Author Topic: Burning Skies Saloon  (Read 1467613 times)

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1815 on: June 03, 2013, 11:24:13 pm »

During the slow walk to the triage, Yiski and Zill traded insults back and forth at each other. Shortly after arriving at the triage, BdrLine, Ny-Lee, Roland, Jun'ko, and Lauren arrived. They all were relieved when Zill told them Yiski is alive albeit a bit bloodied.

Hours passed before Yiski was out of the triage. Similar to Zill, Yiski had to use a crutch to stand and his left leg in a cast. Lauren tackled Yiski out of sheer joy and relief. Yiski laughed, but his sides were still in pain. In addition to his broken leg, Yiski had numerous stitches around the edge of his face from the broken glass. Of course, Lauren could care less about his appearance. She was glad he was still around.

The feeling of relief soon turned to fear and terror when they arrived back at the saloon. While the outside seemed unharmed, the inside told a very different story. Inside laid a few charred armed men and Honeybadger and Dylan sitting behind the bar. Honeybadger looked Yiski with a grin, but everyone saw Honeybadger's face give an expression of impending death.

Yiski's right eye twitched a bit as he stood silently at the doorway. Then...



"This your doin'?"

*Gulps* "... ... Yes."

"What did you destroy?"

"Two barrels of Loch Out."

Yiski sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Yiski walked outside for a moment which shocked everybody. They expected Yiski to lunge at Honeybadger and strangle the life out of him.

Yiski called a few guards who quickly removed the bodies from the saloon. Yiski kept a handful of guards behind.


"Congrats. You get to do a graveyard shift with your fellow guards. Orders. Keep an eye on these two as they clean and replace everything in my saloon. If either one of them attempts to leave before I come back and inspect my saloon, you have my express authorization to shoot them in their legs so that I may strangle them. Am I clear?"

"Sir! Yes, Sir!"

Yiski then starts walking toward the nearest inn. When he sees nobody is following, Yiski turns around.

"You think I'm gonna sleep in a saloon which is ruined from the inside? Skies. I've got standards."

With that, the group sets out for the nearest inn, leaving Honeybadger and Dylan with guards watching over them while they clean and rebuild.

"Wow... I honestly expected to die."

"Yeah. At least we wouldn't have to clean."


--END OF DAY 112--

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1816 on: June 04, 2013, 11:24:12 am »
--START OF DAY 113--


Honeybadger and Dylan had no rest throughout the entire night. When it seemed like they were through cleaning, there always seemed like another large black burn patch appeared randomly. It wasn't until this morning when the two finally got the saloon clean. Both men were bushed and laying down on the counter when they heard a voice.

"Not bad, but you realize you're not done yet."

"I know... I know. We need to replace all the furniture."

"Close. You need to replace it all."

Yiski could practically hear Honeybadger groan and it brought a smile to his face.

"Have fun you two."

Yiski left and right in front of the saloon, Lauren was waiting for him. He gave her a large smile and she shook her head.

"A bit cruel and unusual isn't it?"

"Heh. Nope. Maybe he'll learn next time not to mess with my shit."

"Alright, now let's go. We're going to miss breakfast with the others!"

The two moved quickly, or at least as quickly with a man with a cast left leg using crutches.


Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1817 on: June 04, 2013, 11:36:18 am »
-Garden District-

Since the attack on the city, the Garden district had mostly been restored to its previous state. A few buildings were still getting patched up, but in all it was pleasant. On their way to breakfast with the others at a rebuilt diner, Zill and Jun'ko stopped by the plot that belonged to Oliver. By Zill's order, it was made into a memorial for those lost during that night. Jun'ko laid down some flowers and Zill said a quick prayer.

Jun'ko still helped Zill along as they made it to the Diner a little early. The waitress was surprised to see the Admiral there.
"Oh Skies, hello Admiral, and welcome to our diner. Table for two?"

"Ten actually. They will be here soon."

"Yes of course. This way.

As they followed her back, Jun'ko whispered into Zill's ear.

Isn't it like 7 people??

"I forgot so I did my best, jeeze."

Jun'ko just giggled and kissed him when they sat down to wait for the others.

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1818 on: June 04, 2013, 01:22:09 pm »
--Garden District--

Eventually, Lauren and Yiski made it to the restaurant. By the time they arrived, BdrLine, Ny-Lee, Jun'ko, Roland, and Zill were already seated and their waitress were taking their orders.

"Skies. You couldn't wait another five minutes?"

"Yeah, five minutes thirty minutes ago."

Yiski rolled his eyes and pulled a chair out for Lauren and himself.

"How are you feeling today?"

"Feelin' like I should've strangled Honeybadger last night."

"Oh. Is the saloon still a mess?"

"No. They got that all cleaned up. They just need to replace all the furniture."

"Still think you should've strangled him."

"At the rate he's goin', another chance will come."

Yiski and Zill laughed, causing their respective girlfriends to roll their eyes. Soon, all the orders were taken and breakfast was served. Toward the end of their meal, an Elite approached them. The Elite seemed to be staring at Yiski. Yiski sighed.


Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1819 on: June 04, 2013, 01:32:37 pm »

Zill gets in front of the Elite as he approached the table. The Elite stood there and eyed him.
"This does not concern you Admiral."

"You will show respect to your superiors, regardless if you are on Council business or not. Tell them that Yiski is currently engaged and will be there when finished."

"They said is was urgent. And, don't forget your superiors either."

"Get the flak out of here. Have fun on wall duty for the next month scrubbing guns with your now useless Elite uniforms, Private."

With that, he left. Zill order coffee for everyone, and sat back down.

Offline Captain Lockheart

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1820 on: June 04, 2013, 02:41:37 pm »
After the antics of yesterday, Lockheart had took to loading the rest of his cargo onto his ship, aswell as his personal belongings, before heading back to Chaladon. He lifted Cecilia onto the ship.

"I think that's all... hmmm, 1,2,3,4,..... yep, all the crates are aboard."

"Thank god, I thought my back would break lifting anymore..."

"You lifted one small crate."


"Nevermind. Crew to your stations we're heading home, well. you are, im coming back here"

Lockheart pushed the throttle to full before turning back to see Anvala from high up. It looked in a lot better condition that it did after the battle, but still not unscathed.
He turned back around to face ahead of him. He carried on flying for a while mainly ok until a BANG signaled the explosion of the main engine, it had been damaged after the fight and had blown up, he hoped it would be the only explosion he would encounter on his way home.

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1821 on: June 04, 2013, 04:04:48 pm »
--Garden District--

Yiski gave Zill a sidelong stare.

"No need for threats Zill." *Grunts getting up* "Either they bother me now, or later, and I'd like to get this over with."

"Need help?"

Yiski gingerly leans against his chair as he gets his crutch positioned and takes a few strained steps. He looks back at Lauren and grins.

"Thanks, but I'll manage."

The trip to the Council Building is short and it takes only minutes to arrive, even with Yiski's slow pace. The Elites standing in front of the Council Chambers nod and open the doors for him. Yiski continues to limp before he is in front of the Nine.

"We see you are well Commander."

"Cut the small talk and let's get on with it."

(8 )
"Very well. We have read through the reports on your abduction. Any reason why this occurred?"

"They were after weapon blueprints. Correction. My blueprints. Before you ask, no, they never got a chance to get any."

"Any idea who was behind it?"

"Well, it has to be someone who values me more alive than dead."

"You sound surprised."

Yiski rolls his eyes.

"In any case, we cannot risk this event repeating again. In order to accomplish that, we are assigning you a bodyguard."

"Woah now... I don't need a bloody babysitter. Plus, I have the others watchin' me enough as is."

"Be that as it may, it is not enough. We cannot risk your knowledge falling into our enemies possession. We already have an Elite assigned to you. That is final."

"Can I go now?"

The Council nodded and Yiski exited through the chamber doors. Outside, there was an Elite waiting for him. The Elite approached Yiski and gave him a salute which Yiski returned. Yiski took a quick look at the Elite. The first noticeable trait was this Elite was female. The next was that she was armed to the teeth. She possessed a long sword, two pistols, and two daggers.

"Council wasn't kiddin' when they said they wanted me safe."

"You're the one to keep an eye on me?"

"Yes, Commander. My name is Althea and by the Council's orders..."

"I know the orders. Just follow me back to my saloon."

Althea followed closely to Yiski only keeping half an arms length from him. While this seemed uncomfortable to Yiski, he could only imagine how this would play out once back at the saloon. He decided to make a mental joke.

Hey Lauren! Guess what? I brought another woman home!"

The joke brought a grin to his face, but he well knew should he say it, he'd probably find himself dangling off a lightning fast squid.

Offline Honeybadger

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1822 on: June 04, 2013, 04:41:18 pm »
Honeybadger continues to clean as he looks to Dylan

"Fuck, people gotta stop attacking us. I can't take this much longer."

Dylan looks to Honeybadger

"I wish one of them were alive so they could go shopping for us..."

Honeybadger looks towards the guards

"Think they'll be noticeable after they're burnt to a crisp?"

Dylan hits Honeybadger on the arm

"Hey! It's your fault we're in this mess!"


Honeybadger looks at him and reaches for his holster


While the guard and Honeybadger were arguing. Dylan snuck up behind the guard and knocked him out with a chair.

"Alright, lets find out who tried to kill us."

Dylan nods in agreement

Offline Plasmarobo

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1823 on: June 04, 2013, 05:18:57 pm »
Plasma waits outside the saloon. Holding a plain document folder.
It would be closed right now. I guess I'll just wait for it to-
He stops as a pair of agressive voices sound in rapid succession from within.
Then a heavy thud. Not good sounds under the best of circumstances.
Whirling around, he wrenches open the door, pistol in hand.

He glances at the guard on the ground. He glares at Honeybadger from the threshold.
Not this guy again.

"What is going on here!? You've just assaulted an official!"

He pulls the hammer on the weapon back. The click of the latch is satisfyingly ominous.
He takes out the radio with his other hand.
"I have two dangerous persons at the Burning Skies. Assaulting a guardsmen. Good, I'll send them over."

He turns to the two men, waving his pistol vaguely.

"Play nice now. Keep your hands on that bar, so these gents can get at them nice and easy, gentlemen. If I see them so much as twitch towards a weapon, I guarantee you the immediate loss of at least one finger."

He waits for the other guards to cuff them
« Last Edit: June 04, 2013, 05:24:52 pm by Plasmarobo »

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1824 on: June 04, 2013, 05:22:52 pm »

Despite knocking out a guard, Honeybadger and Dylan completely forgot about the other guards still watching the saloon. Once the remaining guards saw one of their own fall, they moved in and immediately apprehend both Honeybadger and Dylan.

"Didn't the Commander allow us to shoot them?"

Guard 2
"Are you kidding me? Shoot them. In the saloon. After being cleaned? Sorry, I'm not staying for clean up."

While one guard treats the knocked out guard, the others take Honeybadger and Dylan to the military lock up in the Southern District.

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1825 on: June 04, 2013, 06:08:06 pm »

As everyone continues eating their brunch and chatting with one another, BdrLine looms out of the window from time to time. Ny-Lee notices this and turns to him.

"Azn, anything wrong? You are usually not like this. I mean where's that weird, crazy, but loveable brother that I know?"

BdrLine shaken out of his trance by his sister looks towards her.

"I don't know Ny, maybe it just nothing. But don't worry about me, you know how I am, maybe thinking of another new idea. Besides let's just enjoy this, when was the last time we had a peaceful meal?"

"I guess you're right."

She turns back and continues eating and talking to her husband. But somehow inside, something is bothering her brother.

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1826 on: June 04, 2013, 07:15:38 pm »

Althea and Yiski arrive at the saloon, but there was no sign of anybody coming back. What Yiski did see were two guards and no Honeybadger or Dylan. Yiski sighed.

"What happened?"

"Commander! Well, one of them hit me over the head with a chair."

Guard 2
"Not to worry. We apprehended them and sent to military holding."

"Did you shoot them?"

Guard 2
"No Sir. We thought it best not to shoot them inside the saloon after it was cleaned."

*Smiling* "Smart man. The two of you are dismissed and get some rest."

"Are things always this lively?"


The two walked inside to find a very clean, but empty main floor. Yiski rubbed the back of his head.

"Well, guess I better start refurnishing the saloon."

As Yiski started to walk, his left leg had a sudden shot of pain. This caused him to become off balanced and fall over. Althea immediately came to his side, and helped him against the bar counter.

"I think we should wait for the others and have them place the orders."

"Feh. Alright. Well, while we wait, how about a drink because I sure could use one."

Althea glared at him with an 'are you serious' expression. Yiski shrugged it off and proceeded to make himself a Frost Fire.

Offline Honeybadger

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1827 on: June 04, 2013, 07:16:53 pm »

Honeybadger looks at Dylan and smiles

"Ok, we're in. Now what?"

"There was a guy who got away after the duel I was in. He's being held here for questioning."

Honeybadger reaches into his mouth and pulls out a key.

"Now we just have to find him."

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1828 on: June 04, 2013, 08:25:26 pm »
After a lovely brunch between the six of them. Everyone felt that it was time to leave and heck on Yiski. With Zill paying the bill, everyone got up and left for the saloon, where they assume that he will be there after the Council meeting. Om the way, BdrLine is still out of it in his thoughts.

It seems like everyone is finding someone. I mean Ny is married, both Zill and Yiski has girls. How about me? *sighs*

Ny-Lee was the only one who hears him, and turns to look back at him.

What is wrong with him?

Soon they arrive qt the saloon and enter.

"Yiski we're back.... Where's all the furniture!?! And who is that?"

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1829 on: June 04, 2013, 08:55:19 pm »
--Military Complex, Southern District--

Alarms are ringing and all soldiers are on high alert. Standard procedure dictates the whole complex goes on lockdown until the base captain lifts it.

"What's going on?"

"It seems like two prisoners have escaped their cell."

"Do they have any standing orders?"

"Apparently a few city guards had authorization to shoot them both from Commander Yiski."

"Well, if the order is from him, then we'll follow through."

The Captain went to PA system to give an announcement.

"Attention all soldiers. There are two prisoners on the loose inside the complex. Orders are to eliminate them with extreme prejudice. I repeat. Eliminate with extreme prejudice."

The Captain finishes the broadcast by giving the physical description of both Honeybadger and Dylan.


Meanwhile, Lauren was shocked to see another woman who was entirely to close to her boyfriend. Even though she did notice her outfit and armaments, her impulsive personality took over and Lauren ran up to Yiski and glared at him.

"Easy now. It's not what you think."

"What? That the Council gave you a babysitter. Because that's what it looks like to me."

*Surprised* "Well, actually... yeah, this is exactly what it is then."

"What did you think I was thinking?"

Her glare got even more intense.

"Nothing" *Forces a cough* "Anyways. Lauren. Althea, my bodyguard. Althea. Lauren, my..."


Despite the sudden hostility, Althea kept a calm stance.

"I thought I kept a good eye on you."

"Apparently, not enough."

"Excuse me?!"

"Had you kept an eye on him, you could have been able to prevent his abduction from yesterday."

"That wasn't my fault."

"I realize that, but you seem to forget how much of a target the Commander has become to our enemies."

Yiski and everyone else could see this escalating quickly into a catfight. Yiski quickly got in between the two ladies.

"Enough of this! I'm tired, sore, and beginning to develop a headache. Now, let's put this aside and get to what's important: Gettin' new furniture."

Yiski then turns to Ny-Lee and Roland.

"Ny, Roland, you think you could get me the following?"

Yiski then makes a list of various tables, chairs, blinds, decorations, and, most importantly, a new couch. Ny-Lee and Roland head off to get the new furniture. This left Jun'ko, Zill, BdrLine, Yiski, and two very standoffish women.

"This'll be a long night."