thing you're excusing?" He smirked at that, "But still is this everyone? I've only seen 5 of us, and that's including me."