Author Topic: Red Button Consequences  (Read 441039 times)

Offline Kamoba

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Re: Red Button Consequences
« Reply #165 on: February 13, 2015, 11:24:33 am »
The Spire becomes a boulder and flattens Koali, but Koali survives due to his squishy Kirby-like anatomy. The boulder lands on the button as well, slightly denting the metal casing.

(And the rushing wind and blackout was me respawning because I jumped off of my Squidlet)
Koali.find himself.stuck in an infinite state of awakening, dropping and.blacking out as the squidlet fails to respawn, the red button is so close each time he hits the floor.
Kamoba's spire boulder rolls away, the button.goes.unpushed

Offline callsign striker

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Re: Red Button Consequences
« Reply #166 on: February 13, 2015, 01:13:10 pm »
a button? *smells button to check for moonshine corruption* no moonshine. good I can use it for the weapon control systems on my turret prototype. *picks up button pressing it as I do so*  thing is not even wired up to anything.

Offline Koali

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Re: Red Button Consequences
« Reply #167 on: February 13, 2015, 05:56:59 pm »
The button press breaks Koali's connection with the Squidlet, allowing him to land some distance away. However, the button press also brings back the Spire boulder, which promptly falls on top of Koali, burying him once more.

Callsign Striker sadly forgot to check for the button's self-defense mechanism that prevents it from being wired up to anything. A large cannon appears and blasts confetti in Callsign's face. Koali emerges from beneath the Boulder in time to see it rise into the air and develop a green glow. "Whaaaaa? The legendary Magic Boulder from KSP? I thought they removed that!" (The world reset brought it back, woo!) The Magic Boulder's flawed collision box hits the button from 10 feet away, pressing it.

Offline Koali

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Re: Red Button Consequences
« Reply #168 on: February 15, 2015, 02:41:12 pm »
Did I somehow manage to kill the thread?

Um... Ok, -hits thread with a spanner and finishes the repair with a mallet-

Offline Kamoba

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Re: Red Button Consequences
« Reply #169 on: February 15, 2015, 03:32:58 pm »
Kamoba, piloting the Spire Boulder notices Koali had to take desperate measures to fix the red button thread, he ponders for a moment then pushes the red button, there is a bright white flash and the world resets to default except for Jacobs bubble and InDreams college simulator.

Offline Mod Josie

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Re: Red Button Consequences
« Reply #170 on: February 16, 2015, 05:21:12 am »
"No! My life's work!!!"
Jacob yells from his bubble. He waves his hands around in the air and screams as all of his hard graft to shape the world has been undone. Kamoba has rolled back the universe to version 1.0, removing many of the Universe's features that were added post-release such as Gravity and Life.
Jacob unplugs the auxiliary servers before the un-patch is able to fully roll out to them. The Universe as we know it is now stored on these isolated machines, partway through being wiped.
Over the course of what seems like days, Jacob carefully boots each one and threads together any fragments of the current patch he can find, calling from both backups, live versions and old patches - anything he can find. He sews the code together, checks it for bugs and types a set of commands that he's never had to type before.

Console log - 2/16/2015/05:08:38 EST
-Muse- Jacob: ::estop n1;
-Muse- Jacob: ::map [n1] [n6], del n1, map [n2 ; n3 ; n4 ; n5] [n1];
-Muse- Jacob: ::boot n1 [full] Pile_error_float;
-Muse- Jacob: ::boot_all(Except: It, Me)_entities [partial - free will enabled];
-Muse- Jacob: ::t=Clog, Current=1, tick=1;
-Muse- Jacob: ::savever 1.4.10
-Muse- Jacob: ::resume

Jacob uses his patchwork patch from the auxiliary servers and knots them together on the primary server. He boots it and re-enables all the constraints that made the universe how it was before. He names the new version 1.4.10 and resumes the universe. He rolls out the changes by pressing the Red Button and goes away to make tea.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2015, 05:29:14 am by -Muse- Jacob »

Offline Indreams

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Re: Red Button Consequences
« Reply #171 on: February 27, 2015, 01:08:11 pm »
The changes do happen. Patch 1.4.0 also happens.
Gilder still wants squid changes. Minotaur is op. Double Spire is a viable combination.

Indreams escapes back into GOIO. He tries to stay invisible infear of -Muse- Jacob working his console magic again.

Because he is invisible, he does not press the red button. Interaction breaks invisibility.

Offline Koali

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Re: Red Button Consequences
« Reply #172 on: February 28, 2015, 04:43:37 pm »
Koali flips and tumbles as he falls in limbo. He can hear voices, confused Pilots pondering W versus R, Engies rebuilding with Mallet and repairing with Spanner, Gunners loading Lochnagar into Flamers.

He encounters lost souls tumbling beside him, all looking just as bewildered as he does, which is to say, quite.

He remembers his Kirby-like anatomy and remembers that his stomach is a pocket dimension/hammer space. He finds two buttons, a red button and a blue one. He vaguely remembers a man clad in black leather and sporting dark sunglasses. He takes a fancy to the blue button and presses it, swallowing the red one for safekeeping.

He sees a light below him, rushing up toward him. Or is he falling toward it?


He lands with a bump next to Jacob in his little bubble.

The red button teleports itself to its next user, remaining unpressed.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2015, 04:48:24 pm by Koali »

Offline Mod Josie

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Re: Red Button Consequences
« Reply #173 on: March 02, 2015, 04:14:54 am »
Jacob gets up from his chair and stares at Sakurai's creation, wondering why it's in his office and not inside his GameBoy is is the typical custom.
Acutely aware of the abilities of this plucky round creature, Jacob kindly asks the pink ball to 'shoo'; this office should only be entered on appointment and breaching these rules, even for interdimensionally anomalous reasons, is not to be tolerated.

Jacob types a short command into the console and a door appears in the wall near Koali. The door opens and begins to slurp up the air, somewhat ironically considering the target of the om nomming that is taking place. Koali is flung out of the office and into a hallway which had spontaneously rendered and appeared just as Koali was entering it. From the other side of the door Jacob winks at the puffball before the door shuts and evapourates away - thus revealing a wall with a TV mounted on it. Through the TV Koali watches Jacob sit back at his desk and push the Red Button on his console.

Offline Koali

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Re: Red Button Consequences
« Reply #174 on: March 02, 2015, 07:54:31 pm »
Koali pouts for a moment, as he wasn't allowed to sit with Jacob for even a minute.

He looks at the TV for a moment... When its remote suddenly flashes into existence from Jacob's button press. He inhales it and becomes...


He forces the TV to display an image of a Miracle Fruit (from Triple Deluxe--good game, definitely recommended) and swallows it off of the screen, acquiring the Hypernova ability.

He opens his mouth and creates a powerful vortex that sucks up the TV.

And the wallpaper.

And the glue.

And the plaster.

And the entire wall at the end of the hallway.

Koali charges into Jacob's office to demand an explanation for that Tetra-esque wink---

Except there is no office. He ran face first into a giant red button, pressing it.

Offline Shadak Shademore

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Re: Red Button Consequences
« Reply #175 on: March 03, 2015, 04:49:24 am »
The recoil of the button resetting itself causes Koali to be flung backwards, bouncing off the walls several times until he hits the only door that remained standing after the vortex effect. The door bursts open and a hapless Koali starts falling through the GoI universe towards the bottom of a canyon.

Meanwhile on her Prya, Shadak was going about her gungineering duties when a pink ball like creature bounces off the balloon, rolls down its side and landing on the deck swith a confused Thump. Shadak, too busy wondering where Koali had come from is too busy looking up over the side to press the red button.

Offline Koali

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Re: Red Button Consequences
« Reply #176 on: March 03, 2015, 05:09:07 pm »
Koali slowly picks himself up... All this falling and crashing is starting to make him sore!

He strolls over to Shadak and tugs on her sleeve, not unlike a small child trying to get a parent's attention.

Shadak turns and looks down at Koali.

Koali looks up at Shadak.

Shadak wonders what this pink creature is.

Koali wonders what's for lunch. (AND I MEAN FOOD, NOT PEOPLE. KOALI AIN'T A CANNIBAL.)

The button remains unpressed.

Offline Indreams

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Re: Red Button Consequences
« Reply #177 on: March 04, 2015, 11:44:05 am »
Indreams was on his way back to GOIO. There is a great gate between the console-created torture Jacob has created for Indreams and the Airship world of GOIO.

His consciousness is drifting, drifting, drifting away...

Because Koali hasn't pressed the Red Button, that gate to bring Indreams back is unopened.

Indreams presses the red button. Perhaps something good will happen for once.

Offline Koali

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Re: Red Button Consequences
« Reply #178 on: March 04, 2015, 06:05:14 pm »

The gate opens. However, it opens a little too fast and shatters from centrifugal force (which is technically inertia, I know, but hey), sending shards of metal, wood, and interdimensional SpaceTimeTM World Mix into his skull, causing irreparable damage to his brain and killing him within moments.

Indreams feels that this is kinda getting out of hand.
He misses the days when pressing the Red Button usually killed him in a creative way.

Fixed that for ya.

Indreams respawns and goes through the gate, entering the wondrous realm of airships and teamwork we all know as GOIO.

The button remains unpressed.

Offline Koali

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Re: Red Button Consequences
« Reply #179 on: March 11, 2015, 12:03:47 am »
Koali gets tired of waiting, so he repeatedly smashes Indreams' face into the button.