Totally agree redria.
Those matches will be pretty interesting and they can go either way.
Was pretty hard to decide.
Gents vs OVW
Gents always were a passive team and got surprised quite often.
I think the super aggresive style OVW plays these days will give them the upper hand.
Mandarins vs Thralls
Quite hard aswell. I give it to the Mandarins cause they got alot more experience and they tend to adopt quite fast.
They dont get surprised that fast and they can easily change from a positional midrange snipe to a fast and brutal brawl.
On paritan the mobile ducks wont get ambushed that easy.
Dunes however with its low cover will enable the thralls to pull of one of their famous fast engages where they just crush you in seconds.
The Ducks never played Fjords stationary so thralls will probably not get their famous ambushs on the ducks.
Holy vs CsRy
Think Holy surprised everyone (even themselves) with their group victory.
They are sure quite good and the mappool they got the Ryders wont be able to pull off their long and hard sniping fights. They are quite good in brawls aswell but their tactics (or atleast the one i remember them) relys on stationary or slow moving opponents. Holy however will probably not play the wait game and get the fights to the Ryders.
I think they can outbrawl the ryders. And i want them to win. Newcomer wins are so much more enjoyable

Clamour vs MadHatters
Clamour is a kinda new team with competetive/highlvl wise kinda inexperienced players for the most part.
Even though the MadHatters lost a bid of their strenght they have alot of experienced competetive players.
I think due to their experience they will beat Clamour.
PS: redone my tips for that last match.
Cant edit the old post anymore so i post everything together in this post again.
M1G1: OVW def Gent 5-2
M1G2: OVW def Gent 5-3
M1G3: ---
M2G1: Duck def GwTh 5-3
M2G2: Gwth def Duck 5-3
M2G3: Duck def GwTh 5-4
M3G1: Holy def CsR 5-4
M3G2: CsR def Holy 5-4
M3G3: Holy def CsR 5-3
M4G1: MadH def Clmr 5-3
M4G2: MadH def Clmr 5-2