Author Topic: Raising consciousness for "stacking" !  (Read 69733 times)

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: Raising consciousness for "stacking" !
« Reply #45 on: September 10, 2013, 06:22:02 pm »
Soo needless to say they did get womped on...with mines...and then they started to argue that we had stacked teams....
Some men you just can't reach. So you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it... well, he gets it. I don't like it any more than you men.

Offline Calico Jack

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Re: Raising consciousness for "stacking" !
« Reply #46 on: September 11, 2013, 07:51:29 am »
When I saw Rainer's first image it made me think of something like this:

Offline Captain Smollett

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Re: Raising consciousness for "stacking" !
« Reply #47 on: September 11, 2013, 05:45:38 pm »
that is epic!

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Raising consciousness for "stacking" !
« Reply #48 on: September 11, 2013, 06:00:19 pm »
There was one time that a couple high levels were on one ship, forget what our ally was...more like mid range, against another midrange enemy ship...and a low level ship.

The enemy ships wanted us to ready know..."ready, ready, ready."

Soo needless to say they did get womped on...with mines...and then they started to argue that we had stacked teams....

Happens all too often along with low levels who have no concept there is a reverse key. They charge in recklessly then get torn to pieces and QQ about stacking when they are the morons who have no game sense. Its not stacking, its called enough common sense not to charge head on into a Galleon broadside. Let em QQ I say. I don't switch teams because someone isn't smart enough not to do something stupid. They don't like it, they can leave. Eventually the enemy ships will get people who have a lick of sense. When they finally manage to get a kill, that means they are learning and it isn't one sided anymore.

Offline Twinkie D-Lite

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Re: Raising consciousness for "stacking" !
« Reply #49 on: September 12, 2013, 11:45:01 am »
I play with just about anybody myself. I do get frustrated when a new Captain has no concept of what their weapons do, ie.. using a lumberjack as a battering ram, and should they choose ignore my advice I just leave them to bask in their ignorance after the match is over. But I do enjoy helping out the underdog when I get a chance.

Of course on the other end of the spectrum when Phoenix and Pzycho are online I will play with them, so whoever shows up in on the enemy team is on their own.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2013, 11:58:32 am by Twinkie D-Lite »

Offline Letus

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Re: Raising consciousness for "stacking" !
« Reply #50 on: September 12, 2013, 03:47:34 pm »
I play with just about anybody myself. I do get frustrated when a new Captain has no concept of what their weapons do, ie.. using a lumberjack as a battering ram, and should they choose ignore my advice I just leave them to bask in their ignorance after the match is over. But I do enjoy helping out the underdog when I get a chance.

Of course on the other end of the spectrum when Phoenix and Pzycho are online I will play with them, so whoever shows up in on the enemy team is on their own.

Twinkie, there can be a side with all level 1's, and the team would be stacked as soon as you show up.

Offline Wundsalz

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Re: Raising consciousness for "stacking" !
« Reply #51 on: September 12, 2013, 04:53:36 pm »
There are quite some barely avoidable causes for stacks:
- a good pilot can stack a lot of matches on his own
- people want to play with their friends
- public clan trains

A sophisticated match-making system might help to keep stacking within a limit.

Offline Commodore Phoenix

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Re: Raising consciousness for "stacking" !
« Reply #52 on: September 12, 2013, 05:05:20 pm »
Please don't say people believe that stacking is something people choose to do over the fact that there are more noobs than higher levels and higher levels know each other more so they play with each other instead of with a team of half competent first timers who don't know what they are doing and will most likely ignore the best efforts of any CA because they have no clue what this game is about. Also who want's to keep training new players game after game when all they wanted to do in the first place was to have a few fun games of well-played and intense aerial combat. Instead they get stuck in a circle of crap players who keep joining don't know what they are doing then being told what to do, then leaving and joining a new game with a new captain who has a new set-up and we begin again.

Offline Serenum

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Re: Raising consciousness for "stacking" !
« Reply #53 on: September 12, 2013, 05:17:31 pm »
Well, I like being in a clan to play WITH my friends, not against. That said, if the fight is horribly unbalanced I guess it's ok to switch teams, I'm just a bit annoyed by it because I like having reliable teammates and crewmembers on my team.

Offline Spud Nick

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Re: Raising consciousness for "stacking" !
« Reply #54 on: September 13, 2013, 01:44:56 am »
I find myself flying against my clan more often than I fly with them. Everybody loves shooting Spud Nick.

Offline Zenark

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Re: Raising consciousness for "stacking" !
« Reply #55 on: September 13, 2013, 09:20:52 am »
I find myself flying against my clan more often than I fly with them. Everybody loves shooting Spud Nick.

You provide a nice challenge. Besides, I like shooting everybody.

Offline Andika

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Re: Raising consciousness for "stacking" !
« Reply #56 on: September 13, 2013, 09:53:14 am »
Everybody loves shooting Spud Nick.

Why would your ever-supportive, good-hearted, innocent cow-eyed clanmates ever do such a horrible and foul thing with their own kind??! Shame on you for even considering it.

Offline Richard LeMoon

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Re: Raising consciousness for "stacking" !
« Reply #57 on: September 17, 2013, 05:32:12 pm »
Stacking will happen. Achievement hunters will go for the meta builds with a double stacked team. They will take -no- chance of losing, to the point of sitting in a lobby for 30 minutes, not readying up, waiting for the 'right' teams to form against them. I have seen this first hand.

There is no real way to combat this lobby-side, as, like other people have said, it very closely resembles friends just wanting to play together, and thus getting good at the game, and people finding a crew they can trust and have fun with by happenstance (I do this often).

Rather, perhaps there is something that can be done once in the match. Perhaps create an optional handicapping system. If one team is completely dominating another teams, gradually weaken their weapons and components to create a more even fight. Or, add extra AI to the floundering ships.

Personally, while flying the Jeeves, I have told my crew to go easy on the other ships if they seem new. Sometimes I even fly so as they can get a better shot at us. It just seems more fun that way. And it gives those lazy engineers something to do.

Offline Garou

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Re: Raising consciousness for "stacking" !
« Reply #58 on: September 17, 2013, 09:27:10 pm »
Stacking will happen. Achievement hunters will go for the meta builds with a double stacked team. They will take -no- chance of losing, to the point of sitting in a lobby for 30 minutes, not readying up, waiting for the 'right' teams to form against them. I have seen this first hand.
What you may have seen are crews who spend a bit longer than usual because they want to make sure all of their players know what tactics to expect and ammo to bring. I have been on the other side of this coin, trying to communicate the ship's needs to my crew while some impatient person chants "Ready up! Ready up!" over top of me, making it only take longer. Frankly, I ready up when I'm actually ready. I fully understand sometimes people want a pick-up-and-play experience. If a lobby is taking too long for your taste there is absolutely -nothing- stopping you from finding another, faster lobby.

Rather, perhaps there is something that can be done once in the match. Perhaps create an optional handicapping system. If one team is completely dominating another teams, gradually weaken their weapons and components to create a more even fight. Or, add extra AI to the floundering ships.
So I should be punished when my team is doing well in a match? No thanks ^^

Again, as I've said earlier in this thread, sometimes one team is simply better than the other. It's a fact of team-based games and there isn't much you can do about it mechanics-wise that will solve that.

Most players fix the issue themselves by team switching. Others want to play with their friends and clan-mates. Neither is wrong and I feel that the cases where 'stacking' is a result of deliberate, legitimate abuse are fewer than those that result of circumstance. Adding a mechanic like that would be detrimental at best, in my humble opinion.

Offline Garou

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Re: Raising consciousness for "stacking" !
« Reply #59 on: September 18, 2013, 01:13:49 am »
The only real solution I can see, that I've suggested before, is allow players to make a 'recommended level' setting for their lobbies. So 1 - 3 would be locked, then you could have "Recommended: 3 - 5" and "Recommended: 6+" lobby settings that players could select at set up. Nothing would fundamentally change, it would simply be a text display on the match screen.

That way it isn't restricted, but you could suggest that lower level players go to other lobbies, or suggest that higher level players do the same, based on where the person starting the lobby is. Having some sort of suggested level would let people know "This is a challenging lobby" or "this is for players who are beyond the beginner lobbies, but not quite ready to fly with the competitive players".

Players could still join at any level, but then you would have room to call someone out if say, an entire ship of level 8+ players are in a "3 - 5" lobby, and if you see a 'stacked team' in a "6+" lobby, you would know that those lower level players didn't read the requirement, or wanted a challenging match, and that the players who made the lobby made it with the intention of seeking a challenge rather than stacking for stacking's sake.

A third option would be to leave the setting at a default "open lobby", which would basically be what we have now, so if a player wanted just anyone to join, that could be another alternative.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2013, 01:23:17 am by Garou »