I am allready fairing very well with the spire versus many ships and im not using JUST the merc, i use all sorts of guns.
I do manage to escape lots of damage and if its guns get a degree buff, itl go sniper and not be chosen on close range maps defeating the choice of ships on every map.
I'm not using JUST the Merc either, but that doesn't mean you can win against a seasoned opponent with a Carronade Spire, I can fuck around in pubs too you know, yet the moment it gets remotely serious, builds that seem to work suddenly turn useless.
I still want an answer to how the 45 degree buff will change the spire versus other snipers or close range encounters or even helping itself out.
Im saying this again and again, the spire is good if done right as it is, the weapons will not change anything about how easy it is to fail with the spire.
More concetrated fire power, more room for manuvering and leading targets, more choices for a longer range game with the Spire. It won't help it in close combat cause no matter how much help you get, against a true brawler you will go down in seconds no matter how hard you try.
So then it is your oppinion? Ive fought with close range and long range weapons, if you just see the power of close ranges, AI Mortar with Twin Carronade. Hadez with Hwacha and flak or mines. Lumberjack with flak front with gat side (This is FROM long to mid range).
I see you using your opinion just as freely for starters.
I just dont see why having more guns pointing forward is an answer. Of every stat that there is, i truly do believe the acceleration needs a boost to help itself out in positioning for sniper reasons and escapeing for close range reasons.
And i honestly dont need more than that.
Now, I'm not trying to pick a fight or sound offensive, just pointing out the fact that this is all opinionated, just want to be clear, how to buff a ship doesn't have a certain way of going about it, everyone is probably gonna point out what they feel the ship could use without screwing it over big time. Just like you did and just like everyone else, inclusing me, did.
Secondly, I have used the close range builds myself, many a time, I've found them to be a crap ton of fun against newbies and clueless players, against players that know how to aim even an Artemis, not so much. Let alone an other carronade from a faster ship can just as easily disable yours and procceed to have an intimate time with your rear, especially since you can only approach with your weapon exposed and you are VERY slow, second slowest in the game I think, only the Junker must be slower (correct me if I'm wrong).
I just want to have fun with this beautiful ship against people that will provide me with a decent challenge as well and as it stands right now, it's neigh impossible even if you go long range.
I'm not trying to say that by turning the top or lower gun more is the be-all-end-all buffs to this ship that will make it uber viable, in all honestly I would much prefer the Spire have around 1200 hull health and better acceleration in order to be able to stand in point like a true sentinel and leave the gun slots alone, but I have to compromise cause most people here will probably jump on me saying this is OP.
I've tested the Spire during the 3x Hull health event and while 1600 health was a bit too much, I think this ship was the only one that could use such a buff, in my head, it made it what I was hoping it would be. A man can dream right?
Oh well, back to reality where the Spire still sucks against decent opposition. Go on.