Author Topic: dynamic score card or end game report screen  (Read 24992 times)

Offline Tropo

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dynamic score card or end game report screen
« on: March 13, 2014, 08:20:13 pm »
g'day people. just been hangin out on icarus

 i sure most of you have had a game and seen .3 or some low score
when your team has won this is not your fault in fact lossing engineer do better then winning gunners its every strange

so my proposed idea is that muse introduced a better dynamic score card

for explain there where  3 kills 40 parts repaired in that match and 40 shots 10 buffs and 5 rebuilds parts destoryed 12
pilot                  crew kils 2 ship kills 1     repairs  2  rebuilds 0  buffs 0 
engineer 1       kills 1  parts destroyed 3 repairs 11 rebuilds 1 buffs 8
engineer 2       kills 0  parts destroyed 1 repairs 21 rebuilds 4 buffs 2
gunnner           kills 1  parts destroyed 9 repairs 6   rebuilds 0 buffs 0

so lets so that all things in the sorce card have a dynamic value so kills might be .5 and repairs might be .2 rebuilds .3
thats just a explain
pilot gets 1. for winning the match .3 per crew kill .5 for ship kill .2 per repair

pilot score would be 2.5 which would look good would show he was a teqam player and needs little to none improvement

eningeer  kill .8 parts destroyed .3 per part repairs .1 rebuilds .4 buffs .1

engineer 1 would score 4.0
engineer 2 would score 3.8

gunner score may need to work differnt kill .7  parts destroyed .3 repairs .2 rebuilds .3 buff .1

gunner would score  4.2

that just a explain of how it might work how eva because the above is a explain i can't use that to hight the dynamic part

so the reason im saying dynamic would be better for reports cards losing team might be sorced with %50 of the starting value of the winning team and on the winning team they would be reward more points for repairs  this may fix the current score card problems

there are 3 reason i bring this up
frist is that the score card offern feels wrong for the effect i put in to battle
second is that i have have had people running from one side of my ship to the other and i when i have asked them to stop they reply with but i need to get a good score (this is a huge problem on mobula with new players)
3rd reason is i just had a conversion on global chat about it and the new player could or didn't understand why the his score card was so bad when he was winning at this point i advise to people is to ignore it unless there a gunner

so not sure how or if muse will improve this system but my feedback is that dynamic would fix the currect broke version

Offline GeoRmr

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Re: dynamic score card or end game report screen
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2014, 08:20:51 am »
I always find it amusing when I get a higher performance grade from the "bs'o'matic" crewing as a pilot, than the pilot captain who is actually flying.

+1 to this suggestion

Offline Wundsalz

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Re: dynamic score card or end game report screen
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2014, 09:42:05 am »
When it comes to condensing a players performance down to a single number, I think we'd be better off with an ELO-System simply based on the outcome of the matches and the ELO-Values of your enemy and your own team.
The game mechanics of GoI are too complicated and diverse to rate the players performance based on their ingame actions. Hence I'd prefer a rating system that treats players as a blackbox - especially if it's going to be used for the upcoming match making system.

Offline Coldcurse

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Re: dynamic score card or end game report screen
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2014, 10:56:13 am »
I find the score card a bit of confusing and dont know how it really works. Wouldn't it be better if it gives you 1 point if you win the game or kill someone, and -1 point if you lose the game or die?

Offline Wundsalz

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Re: dynamic score card or end game report screen
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2014, 11:55:13 am »
Wouldn't it be better if it gives you 1 point if you win the game or kill someone, and -1 point if you lose the game or die?

kills alone aren't a sufficient indicator for skill. Example: dual merc pyra + Flak spire - guess who'll be the "the best" ship and player in your team.
This is a nice example team-setup to illustrate why the current system and tropos suggestion can't rate the players skill properly. If your team is successful and everyone executes his job perfectly the entire junkers crew will likely receive a horrible score nevertheless.
- All your kills will be made by the flak gunner - so no points for you.
- The Setup requires you to make quick and clean hull strips - so you'll barely get any points from destroyed parts.
- With this Setup you'll probably snipe and/or will not be focused by your enemy, as the spire is way squishier than you - so no points for repairs either.

I find the score card a bit of confusing and dont know how it really works.
The last time I've checked it you've been an extremely good gunner if you shoot a flamethrower - as you hit a lot of stuff.
Also you've been rated as an outstanding engineer if you manage to maintain your engines, fueled with kerosene, with a spanner - as you repair a lot of stuff. Also you've been a better engineer in general if you fly with incompetent pilots who crash into stuff/shine the engines to their destruction/are unable to avoid hwacha salvos - as there's more stuff for you to rebuild.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2014, 12:03:18 pm by Wundsalz »

Offline Captain Smollett

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Re: dynamic score card or end game report screen
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2014, 12:00:11 pm »
The heck with the score card.  Muse never really announced how it works and few people understand the scoring. Clearly the points have little bearing on what actually transpired in the match.

Personally I know how well I played. I think they ought to just remove the scores entirely.

Offline Coldcurse

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Re: dynamic score card or end game report screen
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2014, 12:08:16 pm »
I was not only talking about kills, also about winning a game or losing a game.
Maybe they can convert the scorecard into a skill league thing. Like in league of legends you have the ranked mode, as you win games you'll rank up and if you start losing you rank down.
This will make the scorecard alot more interesting in my opinion.

I was thinking of a way to make it more simple since I don't like the idea of having engineers running a useless marathon around your ship for a good score.

Offline Wundsalz

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Re: dynamic score card or end game report screen
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2014, 12:10:17 pm »
The heck with the score card.  Muse never really announced how it works and few people understand the scoring. Clearly the points have little bearing on what actually transpired in the match.

Personally I know how well I played. I think they ought to just remove the scores entirely.

I agree with that - at its current state the score fails to indicate skill and does more harm than good as it might encourage a bad playstyle.
However I do believe muse will need something to implement a proper matchmaking system. For that matter I'd really like muse to rate the player with a black-box system rather than by taking a look at their actions and trying to interpret those with the intention to rate their skill.

I was not only talking about kills, also about winning a game or losing a game.
Maybe they can convert the scorecard into a skill league thing. Like in league of legends you have the ranked mode, as you win games you'll rank up and if you start losing you rank down.
Afaik LoL uses an ELO system as well. I can see something like that working for GoI too. However I'm not sure if a scoreboard would do our community any good. Taking a look at the general try-hard-attitude in moba communities, I think it might be a good idea to hide such a skill indicator from all players.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2014, 12:22:01 pm by Wundsalz »

Offline Captain Smollett

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Re: dynamic score card or end game report screen
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2014, 02:36:00 pm »
Currently matchmaking will use an elo type system and as I understand it mostly base matching on w/l ratio.

Offline Tropo

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Re: dynamic score card or end game report screen
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2014, 03:36:33 pm »
just so you know when i mean dynamic  its would be based off what crew did in game compared to the match

so if it was a long range spire and you didn't repair  but you broke 50 parts or what eva it would score you off of that

 ELO system looks like it would work for match making

not sure how it would work for the score card but like i said some thing that bases the score off the match and not a static set of number that don't take the currect match events in to play

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: dynamic score card or end game report screen
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2014, 06:34:35 pm »
Id rather see my crew standing there until I go back to the lobby to be honest. I have enough stats in my profile, and Muse have already stated they won't show how their system (Glicko 2) ranks us.

Offline Tropo

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Re: dynamic score card or end game report screen
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2014, 10:14:39 pm »
i like the charctors end screen also wish you could toggle off the score at the end so i can get a cool screen shot with my pals lol

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: dynamic score card or end game report screen
« Reply #12 on: March 15, 2014, 10:36:53 am »
Yea Muse hasn't been great about toggles, which is why I kind of assume stuff added won't have the luxury. I know they do it to keep things consistent, but it also has its own implications.

Offline Thomas

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Re: dynamic score card or end game report screen
« Reply #13 on: March 15, 2014, 04:03:56 pm »
Dynamic (at least in the way I think you're using it) means that something changes, generally constant or continuous change. So when you say dynamic score cards, are you saying the score is going to change? Or the weighting for the score is going to change?

From your example, it appears more static than dynamic. Essentially each role gets a certain number of points for each action that are assigned seemingly randomly. Why do the engineers get less points for repairing? Why does the gunner get less points for a kill? Then the overall score is rated depending upon a win or a loss? There wasn't really a clear explanation or reasoning behind how or why that would work. "the winning team they would be reward more points for repairs", how many more points and why? What happens when all the values add up to be over 5.0, which is the current cap of the scale?

Really the score card doesn't mean anything, I think they mentioned that during the fireside chat. The best thing to do is actually remove it. Putting time into trying to fix it to better represent player performance can skew player's ideas of what they're supposed to be doing, and can lead to newer players believe that this score factors into their matchmaking rank. And is probably a waste of resources as the score card doesn't actually factor into anything besides trying to give you an idea of what you did during the last match.

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Re: dynamic score card or end game report screen
« Reply #14 on: March 15, 2014, 08:36:11 pm »
One thing I think seems true is gunner + fire = 5.0 rating almost always..

Anyway I think the score should just be removed, its not necessary really and doesn't tell someone how good they did.. And make your last match "What you did" thing appear in your progress tab somewhere because I miss it like 50+% of the time..

Now if they change the scoring so its not tied to class, so all actions add to the score (like your example) - maybe it would be more accurate but.. I still feel the score is pointless and might lead newer players to think they did poorly when they did really well.. or vice versa.. (though since its more a "for fun" bit, its not really an issue).

In short... For a game that's pretty situational I don't feel a score like this is useful basically.. But the what I did tab I would like visible post game and include all things I did.. (and as pilot, that my crew did)... Perhaps.. the score box for the last time you played - for each class.. My opinion on that end game score box anyway..