Author Topic: Burning Skies Saloon  (Read 1468396 times)

Offline Skyraider

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #45 on: February 23, 2013, 11:23:44 pm »

A hammer? i persoanlyl like the buffer , it may put some more boost in them brains
Are you tryn' to fix a broken engine with a buff hammer! Ha!

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #46 on: February 23, 2013, 11:25:56 pm »

*turns to Zill casually, not aggressively*
I have no problem giving respect where respect is due, but respect is a two-way street.

But then again, if I drink enough, I'll probably try and kiss every last one of you. Perhaps I just need a few more...

*walks back to the bar and gestures towards the keep with a few coins*

Give me your strongest stuff... and make it a double, please.

"Thats the spirit. Been awhile since ive met a stranger with that much sense. Dont go burning it off with that double Hellfire."

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #47 on: February 23, 2013, 11:30:38 pm »

Are you tryn' to fix a broken engine with a buff hammer! Ha!

If all the fireworks around me happen to get me in the head then yes. ahh goodtimes, i lost count of how many times i did that. need a good hit in the head again to get back. *takes a swig from the Hellfire*

Offline RethBurn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #48 on: February 23, 2013, 11:31:46 pm »
"KABOOOOOM! AHAHAHAHHAAAaAaaaahh..!" The door is slammed open, and in rushes a slightly hunching captain, he walks in with drunken movements, his boots clanking ever so soundly against the wooden floorboards, he looks around, grinning with a toothy, yellowed smile-

"So..! Which one of you lads be givin' thar next round?!" he fired, looked over the husky voiced man, he seemed no older than thirty, yet ever so
decreipt and veteraned on the fields of flight. He tredges further into the tavern and sits down at the bar, looking around ever so proudly.

"There any crews needing a help in setting out tomorrow? I lost my dear pearl to a man in the "Black Bats" inn just across. Anyone interested?!" He shouted, clearly intoxicated and out of his typical manner, clutching that champagne bottle in his hand as was it his only and truest friend on earth.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2013, 11:47:46 pm by Captain RethBurn »

Offline Psyran

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #49 on: February 23, 2013, 11:34:32 pm »
So whats your story. I mean where did you come from. Like i said earlier that i came straight all the way from Yesha. Was born to a family of the high middle class. Oh it was a good life, not too rich or poor, but not enough pazzas as it seems. Always looking for trouble around the capital. Got arrested a few times by the Imperial police. And let me tell ya not a plesaent experience. but how did i end up in these skies, well in one of my many "adventures" i was running from the police and ended up on the air docks and stow away in a leaving merchant ship. Once we left the crew found me out and almost threw me off unless i can i can prove my worth around here. So all in all that is how i started my travels and found my skills while meeting some of these "vagabonds" *chuckles* along the way

I bet if you ask "kindly" some of these floks can tell ya theres

Well, home wasn't exactly a home while I was growing up, so I usually had to fend for myself. I didn't have a trade or any skills, but I was quick for my age. I used my speed to get the things I needed, when I didn't have the money to afford it. I wasn't a criminal, but I wasn't going to let me and mine starve. One day, I was caught by a mechanic who was none too happy that I was trying to relieve him of his lunch. He apparently saw something in me that I didn't, so he offered to teach me enough to work for my food. He allowed me to sleep in a shed near his garage, which was much better than the accommodations that my parents offered.

I always made sure that my mother never wanted for anything, because my pop was no good. He had a temper and didn't feel the need to hide it. I guess that's why I'm usually coarse towards those who I don't know.

After the mechanic passed away of old age, I wandered around until I found a ship that was in dire need of repairs. The man working on the rear thrusters got upset that I kept pointing out what he was doing wrong, so he finally turned to me and said, "Do you think you can do better?" I told him as much, then he handed me his toolkit. Within an hour, I had the thrusters working... and the Gatling gun... and patched the balloon. The man just watched as I worked, finally approaching me and asked, "I've been flying around, hunting the scum of the planet for years, and I've never seen someone work so fast. You want a job? I think my old engineer is due for retirement, he can't keep himself sober enough to keep from walking off this ship."

I eagerly accepted the position. After telling my mother that I was leaving for good, I haven't been home in a long time. It's probably a good thing, I'm not sure what I would do to my father if I saw him again...

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #50 on: February 23, 2013, 11:47:29 pm »
*while still drinking the Hellfire, I listen intentively to Psyran*

With that kind of life i kinda regret leaving my wonderful home back in the empire. Oh don't think I've gone soft but I should have appreciated it a bit more. But the past is the past and i wouldn't give up this life. Blowing things up while fixing components while under fire is far better then staying in a high class manor. Because of that i buy ya the next one.

*Calls over to Yiski* I am buying my man Psyran the next one and ohh but in more loch power in it, and can ya add this *pulls out a pouch of dried peppers* found them in the market. Sellers says it was an old ingredient froma real spicy recipe.

Offline N-Sunderland

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #51 on: February 23, 2013, 11:56:27 pm »
I have no problem giving respect where respect is due, but respect is a two-way street.

But are you deserving of our respect? That's something we need to check out. I was once like you, you know. I remember when I was young and naïve, thinking I could best the highest-ranking crews in the land. Needless to say, that didn't work out too well. I wandered the lands, jumping on airships whenever I could, occasionally winning a battle after jumping onboard with some real serious guys.

That all changed one day when I crashed my makeshift vessel in the middle of the dunes. Now, if I was half the engineer I am today, I'd have the ship up and running again before it'd get a chance to stop moving. But no, I was just your average deckhand, and I was stuck. So I waited, and waited, and waited. I walked through the sand, searching for signs of civilization.

It took hours, but I finally found something. It wasn't much, but it was more than I needed to get the hell out of there. Three men, ragged and beaten looking, standing next to a downed airship. I shouted to them "Need some help with your ship there?". Turning around and inspecting me with the same air of doubt we have seen today, Zill replied "Yeah, engine's finished". I still do not understand what foolishness led me to what then transpired, but I shall never regret it. My mouth blurted out the words "I'm an engineer, I can deal with it.". In reality, I had never fixed an airship engine. My closest experience to doing so was playing around with a little propellor as a kid. Nevertheless, I walked over, all eyes fixated on me. I heard Yiski whisper "I hope this guy is smarter than he looks". I continued anyways. I opened the engine up and took a look. I was confounded by the thousand interacting parts, knowing I could never administer repairs on such a thing.

Fortunately, it turned out that the only problem was that a stick had gotten caught in it. I didn't even take the stick out. It fell out when I yanked shirt out of the gears it had gotten caught in. So there I was, a hero to them. I had no idea how to actually engineer, but I learned with time. I could go on. You think this story was long? Try listening to Skyraider's account.

So before you go ahead and treat us like a bunch of old nutcases, remember who you're dealing with.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2013, 11:59:58 pm by N-Sunderland »

Offline Skyraider

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #52 on: February 24, 2013, 12:02:38 am »
I do remember seeing a young lad that Zill picked up, all I thought was "What an idiot". I never was a big fan of new-comers, and I still am keepn' my eye on you N-Sunderland.

Offline Psyran

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #53 on: February 24, 2013, 12:03:30 am »
Thanks for the drink, I appreciate it.

I need to figure out what I'm going to do next. I lost my spot on my last crew when the captain's son came of age. I didn't have any problems with it, he taught me everything he knew. But now I have the skills without a crew or ship to use them with. I've had some odd jobs here and there, basically a hired hand. But, I'm looking for something more permanent. There is just something about fighting side by side that makes a crew closer than family...

Offline Furrymessiah

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #54 on: February 24, 2013, 12:04:46 am »
Look, you're standing in here with one hell of a gunner, one hell of a pilot, one hell of an engineer, and Furrymessiah. You'd better stop acting tough, or you're going to regret it. That flare gun is loaded, you know.

"Hey, now wait a minute!" She said, gripping the hilt of her mallet. "You're cruisin' for some anesthetic, Sunder."

Offline Psyran

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #55 on: February 24, 2013, 12:08:58 am »
N-Sunderland, every time you say the words 'young', 'green', or 'naive', I get this twitch in my eye. Usually when I get this, it's right before I blow some trash out of the sky. Now I'm not going to pick a fight with you since SOME of the people in this watering hole are nice enough folk...

...but before you go tossing labels around, perhaps you should see what I can do on a ship... first...

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #56 on: February 24, 2013, 12:10:00 am »

"Hey, now wait a minute!" She said, gripping the hilt of her mallet. "You're cruisin' for some anesthetic, Sunder."

Well you better run Sunder, Furry looks like she can be a doctor at any second.

Any bets on how long Sunder can out run Furry if a chase ensures?

Offline Psyran

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #57 on: February 24, 2013, 12:11:25 am »
Well you better run Sunder, Furry looks like she can be a doctor at any second.

Any bets on how long Sunder can out run Furry if a chase ensures?

I bet it'll be fun to watch...

Offline Skyraider

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #58 on: February 24, 2013, 12:12:24 am »
Look, you're standing in here with one hell of a gunner, one hell of a pilot, one hell of an engineer, and Furrymessiah. You'd better stop acting tough, or you're going to regret it. That flare gun is loaded, you know.

"Hey, now wait a minute!" She said, gripping the hilt of her mallet. "You're cruisin' for some anesthetic, Sunder."
*In a low tone* I can see tis turnin' for the worst, *offers Furrymessiah a rusted spanner* also I still recommended a spanner to fix people.

Offline N-Sunderland

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #59 on: February 24, 2013, 12:16:23 am »
I do remember seeing a young lad that Zill picked up, all I thought was "What an idiot". I never was a big fan of new-comers, and I still am keepn' my eye on you N-Sunderland.

If you're referring to the eye that you lost in that Goldfish crash and I keep on a necklace to this day, then yes, you do have an eye on me. And don't you dare come asking for it back! You were the one who flew us straight into Zill's ship, and I was the one that won the bet. It's mine, fair and square.

"Hey, now wait a minute!" She said, gripping the hilt of her mallet. "You're cruisin' for some anesthetic, Sunder."

Go ahead, hit me! The kerosene and grease running through my veins after all these years as an engineer has destroyed my nervous system anyways, so I'll gladly take a beating from a mallet or two.