Indreams waits and waits, checking the News feed on Steam for his favourite game "Education Simulator 2014-2015: American High School Edition". Unfortunately for Indreams, the DLC that he is patiently expecting is delayed and he is unable to do anything of note. He has maxed out his character but there is nothing to do - though at the same time he is unable to quit the game as he's hopelessly addicted. He is reduced to walking around taking classes that always seem to be the same and talking to people who haven't had voice acting updates in months so are saying the same phrases he's already heard.
He's already pre-ordered the College DLC expansion but it is yet to be released. In the meantime, the developers have released a small free minigame. Indreams looks at the new minigame with distaste and fear. "Education Simulator 2014-2015: Applications for College" sits ready to be played.
Jacob is watching this from his bubble and giggles. Indreams has been shifted into another universe and is wholly unaware of the destruction that has resulted in the world he came from.
Since Jacob has a hand in the development of Education Simulator as a contractor, he quickly logs into the dev console and sends Indreams a text on his in-game phone.
sup ur in trubbl jst fyi u made th wrld go boom. njoy ur new life.
-Muse- Jacob xxx
While logging out of the Education Simulator dev console, Jacob pushes the Red Button in the hope that it might revive humanity or at least produce a situation that doesn't involve the big smouldering mess that he currently sees when trying to view Earth.