Author Topic: Burning Skies Saloon  (Read 1468392 times)

Offline Qwerty Kun

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #570 on: March 09, 2013, 03:05:04 pm »
*qwerty walks in the bar, two silent figures moving in slowly behind him. These figures are hooded and not a single inch of skin is visible. On a comman they walk over to a corner of the bar and take a seat, qwerty walks up to the bar itself*

Greetings roland, Ny how are you both? A Wild Winds too if you dont mind

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #571 on: March 09, 2013, 04:08:17 pm »
*qwerty walks in the bar, two silent figures moving in slowly behind him. These figures are hooded and not a single inch of skin is visible. On a comman they walk over to a corner of the bar and take a seat, qwerty walks up to the bar itself*

Greetings roland, Ny how are you both? A Wild Winds too if you dont mind

*Ny-Lee to Qwerty*
Why hello doctor, I'm doing fine. A mug of Wild Wind coming up. *Ny goes over and fills a mug and goes back to Qwerty, hands it over to him* I want to ask, how is your hallucinations mild to the one my brother had yesterday?


*the door to the warehouse swings wide open, Bdr and the other three can be seen ripping off the gas masks gasping their breath, tears coming down their eyes*

(Bdr) *gasping* I don't remember they being that strong that it goes though our masks

(Tom) Well we did went through a whole crate of those things.

(Allen)I can't imagine what will happen if we mixed them with the powder.

(Bdr) I know Al, thats why we will mix a small test. *looks at the warehouse* Ahh lets do it out here, John go back in there and see if you can try to grab a small mixing bowl, with a cup of both gun powder and a cup of the peppers.

(John) Oh boy *Puts his masks back on and went back to retreive the material*

*a little later, John comes back with the material*

(John) Here ya go Bdr *while gasping for breath*

*Bdr then proceeds to dump both the peppers and the powder in to the bowl. Behind a very large crate, Tommy, Allen, and John brace for an explosion*
*nothing happens, and Bdr calls out to them*

(Bdr) Come out you spineless fools its safe *laughs*

(Tom) Oh haha, very funny. We know you and your experiments, im surprised it didn't blow up yet.

(Bdr) You guys have no faith in me, come on lets see what this can do.
*Bdr then lits up the mixture causing to instantly com bust, with the explosion it ignited the peppers setting anything on fire*

*Bdr and the three rushes out to put out all the fires, after 1 minutes all the fires were out*

(Bdr) Well at least it works
*the three deckhands groans*
« Last Edit: March 09, 2013, 04:11:15 pm by BdrLineAzn »

Offline Qwerty Kun

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #572 on: March 09, 2013, 04:30:12 pm »
*Looks at Ny*

More chemicals have been in my system then you could imagine, as it happens I am immune to the hallucinogen now thanks to a handy little injection.

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #573 on: March 09, 2013, 05:09:02 pm »
--Council's Main Chamber--

*Yiski and Zill stood outside the Council's chamber. The two looked at each other. If anything, they both knew what the best and worst case scenarios to expect. At best, the Council will reprimand the two for the incident at the Port and at the saloon. At worst, Yiski and Zill would have to blast their way out of the Council building and high-tail it out from Anvala.*

*Even if the worst case is highly unlikely to happen, it didn't stop Yiski from reloading Blood Bolt with lethal rounds and handing a few rounds off for Zill's handcannon pistol.*

*The guards outside of the main chamber looked upon the two with sheer nerves. Many of the guard know of Yiski and Zill's famous abilities from their times in the military and heard their even more famous brutality when it comes to their enemies.*

*One guard turns to Yiski*

+The Council will see you now.+

About bloody time. I've been waiting here for hours.

*Both Yiski and Zill entered the main chambers. Before them were the nine members comprising of the Council.*

(1)Do you know why you have been summoned to this meeting?(1)

Well, it could be for a number of things. You really didn't make it clear in your letter this mornin'. Also, why is Zill here too? Didn't he already...

(4)Silence. The Admiral is here to observe. Nothing more.(4)

Then is this about the Port incident?


The bar fight?


*Yiski was obviously getting angry. As much as he wanted to yell at them, he gritted and teeth and spoke*
Then WHY am I here?

(1)We are in need of an experienced weapons expert. Your past as a military gunner and weapons inventor has proven quite useful. We were wondering if you would be wil....(1)

*This time it was Yiski's turn to interrupt*
Nope. What ever it is you want my help for, forget it.

(5)You dare refuse a request from the Council?! Such insolence! Never in the time of...(5)

*Yiski cuts him off*
Request? After how you've all treated me, Zill, and everyone else in the West District in the past? No thanks.

*Yiski turns and starts walking out. While walking out, he waves*
Since you don't have anything I want or ever need, I'm going back to my saloon. You comin' Zill? Believe the two of us need a good drink.

*The two walked out, leaving the Council stunned*
*As Yiski and Zill were walking back, they smiled and laugh*

Damn it felt good to do that. To hell with the consequences.

Offline Shinkurex

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #574 on: March 09, 2013, 05:37:57 pm »
--The Academy--

"Paul! Don't you dare point that gun at me!"
"Alexander! Don't make me come over there, or so help me!"

*Forms a fist and pummels his hand*

"Jason! 20 more laps ain't going to kill you, Though I might!"

Geez what in the world are they teaching these guys? I need a drink...

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #575 on: March 09, 2013, 05:58:50 pm »
-Stairs of the Council Hall-

*Zill had a gut feeling and turns to Yiski*

Hey, y'know what, come back with me, I have something to say.

*They both make it to the doors. The guards look confused but before they have time to react Zill pushes them aside and enters the Chambers.

He points at each Council member and speaks.*

Y'know, im not just here to observe. Im am sick and tired of you pompous fools wasting good people and resources on completely worthless endeavors.

(2) How dare you speak to your Council like this!

No, how dare you useless politicians turn this great city into what it has become. I dont care what you think after this statement, but you really need to do some soul searching as to what your priorities are. If you're so self centered, that you will let this city and these people suffer for your agendas, then so be it. But dont you ever expect me to go along with what you think is the best for the Council. Ive lost my face, and much of my humanity to these false ideas of grandeur, and im sick of it. Send me a letter with your response, I dont want to hear anything else out of you today.

*The Council is stunned. But one of them manages to speak.*

(7) Youre words are noted Admiral. We will convene and send a reply on the 'morrow.

*Zill limps out with Yiski behind. He pulls out his flask and downs it.*

That was a few years overdue.

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #576 on: March 09, 2013, 06:13:05 pm »

*Yiski and Zill both come into the saloon. Yiski notices the saloon is busier than usual*
Roland! I see you've managed quite well without me.

*Roland turns and waves to Yiski*
"Welcome back Yiski. Things have gone well. I have to thank Ny-Lee for the assistance. If you do not mind, I believe Ny-Lee can handle things and you can relax."

*Yiski turns to Ny-Lee*
Is that so? Well thank you for helping out. I gotta say, you're more useful than your brother.

*Yiski turns back to Roland*
You know, any other day, I'd probably hit ya behind your head. But today, I sure could use a relaxer. So let's start off by getting me and Zill some White Steam Whiskey?

*Roland grins*
Of course.

*Roland hands Yiski and Zill two mugs of WSW*

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #577 on: March 09, 2013, 06:19:24 pm »
*To Yiski as he comes in*
Why thank you *she laughs at the comment about her brother* Well he can have his moments

*While Roland serves the drinks and Ny-Lee hands them out, some of the other patrons starts to wonder if any can get with Bdr's sister*
*As Ny-Lee heads to a table and gives a noticeably drunk man another drink, he grabs her hand as she starts to walk away

[Hey cutie, i know your new around here, but want to see a real man and his airship]*words slurred here and there*

*Ny-lee un-phased  by this, had something in mind for this patron*
Oh what a strong man so tell me what is so special about you*fluttering her eyelashes*

*he goes on a drunken ramble about something*
*Ny-lee puts a finger to stop him*

Oh can you be a dear and see if my shoe laces are tied

*the patron, looking pleased, look down until Ny knees him squarely in the face. From the she grabs him from the shoulder blades flipping him out of him chair on to the floor.*
*Ny-Lee standing over him in a menacing voice*

Try pulling a stunt like that again, and the last thing you will see is my fist going into your face.

*she looks around the bar and points her finger at some people*
And thats include all of you

*the spectacle and her threat quickly changed the minds of many men in the saloon*


*Back at the Bdr's warehouse, Bdr started to make another small mix, this time they made 5 bullet with the powder mixture*

*then they brought out a gatiling gun and set up it up along with a target outside on the docks*

*Bdr loads the five rounds into the different barrels, then proceeds to tie a sting around the trigger, he heads around the warehouse where the other three were hiding and pulls the trigger*

*the gatiling guns fire, and on contact with the target, the rounds shot through it, effectively burning the target in  huge blaze, bigger than the normal incedinary rounds*

*all four rejoiced at the sucess and started to make more of them*

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #578 on: March 09, 2013, 06:33:47 pm »

*Zill and Yiski cheers. Yiski sips his, Zill chugs half.*

That felt like a long time comin'. Best case scenario is nothing happens. Worst is we'll be relocating the Burning Skies. Not sure which is the worst option. *Smirks*

*Jun'ko comes in and sits next to them*

Howdy boys. Heard you got new drinks around here. Mind sharin'?

Offline Qwerty Kun

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #579 on: March 09, 2013, 06:34:11 pm »
Greetins to ya Yiski, zill. How was the council? As up their own arse as usual? or have they suddenly gathered a shred of humanity.

Also Yiski

*Points to the two hooded figures in the corner*

The result of my experiments with your brew

Offline Sgt. Spoon

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #580 on: March 09, 2013, 06:42:57 pm »
*wakes up with a severe pain in the head, just to realise that he's taped to the wall*
What the...?   *looks at his sorroundings, sighing deeply*  Ok Spoon, you've been in worse situations that this...

*braces his legs against the wall and pushes... without any results*    damn

*A group of patrons close by bursts into laughter upon seeing spoon's efforts*
*Spoon looks up, landing his eyes on the biggest of them*

Oi, You there! You twat, wanna piece of me huh?
« Last Edit: March 09, 2013, 06:53:49 pm by Sgt. Spoon »

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #581 on: March 09, 2013, 06:45:02 pm »
*Yiski watches Ny-Lee take down one of the patrons harassing her and gives her an applause*

*Yiski takes a swig of WSW and turns to Qwerty*
You know I was gonna ask you what you learned from the Wild Wind Ale, but *looks at the two poor souls* I don't think I need to know, not by the way those two are.

*Roland to Jun'ko*
You heard right. There's two new brews. The White Steam Whiskey and the Wild Wind Ale. From what I have seen, I would strongly recommend the White Steam Whiskey. The Wild Wind Ale has... interesting side effects.

*Yiski yells over to Spoon*
Damn Spoon, you're just now getting up? They're laughing at you because you look ridiculous. Maybe you should wash up first.

*Yiski laughs*

Offline Sgt. Spoon

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #582 on: March 09, 2013, 06:55:37 pm »
*The man gets up, staring at spoon and says* what?
Spoon: You're bloody well the ugliest bloke I've ever seen in this bar... also I slept with your mother last night *starts to laugh then, turns to Yiski*

*The man, getting rather furious, runs up to spoon and proceeds by ramming him into the wall. The wall, not being made out of the best material breaks and they both tumble headlong out in the street.*

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #583 on: March 09, 2013, 06:59:13 pm »
*Ny-Lee goes up to Yiski's table*
*To Jun'ko*

Interesting side effects it has* holding a laugh from the sight her brother made yesterday*


*As BdrLine and the group finish making the experimental rounds, he thanks them and let them have the night off*
*Bdr then proceeds to the Burning Skies*

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #584 on: March 09, 2013, 06:59:48 pm »
*Jun'ko orders up a WSW and takes a swig. Initially nothing happens...*

Hah, this is supposed to be.....

*Her eyes widen as the smoke emits from her ears. She tosses her mug on Zill's mask. It immediately catches fire and he falls back.*


*The closest patrons try to put it out with no luck.*