Author Topic: Burning Skies Saloon  (Read 1467935 times)

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1500 on: May 20, 2013, 06:29:00 pm »
--Over Nalm Airspace--

--Then It Was Fixed Again--

"Sky. Flak, didn't think you made back to Nalm in one piece... Anyways, one of Yiski's Guild contacts says Anvala's in for an invasion."

"Seems suspicious. Any response from Anvala?"

"That's the odd bit. I'm getting nothing."

--M'Naghten Returns--

Yiski stayed up near the helm in an attempt to get actual voice communications with either the Anvalan Fleet or with Lance. He got nothing from Anvala and Lance's signal kept repeating the same code. Yiski, frustrated with the lack of information, smacked the two radios.

"You know hitting the radios doesn't make them work any better."

"Lauren... I love you, probably to fault, but this is not the time. ... Zill, you there? Got any word from your end?"

"Nothing. I would find the Guild attempting to invade our city to be suicidal, but the fact neither of us can get in contact with them is suspicious."

"How long will it take for us to get back?"

"At the rate we're going, by tomorrow morning or afternoon. We'll get there soon."

Yiski looks out into the distance and shakes his head.

"Maybe not soon enough."

Offline Wazulu

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1501 on: May 20, 2013, 08:26:47 pm »
Sitting on a crude, hand crafted wooden stool Wazulu looks over the bay from a secluded lodge, a couple of kilometres south of Cathedral. Mildly dozing with a bottle of Rum, a slow whisper fills the air. The whisper grows, becoming a growl. The growl rises to a roar, the sky filled with fury and rage.

Wazulu quickly opened his eye. There were Galleons on the Horizon. Shielding them were the Junkers typical of Arashi mercenaries. This was no trading fleet, this was the Guild in full 'Business'. However, another sight worried him greater- a swarm had appeared on the edge of his vision, a plague and famine split into fifty waves- the planes of Los Gambinos were here to plunder as well.


The Second Siege of Anvala was soon to begin.

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1502 on: May 20, 2013, 10:03:28 pm »
--M'Naghten Returns--

After Yiski's initial outburst to increase the engine speed, BdrLine is on the main engine strut babysitting it, while the others are on the turning engines. Confident that it will hold for a few minutes before starting to break, he turns back and walk over the structure to the helm where Yiski and Laurn are.

"So care to explain why we are in a rush? They speed we are going now, I'm surprised the engines haven't exploded from overheating."

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1503 on: May 20, 2013, 10:43:13 pm »

--M'Naghten Returns--

Yiski ignored BdrLine's comment in favor of trying to get something useful out of the radios. Lauren sighed and spoke while still piloting.

"Someone named Lance has sent a coded message stating Anvala was going to be invaded by a Guild mercenary fleet."

"That explains why we're running the engines to the point of blowing us up. I'm guessing this has to do with Yiski?"

Yiski suddenly turns and grabs BdrLine and forces him in front of the radios.

"You're good with this stuff. Get me a goddamned signal to Anvala."

"If we can't reach Anvala with this, there's a chance a saboteur has jammed any Anvalan frequencies."

Yiski glared at BdrLine. BdrLine felt Yiski was on the verge of throwing him off the ship. Instead, Yiski took a deep breath.

"Do what you can."

Yiski then went down onto the main deck and started doing a systems check on the weapons. Lauren took the occasional glances down at him and sighed.

"I hope this isn't a repeat of twenty years ago."

--Then It Was Fixed Again--

Though Zill was calm, his engineering crew were panicking from keeping the engines from exploding. Zill called up Shink, Paradox, and Jun'ko up to the helm to fill them on what was going on and what little they knew.

"Damn... you think the Guild would do something like this?"

"If it relates to either me or Yiski, usually. Paradox, use the radio and see if you can even contact your people."

"... ... ... ...Piece of... nothing."

"Flak. I'm not liking this."

"Because we might be flying into a trap?"

"That's just it... I don't know."

By tomorrow or sooner, the team would have their answer. For now, all they can do is fly as fast as the skies allow them.

--Anvalan Recon Near Tura--



"Radio must be busted. Can't get a damn signal to Anvala."

"Don't worry. It's not like anything happens this far out."

"What about the raid a few weeks back?"

"Exactly. Who's fucking retarded enough to attack Anvala again?"

Suddenly the two recon troops hear a loud roar passing over head. The two look up with their mouths wide open.

"Holy shit."

Passing overhead is the Guild's mercenary fleet. Number of ships: 20. Ten galleons, six pyramidions, and four transport ships enough to hold 50 soldiers each. Unknown to recon, the transport ships weren't holding 50 soldiers. They were holding a surprise, compliments from Izumi.


--END OF DAY 100--

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1504 on: May 21, 2013, 09:49:55 am »
--START OF DAY 101--


Invasion sirens were going off in the entire city. Civilians were being evacuated into the mountain bunkers. Troops were scrambling to their positions along the walls and batteries. Airmen were doing a final check before setting up a defensive line. Even with less time to prepare than usual, Anvala managed itself with calmness and focus. However, it was a strain when you realize a massive fleet was just spotted 10 kilometers out and closing fast.

It also didn't help both their Admiral and Striker Commander were absent. Any attempt to communicate with them was met with static. Frank sat on the Southern wall and watched anxiously toward the skies.

"Yiski, Zill... the hell are yall?"

Moments later the radio nearby goes off. Frank answers it. It's the Council.

"Any contact with the Admiral or Commander?"


"Understood. Keep attempting to make contact."

Frank sighed.
"Easier said than done."

There was a sliver lining though. The Guild mercenary fleet was in for a surprise with the new mercury rifles. At least that brought a small grin to Frank's face.

--Over Kesh Airspace--

BdrLine had been working on both radios in an attempt to boost the signal strength and overcome the jamming in Anvala.


"I think I managed to get Lance, but not Anvala."

"Good enough." Yiski approaches the radio. "Lance. Yiski. Respond."

... ...

"Dammit respond you piece of shit radio!"

... ... ...

"Responding. Did... get.... sage?"

"You're breakin' up."

"Trans... Izumi... monsters..."

Yiski hits the radio a few more times in a vain effort to get a clear transmission.

"Lance... dammit it. BdrLine can't you boost this anymore?"

"Can't. Unless you want me to sacrifice the other radio."

"Do the opposite. I need a transmission to Anvala. Lance. I'm breakin' radio contact."

Yiski rubbed his chin for a few moments to figure out what Lance was saying about monsters and Izumi. Yiski had since forgotten about the horrifying discovery the team found at Izumi when pursuing the Birdmen.

"Zill? You know anything about Izumi and monsters?"

--Then It Was Fixed Again--

Zill had heard Lance's broken transmission and it sent chills down his spine.



Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1505 on: May 21, 2013, 10:46:59 am »
-Then it was fixed again-

Everyone didn't know it, but Zill had a very dreadful expression on his face after Yiski's last transmission. It was blind luck that he had decided to keep the experiment records for himself, though it looked like the Guild wasn't dumb enough to make only one copy. He collected Jun'ko, Shink, and Paradox up to the helm while the engineer's kept the engines alive. He told them to remain silent but they needed to hear what was about to be said.
"So you want to know about the monsters do you? Well here you go. Imagine super soldiers who can fly over walls, take double the punishment of any man, and while armed to the teeth, also have razor claws for melee. Oh yea, and they are undoubtedly loyal, and will not stop their orders until they succeed or die. That is our foe today.

Everyone was silent for a minute. The horror that was to unfold flashing through each of their minds. Yiski was the first to snap out of it.
"By the Skies Zill...."

"How on Earth do we stop them? They must have a weakness."

"Their flak'in size is about it. They can't carry as many on troop transports. I figure 30 to a transport. We need to let Anvala know that no matter what, those transports need to die first. Oh, and the bird-like wings won't have hands. They have special guns for that, but they have to break down doors or they simply won't get into an enclosed space. Urban fighting will be our best bet once the troop invasion begins.

"Well then what are we waiting for? Let's get over there."

"I need a cigar..."

Zill got his crew prepped for air assault. His bandana mask pressed to his face with the great speed they were flying. He kicked his radio and could smell diesel. He knew they were close, and it wasn't going to be pretty.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2013, 12:57:09 pm by RearAdmiralZill »

Offline Captain Lockheart

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1506 on: May 21, 2013, 11:53:20 am »
Lockheart had rounded up his crew and anyone else willing to take to the skies. they ran towards the docks, Cecelia had been rushed off to the shelters where the rest of the citizens were. He had know idea what he was up against, something made him stop dead in his tracks.


*Lockheart pulls out his Captains log book and scans the pages, he find the entry he was looking for*
"If staying for longer than expecting in chaladon, help escort Father, Alexander and the "Imperial Might" to the refinery for repairs.

" You men carry on, get your ships into position. Ill join you shortly, i have a ally who may be only a couple of miles out"

*Lockheart runs to the nearest radio station, and shoves a guard out of the way*

"Hey!, this is for official use only!"

"Relax, Commodore Lockheart of the Firnfeld Fleet. I have a few ships who may be able to help us"

"aye, aye we'll need everyone we can get"

*Lockheart radios in for his father, who he hopes is only a few miles out with his brother and escort ships, after taking Adrians "Cruiser" for repairs and minor upgrades*

"Adrian do you copy, this is Julius..."


"This is Adrian, what is it yo need my boy?"

"The city of Anvala is under attack, if you could rope in everyone you have to help us fight that would be excellent.... Not really that you have a choice"

"I suppose i owe you one don't I. Ill plot out course round, ive been waiting for some bandit scum to attack, but i guess a full scale attack is a close one"

*Lockheart's heart rose at the thought of the Imperial Might been on his side. It was a full equipped "Noble" class Chaladon battleship 3 times the size of your average galleon. Lockheart quickly sprinted back to the Commodore Beckett and awaited his reinforcements, he also got talking tactics with the remaining officers in Anvala*

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1507 on: May 21, 2013, 12:38:17 pm »
--Hour from Anvala--

--M'Naghten Returns--

"Yiski! I managed to get the radio to Anvala boosted. The signal is rough, but I think it'll be good enough to get a decent transmission through."

"Striker to Captain. Striker to Captain. Don't let those transports land! I repeat! Do not let those transports land! They contain super-soldiers! I repeat. They have bloody monsters!"

Yiski kept yelling the same thing over the radio, hoping Frank would understand the dire situation Anvala was in.


Frank looked on with his spyglass and spotted the Guild's mercenary fleet holding at 6 kilometers. He and the other defenders looked on curiously as to why none of the attack ships were moving within range to bombard the city.

"Orders sir?"

"Standby. If they move any close, annihilate them using the new mercuries."

Minutes passed like hours with no movement from the mercenary fleet. Then...

"Look alive men. Transports... are landing now..."

Frank wasn't alone in his confused state. The other defenders were also wondering why two of the four transport ships were landing so far out.

"They're landing troops now? Isn't that suicide?"

Frank snapped at the defender.

"Focus! Doesn't matter what they're planning. They're not breaching the walls regardless. I want a couple of mercuries aiming at those transports. Fire once they land."

The order went out and half of the mercury gunners were tracking the ships on their decent. While the mercury normally couldn't hit targets from 6 kilometers in the air, the mercury had no problem hitting ground targets from that distance.

The two transports landed.


The shots rang out and most of them found their targets with ease. The new tungsten rounds shredded through the transports with the subsequent explosion and red smoke. Just then the radio went off.

"Striker.... ... Captain. Don't .... transports ...! I repeat! ... not let transports land! ... ... super-soldiers! .. repeat. ... bloody monsters!"

Frank was surprised and glad to hear Yiski, but didn't like the garbled transmission.

"Monsters... what...?

Frank's thought was interrupted by a defender.

"Sir! We have confirmation of movement from the downed transports!"

"Impossible! How?"

Frank pulled out his spyglass and peered down into the recently made crater. The smoke and dust was still thick, but the defender was right. There was movement. Lots of it.

Out from the smoke, dust, and fire were creatures nobody had ever seen before. Huge, hulking abominations with veins popping from all muscles. At first, Frank spotted five, then 15, then 40 of these things emerging from the wreckage. The defenders were in awe.

"Stop gawking and fire!"

As the mercury riflemen were busy with the abominations, the mercenary fleet started to make their move.

Offline Coldcurse

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1508 on: May 21, 2013, 12:52:18 pm »
captain coldcurse wakes up from all the noise, he is very annoyed and angry.

Captain Coldcurse:

captain coldcurse steps out of bed and get dressed.
he puts his longcoat on as he walks outside.
he rubs his eyes, still tired.
guardsmen are running around and citizens scream.
coldcurse holds his arm in front with an open hand, grabbing the first guard that passes him.

captain coldcurse:
"what is going on?"

the guard looks at coldcurse and replies.


captain coldcurse lets go of the guard and walks towards an large abandon building.
not soon later an pirate battleship breaks through the roof, coldcurse is standing at the helm.

--info of the ship--
the battleship is 2 times the size of a large junker, equiped with heavy flag cannons, lumberjacks and some more advanced gatling guns.
the ship isnt enormous so it can move quicker then other ships.
it looks like a piece of junk but its a strong ship.

captain coldcurse looks at the deck as his crew is standing ready, he grins and yells.

captain coldcurse:
"Alright you powder monkeys and deckhands, anvala is under attack and our salloon is in danger.
Last time wasnt a succes, we got shot and i lost my leg when we crashed.
But we have to fight for our home, and i know more people will do the same.
I bet that damn deckswabber lockheart is already in his shiny pretty boat and being hero-like trying to fight them alone.
Guess what... He aint the only one!"

coldcurse's crew yell after hearing the captains words.

captain coldcurse:
"now get ready on the guns cause we gonna have some target practice!"

the crew gets ready on the guns.
captain coldcurse commands full speed ahead and flies towards lockhearts ship.
5 minutes later captain coldcurse has his ship next to that of lockhearts's.

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1509 on: May 21, 2013, 01:34:46 pm »
-Then it was fixed again-

Zill gave the helm to Shink as he went to "prepare the game plan for their arrival." For Zill this meant digging out the Izumi records and looking more in-depth at the experiments. As Jun'ko said, they had to have some kind of weakness. He scoured the notes, and came across an obscure note left by a birdman scientist.
Dear Guild High Command,
It has come to my attention that the new super soldiers have developed an allergic reaction to brass. While it only effects them if it enters the bloodstream, tests have confirmed it to be deadly to the subjects......

The note goes on citing various cases and urges to be mindful of the potential damage it can cause to the subjects. Zill jumps from his chair and radio's Yiski.
"Yiski! They are allergic to brass if it enters their bloodstream! Get that info to Anvala now!"

Zill took the helm from Shink. He knew exactly what he was going to do once they hit the battle line, and it was going to test this new Yeshan galleon to its fullest.

Offline Captain Lockheart

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1510 on: May 21, 2013, 02:06:43 pm »
Aboard the Commodore Beckett


"Monsters sir!, demons!, Hellfiends!, what shall we do!"

"Dont let any more land, infact let them land... LET THEM FALL TO THE GROUND"

*The crew cheers*

"ill head in to get all guns a arc, everyone, on a gun shoot these animals down!"

"Aye aye, loading the lumberjack double time!"

*The radio buzzes; "This is Alexander Lockheart Colonel of Chaladon where are you wanting me?, Adrian Lockheart, Feild Marshall awaiting orders boy!".*

" Excellent!, Line up the Imperial Might's Broadsides just behind the walls. Brother get your Galleon, and your other men lined up just in-front and under of the Imperial Might"

*The ships take a while to line up, Lockheart was astounded at the work they had done to the Imperial Might It had 4 Decks The top deck held  a few small guns on the sides, the one below sides was filled with Howitzers a bit bigger and newer than the Field gun. Below that was a deck filled with Flak Cannons and the occasional Hwacha*

Aboard the Imperial Might

"Right Scum!, load all the guns double time!. any of the rest of you worthless blighters not loading nor shooting. Pick up a god damn rifle and shoot!"

Crew simultaneously

*the crew scarpered of to their positions, soon the first bang from the howitzer signaled the barrage then it was like clockwork the howitzers fired after one another, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG. the shots flew down and hit the troop transports trying to land*

"Bloody excellent, except your all still worthless. KEEP FIRING MAGGOTS"

Aboard the Commodore Beckett

"Ready to fire sir!"

" Fire at will!"

*the lumberjack opened up taking out a balloon of one of the transports, folowed by a barrage of hundreds of flak and howitzer shots, the ship fell apart, but most of the monsters survived the crash and began marching towards the wall*

" i thought this was going to be easy... oh lord help us"

Offline Coldcurse

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1511 on: May 21, 2013, 02:41:26 pm »
captain coldcurse aids lockheart in his battle.
coldcurse grabs the radio, starting to scramble lockhearts on-board radio and connects to his speakers.

captain coldcurse on lockhearts on-board speaker:
"Hey you lazy skipper! Stop pretending to fight and take those bloody ships down will ya, im already 2 kills ahead of you!"

coldcurse flies in a different direction as he get chased by 3 pyramidion battleships.

captain coldcurse on lockhearts on-board speaker:
"ill handle these two, ill leave the rest to you! ill see you at the salloon in two days, ill bring you a large barrel filled with ale when i return."

coldcurse then laughs for 5 seconds and cuts the connection with lockhearts ship.

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1512 on: May 21, 2013, 03:53:19 pm »
--Minutes from Anvala--

--M'Naghten Returns--

"How the hell are they allergic... forget it." Changing the frequency to Anvala. "Striker to Captain. Striker to Captain. Switch to brass rounds for abominations! Repeat! Switch to brass rounds for abominations!"

Just as the ship passes into view of the assailing fleet, a shot rings by above the deck. Luckily nobody was near the deck.

"Everyone. Combat positions!"

The Anvalan fleet had split up into two a southern and eastern front in order to spread the mercenary galleons' fire. The Guild mercenary fleet had set up with a line of galleons equipped with heavy flaks to bombard the city and open a path for the two remaining transports. The mercenary fleet pyramidions were sniping from afar with mercuries to draw the Anvalan fleet with enough space to allow the transports by.

By this time in the fight, the abominations which landed first were out of arc with the mercury rifles. The initial landed abominations moved quickly which surprised the defenders. Even if well trained gunners, they only managed to take out another 10, leaving 30 still rushing the city walls. Luckily, Yiski's transmission came through clear.

"Striker to Captain. Striker to Captain. Switch to brass rounds for abominations! Repeat! Switch to brass rounds for abominations!"

"Understood loud and clear! Glad you're back!"

Yiski then switched frequency back to Zill.

"Zill. I've relayed the info and I'll ask later how you know this. I'm going to keep my frequency with the defenders. I'll let you do your thing with the fleet."

Yiski switches back to the defender's frequency.

"Captain. You better start shootin' down those other transports. It'll be bad news otherwise."

"Understood Commander." Frank then begins to bark orders over the intercity radios. "Gatling troops. Switch ammo to heatsinks. They've got the most brass and apparently these freaks don't like it! Flak batteries. Keep the pressure on those pyramidions!"

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1513 on: May 21, 2013, 04:22:46 pm »
-Then it was fixed again-

Zill was too focused on the battle in front of him to hear much out of Yiski besides his fleet comment. He put the throttle down toward the southern line of Guild ships and picked up the radio. It was all static till he kicked it, the best he could get was the Fleet Comm.
"To all vessels, maintain the battle line on the walls. Do not get sucked into an engagement outside of fire support. Any vessels with tungsten, hammer the galleons. All light vessels load in heatsink and proceed to lighten their troop numbers. If at any point, you have a solution on troop transports, down them immediately."

"Oi what about us? Luckily you didn't miss the show."

"Damn it's good to hear you out here. See the galleon headed for the southern flank at full speed? It will need some help rather quickly."

"Is that....."

As he was about to finish that sentence, Zill told everyone to brace for impact. He rammed his galleon at full steam into the flank of the enemy galleon line. One galleon fell to the ground, smashing into some rocks below, and Zill swung the hwacha side to the next one, crippling it entirely and drawing some fire from the city.

"Nevermind. Coming to assist you crazy bastard."

A formation of 5 black squids came racing in, first laying down fire on the "troops" before swooping in on the weakened galleon formation.

Offline Captain Lockheart

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1514 on: May 21, 2013, 04:33:23 pm »
Lockheart, Adrian, Alexander and the rest of the ships sporting the Lockheart banner all hear the transmission and load whichever rounds that have the most brass, and whatever they had to hand.

"Lets see how this works"

*lockheart fired a brass round from his bolt action. it hits the monster who soon starts flailing and screaming before falling to the floor*

"hmm excellent, keep up the good work men!"

The Imperial Might was pounding the approaching monsters with brass rounds loaded into the ships numerous howitzers, the gunners soon got used to the little less recoil from the brass shots and they were soon firing their 20 shots a second per gun, as always in amazing syncronization.

"How you holding out brother?"

Alexander aboard his Pyramidion
"Could be better as always, but were doing good were keeping them back, those galleons are dropping fairly quickly, but the pyramidions are giving us a bit of trouble"

"Roger that, we'll come help as soon as possib..."

*Boom, one of the Lockheart Pyramidions falls to the floor in flames*


"Who, did we lose Alexander?"


"Who did we lose??!!"

" we lost Fuller and his men"

"Keep fighting we'll be there as soon as possible"
*shuts off the radio*
"Karl, hurry up, get those last 2 carriers. Someone Grease the rounds!"

"Aye Aye"

"roger sir, re-calibrating aim"

*Lockheart sees Zill charge in and ram the galleon, 1 of the other galleons quickly bring their broadsides to bear*

"Damn. Karl sorry about this. but as soon as you finish taking out that carrier, focus on that god damn galleon, south east"

"Make your mind up you drunken oaf"