Author Topic: dynamic score card or end game report screen  (Read 24997 times)

Offline Sane Alex

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Re: dynamic score card or end game report screen
« Reply #15 on: March 19, 2014, 04:32:14 pm »

Muse have already stated they won't show how their system (Glicko 2) ranks us.

Okay. Glicko 2? Just finished reading how that system works. I don't claim to understand all of the math in it, but what I do know for certain is that it's win/loss based.

Congratulations Muse, I just shat myself in fear.

After reading up on how Glicko 2 actually WORKED, I am now certain that my favorite game will no longer be about fun. It'll be 100% Metamidion tryhards, all yelling obscenities at their crew, teammates, you name it, all for their perceived under-performance. If the goal of this change to a rating system and matchmaking is to crush build creativity, put community civility in a garbage disposal, and alienate the established, loyal, veteran playerbase, well... Keep up the good work.

I understand that some newer players don't like waiting for a match to start. Honestly? That's fine. Let them have their matchmaking. But don't just wipe out the lobby system for the players who prefer it.

One of the reasons mentioned for switching from lobbies to matchmaking was to lighten sever load. Now, I'd like to make a counter-proposal that would make almost everyone happy. Make it so the lobbies are automatically generated when there are enough players (not in a match lobby or in-match) to make a 3/4 full lobby. Lobbies would not be generated if there is a lobby below that 3/4 full mark, at least until those spots were filled. This would eliminate the issue of impatient players making a match, and abandoning it after 30 seconds when it doesn't magically fill up. (I've seen a lot of matches with only 3 players waiting in them.) You could tweak the algorithm to make 3v3s and 4v4s based on the number of players waiting, or upon special request. Clan battles could be handled in a similar fashion, with Muse creating a locked lobby and giving the password to the involved parties.

Give it a thought. It lets the veterans stay in their comfort zones, and solves the problem of too many lobbies weighing down the server. Or at least, too many empty lobbies.

Summary: Glicko 2 will ruin KILL the game, and there's a reasonable alternative to MM that will keep a lot of people happy.

I'm begging on my knees here. Don't mess up a working system.

All the best,

Sane Alex

When you design a new ship, you should name it the Ketodivum, or 'Whale of the Heavens'. It'd make a lot of players VERY happy. :D

Offline N-Sunderland

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Re: dynamic score card or end game report screen
« Reply #16 on: March 19, 2014, 04:55:54 pm »
This thread is not about matchmaking. There are separate threads for that subject.

Offline Dutch Vanya

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Re: dynamic score card or end game report screen
« Reply #17 on: March 19, 2014, 06:56:52 pm »
The score is stupid and has NO place in a game like this. I don't look at it, but others probably do. I didn't research it like alex did, but i know that this scoring system goes against the spirit of the game, just like the in-game muting feature that nobody wanted.

Offline Milevan Faent

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Re: dynamic score card or end game report screen
« Reply #18 on: March 19, 2014, 07:32:35 pm »
The score is stupid and has NO place in a game like this. I don't look at it, but others probably do. I didn't research it like alex did, but i know that this scoring system goes against the spirit of the game, just like the in-game muting feature that nobody wanted.
Sorry to burst your bubble here, but some people (like me) did actually want to mute people, particularly the trolls. Just saying.

Offline macmacnick

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Re: dynamic score card or end game report screen
« Reply #19 on: March 19, 2014, 07:36:36 pm »
Usually, the trolls get blocked in lobby, and the functionality was already available in matches by going to Social > Recent > [Player] > Block, provided they are on your ship, which is usually where it happens.

Anyways, to not derail the thread further, the grade seems like something not needed, maybe instead just having the things you've done/achievement progress in the match would work.

Offline Omniraptor

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Re: dynamic score card or end game report screen
« Reply #20 on: March 20, 2014, 01:57:27 am »
The ranking system is probably going to be based on win/loss to encourage people to win more. However people will not obsess over their *gollum voice* preeeecioussss rating because muse has said the rating numbers are going to be invisible. You will have no idea what your rating is, but you will still be matched with people of similar rating.

 All without the drama of other games with visible ratings, and yes I know how bad it can get.

As for muting people from tab menu, it's a good idea but the implementation was half-baked. Pressing tab now disables primary game input, much to the chagrin of every player I know. If you want to be good at the game, you really need to know who is on what ship, and the new tab menu makes it much harder.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2014, 02:01:18 am by Omniraptor »

Offline Tropo

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Re: dynamic score card or end game report screen
« Reply #21 on: March 20, 2014, 05:46:27 am »
this feedback was regarding just the current game and not match making

i still would like to see the score card but i don't wanna see people doing things wrong under some double mistranslation that the score card means all that much

Offline Cheesy Crackers

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Re: dynamic score card or end game report screen
« Reply #22 on: March 20, 2014, 08:27:15 am »
The method you suggested seems like a better way of scoring but I personally think we don't really need a scoring system currently

Offline Dementio

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Re: dynamic score card or end game report screen
« Reply #23 on: March 21, 2014, 05:17:20 am »
I do not like the score-calculation for this game, they are just too many factors in this game that the score simply does not consider.
For example
How many times did the gunner hit and at what range?
    How effective was it? (Mortar on Armor less effective than Mortar on core health)
What guns does the ship have? (If half of the guns have a range of 700+ it might be a long range ship)
    How many times has which gun be fired? (Ship may have long range and close range side. So it would take into consideration if the ship was actually sniping or not)
How many times is the engineer firing a gun when his ship is being shot at? (It might be a gungineer instead of the main engie, so he propably won't repair as much)

But then again, what are the max values?

What I do like however is being able to see the stats of the match. Too bad I have no time at all to see the already small amount of information displayed on the score card, before it disappears forever. I have literally never looked at the right side of it, just because I am going to miss the more interesting information to the left.

It was suggested before and I want to second the idea of putting the score card information of the last match into the progress tab somewhere. This could be done by either having another subtab in the progress tab or having the information displayed next to the total amount. Like "Repairs: 586 (+64)" whereas the "(+64)" is the amount of repairs that was achieved in the last played match.

second is that i have have had people running from one side of my ship to the other and i when i have asked them to stop they reply with but i need to get a good score
I am actually suprised this happens, since nothing in the game ever mentions the score at all, so why bother?

Offline GeoRmr

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Re: dynamic score card or end game report screen
« Reply #24 on: March 21, 2014, 05:11:09 pm »
@ Sane Alex


Please repost this in the Matchmaking thread, you have expressed exactly what I wanted to say far better than I could ever be able. We NEED Muse to see more of their customers opinions about matchmaking, (I'm fairly sure that the general consensus is, pls God no.)  so far Muse's response has mostly been "YOLO SWAG GON' DO IT ANYWAY".

Offline Dutch Vanya

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Re: dynamic score card or end game report screen
« Reply #25 on: March 21, 2014, 06:20:01 pm »
@ Sane Alex


Please repost this in the Matchmaking thread, you have expressed exactly what I wanted to say far better than I could ever be able. We NEED Muse to see more of their customers opinions about matchmaking, (I'm fairly sure that the general consensus is, pls God no.)  so far Muse's response has mostly been "YOLO SWAG GON' DO IT ANYWAY".

I have a feeling it's more about broadening the appeal of this game for the mass audience. To increase the amount of people that actually stay and play for a long time.

Offline Captain Smollett

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Re: dynamic score card or end game report screen
« Reply #26 on: March 21, 2014, 08:58:44 pm »

Muse have already stated they won't show how their system (Glicko 2) ranks us.
After reading up on how Glicko 2 actually WORKED, I am now certain that my favorite game will no longer be about fun. It'll be 100% Metamidion tryhards, all yelling obscenities at their crew, teammates, you name it, all for their perceived under-performance. If the goal of this change to a rating system and matchmaking is to crush build creativity, put community civility in a garbage disposal, and alienate the established, loyal, veteran playerbase, well... Keep up the good work.

I understand that some newer players don't like waiting for a match to start. Honestly? That's fine. Let them have their matchmaking. But don't just wipe out the lobby system for the players who prefer it.

One of the reasons mentioned for switching from lobbies to matchmaking was to lighten sever load. Now, I'd like to make a counter-proposal that would make almost everyone happy. Make it so the lobbies are automatically generated when there are enough players (not in a match lobby or in-match) to make a 3/4 full lobby. Lobbies would not be generated if there is a lobby below that 3/4 full mark, at least until those spots were filled. This would eliminate the issue of impatient players making a match, and abandoning it after 30 seconds when it doesn't magically fill up. (I've seen a lot of matches with only 3 players waiting in them.) You could tweak the algorithm to make 3v3s and 4v4s based on the number of players waiting, or upon special request. Clan battles could be handled in a similar fashion, with Muse creating a locked lobby and giving the password to the involved parties.

Guys, you realize this is almost exactly how matchmaking will work.  People will click to join a match and when enough players have queued up a lobby will be generated.  All player ratings will remain hidden.  Try hard players that win a lot will be pitted against other try hard players that win a lot.  Players that like to mess around with builds and have fun but win slightly less will be pitted up against likeminded  players.

I encourage everyone to really look at the proposed matchmaking.  A lot of the things that people are really afraid of happening have already been thought of by Muse and are not part of the system, and believe it or not the majority of the people I've spoken to are actually in favor of the matchmaking system once they saw what was actually being considered.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2014, 09:00:21 pm by Captain Smollett »