Author Topic: Sky League Tipping Thread  (Read 95683 times)

Offline Alistair MacBain

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Re: Sky League Tipping Thread
« Reply #75 on: April 10, 2014, 01:47:12 pm »
Totally agree redria.
Those matches will be pretty interesting and they can go either way.
Was pretty hard to decide.

Gents vs OVW
Gents always were a passive team and got surprised quite often.
I think the super aggresive style OVW plays these days will give them the upper hand.

Mandarins vs Thralls
Quite hard aswell. I give it to the Mandarins cause they got alot more experience and they tend to adopt quite fast.
They dont get surprised that fast and they can easily change from a positional midrange snipe to a fast and brutal brawl.
On paritan the mobile ducks wont get ambushed that easy.
Dunes however with its low cover will enable the thralls to pull of one of their famous fast engages where they just crush you in seconds.
The Ducks never played Fjords stationary so thralls will probably not get their famous ambushs on the ducks.

Holy vs CsRy
Think Holy surprised everyone (even themselves) with their group victory.
They are sure quite good and the mappool they got the Ryders wont be able to pull off their long and hard sniping fights. They are quite good in brawls aswell but their tactics (or atleast the one i remember them) relys on stationary or slow moving opponents. Holy however will probably not play the wait game and get the fights to the Ryders.
I think they can outbrawl the ryders. And i want them to win. Newcomer wins are so much more enjoyable :D.

Clamour vs MadHatters
Clamour is a kinda new team with competetive/highlvl wise kinda inexperienced players for the most part.
Even though the MadHatters lost a bid of their strenght they have alot of experienced competetive players.
I think due to their experience they will beat Clamour.

PS: redone my tips for that last match.
Cant edit the old post anymore so i post everything together in this post again.

M1G1: OVW def Gent 5-2
M1G2: OVW def Gent 5-3
M1G3: ---

M2G1: Duck def GwTh 5-3
M2G2: Gwth def Duck 5-3
M2G3: Duck def GwTh 5-4

M3G1: Holy def CsR 5-4
M3G2: CsR def Holy 5-4
M3G3: Holy def CsR 5-3

M4G1: MadH def Clmr 5-3
M4G2: MadH def Clmr 5-2

Offline Skrimskraw

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Re: Sky League Tipping Thread
« Reply #76 on: April 10, 2014, 06:25:40 pm »
play to win or play to impress ;)

Offline Thomas

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Re: Sky League Tipping Thread
« Reply #77 on: April 11, 2014, 08:45:42 pm »
These matches are going to be interesting. It could go either way for a lot of them.

These first matches are a tough prediction. I think Gents have an advantage on these maps, but OVW has ingenuity on their side; and I think OVW will pull it off.

M1G1: OVW def Gent 5-4
M1G2: Gent def OVW 5-3
M1G3: OVW def Gent 5-3

These seconds matches I think will go in Duck's favor. They're well practiced and the maps fit their playstyle.

M2G1: GwTh def Duck 5-3
M2G2: Duck def GwTh 5-2
M2G3: Duck def GwTh 5-2

And of course I'm biased on these matches. I know this team is going to be really tough to beat.

M3G1: Holy def CsR 5-3
M3G2: Holy def CsR 52
M3G3: ----

As much kudos as I would like to give Clamour, I feel that Mad Hatters are a tougher opponent than most teams they've faced.

M4G1: MadH def Clmr 5-3
M4G2: MadH def Clmr 5-1
M4G3: ----

Offline N-Sunderland

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Re: Sky League Tipping Thread
« Reply #78 on: April 12, 2014, 01:43:29 pm »
M1G1: OVW def. Gents 5-0
M1G2: OVW def. Gents 5-2
M1G3: ---

M2G1: Mandarins def. GwTh 5-0
M2G2: Mandarins def. GwTh 5-0
M2G3: ---

M3G1: Holy def. CSR 5-4
M3G2: CSR def. Holy 5-3
M3G3: CSR def. Holy 5-2

M4G1: Hatters def. Clamour 5-2
M4G2: Hatters def. Clamour 5-0
M4G3: ---

Offline Sammy B. T.

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Re: Sky League Tipping Thread
« Reply #79 on: April 12, 2014, 03:27:53 pm »
M1G1 OVW def Gent 5-2
M1G2 Gent def OVW 5-3
M1G3 OVW def Gent 5-3
M2G1 Mand def GwTh 5-0
M2G2 Mand def GwTh 5-2
M2G3 ---------

M3G1 Holy def CSR 5-4
M3G2 CSR def Holy 5-3
M3G3 CSR def Holy 5-3

M4G1 Clamour def Hatters 5-4
M4G2 Hatters def Clamour 5-2
M4G3 Clamour def Hatters 5-3

Offline Allien'

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Re: Sky League Tipping Thread
« Reply #80 on: April 12, 2014, 04:03:18 pm »
Match 1:
G1- OVW def Gent 5-3
G2- OVW def Gent 5-4

Match 2:
G1 Mand def GwTh 5-2
G2 GwTh def Mand 5-3
G3 GwTh def Mand 5-4

Match 3:
G1 CSR def Holy 5-2
G2 CSR def Holy 5-0

Match 4:
G1 Hatters def Clamour 5-1
G2 Hatters def Clamour 5-3

Offline redria

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Re: Sky League Tipping Thread
« Reply #81 on: April 14, 2014, 11:18:21 am »
Match 1:
-Game 1:
The Gents
Duel at Dawn
-Game 2:
The Gents
Northern Fjords
-Game 3:
The Gents
Canyon Ambush

Match 2:
-Game 1:
The Mandarins
Glowwater Thralls
Paritan Rumble
-Game 2:
The Mandarins
Glowwater Thralls
Battle on the Dunes
-Game 3:
Northern Fjords

Match 3:
-Game 1:
Crimson Sky Riders
Holy Celestium
Paritan Rumble
-Game 2:
Crimson Sky Riders
Holy Celestium
Canyon Ambush
-Game 3:
Duel at Dawn

Match 4:
-Game 1:
Mad Hatters
The Clamour
Duel at Dawn
-Game 2:
Mad Hatters
The Clamour
Northern Fjords
-Game 3:
Paritan Rumble

Current Standings
(25.4 + 8.1)
Sammy B. T.
(20.1 + 7.1)
Mr. Ace Rimmer
(21.1 + 6.1)
Alistair MacBain
(26.2 + 8.0)
(28.4 + 6.0)
(27.5 + 10.2)
(25.7 + 9.2)
Captain Smollett
(19.3 + 0.0)
Levi Mann
(6.0 + 0.0)

Most of us seem to have a feel for how the match will end up turning out, but my are we bad at guessing how each individual game is going to go. Wild Weekend! Two more to go!
Captain Smollett and Levi Mann are about 1 missed tipping away from getting dropped from the standings :O
Sammy B. T. and Mr. Ace Rimmer are somehow tied right now
N-Sunderland has the lead by almost 3 points but
The biggest point difference this weekend was Thomas and Sunderland -> 4.2 points

Offline redria

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Re: Sky League Tipping Thread
« Reply #82 on: April 14, 2014, 01:56:40 pm »
April 19, 2014:
Match 1:
-Game 1:
The Mandarins
Northern Fjords
-Game 2:
The Mandarins
Duel at Dawn
-Game 3:
The Mandarins
Paritan Rumble

Match 2:
-Game 1:
Crimson Sky Riders
Mad Hatters
Northern Fjords
-Game 2:
Crimson Sky Riders
Mad Hatters
Canyon Ambush
-Game 3:
Crimson Sky Riders
Mad Hatters
Paritan Rumble

Current Standings
Sammy B. T.
Mr. Ace Rimmer
Alistair MacBain
Captain Smollett
Levi Mann

-Game 3 will only take place if there is a draw or if different teams win games 1 and 2
-1 Point will be awarded for correctly guessing the winner of a game, even if the game does not take place (if you do not think a game will take place, simply note that the game will not take place. No explanation is necessary)
-0.1 points will be awarded for correctly guessing the final score of a game that occurs

Offline Alistair MacBain

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Re: Sky League Tipping Thread
« Reply #83 on: April 14, 2014, 01:58:29 pm »
Match 1
M1G1 OVW beats Duck 5-4
M2G2 Duck beats OVW 5-3
M3G3 Duck beats OVW 5-3
This could easily go either way. I am sure that both those teams scrimmed alot against each other which makes predictions for everyone not involved with those scrims extremly hard.
I think overall i would give the Ducks the edge but especially Fjords should give the style OVW played in the earlier stages of the tournament the upper hand. THis super aggresive style can easly beat a junker but i think the Ducks know how to beat it. This will be extremely interesting. Its a bid of a early final for me.

Match 2
M1G1 CSRY beats MH 5-3
M2G2 CSRY beats MH 5-4
While both those teams are really good i think Ryders have the edge. They defintetly have more experience in competetive matches and especially Hillerton knows alot of those tricks. The MH pilots are compared to this a bid green. Velvet got experience yes. He flew for the MH and Gents as subcaptain and got his experience from this but Hillerton just got more competetive experience.

Offline redria

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Re: Sky League Tipping Thread
« Reply #84 on: April 14, 2014, 02:46:38 pm »
predictions for everyone not involved with those scrims extremly hard.
And for everyone involved in the scrims. Let's be honest.

Its a bid of a early final for me.
TBH, I think there are 4 teams really on top of things ATM. No offense to the hatters or anyone else involved (this tournament has been crazy good) but I think OVW, Mandarins, CsR, and GwTh are pretty much the top tier right now.
I think the Mandarins style was the counter to the GwTh style, and that against almost any other team GwTh would have come out ahead.
CsR have a superbly powerful pair of ships that are being flown with excellent coordination, making them a threat on every map, in any situation.
OVW feels to me like a wildcard every time. I'm not really sure what our style is. We just all mesh really well together and are on top of our game at the moment.

On any given day these teams can lose outside of this tier, but these are the matches I've been looking for the whole time. I'm so nervouscited for this weekend and next.

Offline Alistair MacBain

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Re: Sky League Tipping Thread
« Reply #85 on: April 14, 2014, 02:54:27 pm »
Havent seen to much from Thralls recently to judge this.
I think the Thralls weren't at the top of their play on saturday. They sure are innovative and really good. Just not sure how good atm ...
Mandarin style doesnt fit thralls usual style to well for sure.
The other 3 for sure.

Offline Mr. Ace Rimmer

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Re: Sky League Tipping Thread
« Reply #86 on: April 14, 2014, 03:55:25 pm »
Match 1
M1G1 OVW beats Duck 5-4
M2G2 Duck beats OVW 5-4
M3G3 OVW beats Duck 5-3

I have to go with my people here, I wouldn't dare bet against them. That being said you can never ever rule the Mandarins out. Make no mistake whether 2 games or three, this match will be close, hard fought and one hell of a watch.

Match 2
M2G1 CSRY beats MH 5-3
M2G2 CSRY beats MH 5-3

Got to agree with Alistair here. The hatters are good, but I think the experience of CSR will win through here. I can't wait to see this. There is always the possibility the Hatters pull off either an upset or force a third game.

No matter who wins through to the final, this week and next should show some of the best the GOIO competitive scene has to offer and will provide a thrilling climax to the tournament.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2014, 04:02:19 pm by Mr. Ace Rimmer »

Offline redria

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Re: Sky League Tipping Thread
« Reply #87 on: April 14, 2014, 04:00:02 pm »
Sigh. I guess I should post too (early).

Screw it. Overwatch in 2 games. >:)

M1G1: OVW def Duck 5-4
M1G2: OVW def Duck 5-4
M1G3: ---

M2G1: CsRy def MH 5-0
M2G2: CsRy def MH 5-0
M2G3: ---

Offline N-Sunderland

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Re: Sky League Tipping Thread
« Reply #88 on: April 14, 2014, 04:00:52 pm »
Looks like our predictions are very contrasting, redria ;)

M1G1: Mandarins def. OVW 5-0
M1G2: Mandarins def. OVW 5-0
M1G3: ---

I don't actually expect a double 5-0 here. OVW is one of the strongest teams out there and may very well beat us. These predictions are just better for my confidence I suppose.

M2G1: CSR def. Hatters 5-0
M2G2: CSR def. Hatters 5-0
M2G3: ---

CSR are always impressive, and they have an experience edge over Hatters here. Hatters might land some kills, but I can't see it going to three games.

Offline Mattisamo

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Re: Sky League Tipping Thread
« Reply #89 on: April 14, 2014, 05:03:23 pm »
Just for funsies:

M1G1: OvW def Mandarins 5-3
M1G2: Mandarins def OvW 5-3
M1G2: Mandarins def OvW 5-2

This might just go the other way, but I see 3 close games filled with awesomeness.

M2G1: CSR def Hatters 5-2
M2G2: Matters def CSR 5-4
M2G3: CSR def Hatters 5-3

CSR definitely have the experience going for them, and will take game one, with Hatters bouncing back with a clutch second game, but in the end I feel that CSR's experience will take them the game three.

Hatters, prove me wrong!