Author Topic: Burning Skies Saloon  (Read 1468339 times)

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #585 on: March 09, 2013, 07:03:54 pm »
*As BdrLine nears the Saloon, instead of going in through the front door, he sees a hole in a wall with Spoon and another patron on the ground*
*Bdr goes over and yanks the man off Spoon*

Go back inside and i'll handle this

*Sees Spoon still duck taped*

I see that taped still holding up, hold on i'll cut you lose, and when i do i think you need to wash your face a little

*Bdr takes out a pocket knife and cuts Spoon out*

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #586 on: March 09, 2013, 07:10:50 pm »
*Yiski watches as multiple events are making this late afternoon very interesting*
*Spoon's mouth has gotten him into trouble and Zill was on fire*

*Roland saw Zill catch on fire and immediately tossed an emergency bottle to Yiski*
*Yiski reaches in and grabs Zill and pours the bottle on his mask*
*The fire stops, but doesn't end the remaining sizzling from being neutralized*

*Yiski turns to Jun'ko*
Well, it looks like you're gonna have to work up a resistance first. Roland, get her a Frost Fire Ale.

*Yiski then turns his attention to the hole in his wall and the ensuing fight outside involving Spoon*

*Yiski still had Blood Bolt on him and was about to use it before he remembered it had lethal rounds. Yiski took his time and walked to the bar and switched ammo. He leisurely walked up to where the hole was. He sighed and pulled the trigger.*

*By now BdrLine has freed Spoon from his duct tape bondage. More importantly, BdrLine just walked into the line of fire. Good thing Yiski never misses*

*Two shots rang out. The first hit Spoon square in the chest. The second hit his assailant in the back of the head. The two men went down. Spoon still conscious. The other, face down and out cold.*

Spoon, you damned idiot! I don't charge you for staying the night here, but you sure as hell owe me repairs to my wall!

Offline Sgt. Spoon

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #587 on: March 09, 2013, 07:34:52 pm »
*puts up a deranged smile as he pulls himself up*

Well, I'm still free aren't I? Hah, my plan almost worked.

*Suddenly realises the pain in the chest*
Wooaaap... *falls over*

Darn I thought I had more time, but i gotta go now. Seems like I'm out again :U
« Last Edit: March 09, 2013, 07:40:14 pm by Sgt. Spoon »

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #588 on: March 09, 2013, 07:37:09 pm »
*Zill sits back up, his mask smoking and sizzling. Realizing its a lost cause, he tosses it off. He turns to Jun'ko.*

We need to get you some Wild Wind Ale so you can imagine my face looking less horrific.

*He orders another WSW and takes a long swig. Jun'ko, still recovering from her incident, gazes at Zill.*

I...I never knew you were actually hiding something under that mask. I feel so....terrible. *A tear falls down her face.*

*Zill notices and wipes it off.*

Its ok. Its something ive lived with for years. Dont worry yourself over it. *He see's Yiski shooting people and yells over the other patrons.* Looks like them rounds really do work. I need some for when im at the Council docks. *Smirks.*

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #589 on: March 09, 2013, 07:41:59 pm »
*puts up a deranged smile as he pulls himself up*

Well, I'm still free aren't I? Hah, my plan almost worked.

*Yiski yells at Spoon*
PLAN! What plan.... you know what I got a better idea.

*Yiski then fires two more shots into Spoon. One hits his chest in the exact same spot. The other hits him just below the waist, but just above the nether. Spoon, who is no longer smiling, limps back down onto the ground, moans and passes out from the pain*

*Yiski sighs again*
Dammit. Looks like he's staying the night again.

*Yiski facepalms and motions some of the patrons to get Spoon on the couch*
Gonna have to hire some people for the wall now.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2013, 07:43:43 pm by Yiski »

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #590 on: March 09, 2013, 08:11:14 pm »
*After the spectacle with Spoon and the other guy, BdrLine and another patron helps Spoon to the couch*

Damn I think this will cost more than all the doors Sunderland broke down*looks back at the hole*

*walks up to the bar*
Some night huh Roland, so can you whip me up a Hellfire.

*turns to where Zill, Yiski, and the others are*

Well looks like I got some good news from all this....*sees Zill without his masks* Gods Zill wheres your mask?!?

*shakes his head and continues*

Anyways, after some experimenting I made some new incendinary rounds that instantly catches anything on fire with doubleling the size of the fire. Thanks to my Dragon Pepper mixture in the rounds.

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #591 on: March 09, 2013, 08:45:08 pm »
*Zill looks at BdrLine.*

I appreciate your discretion....
My mask caught ire and burned off, and since i refuse to wear a napkin on my face, you get the full picture.

*He finishes his WSW and looks to Jun'ko.*

How you doin'? Youve gotten quiet.

*Jun'ko looks at Zill.*

I still feel bad about your mask. *She suddenly perks up.* I may have just the thing!!

*Jun'ko runs out of the bar in a flash. Zill looks to Yiski.*

If she comes back with some girly pink nonsense, let me hide. *His head sinks.*
« Last Edit: March 09, 2013, 08:49:10 pm by RearAdmiralZill »

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #592 on: March 09, 2013, 09:53:11 pm »
*BdrLine to Zill*

Sorry it's just not that many times you take that off.....wait it caught on fire?

*Ny-Lee to her brother*

While you were out there helping Spoon, things kinda got out of hand in here a bit.

*to Zill*

If I know Jun'ko it's something that looks nice but is still funtional.

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #593 on: March 09, 2013, 10:04:22 pm »
*Yiski stares at the hole in his wall*
Goddammit, the hell am I gonna do about this? Roland, are there any more reinforced alloy plates in the back?

"Yes, I do believe there is and I think it should be large enough to cover the hole."

Alright, Ny-Lee can you look over the bar a bit while Roland and myself get this plate set? Can't close shop with it like this.

*Roland and Yiski head into the back. Shuffling can be heard along with a few unknown objects falling down*

Don't worry, that wasn't Hellfire.

*Minutes later, the two emerge with an alloy plate. Yiski gets some of the patrons to help set it against the wall, while he fastens the plate to the wall*

There, that should keep until the mornin' and I get a proper crew fixin' my wall.

*Yiski looks to Zill's uncovered face and chuckles*
And you say you aren't a looker.

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #594 on: March 09, 2013, 10:49:10 pm »
*Zill takes a swig from his flask and turns to BdrLine*

Yea Jun'ko couldnt handle the new WSW and tossed her mug on my mask. Apparently that stuff doesnt like gasmasks, and it basically combusted in my flakin' face. Funnily enough, I dont think It could do me any worse. *Smirks*

*To Yiski.*

Awe yea, I can see Ny now, always staring from the bar. Moreso out of fear or intrigue i wager.

*Jun'ko comes running back in. She catches her breath and presents to Zill the most pathetic looking mask. She cocks a smile and presents it to Zill. Out of some unknown sense of emotion (probably pity), he lets her put it on.*

There. All hidden. You look great! *Chuckles*

*Zill wasnt so sure.*

Kill me now, Dusty Mistress.

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #595 on: March 09, 2013, 11:22:13 pm »
*Ny-Lee to her brother at the bar*

(Ny) Azn how did Zill got his face to be like that?

*Bdr looks back at Zill and his worn face*
(Bdr) Many air battles and misions of long ago. Always had a mask on to cover it. When i first crewed for him, he had it on. I always wonder what was under there. Didn't know it would happen so soon when i was with him. During a routine patrol around the borders of Anvala, raiders jumped us. Oh we got out alright, but a explosion near the helm knocked him over and his mask off. I was the first there but his face was a bit better back then.

(Ny) Why doesn't he sees a doctor to try and reconfigure it? You remember back in Yesha where any person who suffer a wound like that tries to it get fix.

(Bdr) I don't really know i think he keeps it like that as a reminder or as a battle souvenir. But whats really the reason its all kept to himself and i respect that.

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #596 on: March 09, 2013, 11:38:35 pm »
*Yiski overhears the siblings' conversation and drags him and Zill over to them*
Curious about how Zill turned out like this huh?

*Yiski looks to Zill. He can't see Zill's expression under the mask, but Yiski knew Zill would rather not remember that day*
Long story short, it was a combination of bad decisions and bad luck. The only sliver lining out of that day was the fact the two of us lived to fight again.


The night goes on, quieter than usual. The reminder of Zill's past and his mask bring up less than fond memories. Yiski cheers Zill up the same way now as he did then: Just simply pat him the shoulder and take a drink.

It's well into closing time and everybody (except for Spoon) are headed their own separate ways.

Roland and Yiski take a look at the wall patch they applied. Yiski cringed. He'll have to temporarily close the saloon tomorrow in order for a building crew to make the needed repairs.

Yiski gives Roland a few pieces of gold and sends him back to his place inside the district.

Yiski heads to his room, but pauses for a moment next to Spoon. Spoon still had all the marker scribbling scrawled across his face.

Yiski facepalms and heads to bed.



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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #597 on: March 10, 2013, 10:22:49 am »


Yiski woke up earlier than usual. As he got up and mumbled a curse for having to wake this early. I bet the dead sleep better than I do. Yiski walked out into the saloon and noticed the sun was barely coming through the window. He also noticed two more things: The wall that needed to be fixed and Spoon still out on his couch.

Yiski faceplams, something which he finds himself doing far too often. Yiski tries to wake Spoon up. No luck there. Next, Yiski manages to limp Spoon's arm over his shoulders and starts dragging him out of the saloon.

Yiski drags Spoon to the nearest infirmary and drops him off at their doorsteps. Well, he's their problem now... at least until tomorrow.

Yiski then meets up with the West District's building foreman and the two come to an agreement to get the saloon's wall fixed today. Of course, that would mean the saloon would be closed and Yiski and his friends would have to find something else to do until tomorrow.


Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #598 on: March 10, 2013, 02:48:11 pm »

Zill woke up with a start. A nightmare of his first suicide mission, and the incident, materialized from the evening before. Hadnt had one of those in awhile. Need to get some fresh air maybe.

Knowing the Burning Skies was closed today, and the Port was in no dire need of him, he decides to go into the City Center. He puts on his finest uniform, and heads out. Maybe reminding myself why I do what I do will help ease the mind.

He heads out toward the Center through the Garden District. His Squid landing had been fixed up. He could only smirk under his mask. A few salutes here, ahoy's there. A perfect setting one would think. But the memories of the past kept sticking in like splinters. Zill chugged his flask, but no drink would ease the new-found pain. He sat down and watched the events unfold like it was happening all over again...

"It was a dark and windy night over the Black Channel. A simple mission from the Council. Find a lost ship, the Dauntless, that lost her balloon around The Teeth. No easy task was it to navigate The Teeth. For Zill is was just another path. He almost felt it was too easy for an Admiral, but he shrugged off such thoughts. He had a task to do.

His Galleon creaked under the winds. His crew was tucked away below and visibility was in short supply. As he approached the last known position of the Dauntless, lightning cracked across the Sky. It lit up the night, and Zill saw something he would never forget. Two Tesla Airships, with two Squid escorts. This was no recovery mission. It was blatant suicide. Only rumors of such vessels were spoken of, but Zill knew then that they were there for him.

Knowing he could not outrun them, he roused his crew. Only a prayer from Zill was said to their frightened souls...

By the Skies we fly this day. Off into the Sunset to give chase. May the Winds stay at our back. Our Dusty Mistress be appeased. Our Mugs ever full. Onwards ye' Dogs, Into the Fray.

Zill turned broadside and ordered all guns fire. The flash was immense. They caught one squid by surprise and downed it immediately. The next rushed in, the Tesla ships slowly behind. The Squid put flames onto the Then It Was Fixed, but a quick turn of the wheel put them square with another broadside. Only the Tesla's remained. Their lightning hulls cracked onto Zill's Galleon. The flash and fire was unbelievable. Zill shot up higher into the Sky. One Tesla followed, and was greeted with a broadside. It didnt go down with one volley, and returned the favor with cracks of light over into his guns. They were completely destroyed. Zill acted fast ordering the fires out and spinning around for the final broadside. The Tesla ship fell to the Depths, but not before its lightning streaked his remaining broadside. With no guns, and a battered crew, Zill knew his only alternative. He dropped back down to face the final Tesla. By luck, he caught them off guard when he gunned the moonshine engines and went for a ram. Brace ye fools! The crew ran below decks. Zill left at the helm, he did not intend to survive. The resulting ram was a spectacle to see. What could only be described as a "lightning explosion" streaked across the night Sky. The Tesla boat buckled under the sheer force of the Galleon's weight and presence. Its energy was suddenly released, and a crack of lightning struck Zill square in the face. The crew down below came to put out the resulting fires in a haste. Zill was among those fires.

The Galleon limped home, completely battered and still smoking when they entered Anvala airspace. Zill was barely alive when the doctors got him. Weeks went by before he awoke. Zill refused to get any experimental treatment. He only requested a mask. After that, the Council deemed his mission a success, but only within the Council Chambers. Zill knew what it would mean for his future. Regardless of their motives, he was sent there to die. Few know this story, and even less tell it correctly. Zill knows it by heart, and his mind nor face would ever let him forget."
« Last Edit: March 10, 2013, 02:54:08 pm by RearAdmiralZill »

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #599 on: March 10, 2013, 02:53:33 pm »
--Somewhere in Anvala--
*Bdr is carrying his new experimental incendiary rounds in a crate while Ny-Lee is following her brother with his rifle slinged over her shoulder*

(Ny)And what are we doing again with those rounds Azn?

(Bdr)Well they need further testing, so what better place to test them than at the Academy. Plus Shink will have a field day with them...also that's the only gun range that I know of.

(Ny) Couldn't you do that at your own docks.

(Bdr)We could but *chuckles nervously* I almost burned the place again from yesterday's testing. So we are going to the Academy for a controlled test.

(Ny)Typical of you

*Ny and Bdr keeps on walking and conversating with eachother until they get there*