Author Topic: What you want to see in Adventure Mode?  (Read 48243 times)

Offline Helmic

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Re: What you want to see in Adventure Mode?
« Reply #15 on: March 13, 2013, 09:11:06 pm »
All these ambitious ideas being tossed around is fine and all, but what's the actual scope Muse is aiming for?  Are we talking about simple co-op humans versus AI planes matches, a singleplayer/co-op campaign, persistent instanced MMO?  How much is this going to detract from the current multiplayer, is this going to be considered the new focus or simply a bonus for those that get tired of 0-5 losses?

Offline teweedo

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Re: What you want to see in Adventure Mode?
« Reply #16 on: March 13, 2013, 09:21:36 pm »
I'd like to have a big "mechanics" flying city where my own house is located. Some sort of housing where I can dock my ships.

I'd like to have more ships variety that can be only find in the adventure mode like : personal airplane, personal small balloon with one gun, trade ships, etc

I want the same balance as the multiplayer. Adapt the environment to the actual ships, not the opposite.

I'd like huge travels to do and towns I can visit here and there, a big fantastic world that I can visit in co-op.

Well that for a start would be nice enough to keeps me happy for a long time.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2013, 09:24:17 pm by teweedo »

Offline Veffidia

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Re: What you want to see in Adventure Mode?
« Reply #17 on: March 13, 2013, 09:46:26 pm »
All these ambitious ideas being tossed around is fine and all, but what's the actual scope Muse is aiming for?  Are we talking about simple co-op humans versus AI planes matches, a singleplayer/co-op campaign, persistent instanced MMO?  How much is this going to detract from the current multiplayer, is this going to be considered the new focus or simply a bonus for those that get tired of 0-5 losses?

That's exactly why I wonder if the Freelancer gameplay model wouldn't be the best way to work it - the whole game was pretty much played from your ship in vast open areas (space) - everything else was some combo of a static camera and a nice menu. 

Every time I look at the Kickstarter page, I realise Muse must seriously have a budget to keep in consideration.  There's no reason you cant have simple, yet deep & enriching gameplay features so long as you approach things in an inventive & thoughtful manner.  I mean, the money ArenaNet must have blown to get voice acting added everywhere must have been insane, yet players seem perfectly content to pick up books in Elder Scrolls and read them silently too.

We all obviously wouldn't be here if we didn't think GoIO was special.  So long as Muse keeps focusing on the Art, World, and Ships (~Steeeeampuuunk~), whatever they come up with can only add to the current game we are all enjoying.

Offline Lord Dick Tim

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Re: What you want to see in Adventure Mode?
« Reply #18 on: March 13, 2013, 10:55:59 pm »
Classical, Industrial revolution ambient music in the background that plays with the time of day cycle and environment.

Offline Janaas

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Re: What you want to see in Adventure Mode?
« Reply #19 on: March 14, 2013, 02:30:01 pm »
I am playing Eve Online and I think that this game is (despite all it's problems and drama) by far best MMO out there so I could write long about persistent single sharded universe, player-driven economy and so on, but I suppose that CCP Games had far more resources in the beggining than Muse has now.

Still I think that territory to fight over, all items crafted by players and all ships and equipment lost if destroyed is within Muse reach. Also some Sims like features like bars to socialize or even configurable player houses would be cool. Space for player created content and emergent gameplay would be awesome!

(By the way: Do Muse published any wall of text for what Adventure Mode will be like? I would appreciate if anybody could PM me any link.)

Offline Cpt. Yami

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Re: What you want to see in Adventure Mode?
« Reply #20 on: March 14, 2013, 02:39:44 pm »
I am playing Eve Online and I think that this game is (despite all it's problems and drama) by far best MMO out there so I could write long about persistent single sharded universe, player-driven economy and so on, but I suppose that CCP Games had far more resources in the beggining than Muse has now.

Still I think that territory to fight over, all items crafted by players and all ships and equipment lost if destroyed is within Muse reach. Also some Sims like features like bars to socialize or even configurable player houses would be cool. Space for player created content and emergent gameplay would be awesome!

(By the way: Do Muse published any wall of text for what Adventure Mode will be like? I would appreciate if anybody could PM me any link.)
They've been mostly vague about Adventure Mode, the only details they've given so far are in the FAQ under Differences between Skirmish and Adventure Mode.

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: What you want to see in Adventure Mode?
« Reply #21 on: March 14, 2013, 02:42:49 pm »
I would like to see NPC ground targets, or ships on the ocean to harass. One of the great things about being a floating weapons platform is lording over things that are not floating weapons platforms.

I don't know what Muse's scope is, but I heard something about an inter township commerce system. Perhaps we will get some sort of convoy escort or blockade runner game type. I am pretty happy with the PvP right now.

Offline Cpt. Yami

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Re: What you want to see in Adventure Mode?
« Reply #22 on: March 14, 2013, 03:06:58 pm »
I would like to see NPC ground targets, or ships on the ocean to harass. One of the great things about being a floating weapons platform is lording over things that are not floating weapons platforms.

I don't know what Muse's scope is, but I heard something about an inter township commerce system. Perhaps we will get some sort of convoy escort or blockade runner game type. I am pretty happy with the PvP right now.
From what I can gather from reading the faq is that towns/cities produce natural resources and/or manufactured goods which can be carried to other towns/cities by players for non- specified either ingame currency or other goods. But these towns/cities need to be provisioned in order to function/survive. That's where players come in, trading goods between different towns/cities. So yes, those features may or may not be in muse's overall design.

Offline awkm

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Re: What you want to see in Adventure Mode?
« Reply #23 on: March 14, 2013, 03:46:42 pm »
You'll hear more about Adventure Mode very soon... like next week soon... as well as ways you can contribute to this huge project.

A lot of the things you've mentioned are indeed planned to be in Adventure in some way or another.  One thing I'll say is that we're unwilling to call it a full MMO because that gives off the wrong impression (goddamn it WoW).  Airship combat will still be the crux of interaction here but every time you jump onto a ship, you will be affecting the world in some way or another.  Persistent, yes.  Completely open-world, impossible for our team size.

That's all I'll say for now :)  Get pumped.

Offline Sgt. Spoon

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Re: What you want to see in Adventure Mode?
« Reply #24 on: March 14, 2013, 03:48:10 pm »
From what I can gather from reading the faq is that towns/cities produce natural resources and/or manufactured goods which can be carried to other towns/cities by players for non- specified either ingame currency or other goods. But these towns/cities need to be provisioned in order to function/survive. That's where players come in, trading goods between different towns/cities. So yes, those features may or may not be in muse's overall design.

Pretty much their original idea. A world of dynamic towns, trade routes and a simple economic system, in which the players need to transport goods between the towns. Then maybe someone goes pirate and attacks those ships. That would lead to a few merchants joining together in trading caravans, or maybe hiring defensive mercenaries. Maybe the increased number of caravans would lead to an organized form of piracy, taking on bigger numbers. Or maybe a faction issues a trade blockade in a certain area. And so on...

EDIT: uh, ninja posted.

Offline Cpt. Yami

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Re: What you want to see in Adventure Mode?
« Reply #25 on: March 14, 2013, 05:03:38 pm »
You'll hear more about Adventure Mode very soon... like next week soon... as well as ways you can contribute to this huge project.

A lot of the things you've mentioned are indeed planned to be in Adventure in some way or another.  One thing I'll say is that we're unwilling to call it a full MMO because that gives off the wrong impression (goddamn it WoW).  Airship combat will still be the crux of interaction here but every time you jump onto a ship, you will be affecting the world in some way or another.  Persistent, yes.  Completely open-world, impossible for our team size.

That's all I'll say for now :)  Get pumped.
It's hard to get pumped knowing it won't be completely openworld, but I'll try :'(
I do understand however that you people can't work miracles. If however it would appear to lack funds to implement superawesome features, feel free to start another kickstarter. I'm sure most people active here would pitch in to get more adventure mode.

Offline Janaas

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Re: What you want to see in Adventure Mode?
« Reply #26 on: March 14, 2013, 05:51:53 pm »
Huh? Support? Going to inventarize my treasury then :D

Offline teweedo

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Re: What you want to see in Adventure Mode?
« Reply #27 on: March 14, 2013, 06:22:17 pm »
You'll hear more about Adventure Mode very soon... like next week soon... as well as ways you can contribute to this huge project.

A lot of the things you've mentioned are indeed planned to be in Adventure in some way or another.  One thing I'll say is that we're unwilling to call it a full MMO because that gives off the wrong impression (goddamn it WoW).  Airship combat will still be the crux of interaction here but every time you jump onto a ship, you will be affecting the world in some way or another.  Persistent, yes.  Completely open-world, impossible for our team size.

That's all I'll say for now :)  Get pumped.

I hope there's a kickstarter version of the game so we can help with our wallet and push the mode :D

Offline awkm

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Re: What you want to see in Adventure Mode?
« Reply #28 on: March 14, 2013, 06:31:20 pm »
It's hard to get pumped knowing it won't be completely openworld, but I'll try :'(
I do understand however that you people can't work miracles. If however it would appear to lack funds to implement superawesome features, feel free to start another kickstarter. I'm sure most people active here would pitch in to get more adventure mode.

Sorry to hear you feel that way.  If you want true open world, we'll need to hire many many many many more artists.  The look of our game competes on the AAA level, just that alone excludes us from doing open world because the amount of time required to create all the assets for each biome we want and then set dress everything.  It's a lot of work and a lot of time.  We're already trying to smart and save time by building the proper tools to help us along the way with what we have envisioned.  And the fact that we're flying in airships going at 50m/second (per SECOND)... that's a lot of ground to cover :P

HOWEVER.  I think this will be more interesting than any 'open' world game because the systems we're designing will keep you engaged and passionate about each one of your actions.

There is freedom in constraint.

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: What you want to see in Adventure Mode?
« Reply #29 on: March 14, 2013, 06:39:17 pm »
Have you guys ever played "Realm of the Mad God" ? It is an Open world MMO made out of 16x16 sprites. It is a brilliant exercise in minimalist graphics and game play. I don't think Muse should follow their lead, but it demonstrates what can be accomplished by a small team with a bit on ingenuity.