''The Tale of Guntar of Anglea, and Lars the Baron'', otherwise known as ''The Tale of Moster-eater Guntar and Whale-killer Lars'' are one of the products born from peaceful relations between the Republic and the Baronies.
In the first day after the Great War of Old, the Baronies and the Republic were still forming and pioneers reached for the Firnfeld in order to claim more lands for thier people.
The Tale begins with a meeting of two such pioneers: Guntar, the paragon anglean, was intent of wrestling a beached shark into submission as he was found by Lars.
Lars helped Guntar carry the shark to his ship, only to see that it had been destroyed.
Lars offers to help Guntar by letting him sail for a while on his own ship... only to get shipwrecked after being attacked by a whale.
Thus, began their journeys together.
Troughout the Tale, Guntar appears to be the strongest among the two, always ready for a fight, yet he is as much honest as he is strong, he is also the most serious among the couple.
Lars on the other hand appears to be the more dextrous than his fellow, yet weaker, more mischevious and prone to make jokes.
The central part of the Tale shows how they got thier nicknames:
Guntar, Lars and some firnfeldlander were travelling towards a village from which no one had heard anything for weeks.
Suddenly they are attacked by a pack of snow tigers. Many men die with thier neck bitten of by the great feline, and as such Guntar decides to give them thier own medicine; after killing by axe a couple of tigers, he jumps onto one, and starts furiously biting its neck.
In the evening Guntar had a new tiger-pelt coat and a liking for raw tiger meat.
After leaving said village, the couple is attacked by some whales. Being most of the time under the water, little could they do against the whales; then Lars did something that many man would consider idiotic, while Guntar considered genious: he jumped onto the back of a whale that was getting back under water, and started stab it into it's head with his sword. Other whales wanted to help the attacked one, but they only gave themselves as targets for the furious Lars, who it is said that killed three whales that day.
The Tale ends with them getting back to the port to which Guntar was planning long ago to bring the shark he wrestled and, after saying farewell to eachother and exchanging gifts (a snow-tiger fur cloak and a whale skin jacket), going back to their own homes.
Many historians from both Anglea and the Baronies have found enough evidence to sustain the historicity of the fact.
''The Guildman and the wolf''