Stats:(stats are just ideas to give idea of the ship personality)
Armor: 900
Health: 900
Balloon health: 1200
max speed: 33.5 m/s
max turn speed: 5.0 deg/s
Mass: 350.000 kg
Acceleration: 1 m/s²
6 Light guns. 3 on port and starboard.
Engines: Heavy engine is behind the helm on underdeck.
Underdeck has 2 light engines.
Other information
Hull is on underdeck and is midle of the light/turning engines.
Balloon component is on upper deck on front of the ship.
Ship is not big but its long so it can be in trouble in small maps.
(ship design is influensed by old asian ships)
TacticsRamming with this ship is good idea since if you ram and manage to turn your ship, you can pulver ships in no time.
Ship is weak to front and back attacks since those sides dont have guns. Also balloon is exposed and weak to lumberjacks and shotguns.
Capten can easily repear the heavy engine since its close to helm. Engineers and gunners should stay on guns since they protect broadsides.
+fast and heavy
+great for ramming
+deadly broadsides
Disadvantages-slow turning
-blind sides infront and behind
-exposed balloon
(Ship name is idea so it can be changed. [also Ikazuchi mean thunder and japanese Fubuki-class destroyer])
My other ship ideas:
https://gunsoficarus.com/community/forum/index.php/topic,4162.0.html(also thanks for SirNotlag for giving me idea for this ship)