No problem - actually I was surprised no one was offended when I said that in the first place, I... would say 'excel' but this word fits Disaster more... in controversial humour.
To be clear - I know it's not right, just like many things in this fucking world. I try to laugh at it, but honestly - I might not be German, but still I'm efficient and lack sense of humour.
Look at it like this - if you laugh at things like that it's good, because this way you make things like that look retarded, hence - if done right (I don't claim I do this right) - discourage others from copying this shitty behaviour.
And if you feel offended, triggered, anything - still good, shit like that must be opposed this way or another.
Those two paragraphs are general explanation as to "why", not about this particular situation. I just wanted it to be clear, I don't feel like triggering another shitstorm, ok? I have better things to do, like: practicing for my new band's rehearsal, or preparing the lesson of computer science for kiddos in high school I graduated from.
Also, I do know and understand what Veteran Mode is, and God, I'm so thankful for having opportunity to play with people who are most likely to know how to play when I'm to tired to cope with newbies.
Edit/PS: Thank you for not acting like an ass-hat and attempt to resolve things in civil and intelligent way.