Author Topic: Call for Gunner Ammo Ideas  (Read 227427 times)

Offline Richard LeMoon

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Re: Call for Gunner Ammo Ideas
« Reply #210 on: July 15, 2014, 08:37:05 pm »
Some fun with fire.

Proximity Flameburst

First and secondary damage reduced by 99%

+30% chance of adding a fire stack.

No arming time.

Use stats similar to Prox ammo in Dev App for detonation.

Hot shot

Loads super pre-heated rounds.

+50% chance of adding a fire stack

Adds 3 stacks of fire to your own gun on loading

Short Fuse

100% chance of adding a fire stack

Range reduced to less than 50 meters.

Secondary damage reduced to 0.

Adds 10 stacks of fire to your own gun over progression of clip

Offline Sprayer

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Re: Call for Gunner Ammo Ideas
« Reply #211 on: July 16, 2014, 04:40:25 am »
Feedback ammo

+15% Damage
No passive drawbacks

-Whenever a shot misses or something is hit against which the primary and secondary damage type have a damage modifier <1, the gun takes 2/x of its max hp damage. x is the clipsize.
-Whenever a shot hits something against which the primary or secondary damage type have a damage modifier <1, the gun takes 1/2x of its max hp damage. (overridden by first case)

Does not work with the flamethrower (or raycast weapons?).
« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 04:45:04 am by Sprayer »

Offline Canon Whitecandle

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Re: Call for Gunner Ammo Ideas
« Reply #212 on: July 16, 2014, 12:05:56 pm »
Even with the ammos we have now.  The gun and its damage types defines much of its role.  The ammo only augments their uses slightly.

I fear that if we completely change the role of each gun just because we have this or that ammo, then why bother looking at your enemy's loadout?  Why bother having different guns in the first place?  Ammo will become the defining element.
Throwing my opinion in on this, but that tends to extend match wait times. I've been sitting in completely full games in lobby for 5-10 minutes because the captains are hashing it out and changing loadouts to counter what the other guy is doing with crews rebuilding every minute or so. The strategy in GoI shouldn't be 'countering what they have', it should be, 'utilizing our ships as effectively as possible as a team'. It's a team-based ship combat game, and so each team needs to work with each other and not doing their own thing to counter X, Y, Z.

Offline Kestril

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Re: Call for Gunner Ammo Ideas
« Reply #213 on: July 16, 2014, 12:31:01 pm »
I'd like to see ammo that changes damage types. It would give some variety and versatility, as well as open up more strategies. I really can't pop balloons with my junker, but if my gunner on the hades could change the primary damage to flechette, then I could have some balloon-popping utility. 

Ammo will not become the defining element, because the guns already behave and shoot so differently with different range bands. Changing damage type will just add some niche versatility in weapons.  Plus, you're sacrificing an ammo type that makes the gun shoot better or more effectively in order to gain that versatility. Sacrificing charged or burst or lesmok in order to have the ability for a manticore to deal piercing damage IS a tough call. But it would allow for some neat and interesting combinations. For example, I'd take a banshee carousel on my squid and tell the gunner to bring ammo that changes the primary damage to shatter instead of explosive in order to better disable engines.

It may not "fix" the gunner balance issue entierly, but it'll come a heckofalot closer than what we've got now.

Throwing my opinion in on this, but that tends to extend match wait times. I've been sitting in completely full games in lobby for 5-10 minutes because the captains are hashing it out and changing loadouts to counter what the other guy is doing with crews rebuilding every minute or so. The strategy in GoI shouldn't be 'countering what they have', it should be, 'utilizing our ships as effectively as possible as a team'. It's a team-based ship combat game, and so each team needs to work with each other and not doing their own thing to counter X, Y, Z.

I agree with that.It's no fun when it turns into rock-paper-scissors in the lobby. I've had public matches where I pick a galleon, and the enemy captian immediately goes artimis mobula or carronade squid. I pick spire, they go pyramidion. Junker? Whelp, they bring out the carronade-fish or a long-range lumberjack galleon. Ugh. No fun.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 12:36:30 pm by Kestril »

Offline Ultimate Pheer

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Re: Call for Gunner Ammo Ideas
« Reply #214 on: July 24, 2014, 11:56:29 am »
I admit I'm not very well versed in the deepest intricacies of the ammo and how they work, and what's been tried or not, but I had a few ideas, only some of them serious.

Serious Ideas:
An ammo that repairs the gun it is loaded in over time
A buff to Lochnagar so that it is actually useful for something, maybe gunners take like, half damage to their guns from it
An ammo that gets extra shots per trigger pull

Less serious ideas:
An ammo that returns a shot to the clip if a shot hits
An ammo that makes shots that hit deal damage and keep going through whatever they hit
An ammo makes all shots hit instantly
Halving the accuracy of non-gunners/Doubling the accuracy of Gunners (Probably my worst idea of the bunch.)

Offline Dutch Vanya

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Re: Call for Gunner Ammo Ideas
« Reply #215 on: July 24, 2014, 11:58:05 am »
I admit I'm not very well versed in the deepest intricacies of the ammo and how they work, and what's been tried or not, but I had a few ideas, only some of them serious.

Serious Ideas:
An ammo that repairs the gun it is loaded in over time
A buff to Lochnagar so that it is actually useful for something, maybe gunners take like, half damage to their guns from it
An ammo that gets extra shots per trigger pull

Less serious ideas:
An ammo that returns a shot to the clip if a shot hits
An ammo that makes shots that hit deal damage and keep going through whatever they hit
An ammo makes all shots hit instantly
Halving the accuracy of non-gunners/Doubling the accuracy of Gunners (Probably my worst idea of the bunch.)
Some nice ideas here, but just so you know, lochnagar is already useful. At least in the Heavy Flak, Lumberjack & Mine Launcher

Offline Ultimate Pheer

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Re: Call for Gunner Ammo Ideas
« Reply #216 on: July 24, 2014, 11:59:44 am »
I'm aware some people have found use for it...

I've just never had a captain suggest using it on anything over, well, any other ammo.

Offline Dutch Vanya

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Re: Call for Gunner Ammo Ideas
« Reply #217 on: July 24, 2014, 12:33:41 pm »
I'm aware some people have found use for it...

I've just never had a captain suggest using it on anything over, well, any other ammo.
If you're a gunner, you don't need to take it over another ammo. That's the one good thing about being a gunner and having three slots for ammo.

Offline CitizenFry

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Re: Call for Gunner Ammo Ideas
« Reply #218 on: July 24, 2014, 05:37:40 pm »
I'd like an ammo that improves the rotation speed of the gun. Yes, I'm aware Heatsink does this already, but it has some drawbacks (lower muzzle velocity is the one I'm most concerned with).

I'd actually take this as an Engineer pretty regularly: I often find myself trying to sneak in a quick burst from a side flamer at a target that is in front or behind the ship, but it takes a lot of effort to turn the gun (particularly with the Lesmok most people insist on, but even with regular ammo).  The reduced range from Heatsink is a huge drawback on the flamer.

Unrelated suggestion: would be cool if one of the gunner tools you could carry would give you an aim assist, such as a predicted projectile arc. Would be immensely helpful for long range guns.

Offline Richard LeMoon

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Re: Call for Gunner Ammo Ideas
« Reply #219 on: July 24, 2014, 05:56:55 pm »
Roulette Clip.

Loads the gun with a random ammo.

Offline Richard LeMoon

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Re: Call for Gunner Ammo Ideas
« Reply #220 on: July 24, 2014, 08:29:16 pm »
Autofire Ammo

Once loaded, will automatically reload and fire the gun. With no gunner, it will only fire straight out, relying on the pilot to aim the ship.

-90% rotation arc (due to the gun having to be 'locked' in place)
+20% gun health.

Offline Canon Whitecandle

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Re: Call for Gunner Ammo Ideas
« Reply #221 on: July 26, 2014, 10:34:01 am »
Autofire Ammo

Once loaded, will automatically reload and fire the gun. With no gunner, it will only fire straight out, relying on the pilot to aim the ship.

-90% rotation arc (due to the gun having to be 'locked' in place)
+20% gun health.

Special ammo can only be loaded in by a player, making this kinda thing useleess unless the autofire can reload itself with autofire, otherwise it's pointless and you might as well have a real gunner on the turret.

Offline Richard LeMoon

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Re: Call for Gunner Ammo Ideas
« Reply #222 on: July 26, 2014, 11:56:02 am »
The point of new ammos are to change the behavior of a gun. This would do that. It is up to the devs to decide if it is worth doing. They already have admin commands to continuously fire and reload guns with no one on them.

The point of this ammo IS to reload itself. That was implied.

Offline Crafeksterty

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Re: Call for Gunner Ammo Ideas
« Reply #223 on: July 26, 2014, 12:11:07 pm »
Okay suddenly the ammo sounds interresting

But i feel like its the type of ammo that encourages more engineer play than gunner play.
For example, on a goldfish carronade. Place that ammo. And the pilot does the rest. While engineers keep the ship alive.

Same with a spire.

Could be awesome for guns like the mine launcher where it always lays mines behind a squid, or galleon.
But it removes a player handling a gun.

Then i suddenly see that a gunner can now man 2 guns in a sense. Depends on the guns.

But would it LOCK it in place of where it was looking? Or where it originaly should stay? Because to lock it in place of where it looked is -100% rotation.
While -90% rotation arc simply denies where it can aim so its locked in its original view.

Offline Richard LeMoon

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Re: Call for Gunner Ammo Ideas
« Reply #224 on: July 26, 2014, 01:09:03 pm »
My original thought was to have it lock in neutral position, since gun ammos only have an effect while loaded, thus it would swing back to neutral center during reload. It would be interesting if it would lock wherever you were aiming once it was loaded, and remain there during reload. You could create a one gunner trifecta.

What if we gave it +10,000% ammo, 50% rate of fire, -99% rotation speed, and full clip firing (like Injection). That would give it pretty similar characteristics to my original thought, with no added coding or mechanics.

Also, from that another ammo idea:

Drum Clip

+1000% ammo

-30% rate of fire.

-30 rotation speed.

-50% recoil.

Slow-firing standard rounds from an extended clip mechanism. Large clip weight slows the gun turning and helps dampen recoil.