Author Topic: Game mode idea: Treasure hunt!  (Read 9842 times)

Offline SirNotlag

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Game mode idea: Treasure hunt!
« on: March 17, 2014, 12:20:44 am »
The game mode would start pretty much exactly like king of the hill with the treasure suspended by a balloon and all the ships rushing to grab it. The initial grab of the treasure using the same mechanics as capturing a point aka doesn't work if enemy have ships sitting there. After grabbing the treasure though the game would change drastically as the ship that captured the point would now have the treasure on board and start earning points for their team.
for the other team to get the treasure now all they have to do is kill the ship that is carrying it and it will be given to the ship that scored the kill.
the point of this game mode would be that it is much more mobile and faster paced than king of the hill and just plays differently from death match.

"Well how would you stop the ship with the treasure from just running away and hiding in a cave till the match is over?" i hear some critics already thinking ;D. EASY! Just make it so the treasure always shows up on the map like a green dot or something, so that way a ship carrying the treasure will also show up as a green dot so the opposing team knows where he is regardless of whether they are spotted or not. Going one step further when the ship with the treasure is spotted the box showing them could be green to distinguish them from their allies so you don't get confused if all the ships on the enemy team are junkers or something. 

"whats to stop them from running to their spawn point and just camping?":
Hmm that ones a little harder, the best way would be to just make it so both sides can spawn along the outside of the map so the going to the point where your allies spawn also puts you closer to where enemies spawn. That way the place that is farthest from the enemy spawn points would be the center but that also means they can come at you from any direction.

"wouldn't squids just be able to outrun everything thus keeping the treasure out of reach of the opposition?"
Geeze i guess so >:(... IF YOUR GUNNERS SUCK! yes the squid is the fastest and most maneuverable of all the ships but I'm thinking of  this game type being on the smaller or more open maps like labyrinth or scrap heap leaving squids with only so far to run and since you have to kill the ship to get the treasure a tanky galleon would also be a nasty ship to have to wrestle the treasure from as well.

I know my idea is not perfect but thought id throw it on here for opinions and just brain storming purposes. ;D

Offline Captain Smollett

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Re: Game mode idea: Treasure hunt!
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2014, 12:27:15 am »
This sounds amazing.  +1

Offline Milevan Faent

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Re: Game mode idea: Treasure hunt!
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2014, 12:40:56 am »
I must throw my support behind this concept as well. If you would be so kind as to comment on my Game Mode idea too, I'd appreciate that.

Having only 1 treasure means everyone will always be fighting over it, but the holding team could just keep trying to avoid combat. While the whole indicator thing does mean the enemy can always find it, what if there was more than one treasure? Now you need to keep two ships safe or hunt down the enemy ship that has the other treasure while trying to not lose the one you've already got. Suddenly the game mode got even harder. Obviously this wouldn't be as good an idea for a 2v2 version, but 4v4? Yeah, I could see 2 treasures working in that case.

Offline SirNotlag

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Re: Game mode idea: Treasure hunt!
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2014, 08:52:48 pm »
I must throw my support behind this concept as well. If you would be so kind as to comment on my Game Mode idea too, I'd appreciate that.

Having only 1 treasure means everyone will always be fighting over it, but the holding team could just keep trying to avoid combat. While the whole indicator thing does mean the enemy can always find it, what if there was more than one treasure? Now you need to keep two ships safe or hunt down the enemy ship that has the other treasure while trying to not lose the one you've already got. Suddenly the game mode got even harder. Obviously this wouldn't be as good an idea for a 2v2 version, but 4v4? Yeah, I could see 2 treasures working in that case.

Having multiple treasures is a nice idea if this game mode where to be on larger maps as long as the number of treasures is odd so a 4 vs 4 match would have three treasures so one side will have more treasures than the others forcing the fights to take place.

As for one side keeping the treasure away from the other... well that is kinda the point of this game mode I'm proposing. but have you ever actually tried to run away from a fight in GOI? Its a lot harder than you think especially on open or small maps all it takes is one or two shots to your engines from artemis rockets and the enemy ship is on top of you. Plus that is another reason to have the spawn points all over the map and the treasure ship always visible on the map when you die you can look and respawn close to where the ship is heading cutting them off from running any more.

Offline Cheesy Crackers

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Re: Game mode idea: Treasure hunt!
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2014, 08:29:36 am »
Seems like a good idea, kinda similar to 1CTF I think.

Offline Coldcurse

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Re: Game mode idea: Treasure hunt!
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2014, 08:38:27 am »
One word to describe this gamemode.

I think treasurehunt is a bit misleading as you describe the gamemode as a fight over an item. Treasurehunt is commenly used to a treasure that is hidden somewhere. I was more thinking of "Heirloom" or "Goldrush", I suggest "heirloom" because two teams are constantly fighting to claim an object, I suggested "Goldrush" since the gamemode is fast paced and you are constantly rushing towards the ship that contains the valuable object (which in this case could be gold).
I think you should keep it simple and stay with 1 treasure. This will make the game have a focussed objective and  people will work together more, rather then gathering all other treasure and avoiding conflict.

I think with your current idea that Squids are mainly going to be used for this, just to avoid combat. To avoid the problem that people start to continiously avoid combat I think you should decrease the maximum speed of the ship holding the treasure by 20%, 15% or 10%, just reduce its manouvrebility and speed and that will be enough to encourage player to pick
other ships rather then only squid. This will make it alot more fun for the enemy team too since they now can actually reach the ship that is currently holding the treasure.

If you think that people are bad in flying squids on the labyrinth then I must tell yo taht you are wrong. I know alot of players that can eassily fly a squid in Labyrinth without hitting walls. And most maps are big enough for a squid to just run. This gamemode should be playable on every map on GoIo.

As for people that are going to hide the whole game by using glitched spots or in enviroment. You should add in that the one holding the treasure is always shown on the map by a yellow indicator, and is always spotted. Why having him always spotted? Ask yourself, are you prepared to pick up the treasure and fight for it? If you answerd no, then you shouldn't pick up the treasure. If the gamemode is supposed to be fast paced then having maximum indication of the objective is a must since you have a limited amount of time.

You're actually not the first one having this sort of idea. Many others have mentioned it. Hopefully muse will notify us about maybe implementing more gamemodes.

Offline SirNotlag

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Re: Game mode idea: Treasure hunt!
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2014, 10:51:35 pm »
One word to describe this gamemode.

I think treasurehunt is a bit misleading as you describe the gamemode as a fight over an item. Treasurehunt is commenly used to a treasure that is hidden somewhere. I was more thinking of "Heirloom" or "Goldrush", I suggest "heirloom" because two teams are constantly fighting to claim an object, I suggested "Goldrush" since the gamemode is fast paced and you are constantly rushing towards the ship that contains the valuable object (which in this case could be gold).
I think you should keep it simple and stay with 1 treasure. This will make the game have a focussed objective and  people will work together more, rather then gathering all other treasure and avoiding conflict.

I think with your current idea that Squids are mainly going to be used for this, just to avoid combat. To avoid the problem that people start to continiously avoid combat I think you should decrease the maximum speed of the ship holding the treasure by 20%, 15% or 10%, just reduce its manouvrebility and speed and that will be enough to encourage player to pick
other ships rather then only squid. This will make it alot more fun for the enemy team too since they now can actually reach the ship that is currently holding the treasure.

If you think that people are bad in flying squids on the labyrinth then I must tell yo taht you are wrong. I know alot of players that can eassily fly a squid in Labyrinth without hitting walls. And most maps are big enough for a squid to just run. This gamemode should be playable on every map on GoIo.

As for people that are going to hide the whole game by using glitched spots or in enviroment. You should add in that the one holding the treasure is always shown on the map by a yellow indicator, and is always spotted. Why having him always spotted? Ask yourself, are you prepared to pick up the treasure and fight for it? If you answerd no, then you shouldn't pick up the treasure. If the gamemode is supposed to be fast paced then having maximum indication of the objective is a must since you have a limited amount of time.

You're actually not the first one having this sort of idea. Many others have mentioned it. Hopefully muse will notify us about maybe implementing more gamemodes.

true "odd ball" would have been a better name but the name of the game mode that gave me this idea was "Bag tag" from time splitters and i just thought that didn't sound right. id change the name of the topic but i don't know how to do that as I'm terrible with forums

I like your points on the game mode as well i figured one treasure would be enough and I did think about having the ship carrying the treasure to be spotted all the time but then i thought of a situation in which the enemy is shooting through clouds at you, they'd be able to see exactly where you are and it would be very hard to defend yourself since your gunners may not be able to shoot back effectively against an opponent you cant see.

and my comment on the squids wasn't based on the fact squid pilots are bad it was based on the fact that me and my crew often ran goldfish with the express purpose of hunting squid by chasing them down and disabling their engines so they couldn't run anymore.