Author Topic: What you want to see in Adventure Mode?  (Read 48249 times)

Offline Pickle

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Re: What you want to see in Adventure Mode?
« Reply #30 on: March 14, 2013, 07:59:50 pm »
As long as there is multiplayer within the adventure mode I'll be happy.. I wouldn't want the game to break the community because you were off playing on your own.

I was a keen GW player from quite early in the game.. and it lost most of it's appeal round about the time they introduced henchmen (that was the start of the decline).  Whilst it did remove the waiting around for a party heading in the right direction, it killed the random comradeship that had come from having to party up with the best players available.  It would be an interesting dynamic for GOIO if AI crews only became available in adventure mode if the online/lobby population dropped below a set threshold, ie. if there are enough players online they have to play together.

Offline awkm

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Re: What you want to see in Adventure Mode?
« Reply #31 on: March 14, 2013, 10:58:33 pm »
Have you guys ever played "Realm of the Mad God" ? It is an Open world MMO made out of 16x16 sprites. It is a brilliant exercise in minimalist graphics and game play. I don't think Muse should follow their lead, but it demonstrates what can be accomplished by a small team with a bit on ingenuity.

I've seen games like this, I may know the one you're talking about.  From sprites you can easily go open world because asset generation is relatively simple.  Once you get into 3D land... oh boy.

As long as there is multiplayer within the adventure mode I'll be happy.. I wouldn't want the game to break the community because you were off playing on your own.

Adventure Mode is building upon what you already know exists in Skirmish Mode.  It will still be based on forming crews and kicking butt in the sky.

I was a keen GW player from quite early in the game.. and it lost most of it's appeal round about the time they introduced henchmen (that was the start of the decline).  Whilst it did remove the waiting around for a party heading in the right direction, it killed the random comradeship that had come from having to party up with the best players available.  It would be an interesting dynamic for GOIO if AI crews only became available in adventure mode if the online/lobby population dropped below a set threshold, ie. if there are enough players online they have to play together.

This is something we've talked about... can you hire AI crew?  I'm not super familiar with the new stuff in GW but I'm assuming getting henchman costs money... and expensive for useful ones?

I think it's valid to try and play alone at the larger world level of play.  For Skirmish Mode, I want to discourage it.  But at Adventure... it's hard not too.  I have a lot of fun playing on my own in these big worlds.  Playing alone, together.

Offline Lord Dick Tim

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Re: What you want to see in Adventure Mode?
« Reply #32 on: March 15, 2013, 02:22:51 am »
When I look at an "open" world game I generally imagine a very few games that actually meet this.  Star Wars Galaxy, EVE, Asherons Call are my first picks.  These worlds, are huge.  But utterly devoid of activity in the way that a traditional MMO is.  This is not to say there isnt content, there is plenty, rocks to mine, rats to kill, people to pirate, empires to mantain.  In SWG we had entire worlds to explore, sites that maybe only an artist and a few people ever got to appreciate because it was so incredibly remote.

The majority of MMO's are theme or mission driven, the openess of the world is generally just a caged staging area cluttered with art assets to facilitate the feel of the biome.  The gameplay is still very much driven by it's combat system.

Guns of Icarus isnt different in this respect, combat and team work make up the core of the game play.  Adding trade lanes essentially just adds travel time to a skirmish map, thats a lot of assets to add, and a lot of time doing nothing.  I'd be more interested in a static map with a series of zones where we have to battle are way through, not unlike traveling around on older map systems in traditional RPG games.

A good example is Fallout 1 and 2.  Large map area to explore, but broken up into a series of different random event zones outside of cities.  These zones purpose was to facilitate a staging ground for the eventual combat, or dialouge that would follow allowing the world to have some extra content outside of the cities.

I could see a series of content missions being built up like this.  Good examples would be random events popping up on the map for players to join, like "Anvala under siege by pirates!" so you'd join the map with a series of other players fighting it out over the skies of Anvala.  Scores would be kept, depending on which side won would alter the economy.
Possibly putting the city state into the hands of another governing force, making it so trade items need to come from other locations.

Offline Pickle

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Re: What you want to see in Adventure Mode?
« Reply #33 on: March 15, 2013, 05:05:04 am »
This is something we've talked about... can you hire AI crew?  I'm not super familiar with the new stuff in GW but I'm assuming getting henchman costs money... and expensive for useful ones?

This is going back to GW rather than GW2.. and it must be five years (at least) since the henchmen introduction.  From memory there wasn't a hiring fee, but they did dilute-the-loot.

Missions I'm looking forward to in adnevture mode are:
- escort/ambush (one or more ships escorting a VIP/cargo across a big map whilst others are charged with intercepting it)
- blockade running (sneak'n'dash through patrolled territory)

I'm hoping for at least one mission that makes a prolonged emphasis on piloting.  A bit like Canyons but longer, twistier and generally nastier.  With only an incomplete map available to the Pilot, and occasional dead ends.

Offline Ballu

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Re: What you want to see in Adventure Mode?
« Reply #34 on: March 16, 2013, 09:48:30 am »
Maybe there can be different battle types, depending on the current situation and position.
If two ships (or fleets) meet somewhere on a Route, there will just be a DM, but when enemy Fleets meet in a Town, they have to play CP to siege the Town. Trading ships who want to leave a sieged town have to be escorted through the blockade and so on.

Offline Ccrack

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Re: What you want to see in Adventure Mode?
« Reply #35 on: March 16, 2013, 10:48:47 am »
what i would like to see is some kind of captian only bar us pilots can go and hang out in and smoke pipes and complain about powder monkeys n such..

maybe some npc bounties you compete with other players to go after aswell or something.

what would be cool is if the whole dev team went and played through skies of arcadia and made the adventure mode sort of like that, also skies of arcadia has cloud whales so lord tim would be happy

Offline Lord Dick Tim

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Re: What you want to see in Adventure Mode?
« Reply #36 on: March 17, 2013, 02:32:08 am »
I've always loved cloud whales as the mermaids of GOI, but if an actual cloud whale showed up, you can sure bet I'd be the first person hunting it.

Offline Coldcurse

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Re: What you want to see in Adventure Mode?
« Reply #37 on: March 18, 2013, 08:37:54 am »
what i would like to see:

-being able to dock your ship in the docks of a flying island.
-being able to get quests in a pub from AI.
-exploring large lands and underground cavesystems.
-having the explorer mode as a open world with moving flying islands for map variation.
-being able to get a clan mothership, mothership would have a entrance hole in the side of the hull and will be able to let 10 friendly members vessels dock inside.
-having different physics with moving when entering different areas/boundries, such as clanmotherships and floating islands. (this is needed otherwise the movements of the floating object makes your ship crash if its not moving at the same physical direction)

Offline awkm

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Re: What you want to see in Adventure Mode?
« Reply #38 on: March 18, 2013, 06:35:36 pm »
Maybe there can be different battle types, depending on the current situation and position.
If two ships (or fleets) meet somewhere on a Route, there will just be a DM, but when enemy Fleets meet in a Town, they have to play CP to siege the Town. Trading ships who want to leave a sieged town have to be escorted through the blockade and so on.

Yes, we are implementing full functioning co-op (AI Director) for Adventure Mode.  There will be a variety of additional types of game modes now that we'll have AI.

I've always loved cloud whales as the mermaids of GOI, but if an actual cloud whale showed up, you can sure bet I'd be the first person hunting it.

Clouds whales is a stretch goal... we'll get them in some way or another.

what i would like to see:

1) being able to dock your ship in the docks of a flying island.
2) being able to get quests in a pub from AI.
3) exploring large lands and underground cavesystems.
4) having the explorer mode as a open world with moving flying islands for map variation.
5) being able to get a clan mothership, mothership would have a entrance hole in the side of the hull and will be able to let 10 friendly members vessels dock inside.
6) having different physics with moving when entering different areas/boundries, such as clanmotherships and floating islands. (this is needed otherwise the movements of the floating object makes your ship crash if its not moving at the same physical direction)

1) docking ships yes, flying islands no.  We don't have flying islands in real life so we won't have them in game.
2) Yes, to some extent.  They're not quests, they're missions.  Probably from some sort of NPC or hub.
3) Probably not.  Stretch goal for non-mission based exploration and constrained to a route between towns.  (You will be always traveling on routes, instanced scenes between towns. Can't do truly open world like driving your airship through Skyrim or something).
4) Lol no flying islands.  This is similar to 3, if not the same.  Stretch goal for non-mission based exploration on instanced routes.  For this mode, instanced exploration routes could populate with other exploring ships.  Don't know the specifics, it's a pretty high stretch goal.
5) while cool, probably not.  Technology for the time makes it difficult to support airships of that size and with that amount of precise movement.  Furthermore, the mission based structure we're looking towards may not support constant docking and undocking.  A town's dock might look like a mothership... it's very hard to actually get the thing to move (lots of physics and insanity)
6) We can actually support all of this in the game as it stands now.  The only thing is that we won't have floating islands or motherships even though it's a cool idea.

The world that GoIO takes place is an alternate history where WWI never ended.  We don't have nuclear tech yet and probably never will.  People found what we had before like diesel powered engines and made minor technological developments like balloon envelopes and using lighter than air gases for lift.  It's pretty primitive in that sense.  Can't get enough lift for floating land masses or huge ships really.  The scarcity of resources makes it hard enough aside from realworld engineering and manufacturing efforts.

Offline awkm

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Re: What you want to see in Adventure Mode?
« Reply #39 on: March 18, 2013, 07:23:37 pm »
Will be adding information about Adventure Mode Kickstarter here as we get closer to launching it this week:,346.0.html

Offline Lord Dick Tim

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Re: What you want to see in Adventure Mode?
« Reply #40 on: March 19, 2013, 02:14:33 am »
Rofl, I'd imagine cloud whales is a very very long stretch goal.

Offline awkm

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Re: What you want to see in Adventure Mode?
« Reply #41 on: March 19, 2013, 10:44:46 am »
Rofl, I'd imagine cloud whales is a very very long stretch goal.

Lol are we that predictable?

Offline Kevin of Zhufbar

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Re: What you want to see in Adventure Mode?
« Reply #42 on: March 19, 2013, 04:37:29 pm »
Some form of ship skins. And a way to earn them by playing pvp matches before the game comes out.
Also ship custimization and upgrades you need to work for.

Offline Helmic

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Re: What you want to see in Adventure Mode?
« Reply #43 on: March 19, 2013, 10:58:53 pm »
With the stated ambitions of the Adventure Mode project and the desire to release it as paid DLC, I'm really wondering why this is being included in GoIO at all rather than as a standalone game.  As it is, it sounds like Adventure Mode would be the new focus for the game, and having the focus be a separately purchased DLC sounds a bit iffy, especially if new customers come into the game wondering why they're getting a "trial" version and have to pay ANOTHER fee to get the "actual" game.  Is this DLC going to be included by default for new purchases and only be purchasable as an expansion for those who already have a copy, or is that going to be included as a 2 for 1 deal on Steam?

How is this going to affect the community if it doesn't result in a rapid rise in total users, are we going to have a split community situation where half of the people are playing by themselves in Adventure Mode and the other half struggling to find matches in regular PvP?  How is regular PvP going to be balanced once PvE concerns start coming in and conflicting with PvP?  Are there going to be different PvE and PvP stats?  Is it going to be possible to drive a fully capable PvP ship and still be able to PvE efficiently, and vice versa?

Offline awkm

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Re: What you want to see in Adventure Mode?
« Reply #44 on: March 20, 2013, 12:06:09 pm »
With the stated ambitions of the Adventure Mode project and the desire to release it as paid DLC, I'm really wondering why this is being included in GoIO at all rather than as a standalone game.  As it is, it sounds like Adventure Mode would be the new focus for the game, and having the focus be a separately purchased DLC sounds a bit iffy, especially if new customers come into the game wondering why they're getting a "trial" version and have to pay ANOTHER fee to get the "actual" game.  Is this DLC going to be included by default for new purchases and only be purchasable as an expansion for those who already have a copy, or is that going to be included as a 2 for 1 deal on Steam?

How is this going to affect the community if it doesn't result in a rapid rise in total users, are we going to have a split community situation where half of the people are playing by themselves in Adventure Mode and the other half struggling to find matches in regular PvP?  How is regular PvP going to be balanced once PvE concerns start coming in and conflicting with PvP?  Are there going to be different PvE and PvP stats?  Is it going to be possible to drive a fully capable PvP ship and still be able to PvE efficiently, and vice versa?

No.  When you buy Guns of Icarus Online for the standard $20 you get Skirmish Mode.  There will be a separate DLC that you can buy to unlock Adventure Mode.  When you go into the main screen, it will ask you if you want to play Skirmish or Adventure if you have both things installed.

There is no trial or anything.  We can do a number of things on Steam in regard to packaging.

Skirmish Mode and Adventure Mode will most likely be silo'ed.  In other words, they will use separate balance.  As you mention, balancing PvE and PvP is an act waiting to fail.  However, I am personally interested in bringing some of these game modes together and cross the divide—it's a matter of having the meetings to investigate how this might be possible.  Of course, this will be to a limited degree.  Some PvE game mdoes just won't work.

In other: I am locking this topic in favor of using the other one.,346.60.html