Author Topic: New weapon idea: Light Tesla Beam and Tesla Rail Cannon  (Read 10990 times)

Offline omegaskorpion

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New weapon idea: Light Tesla Beam and Tesla Rail Cannon
« on: June 05, 2014, 06:14:32 pm »
Light Tesla Beam and Tesla Rail Cannon

Light Tesla Beam


Direct Damage:    2,5 Shatter

Burst Damage:     2.5 Fire

Effective Vs:     Balloon, hull, guns, engines

Reload Speed:      6 s

Magazine Size:    100

Projectile Speed:    Instantly hits place where aimed.

Fire speed:           drains 3 ammo per sec (hits 3 times per sec)

Range:   450m

Size:    light

Horizontal Angles:    60 deg Left; 60 deg Right

Vertical Angles:    30 deg Up, 30 deg Down

Other information:

Weapon has 3s spin up time before it can shoot. Electricity spreads from hit point to closest components and guns.
(loses range and damage if hitting ship thru tar clouds)

Light Tesla Rail Cannon


Direct Damage:    20 Piercing    (charged shot deals 150)

Burst Damage:     20 fire      (charged shot deals 150)

Burst radius:   2m (full charge 10m)

Effective Vs:     Armor, Balloon, Hull

Reload Speed:      5 s

Magazine Size:    5

Projectile Speed:   500 m/s   (charged shot has speed 1000 m/s)

Fire speed:    1,5 Bullets/s

Range:  1000m  (charged shot range is 1500m)

Size:    light

Horizontal Angles:   45  deg Left, 45 deg Right

Vertical Angles:    30 deg Up, 30 deg Down

Other information:

This weapon has charge up mechanic. Without charge, shot does 20 piercing damage and does not have burst, charging to full damage takes 10s and it depletes the mag. Full damage deals 150 piercing damage and 150 fire damage.
After shooting full charged shot, gun has 1s delay before reloading.

user can shoot before gun has fully charged, un fully charged deals damage multiplied with  ammo used to charge.
(4 ammo used = total 80 piercing, 80 fire damage, speed is 850m/s, range is 1350m [damage gets extra power from full charge])   
(charging with 1 ammo has burst damage with it but does not change speed or range. [works even if gun has 5 ammo left and you only charge 1 ammo, this affects to fire speed])

Ammo types that increase ammo capacity also increase charge time but also increase damage. 

Full charge and reload time (and delay) make total 16 seconds before firing other charged shot.

My other ideas









Kalskel light canon,4251.0.html

Light Nailer,4256.0.html

light zhuno Crossbow,4264.0.html

Heavy Piercer cannon,4269.0.html

Ligh and Heavy Shark Torpedo Launcher,4277.0.html

(stats, model and the name are just ideas that can be changed)

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: New weapon idea: Light Tesla Beam and Tesla Rail Cannon
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2014, 04:50:01 am »
Tesla has been presented before. Awhile back tho.

But I don't think it was as in depth as this. I like the idea of a gun that needs to charge to fire. Could actually use that idea for many others. Specially Sky Torpedoes where raising steam pressure/etc causes the torpedo to launch farther and get a boost in initial speed.

Offline omegaskorpion

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Re: New weapon idea: Light Tesla Beam and Tesla Rail Cannon
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2014, 11:09:36 am »
Tesla has been presented before. Awhile back tho.

But I don't think it was as in depth as this. I like the idea of a gun that needs to charge to fire. Could actually use that idea for many others. Specially Sky Torpedoes where raising steam pressure/etc causes the torpedo to launch farther and get a boost in initial speed.

hmm that sounds interesting.

I could make other torpedo laucher idea post that uses charge mechanic (when i have time)

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: New weapon idea: Light Tesla Beam and Tesla Rail Cannon
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2014, 05:19:31 pm »
Someone may have in my Barracuda threads. Been awhile but I know we talked about firing mechanisms and half the info doesn't get good till later in them. How it went from a heavy piercing weapon that could destroy armor in one hit, to a heavy impact weapon. People just kept tossing out ideas. Designs were actually submitted to Muse in the end and I have confirmed they do have them as ideas to draw from. But whether we see Sky Torpedoes...dunno. Possibly for Adventure mode where balancing isn't so much of an issue. But if not that, certainly see a few fan ideas in the VN.

Also keep in mind Omega the limits of the GOIO world. It is set in a WWI style era as the ancient war was like if WWI never ended. Technology obviously advanced to a certain degree past WWI levels. Just look at the concepts on the planes. Some of them look more WWII in style and design. As part of the VN team I had to look at the levels of tech and develop story arcs which could be plausible. This meant exploring technology that came out post WWI or stuff that was in early stages pre WWI but didn't see use till WWII. Now of course there is room for leeway as it is a fictional world and we also don't have much of any lore. Just a general idea of the ancients and that crap happened.

Offline omegaskorpion

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Re: New weapon idea: Light Tesla Beam and Tesla Rail Cannon
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2014, 06:26:53 pm »
Someone may have in my Barracuda threads. Been awhile but I know we talked about firing mechanisms and half the info doesn't get good till later in them. How it went from a heavy piercing weapon that could destroy armor in one hit, to a heavy impact weapon. People just kept tossing out ideas. Designs were actually submitted to Muse in the end and I have confirmed they do have them as ideas to draw from. But whether we see Sky Torpedoes...dunno. Possibly for Adventure mode where balancing isn't so much of an issue. But if not that, certainly see a few fan ideas in the VN.

Also keep in mind Omega the limits of the GOIO world. It is set in a WWI style era as the ancient war was like if WWI never ended. Technology obviously advanced to a certain degree past WWI levels. Just look at the concepts on the planes. Some of them look more WWII in style and design. As part of the VN team I had to look at the levels of tech and develop story arcs which could be plausible. This meant exploring technology that came out post WWI or stuff that was in early stages pre WWI but didn't see use till WWII. Now of course there is room for leeway as it is a fictional world and we also don't have much of any lore. Just a general idea of the ancients and that crap happened.

Well my weapon models are just for giving models for my ideas (so it would be someting alike)

Im not charge of stats or anything, im just giving ideas for delopers and people so they can make bether ones.

As for torpedos, (i have 1 idea about torpedos already) im going to make idea post about that too. (hopefully good one)

As for my ship designs, i would like to see them happen (which is wery unlikely)

Im trying to keep the weapon and ship designs as steampunky/dieselpunky (and ww1) as possible.
Since the tesla weapon was in the original guns of icarus (now flight of the icarus) i though that the online version needs that kind of weapon too.
This was my idea about electric weapons

(also i think that electric weapons would be possible in GoI:o since before ww1 they had invented electricity, not as powerfull electricity.) 
« Last Edit: June 06, 2014, 06:36:10 pm by omegaskorpion »

Offline Arturo Sanchez

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Re: New weapon idea: Light Tesla Beam and Tesla Rail Cannon
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2015, 10:12:37 am »
the old tesla thread is here which shows the possible mechanics intended for tesla.

as well as proof of an old render for tesla to show how tesla was once considered for icarus online.,457.msg8017.html#msg8017

So... putting this back on the table. Why we no got lightning guns yet?

In my head though I imagine the Tesla gun to be a component destroyer, as electric currents only strike at conductors like metal like guns or engines.

So I imagine tesla being an anti-gun/engine as the electricity latches on to any nearby components.

Of course I'm only imagining it as the red alert tesla turret. I never really understood wtf the flight of icarus tesla was like and how it logistically did anything to ships made of electrical insulators.

Offline omegaskorpion

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Re: New weapon idea: Light Tesla Beam and Tesla Rail Cannon
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2015, 11:49:22 am »
the old tesla thread is here which shows the possible mechanics intended for tesla.

as well as proof of an old render for tesla to show how tesla was once considered for icarus online.,457.msg8017.html#msg8017

So... putting this back on the table. Why we no got lightning guns yet?

In my head though I imagine the Tesla gun to be a component destroyer, as electric currents only strike at conductors like metal like guns or engines.

So I imagine tesla being an anti-gun/engine as the electricity latches on to any nearby components.

Of course I'm only imagining it as the red alert tesla turret. I never really understood wtf the flight of icarus tesla was like and how it logistically did anything to ships made of electrical insulators.

delopers speaked about adding tesla gun to the BONEFISH. now i dont know does this mean that we will get the lithning gun but bonefish certainly does.

Offline Mr.Bando

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Re: New weapon idea: Light Tesla Beam and Tesla Rail Cannon
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2015, 08:09:33 am »
-Takes heavy weapon slot
-Has to be short ranged.
-VERY light piercing and shatter damage
-Cone of effect/shotgun cone
-Guns affected fire only at half its ROF
-Engines affects only work at 50 percent power
-Balloon can catch on fire if target uses hydrogen
-Lightning can jump and affect nearby ship (friendly ships included to make things funny)
-Can destroy mine fields easily
-1 or 2 shots followed by moderate reload time to prevent stunlock grief.