Author Topic: Burning Skies Saloon  (Read 1467913 times)

Offline Papa Paradox

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #930 on: March 22, 2013, 11:54:21 pm »
*Walking up to Jun'ko*

"Overheard your conversation, heard you wanted to know about Zill's 'interrogations.' Yiski's too protective."


*He had an apple in his hand, he cut it with the blade that was in his forearm, eating it gradually through the conversation.*

"Well I've been in there with him before, hell even taught him a couple things... interrogation is an art, we tried to break this one guy back in the day, damn he had willpower. Had. Anyways we've both had our fair share of interrogations, but watching Zill was like watching a master artisan, trained in the way of sadism. Got youself a real keeper."

*He let that sink in, accentuating every word with the apple and knife.*

"He might even be better than me... naahhh probably not."

*He patted her on the shoulder and walked away leaving her in her stunned state.*

Offline Shinkurex

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #931 on: March 22, 2013, 11:56:27 pm »
*While everyone was researching, Shink was sitting on the roof of the warehouse keeping a watch over the port. In the distance, Shink spots a courier heading our way with a package. Excited, Shink hops down off the roof, and intercepts the courier before anyone else could."

"Thanks! Here's a bit extra for the trouble"

*Shink opens the package to reveal a new scope for his sniper rifle*

this'll do nicely

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #932 on: March 23, 2013, 12:34:39 am »
*Jun'ko knew Zill would be heavy handed, but surely PapaP was only exageratting, right? The curiosity took over, and she sat with him in the back.*

So I was talking to the guys about you.

*Zill looked up at her.*

That cant be good...

*She looked nervous.*

So about the interrogations...

*Zill sat up and wrapped an arm around her.*

Do we really need to go down that road? Is it possible for you to accept that it is my burden, and i take it for the sake of everyone else, including you?

*Jun'ko just leans onto him*

I worry about you more than anything. You put a lot on yourself and i never really understood why.

*Zill sighs.*

Stick around long enough and I will tell you.

*Jun'ko looks up at him and nods. She knows the coming days will be tough, and less on his mind is best.*

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #933 on: March 23, 2013, 12:57:23 am »

The group settles down for the evening. This evening the watch was going to be a little different. Yiski was going to pull an all-nighter and use the local presses to make a fair number of his new rounds.
Hmm... got to name these rounds... Sun Burst? I like that. We'll call these Sun Burst rounds. Try and mimic these you feathered bastards.

Ny-Lee was deep asleep, but Roland was still awake. He held his father's pistol in his lap and ran his hand over it. As much as he wanted to propose to Ny-Lee, he wasn't sure if the coming days would allow any time for a proper proposal. Roland reached into his pocket and pulled out a small pouch. Inside were his parents' wedding bands.
I need to become stronger. For everyone. For Ny-Lee.

During the first watch Jun'ko and Zill sat a their usual distance, but to Jun'ko it felt much farther.
I know Paradox likes to exaggerate, but it makes sense to what Yiski said before. I know he worries about me, but I wish he'd depend on me more.

Zill was a little sore over Paradox opening his mouth about his interrogations.
Dammit Paradox. I didn't need this now. I don't want to drag Jun'ko down into any of this.

The second watch was uneventful and Paradox passed the time lowly humming a tune he remembered a few years back.

The final watch was handled by Shinkurex. Since, Yiski was otherwised occupied with making his Sun Burst rounds, Shinkurex offered to take watch. Mostly because he wanted to test out his new scope.
This scope is awesome!


--END OF DAY 40--
« Last Edit: March 23, 2013, 12:59:03 am by Yiski »

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #934 on: March 23, 2013, 11:18:47 am »


The morning sun came up and Yiski was happy. Despite having heavy bags under his eyes, he managed to make 4 5-round magazines of his Sun Burst rounds. Satisfied, Yiski walked out into the main warehouse floor to where his temporary bed was and immediately collapsed with a loud thud. This woke everyone else up.

Roland approached Yiski and sighed. Yiski was simple sprawled out over the bed. Roland decided to set Yiski in a comfortable position.
Well, since Yiski is asleep, I will go see if the saloon’s repairs are finished.

Mind if I tag along?

Roland nodded and the two made their way to the saloon. What they saw next would have driven Yiski beyond insanity and madness.

The saloon was gone.

The two stood for a while in absolute shock before Ny-Lee spotted the foreman.
What happened to the saloon?

Well, further inspection found the foundation for both the main and second floors were well beyond prime operational life. I made the decision to tear down the saloon and rebuild it from the ground up.

Roland snapped out of his daze.
What about all the equipment and supplies?

We stored those in one of our warehouses. We also made sure to keep the Hellfire units actives.

How long and how much will all this take?

Well, it should only take two weeks to rebuild. The cost would be 9,000 gold, but since I promised Yiski it was only a simple remodeling, I’ll eat some of the cost and charge 5,500 gold.

Thank you.

The two left the torn down saloon and made their way back to the warehouse. When they returned, they were greeted by the others.
So, is the saloon repaired? I’d like to get a drink before we ship out.

Yeah, I’d like to get some sake!

Ny-Lee and Roland stood in silence with frowns on their faces. This set of red flags in everyone’s mind.
Roland? Is everything alright?

The... the saloon... it’s gone.

The silence was deafening.
You’re telling me those idiots tore down the saloon? The hell were they thinking?

Damn, Yiski’s not going to be happy when he wakes up.

Why am I not goin’ be happy when I wake up?

The group turned and saw Yiski. He gave another heavy yawn. Nobody wanted to say what happened in fear of Yiski grabbing Blood Bolt and starting a rampage in Anvala, but Roland stepped up.
Well, the foreman said the saloon was in disrepair and... possibly tore the saloon down to rebuild it.

Yiski stood there for a few minutes. The lack of sleep was making it longer to process what Roland said. Finally, Yiski walked over to his bed and went back to sleep. The group was surprised.

What? I tryin’ to sleep.

You are not mad... at all?

Of course I’m mad as the burning skies! But since we’re goin’ after these Birdmen, it just gives me more of a reason to rip their feathers out.

With Yiski asleep again, the group went on their business in getting ready for departure.

Destination: Izumi.


--END OF DAY 41--

Again semi-token post due to Cogs match. Those interested (especially in the Merry Northern Storm) should watch the live stream at
« Last Edit: March 23, 2013, 11:20:52 am by Yiski »

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #935 on: April 04, 2013, 11:59:18 am »
(OOC: In case you didnt know, we are in a quest right now. Normal Burning Skies will return once it is over. Here is a link for the Quest.,408.0.html

Woo more reading!)

Offline Connor Mc.

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #936 on: April 07, 2013, 09:10:38 pm »
(OOC:omg, it's back, ITS BACK)

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #937 on: April 08, 2013, 12:33:03 pm »


It was mid-afternoon when the team finally arrived in Anvala's port. During their return flight, Jun'ko had done most of the piloting and forcing Zill to rest. Now, Zill had recovered enough be walk on his own, albeit slowly. As Then It Was Fixed Again and M'Naghten Returns docked, the team departed from their ships. Waiting for them was a group of Council Elite Guards.

Admiral Zill. The Council requests your presence immediately regarding the recent events.

Zill grimaced.

Really? Can't they leave me to rest for one day? I'd like to get some rest and drink before then.

I'm sorry, but the request was made urgent.


Do you want me to come along?

No. I won't be long.

Zill leaves the Port along with the guards. Yiski is the next person to start walking out of the Port.

What, you think I'm going to sit here all day and not see if my beloved saloon isn't rebuilt yet? You comin' folks?

I'll met up with you all shortly. I'm going to do some checks on the ships. I feel like they could some more work.

Really brother, after all this you're just going to sit here in the docks?

Sadly, BdrLine had already left and got a group of workers together and headed for the warehouse. Ny-Lee sighed.

Come on, darling. Let us go see if our saloon is there.

I'd love for it to be there and better. I could use a drink.

I second that.


The team, minus Zill and BdrLine, make their way to the Western District to where the saloon used to stand. When they arrived at the location they see a brand new saloon with a wooden board over a concrete building "Burning Skies Saloon". Everyone was surprised at the new building, but not nearly as Yiski who was mentally squealing like a schoolgirl.

By the glorious skies, it's gorgeous.

I have to say the foreman did an excellent job.

I'm glad you think so.

The group turns and sees the foreman with a grin on his face.

We finished the rebuilding a few days back. As you can see, the new saloon is much more sturdy and sleek. And if you love the exterior, just wait till you get inside.

The foreman hands Yiski the keys to the building. Yiski unlocks and enters his saloon and his jaw drops. The interior of the saloon had smooth hardwood floors, the support pillars were now concrete, the bar counter was made of Ridge Redwood (uncommon and expensive), the tables were brand new. What made Yiski laugh is the couch which had seen so much action was still sitting there against the stairwell. Yiski wandered into the back and saw all of his equipment was set back. Yiski walked to the front window and saw the sign and clicked to where the saloon was open. He then yelled to the other outside.

What you want me to shoot some fireworks or somethin'? Get in here! Yup, it'd definitely good to be home.


Offline Shinkurex

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #938 on: April 08, 2013, 12:40:47 pm »
*Astonished by the new saloon, Shink steps inside, and finds where his usual corner was. The foreman must've known that this was Shink's place, as he had reinforced everything in that corner*

"This is freaking awesome!"

*Shink takes a seat, and the stress of the journey seemed to disappear entirely*

"Yiski! There is no better way to break this place in, than to order a round of White Steam Whiskey"

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #939 on: April 08, 2013, 01:40:28 pm »

The walk to the Council Hall felt like ages for Zill. As agitated as he was for being summoned as soon as they landed, he was determined to make it a quick meeting so that he could rest.

The Elites escorted him to the Council Chambers. There the Council was prepared to receive him.

Greeting my Council.

(1-9) Greetings Admiral.

(1) You have been summoned here so that we may congratulate you for your success against the wicked Birdmen.

I thank you. I trust the Yeshan Emperor has contacted you?

(6) Indeed. Thanks to your efforts, they wish to expand their trade with us, and offer three Galleons to join our fleet.

Great news for our fine City. However, this is not all you wish to discuss with me.

(3) Always quick to the point Admiral. We have learned that in Izumi, you discovered a rather large record of Birdmen and Guild research. We wished to see these records for the betterment of the Council.

Unfortunately the book was destroyed along with my vessel. And to be frank its best that way. The research they performed, and implemented, was very twisted, and not something the Council should be investigating.

(9) We will be the judge of what we will and won't do, Admiral. Since the book is lost however, we will not discuss it any further.

(1) The matter of your Northern mission is also of importance today.

Zill cringed. He was on wits end with this meeting and was barely holding back his true emotion.

What of it?

(7) A recon of the Republic Fleet's recent movements cannot go ignored. If they raid Firnfeld, the proximity to our beloved City will make us a prime target.

Surely one of my officers can handle such a task as recon.

(3) If they do intend to raid, than you will be tasked to block any movement to the south. The last raids from them cost us much.

That they did. As you can see however, I am in no state to fly immediately. I will perform your request but only on my time. Rest assured I know the severity of the situation and will handle it.

(9) Very well. Do give your friends our regards. Yiski and Papa in particular.

To clear Skies.

Zill leaves the Chambers and slowly heads to the Saloon. His mind wanders from topic to topic. He aches at the thought of anything right now except a stiff drink and good company. These things can wait till tomorrow.

-End Narrator-

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #940 on: April 08, 2013, 01:51:30 pm »

*Yiski gives Shink a large grin*

One White Steam comin' up!

*Yiski uses the new tap system installed and pours a WSW and hands it to Shink*

To celebrate the re-grand opening, the rounds are on the house!

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #941 on: April 08, 2013, 01:55:13 pm »

*BdrLine and his small group, which consist of Tommy, Allen, and John, heads towards his warehouse*

*The three were surprised to see BdrLine as they didn't know where he had went for the past few weeks. Tommy was the first to speak*
Damn Bdr, where have you been? We all though you have died from one of your experiments

*BdrLine says sarcastically*
Well nice to see you guys too and that you care abou me

*Allen was the next to speak*
Oh we are glad your are back. But we figured, with the lack of damage and explosions from your warehouse the past weeks, that something happened

*BdrLine smirks*
Well it's time to start it up again. But not today, we are just going to my warehouse to get a few tools and do some matinence on a few ships

*John chimes in slowly*
Yeah about your warehouse... the three of us sorta did some work inside. You may or may not like what we have done

*As the four arrive at he warehouse, BdrLine goes to the door and puts a hand on it. He looks back at the others before opening*
What, like you guys changed it and added a boxing ring, a miniature pool, or a race track in right

*All three chuckles nervously and Tommy speaks again*
Yeah about that

*BdrLine opens the door, and infront of him is an actually boxing ring on one side of the giant warehouse and a racing track on the other half*

*BdrLine is surprised at the newest additions to his warehouse*
WHAT THE FLAK. You guys actually did this?! And where is all my equipment and things

Well two out of three, we couldn't find room for a pool. But don't worry we moved all your things downstairs underneath this place

*BdrLine pinching the bridge of his nose to calm himself*
Well alright, if all my stuff is still here, then maybe I let this slide. *sighing* Well come on let's head down, grab some tools, and head to the ships

*All three complies with BdrLine and follows him downstairs to get some equipment. Once they go the tools they needed, All four goes back to where Then it was fixed and the M'Naghten Returns were docked*


*Ny-Lee walks in from the outside and to Yiski*
If you want fireworks, I think my brother still have some lying around *laughs*

*Ny-Lee gazes at the interior*
Wow this place looks better than ever. Yiski you think we can start up the piano as well?

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #942 on: April 08, 2013, 02:47:40 pm »

*Yiski laughs*

I'll pass on BdrLine's fireworks. I just got this place rebuilt and I'm not lettin' anything bring it back down.

*Yiski turns to Roland*

You feelin' up to playin' something?

*Roland walks over to the piano.*

It been a long while since I have played anything.

Hell, give it a shot.

*Roland sits down and raises the key covers. He places his hands down on the keys and takes a deep breath. He begins playing a ragtime melody.*

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #943 on: April 08, 2013, 03:08:14 pm »

*Jun'ko walks in, dressed for a night out. She heads to the bar.*

You have no idea how nice it is to be out of war gear. Think you can add some special "Yiski magic" to that Sake for me? Its going to be a good night. By the way, this place looks amazing!

*Just then, Zill opened the door and limped to the bar.*

I need a double of, something. That meeting was......nevermind.

*He looks around and takes in all the new bits of the Saloon.*

This place does look like a bunker now, though with class. They do good work for sure.

Offline Connor Mc.

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #944 on: April 08, 2013, 03:33:47 pm »
*Connor walks into the saloon and gives a short snort*

Well, this isn't much

*He walks over to sit at the bar and motions to the bar tender*

Ay keep! Somethin to keep this headache down!
« Last Edit: April 08, 2013, 06:38:46 pm by RearAdmiralZill »