**Correction from Previous Post**
The voice pack from Game Grump, I Found and is not actually missing I just hadn't set my settings for both genders seeing as it is only for males.
Thing that weren't in patch notes:
- Mortar has new sound
- Light flak has new sound - i believe
- What happened to the new sound for the hades that was in the dev app it was so cool but not in this patch?

- Wrench cool down is now 9 seconds??? why did this change?
- Heat Sink doesn't extinguish 3 stacks of fire when loaded now? also why did this change?
- Minotaur not in the Wilson's Notes so we do not know the stats for it.
- Minotaur has blank box in the Wilson's Notes Achievement.
We can debate about match lengths or whatever all we want, but frankly music in the game acting as a detection system for opponent ships was always a horrible idea. It had no place in the game, and extremely restricted a sneaky style of play; I daresay that the removal will actually speed up some matches because people know that if they go into the middle of the canyons (for example) they can set up ambushes since they won't be given away by music.
This is a good thing. The way it was was just straight up bad, I for one am thrilled that it's finally changed.
I disagree with this especially after playing with new players and high levels today. New players just get rammed right in the face when a ship comes out of clouds with no warning. In high level matches, eh, it was more of a annoyance then anything and more "Oh Sh**" moments. And with how you state your opinion then you would have to think all the new drum changes are negative...but you state this is a good thing. So, That is a bit double sided.
Also, with the issue of the telescope still not spotting even though a ship is clearly visible and the issue with ships not rendering on certain maps or disappearing at certain render distance or in the clouds in desert scrap this needing the ships to be marked is more of a pain then it is a benefit.
*Side note on desert scrap - 400 points to win almost seems too low when played.*