Author Topic: new ship idea: Turtle  (Read 10617 times)

Offline omegaskorpion

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new ship idea: Turtle
« on: May 25, 2014, 09:48:05 am »
This is my second ship idea (first being the Swan)



Armor: Has 3 diferend armor sections: Ship armor, port and starbord armors. ship armor is 550 and port and starbord armors are 800.

Health: Ship hull health is 800 and side armors health is 400. If armor plate is destoyed, it will detach from the ship and ship will get 25% more speed. If Both armors are destoyed, ship will get 50% more speed.

Balloon health: 800

max speed: 25 m/s

max turn speed: 7 deg/s

Mass: 250,000 kg

Acceleration: 6,5 m/s²

Weapons: Has 4 heavy guns and 2 light guns , port and starboard have 2. Front and back have 1 light gun

Engines: Has 2 light engines and 1 heavy engine. Heavy engine is back of the ship and light engines are near the armor plates.

Other information

Balloon component is near the front gun and hull component is near the hevy engine.
Armor plates have their own components, middle the heavy guns.


Front gun is good spot for sniper weapons and side weapons are good for close rainge weapons.
Crew has easy time to move between guns and components, only gun that is slow to reach is back gun.
Middle of the ship is spot where crew can see the balloon, its also place where lumberjack can hit.


+ Ship has no blind sides.
+ capten can see almost every direction.
+ Very heavy armored. (550+800+800=2150)
+ fast acceleration speed.
+ not so big ship, less easier target.
+ has 6 guns.


- Very slow ship (slower than spire)
- Weak balloon.
- small target but easy to catch.
- Ship has very good armor but ship main armor is low and can be damaged from front and back.
- if armor plate(s) is destroyed it wont block damage and damage will go to ship main armor/health.
- Armor plates health is low.

(the armor plate idea is maybe hard to make and implement to the game so its longshot idea)

Offline Crafeksterty

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Re: new ship idea: Turtle
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2014, 01:37:16 pm »
Very cool design, but it has too many out of this world designs.

The armor being detached is something that can exist.
But stuff like when armor detaches and then it gains more speed is something very different.

But stuff like 800 Baloon is not, every ship has 1200 baloon and, really should stay at that.
But i believe the armor should work more like the Pyramideons ram where it mitigates some Damage.

I like the design tho, it seems like a fun ship to crew on because you can constantly see eachother on the ship, much like the goldfish or the junker.

The 2 heavy guns is very powerfull yett again. It seems like a more practical version of the galleon which isnt good because you kinda want the galleon also. Also, it isnt exactly slower than a spire when the acceleration goes to max speed in 4 seconds, and how about when the armor detaches? :P

Even without attached armor and directly into its hull, the rebuild will still be fast because it is just 500. 400 hull is 6 spanner hits, i believe 500 is 7. So its still tanky if engineers whack at it.

But lets go back with 2 Heavy guns. Is this the thing that this ship does? Its very much like the galleon just better. But it seems interresting in some sense.

Keep it up tho, i havent seen many ship suggestions with this much vision put into it.

Offline omegaskorpion

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Re: new ship idea: Turtle
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2014, 01:46:19 pm »
Very cool design, but it has too many out of this world designs.

The armor being detached is something that can exist.
But stuff like when armor detaches and then it gains more speed is something very different.

But stuff like 800 Baloon is not, every ship has 1200 baloon and, really should stay at that.
But i believe the armor should work more like the Pyramideons ram where it mitigates some Damage.

I like the design tho, it seems like a fun ship to crew on because you can constantly see eachother on the ship, much like the goldfish or the junker.

The 2 heavy guns is very powerfull yett again. It seems like a more practical version of the galleon which isnt good because you kinda want the galleon also. Also, it isnt exactly slower than a spire when the acceleration goes to max speed in 4 seconds, and how about when the armor detaches? :P

Even without attached armor and directly into its hull, the rebuild will still be fast because it is just 500. 400 hull is 6 spanner hits, i believe 500 is 7. So its still tanky if engineers whack at it.

But lets go back with 2 Heavy guns. Is this the thing that this ship does? Its very much like the galleon just better. But it seems interresting in some sense.

Keep it up tho, i havent seen many ship suggestions with this much vision put into it.

Thanks for ideas. Yeah  the acceleration speed is bit wonky, i thinked it was the speed that ship increased to fly to higher altitude so... (my national language is finish so i got confused) so its not suppose to increase its speed that fast.

The faster speed it gets when armors detache is because the armors have high weight, and when that weight is removed it goes faster.
its still experemental idea.

this ship is supose to be slower galleon with higher armor and about even fire power. exept that this ship cant shoot with light gun + 2 hevy gun combo so this ship can only do 2 hevy combos. Light guns are just for harasment.

Offline omegaskorpion

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Re: new ship idea: Turtle
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2014, 01:47:31 pm »
the balloon hp in other hand, what was the reason why delopers cant change that?

Offline Crafeksterty

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Re: new ship idea: Turtle
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2014, 02:16:46 pm »
I dont like saying this but out of the 4 that i have seen of your ideas, this one i like the most.

Not because of armor detatchment or anything but simply the formation. The 2 heavy guns work, its just that the ships stats need to be a bit different in order for a galleon to also be viable selection.

I was thinking, just make this ship have no detatchable armor.
Give it Slow turning speed.
Slow speed like the spire.
400 Armor, 650 Health
And here is what makes it interresting: Give it vertical speed slower than the mobula, but quicker than the rest of the ships.

You then have a ship bit like the mobula. easier to repair in terms of managment in comparesment to the mobula, but the stats cant take a burst of damage. However, because of its vertical speed, it can do some awesome suprises, much like the mobula just with heavy guns.

Offline omegaskorpion

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Re: new ship idea: Turtle
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2014, 02:25:02 pm »
I dont like saying this but out of the 4 that i have seen of your ideas, this one i like the most.

Not because of armor detatchment or anything but simply the formation. The 2 heavy guns work, its just that the ships stats need to be a bit different in order for a galleon to also be viable selection.

I was thinking, just make this ship have no detatchable armor.
Give it Slow turning speed.
Slow speed like the spire.
400 Armor, 650 Health
And here is what makes it interresting: Give it vertical speed slower than the mobula, but quicker than the rest of the ships.

You then have a ship bit like the mobula. easier to repair in terms of managment in comparesment to the mobula, but the stats cant take a burst of damage. However, because of its vertical speed, it can do some awesome suprises, much like the mobula just with heavy guns.

interesting, but the ship is already slower than spire so that balaces it out? (or not)
as for the armor i like personaly the 3 armor idea. since it makes ship have 3 separed armors.
the turning speed is only slightly faster than galleon (0,5).

galleon is still faster and can ram bether (i ram with galleon XD) and can use 3 guns on same target.

Offline Keon

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Re: new ship idea: Turtle
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2014, 01:11:52 am »
... That looks exactly like the old Icarus with some plates on it and a treehouse in the back :D

Offline omegaskorpion

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Re: new ship idea: Turtle
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2014, 09:46:48 am »
... That looks exactly like the old Icarus with some plates on it and a treehouse in the back :D

Strange... now when i look at it, it little bit looks like icarus, the difference is that the idea came from silvana (last exile) (at least the armor plating idea)

Offline omegaskorpion

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Re: new ship idea: Turtle
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2014, 08:21:52 pm »