Author Topic: Artemis  (Read 134851 times)

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Artemis
« Reply #60 on: December 09, 2013, 11:31:47 am »
Lol I thought this is Atremis thread, not achievments thread.

This. Lets get back on topic, and move that achievement grief in a new thread please.

Offline Sammy B. T.

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Re: Artemis
« Reply #61 on: December 09, 2013, 11:38:35 am »
Arguably if the achievements are balanced then the game would be balanced but not really.

If you're trying to get kills instead of disables at long range, then you need to be using a Heavy Flak or even a Light Flak. The Artemis is a sniper disabler, not a sniper killer.

Offline Puppy Fur

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Re: Artemis
« Reply #62 on: December 09, 2013, 04:29:59 pm »
If a ship doesn't have an Artamis you'll die. This is my strong opinion. You are much more likely to lose a game if you don't have one. It's not fun flying anything besides Merc/Artamis or something of the sort or you end up with no components then death. Even if it didn't do enough output damage to kill, having no engines/weapons constantly shouldn't be so common.

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Artemis
« Reply #63 on: December 09, 2013, 04:33:53 pm »
If a ship doesn't have an Artamis you'll die. This is my strong opinion. You are much more likely to lose a game if you don't have one. It's not fun flying anything besides Merc/Artamis or something of the sort or you end up with no components then death. Even if it didn't do enough output damage to kill, having no engines/weapons constantly shouldn't be so common.

I'm sorry but that's a false, and pretty extreme thing to say.

Burst being the only viable ammo for it currently is the only thing i'd say is an issue.

Offline Mattilald Anguisad

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Re: Artemis
« Reply #64 on: December 09, 2013, 07:55:19 pm »
I agree 1 artemis is not a problem. The main problem I have is that it's much too easy to get trifecta with that gun due to it's supperior horizontal arcs.

If you are going into a match where both teams have a lot Artemi, lesmok on at least 1 ship can be the diffirence ( remember being outranged yesterday on my Artemis in TSR in match 2 against Gents by their Artemi.

I'm quite frankly geting realy sick of this Artemis spam. It feels like those 1 or 2 weeks when Hwacha was ridicilusly OP and could clear literaly ALL the components except ballon in 1 barage on ANY ship regardles of ammo type loaded (hevy clip was the exception under 800m range, but even then it dissabled half of the ship)-rebuild times had been doubled in the same patch.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2013, 07:59:12 pm by Mattilald Anguisad »

Offline Puppy Fur

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Re: Artemis
« Reply #65 on: December 09, 2013, 08:39:58 pm »
I find huge success with just merc/ artamis vs the trifecta... But, anything else stands no chance... Artamis stops other guns from shooting.

Burst ammo:
5 shots
no drop
decent reload

If they have one and you don't then your not likely to have weapons very long to even fire back. I feel the firepower vs components is a bit to much to handle in it's current state. But, that's how I feel so..

Offline Spud Nick

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Re: Artemis
« Reply #66 on: December 09, 2013, 08:49:02 pm »
The problem I see with the Artemis is that it can be very powerful up close or far away. Something that all other sniper weapons can not do because of arming time or poor gun movement.

Offline Mattilald Anguisad

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Re: Artemis
« Reply #67 on: December 09, 2013, 11:02:51 pm »
Heavy guns have slow turning rate in comparison to (most) light guns and narrower arcs than most light guns. The only other light sniping gun is merc that has limited arcs and turning speed - thus impractical in close range. The same thing that allows junkers to use 3 artemi at the same time makes it good at closerange.

People defend it that artemis lacks killing power. If you let enemy get into gatling range with all guns intact, then yes you are effed. But then you are doing something wrong. If you do septuple artemis build right, enemy won't get close to you without loosing all or most components [oustide armor and baloon]. If you keep enemy dissabled you don't need to kill him fast.

I question the balance of a weapon that you can take sextuple into 2v2 and win competitive matches as a rule.

Offline Thomas

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Re: Artemis
« Reply #68 on: December 10, 2013, 12:04:46 am »
It's always been a fun gun for me, and I do like seeing it used more. Although it is a bit rough to go against, especially if their captain is good. You're not really flying against their gunners, since the gun is one of the easiest to shoot. You could pull a kid off the street and toss him on it, and within five minutes he'll be picking up on how to aim for the guns and engines.

One of them being used generally isn't enough for a full  ship disable, but if you get 2 or 3 you can usually keep a ship mostly pinned down and even kill it once that armor goes down. However, the gun does have a glaring weakness; that being it can't aim upwards for beans. This doesn't make a big impact at long range, but up close you have the choice of either popping their balloon, or flying above them (or both). Once you're out of their arcs, they're pretty much toast.

Now it could be difficult to approach these ships, and that's why you have to use terrain and clouds to your advantage, just like approaching any other sniping build. Frankly a spire with a lumberjack and field gun will take you out easier and faster than a triple artemis combo. (or even just a artemis/field gun, or possibly a hades/flak). Some of those guns do have arming times, but they also tend to have better arcs (the flak and hades have pretty good arcs for instance).

So fly low and soak up shots in your balloon, hydrogen up to their level or above them. As you get closer, they'll tend to have to go lower to keep hitting you while they try to back away. Once you're in gunnin' range, pop their balloon and kill them while they're defenseless, or just brawl 'em down in a heartbeat. You still have to worry about your guns going down, but once you're that close you can rebuild them and fire a few rounds before they're taken out again. They don't kill components as fast a field gun and such. It's not an easy fight, but it's not a hopeless one either.

Offline Spud Nick

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Re: Artemis
« Reply #69 on: December 10, 2013, 01:28:33 am »
Dual mrec was easy for good pilots to counter but got nerfed in the end. I feel like is thread is more about good pilots talking about counters rather than debating the gun it self.

Offline Coldcurse

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Re: Artemis
« Reply #70 on: December 10, 2013, 02:06:22 am »
speaking about achievments, i cannot seem to get that last kille with a harpoon attached to the enemy

Offline Nidh

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Re: Artemis
« Reply #71 on: December 10, 2013, 02:56:58 am »
Anything that allows a ship to kill EASILY on it's own has always been something I look down upon for this game specifically, which is why I disapprove of the power of the gat-mortar and why I feel sniping should be a support-only type thing. That said, is it easy for a single ship to kill an enemy with triple Artemis? For the record, I haven't tried the setup so I don't know myself, but if the answer is yes then I agree that the Artemis should be looked at. Have I had trouble myself with them? Well, I haven't been playing much lately but generally when i've run across an arty i don't have too much trouble staying above and counter disabling. The thing that worries me the most is NOT it's ability to lockdown an opponent indefinately, but rather triple artemis' ability to kill in a reasonable amount of time without help from a teammate.

Again I haven't gotten on the wrong end of a triple arty junker very often so maybe my opinion isn't quite so valid, but my point remains that if anything takes away from teamwork, it is not good for the game.

Offline Byron Cavendish

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Re: Artemis
« Reply #72 on: December 10, 2013, 03:15:41 am »
Any ship with a trifecta will be strong. Two gats and a mortar on a mobula is a lot more dangerous, or three hades on a mobula. Nothings really changed with the Artemis. Sure its annoying, and it disables, but it takes forever to whittle the hull down. There are a lot of weaknesses to the build. The only reason people are now noticing, or now complaining, is because not everyone and their mother are taking gat/mortar. This all happened as soon as the game was balanced to create viable threats at close, mid and long range. Any nerfs to the artemis will put us right back to cookie cutter meta gat/mortar.

The issue is really with the players. They've gotten so used to charging straight at ships with impunity for a close range brawl. You've got to get out of that mind set and adapt. There is plenty of competitive material from the last few weeks showing triple arti junkers being used, and many times of them being wrecked. Every time they were wrecked, it was due to smart teams doing smart things. And likewise, the artemis is working really well with the Gents because we stay immobile, we go high, and we use open lanes to shoot. We could change guns, and change tactics anytime and still succeed. It's about knowing what to do with your build, the issue isn't the gun itself.

With any ship, any build, look at it's weaknesses. An artemis can't shoot up, and it needs time to target areas. If it's just hitting the balloon or hull it's really doing nothing. You need to use terrain, or different elevations. Go high, take a mobula. Stay out of 1330 meters, take a lumberjack. Go fast with a squid, take a carronade. There are proven easy ways of defeating this build, and it's up to each player to make his wins happen. Lamenting over the fact that you can't just shrug off artemises as you charge in a straight line at them isn't going to help.

Offline Thomas

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Re: Artemis
« Reply #73 on: December 10, 2013, 03:22:30 am »
I don't think it kills very easily on it's own, especially with needing all three firing to be close to effective. It takes a while for the actual kill, although you can keep them pretty well disabled (at least on the parts you can see. If they position themselves well, they can usually keep up some guns and engines).

If you do get unlucky enough to get fully disabled by a triple arty, you'll notice it's difficult to avoid their shots; since you have no engines. However, you can always start dropping your ship altitude, often forcing them to chase you down. Then just try to rise rapidly past them. Even if you can't completely avoid them, you can avoid a lot of the damage for a little bit, giving your crew time to fix things up a little. Best case scenario is you manage to rise past them, and your team has had enough time to fix your guns or engines.

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Artemis
« Reply #74 on: December 10, 2013, 03:33:36 am »
I agree 1 artemis is not a problem. The main problem I have is that it's much too easy to get trifecta with that gun due to it's supperior horizontal arcs.

If you are going into a match where both teams have a lot Artemi, lesmok on at least 1 ship can be the diffirence ( remember being outranged yesterday on my Artemis in TSR in match 2 against Gents by their Artemi.

I'm quite frankly geting realy sick of this Artemis spam. It feels like those 1 or 2 weeks when Hwacha was ridicilusly OP and could clear literaly ALL the components except ballon in 1 barage on ANY ship regardles of ammo type loaded (hevy clip was the exception under 800m range, but even then it dissabled half of the ship)-rebuild times had been doubled in the same patch.

Exactly why this thread exists. Because of people who are and will get tired of it. Not that there isn't counters for it, but if veteran players are fed up with having to deal with it then newer players are even worse off. They are the ones it is being used against more often and they don't have the knowledge about counters. They'll be the most vocal and then were right back to ultra nerfed art. Something I really want to avoid.