Author Topic: Burning Skies Saloon  (Read 1467484 times)

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1785 on: June 03, 2013, 02:26:44 pm »

BdrLine and Niko checks out the tavern they were in and walks towards Niko's cousins ships in dock.

"So how long until your house is back up?"

"Since we got more resources coming in, maybe a month or so. But it depends, I mean the city got hit hard and many buildings are gone."

As they chat about how long Niko and the other Yeshan mercenaries are going to stay, they past an empty dock with a group of guards around it.

"Huh, what you think is going on?"

"Don't know. Its not my mens doing thats for sure."

"Come, lets check it out."

The two goes towards the scene and notices a blood trail. They approach one of the guards and ask him.

"Hey, you know what happened here?"

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1786 on: June 03, 2013, 02:38:50 pm »

The group of 4 makes it to the docks following the blood trail, managing to find the empty dock. Guards surround it, and Lauren fears the worst. Jun'ko jogs up to them and asks what's going on. She comes back with the little information they have.
"So, the trail ends here, and there hasn't been a ship here since early this morning. They never signed out though, and it was a Dandy Lion trade vessel."

"That nasty PapaP took him??"

"I don't think so love. We should call Zill with the details and see what he thinks."

They all agree. By chance, they spot BdrLine and rush over, asking him to relay the info to Zill.

Offline Honeybadger

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1787 on: June 03, 2013, 02:40:34 pm »

Honeybadger was walking from the roof of the Burning Skies to the docks. He wore his great coat and Derby hat and a slight smile.

Alright Dylan, come by so we can start preparations. And hurry up I need to take a shit...

Honeybadger scratches his leg and adjusts his pants. He looks over to the port

Is that Bdr? Hmm, he must work the docks. I should have picked this up by now...

He approaches Niko and BdrLine

"Morning, what seems to be the issue?"

He glances over to Jun'Ko and Ny-Lee.

What the fuck?

Offline Plasmarobo

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1788 on: June 03, 2013, 03:06:36 pm »
Plasma turns apprehensively as BdrLine aproaches.

He grips his service carbine in what he hopes is a firm, but ultimately non-threatening manner.

"Nothing to see here sir. Move along. Military business. Rest assured, you and your loved one's are safe under the watchful eye of the...Look, you look like you know your way around this sort of thing. I'm sure there is nothing wrong. Some suspicious activity by the docks. If you've got business here...well, it might have to wait. I've been ordered to wait here for a superior."

He looks BdrLine up and down, almost hopefully.

"Look, I'm an Ensign, and it's more than my jobs worth. But our hands are tied at the moment. There is a suspect ship. Checked in, and left without checking out. It's a Dandy Lion vessel, which makes it more odd. That and we've found... evidence of foul play. But I suspect...can't just leave port. You'd be gunned down...right? My lieutenant won't listen... but..."

He grimaces, and chokes bad the rest of the sentence.

"Like I said sir: Nothing to see..."
« Last Edit: June 03, 2013, 03:13:50 pm by Plasmarobo »

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1789 on: June 03, 2013, 03:28:56 pm »
--Unknown Building--

Hours have passed and the Man enters the room again. He's meet with Yiski rolling his head around and hearing small pops as Yiski stretches his neck. The Man stands in front of Yiski. Yiski smiles.

"Are you in a more fun mood since we talked?"

"Was... but now I'm bored."

The Man moves closer to Yiski, leans down, and smacks Yiski across the face. The hit stings, but not much else.

"What? You've run outta patience now, or is this also part of the 'fun'?"

"Hmm... I am beginning to see what kind of man you are Yiski. Tell me. How easy would it be for me to go after the ones you love?"

"Now that is a question."

*Tilting head dramatically*

"Zill is the city's admiral. Kill him and you're dead. Jun'ko was a Yeshan officer and Zill's lover. If she doesn't kill you, Zill will. Ny-Lee is a Yeshan officer. She'll kill you. Roland is my son who I've recently trained and Ny's husband. If he or she don't kill, I will. BdrLine... well... I got nothin'. Lauren was a Baronies officer and currently a pilot trainer and by girlfriend. If she doesn't kill you, I will."

Before the Man speaks, Yiski continues.

"Yeah. Good luck goin' after any of them. Also, if you were plannin' on doin' all this, it'd been best to do this on a ship goin' as fast away from here as possible. They'll find me soon."

The Man, tired of Yiski, smacks him again and leaves the room. Yiski spits to see if there's any blood. There's none.

"Feh. Hits like a damn schoolgirl. No follow through."

-Next Room Over-

The small group which kidnapped Yiski were discussing their plans among each other. Some of them were beginning to worry about the whole feasibility of the plan.

Man 2
"Why didn't we leave? You heard him. We should be kilometers from here. Why the hell are we still here?"

"Because it is predictable. These people live on a set plan for a variety of situations."

Man 3
"Then isn't it possible they have a plan for this?"

"I assure you all the necessary precautions were used. They'll have too many false leads to follow."

Man 4
"Why not just force it out of him? I mean we have these tools. Let me have him for five...."

"You heard the client's orders in which Yiski is to remain alive, notwithstanding applying reasonable force or cohesion."

Man 2
"What is it the client wants with him?"

"It is not him the client wants, but what goes on inside his mind. Weapon schematics and the like."

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1790 on: June 03, 2013, 03:43:02 pm »

BdrLine rolls his eyes at the answer that was given to him, and he and Niko turn around to leave, but was rushed by the wave of his friends.

"Whoa, whats the rush? Something going on?"

Realizing that her brother hasn't  heard, Ny-Lee goes up to him.

"Looks like Yiski has been kidnapped, and we followed the trail to hear. Since we saw you, we are all wondering what has happened."

The information stuns him as how can another person would go after Yiski again.

"Well, the guys in charge over there, an Ensign. Said that some foul play has been involved. Got in and out and is one of Paradox's ships, which i find unusually as he keeps all DLTC property on site."

He then sopts Honeybager also approaching and relay what he know to him.

"So you know what we know as well. *sighs* You think one of the guards have a radio? We can call Zill."

"Yeah, I just saw someone with one."

He leads the groups back to where Plasmarobo is.

"Hey, Ensign, mid if I borrow your radio, I need to call the Admiral."

Offline Plasmarobo

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1791 on: June 03, 2013, 03:51:11 pm »
Plasma stares at BdrLine.
He knows the Admiral!? What the flak is going on!?

Wordlessly he takes out his radio, which doesn't look quite standard. It has two dials too many, and the antenna follows a rather odd pattern. He flicks the dial to a different frequency and it squelches in accordance.
He offers the device to BdrLine. Then pulls back his hand.

"You... You know the admiral!? How do I know you aren't playing some sort of Con here?"
« Last Edit: June 03, 2013, 03:53:26 pm by Plasmarobo »

Offline Honeybadger

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1792 on: June 03, 2013, 03:52:29 pm »
Honeybadger follows BdrLine

"You think he's outside of Anvala? How long has he been missing?"

Honeybadger lowers his brow and gives a half grin, concerned.

I do have a lot of experience in foul play but I didn't really have to worry about getting in, more of getting out.

He looks back at the docks

Sorry Dylan, I won't be there when you get in.

He looks to Plasmarobo

"I'm sure we know a lot of people you don't know..."

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1793 on: June 03, 2013, 04:19:12 pm »

Roland turns to Honeybadger and answers him

"Well he's been gone since this mourning when he went out for supplies."

BdrLine looks at Plasmarobo and answers him.

"Look, I've know the Admiral, and the most of the others around me, for quite some time, plus this is an emergency. You see, your Striker Commander may or may not be on that ship, and we need to contact the Admiral."

Plasmarobo is still apprehensive and wont give the radio.

BdrLine then turns to Lauren.

"You have your instructor badge on you?"

She nods and goes over to the Ensign and takes it out to see.

Offline Plasmarobo

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1794 on: June 03, 2013, 04:40:11 pm »
Plasma examines the icon and, apparently satisfied, hands over the device.

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1795 on: June 03, 2013, 05:14:56 pm »
--Unknown Building--

A few more hours pass by and Yiski started getting restless. Not because he believed he was in danger of dying (He knew he'd be dead right now if they wanted him to be), but rather from sitting tied up all day.

Yiski started positioning his wrists to see if the knots were done sloppily and had slack. Sadly, the knots were done well and applied tightly. He flipped over his hands and started tearing at the knots to see if he could make any slack. The one thing Yiski had learned over the years was how to tinker the hell out of any piece of equipment or tool which get into his hands and the knots weren't much different.

After a few minutes, Yiski felt a little slack being made, but not enough to free himself. Yiski then heard the door opening again and stopped tinkering with the knots.

"Damn. Just needed another minute."

The Man once again approached Yiski. This time, the Man pulled out a nearby chair, set it front of Yiski, and sat down. The Man crossed his legs and tapped his chin with his finger. The Man sat silently as he stared at Yiski.

"You should know I'm taken."

"Is this how you react when your life is at risk?"

"Heheh. Trust me. If you wanted me dead, then I'd be dead and through further events you'd be too. So you clearly want somethin' only I can give."

"I believe you are beginning to understand what I seek."

*Smirking* "Is it the recipe for my Hellfire?"

"I can see we are getting nowhere with your useless attempts to stall, so I will just lay it out there. I want to know the schematics for your weapons. Mainly one for armor piercing."

"Huh. I like this."

*Raising an eyebrow* "Okay I will humor you. What is this you like?"

"First time someone didn't want me dead and the first time someone wants to know what I know." *Takes a few moments* "I gotta say I prefer this than gettin' shot at."

*Sighs* "Very well. It seems you have run my patience and I will be forced to use more 'barbaric' procedures."

The Man gets up and leaves the room. As soon as the door shuts, Yiski goes right back into tinkering with the knots.

-Next Room Over-

"Prepare the drugs. We have given him ample time to comply."

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1796 on: June 03, 2013, 05:24:44 pm »

BdrLine thanks him and receives the radio. He then dials in to Zill's radio frequency.

"Hey Zill, you there? I've heard what happened and the others are with me. We are all at the docks where some guards found a blood trail and an empty docking bay. They say that it was a Dandy Lion ship, but aren't all of Paradox's ships held on the company's property?"

Offline Honeybadger

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1797 on: June 03, 2013, 05:27:06 pm »
Honeybadger thinks back to the casino and the saloon when he killed two Riggs brothers. He slowly started to talk softly to Bdr who was on the radio.

"Bdr, you don't think this is the Riggs' doing do you? They have been more aggressive recently."

Bdr gives a shrug to Honeybadger

What would they want with Yiski though? If they wanted me they would have just gone for me. This isn't the first time they have done something like this but... No somethings off, My assumption is that they stumbled upon Yiski as a godsend and now they either want him dead, or they want information... "I don't like this one bit."

Honeybadger lifts his derby hat and scratches his head.

Offline Captain Lockheart

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1798 on: June 03, 2013, 05:43:27 pm »
After Loading his final cargo onto the Commodore Beckett and trying to shoo away as many officials as possible to get off back to Chaladon, Lockheart had seen BdrLine and Honeybadger and thought not too much of it. But it was when he saw Zill and the Officials show up he knew something was up. He Made Cecelia stay aboard as he strapped his pistol holster, Sword and slinging his Bolt action on his back, he jogged to the Group.

"Whats going on here?, I saw all of you and realized something was up."

He looks at Plasmorabo

"And who may you be?"

Offline Plasmarobo

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1799 on: June 03, 2013, 06:02:41 pm »
Plasma turns, and unsure of the newcomers rank gives a halfhearted salute.
Really, if they know Zill personally, they either all outrank me or are personal friends of his. Either way, play it safe.

"Ensign, first class, Plasma. I', part of the guard here." he finishes lamely.

His eyes keep flicking to the odd little radio, as if someone else were holding his child.

"I do think they are contacting the Admiral. There is some possibly of forged log accounts here, although there certainly was a ship parked here not a day ago. They never checked out, you see..." he peters out and slings his carbine more permanently onto his back. Standing at an awkward half attention.

This day simply continues to get stranger...