Author Topic: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players  (Read 100185 times)

Offline QKO

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #45 on: September 03, 2013, 06:29:35 pm »
Right, I feel, as a newish player, I should have a little say.

When I first came onto GOI, I played a bit with people I know in real life, as we could communicate well with each other and all know when to take things seriously. This resulted in some pretty good wins in beginner matches. When they went offline for the most part, I ended up joining a random crew with one of the guys remaining (engi). Of course, it was a pyra (can't remember the build but it was amazingly good fun) and we ended up chatting a fair bit and having a great time, despite many of the other beginner ships being pretty dreadful (no lies here). Because of them being so bad, we decided to go to a non-beginner DM, being 1-1-1 for the most part. In those matches we had 5 perfect wins, with us taking quite a few kills despite being so new. And we weren't being overly serious about it. If people messed up (we had some hilarious hwacha disasters) we'd just laugh it off and joke, before getting back to semi-seriousness. This was great fun and actually worked really effectively.

However, since it could be arguably said to be 'casual' in the way we played, despite the fact we were pretty damn successful - following this I've ran quite a few DMs with the pilot, and have formed a pretty decent crew of people through random matches - your idea would result in us not being able to join any 'experienced' games. I think it's ridiculously elitist to think that everyone who doesn't take GOI seriously to the point of shouting at people (I've come across a few myself, though fortunately haven't been shouted at directly) shouldn't be 'in with the cool kids', so to speak.

It was only through joining the non-beginner matches and having a laugh with more experienced players that I really developed my own skill and ended up racking up some really good, fun games... And wins.

So it's just ridiculous that you would act so elitist when, really, it's the non-beginner matches that push beginners, like me, to become more experienced in GOI.

TL;DR The original post is utter elitist rubbish that will do nothing to help GOI.
Ok, at least you read half of the OP post, but you missed the part where I tried to explain freedom of movement. Now let me explain it again, initially 1-1-1 players have access to both the beginner pool and the experienced pool. The only way access to the experienced pool can be revoked is when the 1 1 1 does not earn enough commendations(the amount required is up for grabs). So lets say you need to gain 10 in 10 matches. That means at least one player each match would have to give you a commendation for you to stay. Considering the liberal way these are used now, you would probably get 6 every match, so in 2 matches the system would determine you can stay in the experienced player pool. And because this access can be tested at any time, your example would actually have gone through.

I also gave Spud's ship as an example that has a rather casual ring to it. I just flew a spire with a heavy carronade + mortar (and won!) and I have some other silly ships in the line. It's not really about how you approach the game, as long as you play the game with the attempt to win I'm pretty much fine with things.

Also, note that I referred to these players as 'casual' as in "I play for fun" when you ask them why they are doing something that is incredibly stupid. I think it's safe to assume that you as a clanmember are willing to take responsibility for your actions. Which means you are not afraid to admit you were wrong or that something you tried failed you. The 'casual' crowd has none of these virtues, they even give you the finger when you explain to them why 4 mortars on a Pyramidion simply is not effective. Or when you ask them to stop repairing a near downed hull armor with a spanner rather than a mallet they simply ignore you and keep doing it. That is once more that fancy little group I'm targeting.

And you might consider me some elitist jerk, but a 1-1-1 just made it on my friendslist, so there >:P

Offline Commodore Phoenix

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Offline N-Sunderland

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #47 on: September 03, 2013, 11:03:39 pm »
This thread will get locked if we keep on seeing posts that border on personal attacks. If you don't like the suggestion, then argue about it. If you don't like the player, keep that to yourself.

Offline Mepic Von Shreck

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #48 on: September 04, 2013, 12:40:24 pm »
Right, I feel, as a newish player, I should have a little say.

When I first came onto GOI, I played a bit with people I know in real life, as we could communicate well with each other and all know when to take things seriously. This resulted in some pretty good wins in beginner matches. When they went offline for the most part, I ended up joining a random crew with one of the guys remaining (engi). Of course, it was a pyra (can't remember the build but it was amazingly good fun) and we ended up chatting a fair bit and having a great time, despite many of the other beginner ships being pretty dreadful (no lies here). Because of them being so bad, we decided to go to a non-beginner DM, being 1-1-1 for the most part. In those matches we had 5 perfect wins, with us taking quite a few kills despite being so new. And we weren't being overly serious about it. If people messed up (we had some hilarious hwacha disasters) we'd just laugh it off and joke, before getting back to semi-seriousness. This was great fun and actually worked really effectively.

However, since it could be arguably said to be 'casual' in the way we played, despite the fact we were pretty damn successful - following this I've ran quite a few DMs with the pilot, and have formed a pretty decent crew of people through random matches - your idea would result in us not being able to join any 'experienced' games. I think it's ridiculously elitist to think that everyone who doesn't take GOI seriously to the point of shouting at people (I've come across a few myself, though fortunately haven't been shouted at directly) shouldn't be 'in with the cool kids', so to speak.

It was only through joining the non-beginner matches and having a laugh with more experienced players that I really developed my own skill and ended up racking up some really good, fun games... And wins.

So it's just ridiculous that you would act so elitist when, really, it's the non-beginner matches that push beginners, like me, to become more experienced in GOI.

TL;DR The original post is utter elitist rubbish that will do nothing to help GOI.
Ok, at least you read half of the OP post, but you missed the part where I tried to explain freedom of movement. Now let me explain it again, initially 1-1-1 players have access to both the beginner pool and the experienced pool. The only way access to the experienced pool can be revoked is when the 1 1 1 does not earn enough commendations(the amount required is up for grabs). So lets say you need to gain 10 in 10 matches. That means at least one player each match would have to give you a commendation for you to stay. Considering the liberal way these are used now, you would probably get 6 every match, so in 2 matches the system would determine you can stay in the experienced player pool. And because this access can be tested at any time, your example would actually have gone through.

I also gave Spud's ship as an example that has a rather casual ring to it. I just flew a spire with a heavy carronade + mortar (and won!) and I have some other silly ships in the line. It's not really about how you approach the game, as long as you play the game with the attempt to win I'm pretty much fine with things.

Also, note that I referred to these players as 'casual' as in "I play for fun" when you ask them why they are doing something that is incredibly stupid. I think it's safe to assume that you as a clanmember are willing to take responsibility for your actions. Which means you are not afraid to admit you were wrong or that something you tried failed you. The 'casual' crowd has none of these virtues, they even give you the finger when you explain to them why 4 mortars on a Pyramidion simply is not effective. Or when you ask them to stop repairing a near downed hull armor with a spanner rather than a mallet they simply ignore you and keep doing it. That is once more that fancy little group I'm targeting.

And you might consider me some elitist jerk, but a 1-1-1 just made it on my friendslist, so there >:P

Ah, ok. That's cleared up a fair bit I think.

Still, I don't entirely agree, but your points are taken!

Offline Zander Broda

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #49 on: September 04, 2013, 02:43:03 pm »
i saw the thread title and expected to agree with the OP, but after reading the thread i find that i disagree completely.

to put it simply your proposed system of getting rid of dicks relies on people not being dicks. how many "bad players" will make it past this system because most people just give out commendations after a match no matter what, how many "good players" will have their access to experienced lobby's revoked?

this idea is awful and would only destroy this games already small player base.

Offline Plasmarobo

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #50 on: September 04, 2013, 04:10:54 pm »
I think there are too many assumptions made about low level players here. I've seen high levels be terrible people and low levels be the nicest folks I've met.

It also stops reformation. I like trying to make problem players into good players. Most of the time it doesn't work, but I think both myself and they deserve the opportunity.

Plus tiering is found in so many games, and it almost always makes me feel sad and second class (in general I am not good a video games). I like that this one is so open and mobile. It makes it feel very authentic to me. A high level player can take a risk on a low level or loose cannon player. I just like other people in general and the openness the current system promotes.

And some people have fun with 4 mortars on a Pyra. Once they get hammered into the ground they might start to listen. If they don't, well, something right is happening. If they simply don't listen, I'll find another ship or start my own game.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2013, 04:13:20 pm by Plasmarobo »

Offline Gryphos

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #51 on: September 04, 2013, 04:19:34 pm »
If they simply don't listen, I'll find another ship or start my own game.

I think it really does just come down to that.

New player that wants to learn? Great, you could teach them and feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

New player that's a dickhead? *shrugs* eh, there's always other lobbies. And they probably won't stay in GoIO for very long anyway.

It really is that simple. We don't need any fancy systems to enforce the community other than the innate choices of the players themselves.

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #52 on: September 04, 2013, 04:43:38 pm »

Offline Keon

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #53 on: September 04, 2013, 07:07:41 pm »
Can't argue with that.

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #54 on: September 04, 2013, 08:37:58 pm »
I'm with Gilder here, And to bring up a point Andika made earlier, I too tend to play with my fellow Cakes nigh on always, does that mean I'm in housing? Sure I am, however I play with people I enjoy playing with, and my friends list keeps growing, and like Andika said, not all of them are cakes. I don't have to pull the, "I've been here long enough to have seen this kind of attitude before." Card out do I?

Offline QKO

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #55 on: September 10, 2013, 01:46:46 pm »
I'm with Gilder here, And to bring up a point Andika made earlier, I too tend to play with my fellow Cakes nigh on always, does that mean I'm in housing? Sure I am, however I play with people I enjoy playing with, and my friends list keeps growing, and like Andika said, not all of them are cakes. I don't have to pull the, "I've been here long enough to have seen this kind of attitude before." Card out do I?
Inhousing is a group isolating themselves from the mass to play games. If you play games with only people you know, you are basically inhousing. Basically, the problem currently is that people are losing the drive to just pub and start to stack/inhouse instead (me included).

Offline -Mad Maverick-

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #56 on: September 10, 2013, 02:26:46 pm »
i havent read any of the other responses so i am sure it has already been said

but isnt QKO hating to play with bad players a bit of the pot calling the kettle black?

Offline QKO

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #57 on: September 10, 2013, 04:16:30 pm »
i havent read any of the other responses so i am sure it has already been said

but isnt QKO hating to play with bad players a bit of the pot calling the kettle black?
It wasn't me firing that mortar if that's what you're referring to.

Offline Eukari

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #58 on: September 10, 2013, 05:15:41 pm »
No offense, but can we just let this thread die? I don't think there's anything more that needs to be said.

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #59 on: September 10, 2013, 06:29:17 pm »
Again, another one of those round about threads in which people will keep repeating the same argument over and over again, enough is enough and this thread really has no purpose.