Author Topic: Burning Skies Saloon  (Read 1469141 times)

Offline N-Sunderland

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #735 on: March 15, 2013, 05:09:49 pm »
*A man walks into the Burning Skies Saloon, looking tired from days of fighting. His palms are blackened like those of one who's gone countless hours without putting his wrench down, and burns inflicted from chemical spray and bullets are lining his hands. He looks around with a grin, though he's mildly annoyed by several missing faces.*

*The flare gun glistens in the light of the room*

"I'm back."

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #736 on: March 15, 2013, 06:05:04 pm »
*To Yiski*
What can't a brother be just a little protective for his sister. And what about you don't you trust Roland enough huh? How come you are out here spying as well.

*Bdr looks over the bush*
I think they ordered filet minon, by the looks of things. Shoot Ny is looking over here as well get down

*Bdr pulls down Yiski to hide themselves*

*As Roland and Ny-Lee waits for their food, Ny has a feeling as they are being watched*
*She looks to a spherical bush as if there might be someone there*
Roland, do you have a feeling that someone is watching us?

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #737 on: March 15, 2013, 06:12:37 pm »
--Garden District--

*Roland looks in the general direction of where Ny-Lee was looking. Nothing*
Well, I do not see anything, but I do get the feeling we are being watched. Do you think BdrLineAzn is nearby?

*After the two looked around a bit in some manner of confusion, the waiter returns with their orders*
Here are your meals sir and madam. Is there anything else I could get you?

*Roland breaks from his search and looks to the waiter.*
Yes, could I get a bottle of Anvala's Special Wine Reserve. Vintage 402.

Excellent choice sir. I will return shortly.

*The waiter leaves and Roland looks to Ny-Lee*
Let us forget about whether we are being watched or not and eat before our meal gets cold.

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #738 on: March 15, 2013, 07:44:22 pm »
--Garden District--
*To Roland after the food arrives*
I guess you're right. Maybe something just caught my eye that's all.

*Both begin to eat their meals, as soon as they begin eating, the waiter brings in the bottle that Roland order*

Sir, Madam your bottle, would you like me to pour you a drink.

Why yes please. Ny-Lee I think you may love this. Anvala's Special Wine Reserve is one of the finest in all of Anvala, Only a few bottles are made each year.

*As the waiter pours two glasses for the couple, Ny-Lee takes the glass and sips the Wine*
Wow Roland this is fantastic. Everything feels great right now, thanks for setting up this date

--Back to  Yiski and BdrLine--

Whew that was a close one. I think they almost saw us. Yiski you should be more careful next time, maybe you should wear a disguise like mine

*looks through the bush again*
Hey look, they started eating... Wait did Roland order a Special Reserve? Got to admit, he does know his wines
« Last Edit: March 15, 2013, 07:46:13 pm by BdrLineAzn »

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #739 on: March 15, 2013, 08:43:16 pm »
*Yiski chuckles at BdrLine*
Hell, what do you think I teach him when he comes by to work? I'm more than just a purveyor of fine spirits. Plus, that wine does hold a fond memory of mine.


Roland and Ny-Lee eat their meal in peace. The two chat on a number of subjects, but mostly it's Ny-Lee talking about her life in the Empire. The conversation then turns on about their families.

Well, there are my parents. Both of them are fairly wealthy thanks to their connections to the royal court and their trading company. And of course, you already know about my brother. She sighs. What are your parents like?

That question made Roland stop. Even though Yiski did tell him things about his father, it was mostly about their time in the military. And when Roland attempted to ask anything about his mother, Yiski would deflect the question and change subjects.

While Roland was deep in thought, Ny-Lee became concerned.
Roland... is everything alright? I hope I didn't ask something offensive.

Roland immediately broke from his thoughts.
What... no, no. It is nothing. I never really talk about my parents.

Why is that?

I believe that is a conversation for another time. I will promise to tell you later. More importantly I need to get our check. Can't be late for the play, right?

Well, that is the main reason for the date, so I suppose we should get going.

Roland hails their waiter for their check. When the check arrives, Roland pays the amount and the two are off to the theater.


Offline Shinkurex

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #740 on: March 15, 2013, 08:55:09 pm »
*A man walks into the Burning Skies Saloon, looking tired from days of fighting. His palms are blackened like those of one who's gone countless hours without putting his wrench down, and burns inflicted from chemical spray and bullets are lining his hands. He looks around with a grin, though he's mildly annoyed by several missing faces.*

*The flare gun glistens in the light of the room*

"I'm back."

*Shink Sees Sunderland stroll in*

"My gods... Is that Sunderland??? It is! Welcome back friend! I barely recognized you...Here the first drink is on me"

*Motions for Sunderland to sit*

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #741 on: March 15, 2013, 09:12:01 pm »
--Garden District--

*As Roland and Ny-Lee leaves the cafe to go to the play, BdrLine and Yiski was about to move from their hiding spot when the cafe owner spots them in the bushes*

Hey what are you two doing spying on my costumers!

*BdrLine whispers into Yiski's ear*
Don't worry I got this

*to the cafe owner*
Why good evening fine sir. My partner and I here are bush trimming experts and is just looking at this lovely specimen. If I may ask my good man, where do you get the skill to make this bush into a sphere. It's one of the hardest shapes to get

*The cafe owner getting a little peeved*
If you two ate bush experts then I am King Gregor of the Baronies. What's the REAL reason you two were hiding.

Well umm I ahh ... YISKI RUN *Bdr pushes the cafe owner and runs in one direction*
*the owner gets backs up and sees Bdr running away*


*As Ny-Lee and Roland nears the playhouse, They don't notice the chase that is happening just down the block as Bdr is weaving in and around people trying to lose the cafe owner*

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #742 on: March 15, 2013, 09:34:02 pm »


The Burning Skies was alight with festivities. The "band" in the corner grew to include a man with an accordion. A makeshift dance floor was created for everyone merry enough to join in. It was a proper night at the Saloon, and Zill wouldnt have it any other way.

Jun'ko was the jewel of the affair, but no man was foolish enough to contend with the Admiral for her. She danced and was a general tease to Zill while he had to keep tabs and make sure the ale was always flowing for the patrons.

-End Narrator-

*Zill sees Sunderland walk in and he tosses him a mug.*

Ah Sunder! Help yourself to the finest. First one's on me. Let your troubles be cast away this night at the Burning Skies.

*Jun'ko wanders up to Zill at the bar. No matter what he's tried, he could not get over her beauty this night.*

Im feeling lonely on the dance floor, oh captain. Would you care to join me?


The patrons begin to cheer him on. Never shying from a challenge, he hops over the bar and takes her hand. The floor clears and only they are left to dance. The song, and the waltz begins. Zill leads her around the dance floor masterfully. Her silky white skirt twirling as they dance around the floor. It was as if it was all meant to be. A flash of red as he twirls her with skill and precision. Not for many years has Zill had a reason to dance. They finish with a fine twirl and the Saloon goes wild. More rounds are poured and the a new song begins.

-End Narrator-

*Zill looks into her eyes.*

I never knew i still had it in me. Its been quite awhile since ive had the pleasure of dancing.

*Jun'ko blushes slightly*

Only the best for my Admiral.

*She gives the mask a peck and they settle at the bar*
« Last Edit: March 15, 2013, 09:36:58 pm by RearAdmiralZill »

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #743 on: March 15, 2013, 09:44:15 pm »
--Garden District--

*Yiski watches BdrLine leading the owner away. Yiski manages to cut a corner and lost his spot. Yiski peeks around and sees BdrLine evading capture. He chuckles.*
Well, I better head to the theater.


Roland and Ny-Lee arrive at the theater. The play was being held by the local Anvalan Thespians Guild. The play... think Hangover set in a steampunk world with Shakespearean actors. The couple walked up to the counter.

Good evening. Tickets are 100 gold per person.

Ny-Lee's eyes widened in shock.
Two hundred gold? Roland, do you have the money?

Roland smiled and gave Ny-Lee a kiss on the cheek.
Well, ticket prices on the day of a play are usually this high, but I came prepared.

Roland then handed the counterman a proof of purchase for two tickets. The counterman took the proof of purchase from Roland and handed him the tickets.
Enjoy the tonight's play sir and madam.

As the walked inside, Ny-Lee turns to Roland.
How did you pay for the tickets in advance? I know from Yesha advance purchases are more expensive. Where did you get the money from?

Roland smiled.
Well, Yiski actually gave the money.

Ny-Lee was about to respond, but was cut off by Roland continuing.
After his adventure and sudden windfall from the Empire, Yiski really did not know what to do with the money. When I said I wanted to take you on a date, he practically forced me to use the money. I said I would pay him back, but he quite adamantly against the notion.

Ny-Lee was still in shock.
I guess he really cares about you doesn't he?

He really does. Most times I consider him my father.

As soon as Roland said that, he began to regret it quickly. Ny-Lee saw Roland's expression change and quickly gave him a kiss on the lips.
Come on. The play is about to start.


*Yiski sat outside the theater. He noticed Roland and Ny-Lee went inside. Yiski scratched his head for a moment.
Well, I really don't like plays. Meh, I'm sure those two will do just fine without me watchin' them. I'm sure BdrLine's okay. I think I'll call it an evening and head back to the saloon. No tellin' what damage Zill has caused.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2013, 09:46:21 pm by Yiski »

Offline Lord Dick Tim

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #744 on: March 15, 2013, 10:38:01 pm »

The smell of burning flesh and the sound of moans consumed the deck of the Cloud Whaler, the Junker was listing heavily on it's side, the starboard engine a smoking ruin and it's deck a charred mess of burnt wood and human remains
A gaping hole was rent into her port side hull, the damage so severe that the bones of the ship lay bare, their timbers creaking dangerously as she tacked hard in a sudden wind that threatened to rip the ships guts out from under her.

Richard Timothy, Captain of the ship, held his hand hard to the wheel, keeping her bow pointed at an empty section of the harbor as ferry boats began to scramble while a crew-men fired off a red flare cluster to signal that the ship was under duress, and a green single one to declare that all the ammunition had been dumped, negating the risk of an explosion in the docks if she could get a guiding harness under her hull.

She'd only been two days out since her last port call, far to short a time to have made a return trip with any kind of cargo.  The damage spoke of a battle in the sky, the torn out hull likely the ramming head of a Pyramidion styled craft, though it was a surprise the Junker class vessel could survive such an encounter with enough wood tied to the balloon to get back.

It looked like the Cloud Whaler would be staying for a little while.

Offline N-Sunderland

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #745 on: March 15, 2013, 10:40:02 pm »

*Sits down and grabs a drink*

"I hope things didn't get too calm out here while I was having fun with the raiders. We were under constant fire. Three straight days of absolutely no sleep, just running around the ship fixing things. And I didn't let a single component break. We ended up getting them, and we got them good. Next time you head over to Anglea, you'll find a few less raider camps, and a few more scorched ruins. We must've had to down twenty or so ships to do it. One of those morons managed to board our ship and give me a hell of a time"

*shows off a huge gash in his right hand*

"Of course, the poor idiot didn't count on me being left-handed"

*glances at his bloodstained mallet*

But enough of my chatter. How've things been over in this place?

Offline Papa Paradox

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #746 on: March 15, 2013, 10:58:38 pm »
Papa walks in new limbs glinting in the dusk light, the silver plated metal with gold accents oozed of opulence. He wore standard high class clothes, his top hat had a good cleaning... But far more noticeable was his black jacket, it was long with an Epaulette on his left shoulder, the Dandy Lions logo stitched in gold. Furthermore he had a cloak hanging off his right shoulder, the red silk lining showed briefly as the draft kicked it up as he entered the saloon. Jen followed behind him.

*Walking over to Zill and Jun'ko*

"Before you ask, I figured it was time for an upgrade, Qwerty helped with the surgery, and my engineers crafted the parts out of the strongest materials in Anvala and plated them with the finest... The clothes however, blame Jen she said I should be looking more like a CEO."

"Don't act like you don't like them."

Papa let out a grunt.

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #747 on: March 15, 2013, 11:16:26 pm »
*Yiski returns to the saloon, content that Roland could handle the rest without supervision. Upon entering and seeing two more couple, he gives a laugh*
Really, is tonight really couples' night? By the skies, this has been a long day.

*Yiski looks to Zill*
Alright, I'm relieving you of duty. Now get your watered-down dribble out of here so I can go back serving the good stuff. Also, has anyone seen BdrLine?

*Yiski spots Sund*
Holy hell, you're still alive! What puffed up adventure have you been on? Wait, I don't want to know because I won't believe it.

Offline N-Sunderland

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #748 on: March 15, 2013, 11:26:50 pm »
*looks over to Yiski*

"I just finished telling my story. I'd tell it again, but I won't if you don't think you'll believe it. Regardless of what happened, it's good to be back after the hell I went through. And I don't know how many times I've told you, they'll never get me. I dealt with them so well that I got promoted. Chief Technician. It's been a long time coming."

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #749 on: March 15, 2013, 11:45:21 pm »
*Zill stares at Yiski*

My watered down dribble just saved you a day at the Saloon so you could go spy on your boy. Let em finish the open barrels.

*He hops the bar and holds Jun'ko at his side. She simply glows.*

Plus, these guys are having the time of their life. Am i right?! *He raises his mug*

*A cheer followed by a new song. He looks at PapaP.*

Awe dont ye look pretty. You could double as a side gun on my boat. *Smirks*
« Last Edit: March 15, 2013, 11:49:42 pm by RearAdmiralZill »