Author Topic: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players  (Read 86938 times)

Offline Plasmarobo

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #75 on: September 12, 2013, 07:27:13 am »
Letus, I think that is something different and possibly deserves a thread all to itself.

Offline QKO

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #76 on: September 12, 2013, 09:15:39 am »
No actually, if you do that in combination of my idea, you'd have less chance of people refusing to commend lower levels and making people more likely to commend based on behavior. In that sense, it is still related to this thread and not even a bad idea.

Offline Serenum

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #77 on: September 12, 2013, 05:20:46 pm »
With the number of players online having dropped by 90% in the last few weeks, isn't this threa a bit moot? The "less then plesant players" took care of themselves it seems.

Offline QKO

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #78 on: September 12, 2013, 05:45:54 pm »
Well, weekend is about to start, lets see what happens this time.

Offline MonsterMutt

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #79 on: September 13, 2013, 10:17:18 am »
With the number of players online having dropped by 90% in the last few weeks, isn't this threa a bit moot? The "less then plesant players" took care of themselves it seems.

I noticed that too, but I'd blame part of it on school starting.

Offline Mepic Von Shreck

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #80 on: September 13, 2013, 02:16:45 pm »
With the number of players online having dropped by 90% in the last few weeks, isn't this threa a bit moot? The "less then plesant players" took care of themselves it seems.

I noticed that too, but I'd blame part of it on school starting.

I know from some people (and I'm affected too) that the Mac problem hasn't been solved, so all the Mac players will be inactive until it's fixed...

Offline Skrimskraw

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #81 on: September 14, 2013, 10:18:01 am »
I played yesterday with a kid who were obviously around 7-10 years
he did not understand his role, he did not listen to everything I said, but he tried.
He had fun doing what he was doing, and I had fun playing, since I this game doesnt punish me for trying out new tactics or just playing around.

All new players, old or young are more than welcome on my ship, as long as you are willing to have fun and listen.

stigmatising these players would leave to a more hardcore audience yes, but how can that benefit any of us, if we´re playnig to have fun.
reate a clan if you want to be tryhard, and then fight your way to the top, it´s not easy, a lot of the top teams are incredibly good, so please do that before you start complaining about new players.

I started playing last january, in that span of time I have met players who are downright trolls or just mean in general.
I added all of them to my friendslist.
the trolls are gone
the mean players are gone
those who arent gone have changed behavior and are really nice people to play with now.

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #82 on: September 14, 2013, 12:43:45 pm »
This is the kind of thing that is quite typical and average when the in game population grows, back near the beginning of the year our population jumped to 300 (Which was larger then our average of 120) and according to a few people there were a few trolls and idiots, rude players, etc. then after a while the population dropped again and the people who remained were pretty decent, not in the fact they were good at the game, but in the fact they weren't trolls, those kind of people had left with the rest of growing players, Kirk was one of those players.

Offline James T. Kirk

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #83 on: September 14, 2013, 02:25:07 pm »
And I came to this game straight from Call of Duty. Even in the 1-3 lobbies, I was impressed with the community. Yes, there were trolls and dicks, but they were largely offset by the nice players. As I rose through the ranks, the community just got better and better.

Yes. There are less than pleasant players. That's just how the Internet works.

It's the fact that they're so disproportionate to the more than pleasant players that makes this game great.

And while I haven't been here long, I've seen my fair share of players troll, be nasty, or complain about the community both on the forum and in the game.

If you look back in forum history, you'll see some familiar faces defending the community, and some not-so-familiar faces saying how much it sucks.

That's not to say you should leave, Q.

I've had you both on my crew and as a fellow captain.
You're not bad at the game, you played it very well in both instances.

It's just time to let a few bad eggs stop ruining the experience for you.

Offline Tharinock

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #84 on: September 30, 2013, 02:22:56 am »
Fragmenting the community is not a good solution to issues. New players learn best from nice, understanding good players. I'm still pretty new to this game, level 4 on my highest role. And when I was brand new, I learned the most when manning the ship of experienced captains. There were a couple early games where my captain saw I was a level 1/2 engineer. In response, they didn't get mad at me when I made mistakes. They said things like "When the hull gets hurt, repairing it is the top priority." Not in a mean nasty way, just stating a fact that I as an engineer should know. And I learned from their advice, and by the end of one of my runs on a ship the captain was confident enough in my engineering to burn kerosine 24/7 while his other 2 crew manned the guns. Had he just complained "my engines are down, stop sucking engineer" I would not have picked up a lot of the skills I did. That game was where I learned about how to prioritize, and had my first lesson in engi parkour.

Offline QKO

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #85 on: October 01, 2013, 09:19:50 pm »
Fragmenting the community is not a good solution to issues. New players learn best from nice, understanding good players. I'm still pretty new to this game, level 4 on my highest role. And when I was brand new, I learned the most when manning the ship of experienced captains. There were a couple early games where my captain saw I was a level 1/2 engineer. In response, they didn't get mad at me when I made mistakes. They said things like "When the hull gets hurt, repairing it is the top priority." Not in a mean nasty way, just stating a fact that I as an engineer should know. And I learned from their advice, and by the end of one of my runs on a ship the captain was confident enough in my engineering to burn kerosine 24/7 while his other 2 crew manned the guns. Had he just complained "my engines are down, stop sucking engineer" I would not have picked up a lot of the skills I did. That game was where I learned about how to prioritize, and had my first lesson in engi parkour.
This is like reply number 50 which explains their own experienced how they, as motivated players, learned the game. You keep missing the point that no two people are the same and unlike you, there's quite a few people not even remotely interested in playing the actual game and instead treat the game like a cafe. (Though, those numbers have dropped). Other than that, I cannot say I know you, so I'm not sure in what group you'd fit. The supposed newbie pool would be there for slow learners. That way some less abled players(most notably those that are 10-13 years old, but also some older folks who don't have a gaming background)  can get up to speed in an environment that has lower standards. The regular pool is a pool that has relatively high standards. Even now, if I ask around, no one really has any patience for players that just don't care. These players have been the cause of numerous fallouts between captain and crew and even now is still enough of a nuisance that can create a bad environment even for people like you.

And I'm not going to call myself any sort of saint, but I'm definitely not the only one that can end up being very hostile to players that do other things than instructed by me as a pilot. Even as a crew member I've had fallouts with players that were not following captain's orders or captains that were consistently making bad decisions or ignored some very important calls from their crewmembers. As my prediction to how this would end up has been wrong, I'm dropping this for now.

But I still do not feel that the game in structure is welcoming to new players. You had the fortunate ability to play with experienced crew that were willing to help you and you seized the opportunity. The next noob might not be so lucky. And yes, I'll bring up games like DotA and LoL again, have you tried to get into those games? Learn them? Get better? Because it's a real pain there. It can take years there on what can be attained in GoIO or even Guilty Gear in mere months. That is something I still feel we should be careful of.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2013, 09:21:55 pm by QKO »

Offline treseritops

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #86 on: October 01, 2013, 09:40:37 pm »

And I'm not going to call myself any sort of saint, but I'm definitely not the only one that can end up being very hostile to players that do other things than instructed by me as a pilot. Even as a crew member I've had fallouts with players that were not following captain's orders or captains that were consistently making bad decisions or ignored some very important calls from their crewmembers.

But I still do not feel that the game in structure is welcoming to new players.

Behavior you just described is one of the chief problems in the structure that is "not welcoming to new players".

The fact that players feel like it is appropriate or justified in being "very hostile" to other people at any point is truly asinine. Treating another person differently based on their skill level, or style or play is unacceptable. Consistently making bad decisions?  Next time imagine if you were actually in a room with this person playing a board game perhaps, or a game of soccer/football. Even if they were making poor decisions based on their skill, or just less interested in the game at hand it wouldn't give you the right to be rude or have a "fallout". Find another lobby, make sure you are playing strictly with friends, or ask the player to join a more casual lobby. 

God forbid every new player doesn't buy the game with a $300 mouse and gaming computer looking to memorize the metas, reach tournament level and become a professional GOIO player. Instead of lamenting every casual player that enters the game why don't we take some responsibility for the way *we treat newer players as well* regardless of what their goals are in game.

Offline QKO

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #87 on: October 02, 2013, 01:41:09 pm »
Behavior you just described is one of the chief problems in the structure that is "not welcoming to new players".

The fact that players feel like it is appropriate or justified in being "very hostile" to other people at any point is truly asinine. Treating another person differently based on their skill level, or style or play is unacceptable. Consistently making bad decisions?  Next time imagine if you were actually in a room with this person playing a board game perhaps, or a game of soccer/football. Even if they were making poor decisions based on their skill, or just less interested in the game at hand it wouldn't give you the right to be rude or have a "fallout". Find another lobby, make sure you are playing strictly with friends, or ask the player to join a more casual lobby. 

God forbid every new player doesn't buy the game with a $300 mouse and gaming computer looking to memorize the metas, reach tournament level and become a professional GOIO player. Instead of lamenting every casual player that enters the game why don't we take some responsibility for the way *we treat newer players as well* regardless of what their goals are in game.
I must say, you are very creative and very liberal with words. So I'm going to ask you: please don't put words in my mouth. I'm enough of an asshole without your help.

Furthermore, I never said flaming, raging, etc is a good thing. But I am saying that stuff like this happens. And that for the players that truly care, this abuse is targeted at malfunctioning players. If after 5 minutes of idiocies, my gunner tells me that the person causing trouble is sitting in his gun, I will shout that guy off. In turn, even I get shouted at for stuff I shouldn't have done; and instead of moping about that on the forums, I realize some other factors can be active here and that the player giving me the lecture has good intentions. That is me, I've been on both sides and I know what the captain is dealing with and I know what crewmembers are dealing with. I don't start off yelling at people and if players here claim they don't notice that, it's because they refuse to listen to anyone that isn't shouting.

Now your board game analogy. It's obvious you've never been even remotely competitive playing board games, card games, sport games that rely on teamplay. Otherwise you would know that if you were to dick around, you aren't welcome for long. The situations in these type of games still can go to a phase where people start yelling at eachother for numerous of reasons. Yet, it's less frequent because such games are usually among friends rather than strangers that wish to fuck around and annoy eachother.

Lets continue with your 300 dollar mouse remark. And I keep saying this and I know I speak for pretty much everyone: I do not care about your hardware, I don't care about the operating system you're playing this game on. Your headset can be pink, lila, magenta, or everything at the same time. I do not care. What I do care about is that you respect your captain, listen to him and communicate with your crew. Essentially, I ask of you and everyone playing this game to uphold a certain kind of standards that any respectable person should have. I'm not asking you to be good, I'm asking you to try and I want people to be willing to learn.

Offline Adrasteia

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #88 on: November 21, 2013, 06:16:20 pm »
Umm, as some of you might know, I don't put up with inappropriate language in public forums or lobbies.  And well, I came across someone using such language.  I immediately informed them to watch their language... and to maybe, if they still wished to be offensive, be creative about it.  They proceeded to respond with "f you".  So with glee I responded with "To the deepest depths of hell with you, you lowly peasant scum."  <3 <3  They left the match after that!


edit: their absence was not my intent, only that they participate in harmony with the rest of us.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2013, 06:18:06 pm by Adrasteia »

Offline Keon

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #89 on: November 21, 2013, 08:40:20 pm »
Uhh, wrong topic? I'd honestly prefer this topic to stay buried, it was always at risk of becoming a flame war.