Author Topic: Burning Skies Saloon  (Read 1469210 times)

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #555 on: March 08, 2013, 11:09:11 pm »
*Zill takes a swig from his flask and helps Ny with the duct tape*

He did this to me years ago. Time for some payback.

*Jun'ko walks in and joins the festivities*

D'awe, BdrLine will look so cute when hes done!

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #556 on: March 08, 2013, 11:21:05 pm »
*Ny-Lee to Jun'ko*
Does he really looks like my brother whens he drunk?

*looks at Spoon quizzically*

*To Zill*

Thanks now for some art work

*Ny-Lee then proceeds to draw a monocle around Spoon's right eye then proceeds to draw a thin handlebar  mustache*
*Then Zill and Ny-Lee tapes Spoon on top of an open wall in the bar*

Offline Papa Paradox

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #557 on: March 08, 2013, 11:34:12 pm »
*He looks in the seemingly innocent brew, sniffs it*

seems fine..

*Taking a small sip*

*The look on his face is one of horror, he swallows reluctantly*

"D-did you put rotweed in this brew? For flak sakes, Yiski..."

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #558 on: March 08, 2013, 11:39:40 pm »
*Zill picks up PapaP's mug and chugs it. Smoke just emulates from his mask, but otherwise no ill effects.*

Now If I can do it, you can manage one. You're half steel anyway.

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #559 on: March 08, 2013, 11:42:01 pm »
*Zill picks up PapaP's mug and chugs it. Smoke just emulates from his mask, but otherwise no ill effects.*

Now If I can do it, you can manage one. You're half steel anyway.

I think that's the problem Zill. If he drinks anymore, it might eat away all his shiny bits.

*Yiski laughs*

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #560 on: March 08, 2013, 11:47:01 pm »
*Zill ponders the thought*

That is a good point. I wonder what this stuff and hydraulic fluid do when mixed. *Laughs*

Offline Papa Paradox

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #561 on: March 08, 2013, 11:48:33 pm »
"I didn't say I didn't like it... It's very much an acquired taste. A couple more on me, for me and my good friend!"

*The drinks arrive*

*The glass staring dauntingly at Papa P, He mans up and chugs the mug.*

*A twitch comes over him and his mechanical leg flexed right through the bar table, while steam was rushing out of his ears.*

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #562 on: March 09, 2013, 12:41:20 am »

The moon was out in full force tonight and it started getting around the time when the saloon was emptying out.

Zill made his way back to the Port. There was still a lot of fixing to do and more tar to run.

Paradox was headed back to the HQ. He still had a lot of paperwork to deal with.

BdrLine and Ny-Lee went back to his place, but still had to be careful for any hidden fireworks lurking.

Qwerty emerged from the back and had the two intruders from earlier still bound and tailing him out the door. Yiski wondered what Qwerty had learned from the Wild Wind Ale. He figured he could ask tomorrow.

All that remained was Roland, Yiski, and... Spoon. Roland and Yiski stared at Spoon. By the time the saloon completely cleared out, Spoon has an assortment of artistic renderings all across his face. The two looked over him and chuckled. It looks like Spoon was becoming a regular boarder in the saloon.

Yiski threw a blanket on Spoon and went into his room in the back. Roland headed up stairs to the spare.

All in all, it had been a good day despite a somewhat lack luster bar fight.

Oh well... maybe tomorrow will bring in more ruffians.


--END OF DAY 26--
« Last Edit: March 09, 2013, 12:44:53 am by Yiski »

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #563 on: March 09, 2013, 10:50:45 am »


It was the crack of dawn and Roland and Yiski were still asleep until a loud...

The knocking persisted until Yiski finally got up, wiping his eyes. Roland, on the other hand, was still asleep being a heavy sleeper.

Yiski mumbled to himself. Bloody skies, who the hell would wake me up this early in the damn morning? He yawned and was about to unlock and open the door. He stopped himself. Wait... this could be another trap. Yiski then went to the bar and grabbed Blood Bolt off the wall, cocked it, and held in front of him.

Yiski went to the door again and unlocked, took a few steps back, raised his rifle and said, "It's unlocked. Come in."

Silence. Yiski waited a few minutes. Then he waited a few more. Cautiously, Yiski opens the door and sees a letter pinned on the door. He gave a small chuckle.

Bloody messengers.

He opened took the letter and noticed it had the Council's seal on it. Damn. This can't be good.

Greetings Yiski,
You have been summoned by the Council to discuss the recent events which have taken place within the last month.
The Council also wishes to speak to you matters concerning a project you may be interested in participating.
Upon receipt of this summons, you will avail yourself to the Council immediately.

Yiski sighs. "Damn, what do they want with me now? Better leave something for Roland." Yiski proceeds to leave a note on the bar.

Council meeting. Probably be there for a while. Open without me.

Yiski unlocked the door, stepped outside, re-locked it, and headed for the Council's chambers with Blood Bolt in hand, just in case.



*Roland wakes up and heads downstairs. There was an unusual silence.*
Strange, usually Yiski is up and tinkering in the back.

*Roland approached the bar and noticed Yiski's note. He cringed.*
A Council summons! These usually do not end well.

*Roland sighed, as much as he wanted to rush to the Council and see what was going on, he knew Yiski would yell at him if he didn't get saloon open on time.*

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #564 on: March 09, 2013, 11:15:04 am »
*Zill walks out of Oliver's house. The long night at the Port did no good for his hand, so we went in to have it fixed up. He shakes it and moves it around. Itll do.

He is immediately greeted by a Council messenger (much to his distaste). The messenger produces another letter from them...

Our benevolent Admiral,
You are to attend a Council hearing immediately upon this letter's receipt.
While it does not pertain to you directly, your presence is requested due to the nature of the meeting.
Past events will be discussed with another citizen of Anvala, as well as a short audience with you afterwards.

Zill has been to these before. Usually some gasbag that gets sucked into a mission due to past events of varying legality. He is uneasy however, as the events of yesterday, even the past month, have been hectic at best. Better check on Yiski.

He turns, and not a second later he sees Yiski headed down the way, letter in his hand. His head sinks...

He certainly was right. No rest for the wicked.*

*He intercepts Yiski*

Do tell me that is not a Council meeting "invitation." Tell me they dont care about your past events. I dont need this crap today.

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #565 on: March 09, 2013, 12:09:36 pm »
--Somewhere in the Garden District--

*Yiski turns to see Zill*
I've got no clue what they want. Could be anything really.

*Yiski scratches the back of his head*
The Council probably just wants to know what I've been workin' on lately to ensure I don't wipe out the West District.

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #566 on: March 09, 2013, 12:19:13 pm »
-Anvala Center-

*The two make their way to the Center. The buildings are massive. Skyscrapers and ornate paintings dominate the skyline. Airships must navigate around many of the tallest towers. The Council Hall is situated at the very heart of the Center. A circular building surrounded by a crystal floor that seems to radiate from the Hall. A flight of stairs brings them up into the Council Hall.*

The last oasis for The Burren. If only the people inside were as awe inspiring. *Laughs* Id much prefer air battle over court battles.

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #567 on: March 09, 2013, 12:43:36 pm »

*Ny-Lee enters the saloon and sees Spoon still unconscious taped to the wall, she chucked and goes up to him to see if he is awake*
*She pokes him in the face a few times, he didn't budged*
*Ny then walks up to the bar*

Hey Roland, my brother kicked me out of the house today. Saying he had an idea to improve some incendiary rounds using Dragon Peppers he bought from the market. He and a few deckhands are working on it right now I think.

You think I can stay here for the day? Need any help as well?


*BdrLine is carrying a barrel of gun powder, he is followed by three other deckhands, two of which are carrying a crate of Dragon Peppers and the other blank bullet casings*

(Bdr) Ok guys into the warehouse, let's get this thing started, Tommy the door if you please.

*Tommy the one not holding anything goes up to the door and opens it*
(T)"Your sure this is a good idea with the Dragon Peppers again? I'm mean you do remember what happen earlier in the month with your engines right?"

(Bdr)*groans at the memory* Just because I left my bag out in the open with the peppers it's my fault, at least those three swabbies were ok. Be a while before they be back. Ok John and Allen set those things over there on that table and let's chop up some peppers.

*John and Allen proceeds to place the boxes down. All the deckhands stand back as Bdr opens the crate with the peppers in them. once open he goes to the back and brings out four gasmasks with some knieves. He hands them out to all three of them and the puts his on*

(Bdr thorugh his masks) Alright let's get chopping

*the first few hours goes as all four of them chops up the peppers*

Offline Shinkurex

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #568 on: March 09, 2013, 01:12:13 pm »
--The Academy--

"Alright you Bilge we are going to setup an exercise, to see who has the chops to make it in this class"

*Splits the group in half, and lines them up parallel to each other. He then proceeds to give one half Training pistols (Loaded with stun rounds of course), and the other half apples*

"I'm sure you all know the drill... You *points to the group with the apples*... Place those on your heads and let the other group shoot them off..."

*The group looks uneasy*

"Don't worry, these are practice rounds... they don't do too much damage see?"

*Proceeds to shoot one of the apples... Unfortunately, this one had live ammo still in the chamber.... The apple explodes*

"Ok... so this one was not checked properly... Jason... 50 Laps for you"

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #569 on: March 09, 2013, 02:37:47 pm »

*Ny-Lee enters the saloon and sees Spoon still unconscious taped to the wall, she chucked and goes up to him to see if he is awake*
*She pokes him in the face a few times, he didn't budged*
*Ny then walks up to the bar*

Hey Roland, my brother kicked me out of the house today. Saying he had an idea to improve some incendiary rounds using Dragon Peppers he bought from the market. He and a few deckhands are working on it right now I think.

You think I can stay here for the day? Need any help as well?

*Roland waves to Ny*
Afternoon Ny-Lee. So BdrLineAzn is running his Dragon Pepper experiments again? Well, it is a good thing then he had you leave then.

*Roland turns and sees the saloon busier than normal*
And I could use to extra assistance. Apparently, Yiski was called away by the Council early in the morning and I do not expect him back anytime soon.