Having the lower left gun pointing forward is probably the best solution that still requier skill to use.
Dont suggest the upper right gun to be even more forward then, because you allready have good options on your disposal.
If the lower left gun is pointing in same degrees as the upper right, we may potentialy have the spire to be closer to a weapons platform.
Because that the upper right gun isnt exactly facing forward, you are left with few weapons of choice, the lower left as it stands now leave you with VERY little choice.
If we have another slot that leaves us with few rather than VERY little, we will see more options and uses of weapons in combination and etc.
If the lower left gets a buff like that, putting an artemis gun on the lower left and the upper right will bifecta, ultimately Quadfectaing.
For me, then i plan on putting the minelauncher down stairs and the artemis upstairs with the merc. etc etc.
But i fear this may make the spire a wee bit too powerfull. Maybe... i want to test it out.
DO NOT change the upper right, if we get an almost bifecta or bifecta merc, it could ruin alot of things and make the spire a new sniper meta.
The lower right will or may have more synergy with eachother if the lower right is changed, because it is closer, heck it is right below it almost. While the upper right looses some of its bifecta power with its upper right because it is splitt off from it.
Note: this is not the spires degrees, it is just an example similar to the spires weapons.
I would still put the lower left gun to have 45 degree front, just know that then the lower left is in more synergy to the upper left than the upper right should be in synergy to the upper left.
Even if this is something to put in mind, i still think it is a viable buff because of how the gun on the right is usually used by the captain, or it depends.