Author Topic: Burning Skies Saloon  (Read 1467066 times)

Offline Shinkurex

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #675 on: March 13, 2013, 05:13:07 pm »
--Oliver's house--

*Looks at Oliver*

"Yeah... I've been spacing out lately, remembering bits and pieces of when I was a kid... Though I feel like I'm forgetting something important"

*gives a slight shrug*

"I guess this started when the Saloon was closed down for a day"

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #676 on: March 13, 2013, 05:24:46 pm »

*As BdrLine and the two other workers keep melting the ice, pools of water can be seen flowing down towards the trench*

There, i bet we can thaw out this place by days end

*to the other two workers*

Come on and lets get this thing finished, the faster we are, the more time i can drink at the saloon

*To Jun'ko*

Jun once you get that running, see if you can defrost those crates there, i think they are medical supplies, bet we need them later


*As Ny-Lee turns on a heater and goes over to melt the ice in the back, she is lost in thought again*
Come on Ny think, how come you are acting like this for a guy you met basically last week?

Yes, i know he is one of the nicer and calmer guy around here, also the way he lightens up the mood when hes around... and how handsome he looks*sigh*

*Then a picture of Roland pops into her head*
*she shakes her head*

Really Ny, now you are thinking about him, you don't know if he likes you back, it could have been a spur in the moment dream kiss

But he does seem a bit attracted... i should go and maybe talk to him

*As she puts down the heater, she goes to the door, but she didn't realized that Roland was going in as well and they both fell over with Ny-Lee on top of Roland*

Roland, i'm sorry, i didn't see where i was going, but there is something i got to ask you

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #677 on: March 13, 2013, 06:47:24 pm »
-Oliver's house-

*Oliver gives the appearance of a man deep in thought.*

Saloon you say? Well I wouldnt be surprised given what Yiski puts in them drinks of his. Tell me more about these dreams.


*Zill is busy getting people organized for the levy rebuilds. Old and broken items from the Port would be used as supports once the initial wall was in place. Jun'ko could hear him barking orders.*

Ah that voice. So

*She hears BdrLine and shakes her head. Those thoughts would need to wait.*

Sure thing Bdr! I think we got this crate of gears ready!

*The generator bursts into life after Jun'ko kicks it. The heaters come to life, and the workers enjoy a bit of warmth.*

Offline Papa Paradox

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #678 on: March 13, 2013, 07:44:59 pm »
--Dandy Lions Trading Co. Headquaters, Paradox's Office--

He sat there behind his handcrafted desk, mechanical legs on the table, smoking a cigar. He leaned deeper into the leather, it creaked and settled. His two most competent advisers,  Jennifer and John, told him of the immense amount of delays.

"Well sir, the entire city is still recovering from yesterdays massive storm. Road conditions are preventing intercity transport of goods, delays will be inevitable..."

"We shut the main hatches of hangars one through forty, to protect the light ships. The large and heavy sized ships were not affected by the weather, save the slight delays from frozen engines and the such. How shall we proceed?"

Papa looked disgruntled, It always unnerved him when they finished each others statements. He straightened his top hat and took his legs off the table to sit up.

"Unload the light ships, equip them with dragon tongues... Today we set the city aflame"

With those words, his assistants were off, they walked down his massive office, the walls lined with bookshelves full of ledgers, Jens shoes echoed as they hit the marble floor. Paradox walked to the viewing balcony behind his desk, from here he could oversee the massive trade dock, a sea of hangars where the small ships resided, and the large ships that were forced to weather the storm. Within minutes forty hangar doors started to retract. Once opened the only sounds he heard were sputters and cracks, and then a low hum as hundreds of ships began to leave the hangars, as more and more ships hit the minimum safe distance, the engine sounds culminated in a symphony of metal. 

"Well this should hurry things up, everyone knows the council is flakin' useless."

Offline Shinkurex

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #679 on: March 13, 2013, 08:14:48 pm »

*Rubs the back of his head in a nervous reaction*

"Well... that's the thing... It's back when I was a boy, when I joined my first airship... We were ambushed by raiders... The ship did not make it, and I was lost at sea... But that's all I can remember"


"I don't know Oliver... Maybe I need to head back to the Saloon, and forget all about this"

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #680 on: March 13, 2013, 08:16:26 pm »

What do ya mean you don't have any capacitors in stock? There were plenty before!

Yes, that was before the storm. Many homes and businesses also had need to suddenly replace old capacitors for new ones. I'm sorry, but I don't have any in stock. Come by tomorrow.

Are you kidding me?! We'd be lucky to get any supplies by the mid week! *sigh* Do you at least have part necessary to built a capacitor?

I do... don't tell me you're going to make your own? You do know the dangers.

Danger? You forget who you're dealin' with. I'm goddamn Yiski. Proud owner of the Burning Skies Saloon and a distilling madman.

*The merchant sighs and Yiski's buys the necessary parts and head back to the saloon*
Hope those two haven't frozen over yet.


*Roland could tell Ny-Lee was saying something, but none of it registered. All he could tell is the girl he liked was on top of him in an empty saloon. When he realized he hadn't heard a word she said, he did the next best thing.*
Heavens, I hope she refrains from hitting me for this.

*Roland reaches up and embraces Ny-Lee by her shoulders. Next, he pulls her down and lands another kiss on her.*

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #681 on: March 13, 2013, 08:24:37 pm »
-Oliver's House-

*Oliver gets up and grabs a small canister from a rack above the fireplace. He hands it to Shinkurex*

Here. Make your first drink a Clear Skies, and put this in it. I guarantee once the night is over, youll be back in the present. Now dont break anything on your way out you fool!

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #682 on: March 13, 2013, 09:29:23 pm »
*Bdr and the others have finished thawing out the majority of the docks*
*As BdrLine finishes melting down another large ice chucks he hears many small engine noises*

By the Gods what is that sound?

*He and others looks towards where the sounds are originating*

Think its coming from Dandy Lions
Yeah i see it as well

*Bdr squints his eyes to see what was happening*

Are those light class ships?

*then he see flames coming out of some melting ice from the rooftops*

Looks like Papa P is here with the Calvary, with those ships we can thaw out the whole city by night fall

*he looks back at the docks*

Hmm, an hour more work and we should have this place back up and running again. What do you think Zill?

*Ny-Lee was surprised by the second kiss of the day, but this one felt different*
*Instead of being dazed, she kissed back Roland*

*This kiss was longer then the first, and Ny-Lee breaks it and to Roland*
I think you just answered my question

*she kisses him back afterwards*

Offline Shinkurex

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #683 on: March 13, 2013, 09:41:34 pm »

*take's the Clear Skies, and thinks for a bit*

Is this something I really want answered?

*Shink turns to Oliver*

"Thanks Oliver, I know you're not a shrink or anything, but it's nice to know that I could talk to you... I think I'll take this home, and decide what to do"

*Shink heads for the door, and Oliver is pleased that nothing has broken since Shink's visit. Unfortunately, when Shink closes the door, the Picture that had shattered on the previous occasion tipped over and fell on the floor. Oliver could only shake his head in frustration, and watch Shink leave through the window*

--Shink's Apartment--

*After many hours just staring at the bottle, Shink decides that he might as well get this over with*

Bottoms up

*Shink empties the bottle, and lies down to await the night's dreams*

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #684 on: March 13, 2013, 10:17:16 pm »

*Roland is on cloud nine right now. Not only did Ny-Lee not tear into him, she was actually kissing him back. The few seconds that passed by felt like years and Roland was loving it. Eventually, the two broke their kiss and Roland was wearing the largest grin humanly possible. Mind you, they were still on the ground.*
I guess you answered my question too. You will have to forgive me, I am not always this forward, but I am glad I was. I know this is sudden, but would you like to go on a date with me? I know a place which puts on a pretty good playwright.

*Before Ny-Lee could respond*

Roland! Ny-Lee! I'm back! Hope neither of you froze to death while I was away.

*Yiski returned with the parts to make a capacitor for the few heaters which weren't working. He looked around the saloon and still noticed it was quiet.*
Uh... anybody here?

*Both Roland and Ny-Lee panicked and scrambled to get up, which Yiski could hear. Eventually the two appeared from the back, both red.*
Um... sorry Yiski. You surprised us. Do you need any help with the construction?

*Yiski was silent. He stared at the two for a bit. Usually, Ny-Lee wouldn't be this close to Roland for so long. Yiski's inspection of Roland and Ny-Lee were making them a little nervous.*
Yeah, I'll need some help, *smiles* but first... I think the two of you make a good couple.

*This alone sent Roland and Ny-Lee's redness to a new level and Yiski couldn't help but laugh and be happy for the two.

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #685 on: March 13, 2013, 10:21:05 pm »

*Zill sees PapaP's "cavalry."*

Good thing I know better else some knee-jerk Council fool would think we were under attack.

*He turns to BdrLine and shouts over to him*

Looks like it. Once its all thawed we will leave the heaters on low overnight to be sure. Regardless this icy Hell will be done tonight. I owe someone a surprise, and all of these workers deserve to see what their work amounts to.

*Jun'ko overhears and blushes slightly.*

Awe he remembered.

BdrLine! Dont forget the medical supplies! Im sure the City Infirmary will want em.

*She walks over to Zill who is still overseeing the levy reconstruct. She puts an arm around him.*

You seem better than this morning. And you remember my surprise, oh captain.

*Zill nods.*

How could I forget? You got me started after all.

*Jun'ko chuckles*

I could get used to all this special treatment y'know.

*Zill smirks.*

Same here, Jun.

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #686 on: March 13, 2013, 11:07:35 pm »
*As BdrLine finishes melting his last chunk of ices, he hears Jun'ko*

Alright i finished anyways

*he goes back in to the warehouse and drops off the flame thrower*
*he then takes out a cart and pushes it to the medical crates, once everything is loaded he sets out to the Infirmary *

I'm off then, i'll be back to bring back the cart, but im heading to the saloon after. Think you guys should do the same, we all deserve it after this

*thirty minutes has passed and Bdr has dropped off the supplies at the Infirmary, he then proceeds to drop off the cart. After he heads off towards the Burning Skies*

*As Yiski is laughing and goes about making capaciator's, Ny-Lee goes up to Roland and whispers into is ear*

I'm glad as well, and a date would be lovely

*she pecks him on the cheeks*

*to both Yiski and Roland, who is a little dazed from the peck*

I'll be in the back again to finish thawing out the drinks

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #687 on: March 13, 2013, 11:51:14 pm »

*Roland and Yiski stand for a bit after Ny-Lee went into the back again. Roland is still blushing and Yiski is grinning and uncontrollably chuckling.*
Well I'll be damned, you actually got yourself a genuine rocket there Roland! Told ya needed to have a lil' more initiative.

*Yiski gave walked up to Roland and gave him a pat on the back*
Hell, if your old man was still with us, I'd know he'd be extremely proud of ya.

*Roland smiled*
"Thank you. That means a lot."


*Yiski looks around and shrugs. He notices nobody came in today*
Huh... guess everybody trying to get things fixed up and gettin' themselves patched up too. Oh well, there's always tomorrow. Now help me make these capacitors... lover boy.

*Roland blushes as he follows Yiski to the workbench*

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #688 on: March 14, 2013, 12:01:56 am »
*Bdr enter the saloon and sees that no one is around except Yiski and Roland*

Hmm slow day huh guys,i guess nothing interesting happen today.

*he goes to the bar and sits facing them*

So everything is frozen over here as well, doubt i can still have a drink?

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #689 on: March 14, 2013, 12:10:21 am »
*Roland pops up from the workbench.*
"Hello BdrLineAzn. Yes, things are a bit frozen here still. Yiski's working on a few capacitors which should be ready for tomorrow.

*Roland hands BdrLine a Hellfire. Roland quickly looks around and doesn't see Ny out front. He turns back to BdrLine*
Huh... BdrLineAzn, I am unsure how to tell you this, but... I and... your sister... um... we... kinda...

*Suddenly Yiski yells over to BdrLine*
What the kid's trying to say is that Roland and Ny are datin' each other now.

*The look on BdrLine's face was priceless*