Author Topic: [Commander] Sanity keeper - Improved block function & /kick  (Read 53475 times)

Offline Pickle

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Re: [Commander] Sanity keeper - Improved block function & /kick
« Reply #15 on: April 02, 2013, 08:10:09 am »
Well, let's take a four man ship.  You're there to be an asshole, one guy is competent, and you've got two retards.  You put up a votekick for the competent guy, con the retards into voting for him for as much of a bullshit reason as you can manage, rinse and repeat with one of the retards, proceed to grief the everliving shit out of the survivor.  If someone new comes in, pretend it was the other guy that's causing trouble so you can "finally" votekick him, repeat as desired.  If you're coming in with a buddy, you can take over any ship you want.

How does he take-over the ship? - the commander slot is reassigned to the newcomer that joins in that slot.  If you aren't in the commander slot you can only "command" if the commander slot is occupied by an AI.

Someone prepared to involve that amount of time in trolling is definitely not playing with a full deck.

And in any case, as Captain I prefer to out-troll the troll. I just go park up in a corner of the map away from the action giving him nothing to do.  Even the most ardent troll tires of that.

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: [Commander] Sanity keeper - Improved block function & /kick
« Reply #16 on: April 02, 2013, 01:30:49 pm »
My current strategy for dealing with a troll is to switch sides, or to collude with the other team to put the troll in a bunch of unwinnable 2v1 fights. I would prefer to block a player off my ship, but I have no expectation of Muse ever implementing it. The next best thing is to find a way to make them rage quit.

Offline Pickle

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Re: [Commander] Sanity keeper - Improved block function & /kick
« Reply #17 on: April 02, 2013, 01:34:14 pm »
Having a child lock on the helm would be useful, for those trolls that insist on moving the ship when it's set-up in the perfect position for sniping..

Offline Helmic

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Re: [Commander] Sanity keeper - Improved block function & /kick
« Reply #18 on: April 02, 2013, 02:57:49 pm »
Well, let's take a four man ship.  You're there to be an asshole, one guy is competent, and you've got two retards.  You put up a votekick for the competent guy, con the retards into voting for him for as much of a bullshit reason as you can manage, rinse and repeat with one of the retards, proceed to grief the everliving shit out of the survivor.  If someone new comes in, pretend it was the other guy that's causing trouble so you can "finally" votekick him, repeat as desired.  If you're coming in with a buddy, you can take over any ship you want.

How does he take-over the ship? - the commander slot is reassigned to the newcomer that joins in that slot.  If you aren't in the commander slot you can only "command" if the commander slot is occupied by an AI.

Someone prepared to involve that amount of time in trolling is definitely not playing with a full deck.

And in any case, as Captain I prefer to out-troll the troll. I just go park up in a corner of the map away from the action giving him nothing to do.  Even the most ardent troll tires of that.

You're assuming that a griefer particularly cares about any one ship.  Whether he's promoted to captain or not is just a matter of whether he gets to micspam captain chat, actually being captain doesn't mean anything when he can grief to his heart's desire until the final crewmate ragequits.  If the crew doesn't fall for his antics, he can switch to another pretty quickly, it's not a huge time investment.  You are right, though, that it takes MORE effort than the current situation where you can disable a ship and make people WANT to quit by just taking the biggest gun on the ship and calling it a day.  If you've got captain somehow, that means it's time to ram some friendlies.

You can also get a significant number of Youtube channel views by putting up griefing videos, it's not like there aren't any other motivations beside sadistic enjoyment.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2013, 03:00:11 pm by Helmic »

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: [Commander] Sanity keeper - Improved block function & /kick
« Reply #19 on: April 02, 2013, 03:11:17 pm »
Speaking of child locks I don't think most of the players we refer to as trolls are actually trying to troll. In my experience they tend to be children who don't know how to cooperate and think they know everything. In many ways GOI is a "mature" game, not because it has violence and boobies, but because it requires you to think about what other people are doing and act in a way that benefits them. It is also very slow paced compared to most shooters and requires a bit more mental math to shoot accurately. All these things make the game more fun for old farts like me while difficult/annoying to the screechy <12 year old demographic that comprises most of our "troll" populous.

This is just an observation, and as we all know trying to block <12 year olds from doing something will only make them want to do it more.

Also my apologies to any <12 year old players who act responsibly and can work as part of a team. You are rare jems and I am sure will accomplish great things in the years to come.

Offline IvKir

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Re: [Commander] Sanity keeper - Improved block function & /kick
« Reply #20 on: April 02, 2013, 03:45:08 pm »
But there is another situation - you playing with your friends as whole crew. One of them drop out (lots of reason, just disconnected) and you waiting for him to return shortly. But then there in your crew jumps another guy. Yes, you can ask nicely him to leave - but i often met the situation when this new guy - just don't answer and completely ignore you plea. So your whole ship must or change team or even game. And sometimes - after a couple fun matches with guys on other ship - it's really annoying. Or maybe it's just me. ^_^

Offline nake

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Re: [Commander] Sanity keeper - Improved block function & /kick
« Reply #21 on: April 02, 2013, 03:55:24 pm »
But there is another situation - you playing with your friends as whole crew. One of them drop out (lots of reason, just disconnected) and you waiting for him to return shortly. But then there in your crew jumps another guy. Yes, you can ask nicely him to leave - but i often met the situation when this new guy - just don't answer and completely ignore you plea. So your whole ship must or change team or even game. And sometimes - after a couple fun matches with guys on other ship - it's really annoying. Or maybe it's just me. ^_^

I don't see this as a problem. You and your other 3 friends are willing to play, and that guy is trolling (maybe on purpose, or not).
In this case 1 guy can suffer an small kick from one match after being politely told to leave by chat and by mic by 3 or 4 other guys, or 4 friends suffer not playing together in a fully cooperative game specifically designed to be played with your friends.

Offline Pickle

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Re: [Commander] Sanity keeper - Improved block function & /kick
« Reply #22 on: April 02, 2013, 04:02:04 pm »
But there is another situation - you playing with your friends as whole crew. One of them drop out (lots of reason, just disconnected) and you waiting for him to return shortly. But then there in your crew jumps another guy. Yes, you can ask nicely him to leave - but i often met the situation when this new guy - just don't answer and completely ignore you plea. So your whole ship must or change team or even game. And sometimes - after a couple fun matches with guys on other ship - it's really annoying. Or maybe it's just me. ^_^

This situation can only arise in the Lobby - the 3 minute timer protects in-Match disconnects, and in my experience 7/10 someone will move out to allow a friend to re-join.  But it's tougher if there are no other slots in the match.

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: [Commander] Sanity keeper - Improved block function & /kick
« Reply #23 on: April 02, 2013, 04:20:49 pm »
When I have a group of friends I want to fly with we can usually suffer one game apart then at the start of the next game we all climb onto the same ship when we rejoin the lobby. There used to be a lot of empty ships after a game ended due to a bug which seems to be fixed now. There are still rage quits and surrenders.

Offline Captain Smollett

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Re: [Commander] Sanity keeper - Improved block function & /kick
« Reply #24 on: April 03, 2013, 03:07:28 am »
Maybe it's just me, but I rarely have problems with people trolling on my ship. If I do, as I usually captain, I too will park in one place until I get the desired result. If somebody turns out to be a super troll I'll refuse to start the next round with them still in it, and if they're intent on staying, I'll bring the whole lobby with me and leave the troll behind.

That being said, I've played this game an unmentionably large amount of hours, and have resorted to this so few times I hardly see the need for a kick. Almost every person I ever suspected of trolling turned out to either be new, not understand English or not able to hear voice chat.  Kicking for any of these reasons would be cruel and really damage thfoulod natured spirit of the community. This game fosters teamwork, and people who troll will soon find no place or welcome for themselves in the community.

Offline nake

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Re: [Commander] Sanity keeper - Improved block function & /kick
« Reply #25 on: April 03, 2013, 04:06:40 am »
Well, maybe it's just me, but yesterday I played 3 matches and suffered in 2 of them a troll.

The first one was an engineer that was sitting in the main gun of the goldfish without shooting. I kindly asked him to leave by mic and by chat in English, Spanish, French and Catalan. I mean, at least you could think, "hey, he sat there and went AFK" but he was moving the gun always pointing to a different direction, and sometimes he changed gun.
That's not a newbie, nor someone that doesn't understands me. He was just trolling. We won anyway xD

Then he disappeared, I played a nice match an in the next round... THE RETURN! xDD
This time he chose pilot (but I already was the pilot and the commander). Asked him in the lobby to please change ship or role, in all the languages I know, by voice and by chat, and he didn't do anything at all about that. He was just doing the same, waiting in the main gun and doing nothing.
In this case he wasn't able to troll at all because I was playing with an squid in a CP map, so I didn't really need a gunner xDDD And I was with a friend and told him to go to the back gun if needed.

Nevertheless, it was annoying to not being able to do anything to kick him from my ship.

Offline Arnox

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Re: [Commander] Sanity keeper - Improved block function & /kick
« Reply #26 on: April 03, 2013, 04:45:37 am »
Achievement hunter probably .:/

Glad the post made you react (thanks for the old forum link HamsterIV).

Many opinions and stories. I hope it will help Museosaurs to come with the right system, if any.

Offline nake

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Re: [Commander] Sanity keeper - Improved block function & /kick
« Reply #27 on: April 03, 2013, 04:47:53 am »
Achievement hunter probably .:/

Well... then, why didn't he shot a single bullet at the enemy?

Offline Arnox

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Re: [Commander] Sanity keeper - Improved block function & /kick
« Reply #28 on: April 03, 2013, 05:16:14 am »
"Play X matchs" achievements. You don't even have to fire or repair. Just be sitting here, avoiding AFK and waiting for the end of match.

Offline Pickle

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Re: [Commander] Sanity keeper - Improved block function & /kick
« Reply #29 on: April 03, 2013, 05:51:52 am »
"Play X matchs" achievements. You don't even have to fire or repair. Just be sitting here, avoiding AFK and waiting for the end of match.

But on their own those achievements don't get you anywhere.  These are usually low level (<L4) players where doing the activity achievements (buff X, shoot Y) will get you the play Z matches component without trying.

I'm not going to name and shame griefers, but one yesterday initially claimed not to speak English but then admitted to being 18 and living near Bristol (I suspect he was closer to 12 and definitely living with Mum based on other comments he was making) and it was pure "if I can't shoot I won't do anything else", probably compounded with not wanting to admit he didn't actually know how to fix anything.