Author Topic: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players  (Read 100190 times)

Offline Xemkobankavareniya

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #15 on: September 02, 2013, 08:27:35 pm »
Qwerty, at least, could u move it to feedback/suggestions?

Offline Wundsalz

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #16 on: September 02, 2013, 08:28:25 pm »
I'm not interested in seeing our community shifting even slightly into the direction of Dota/HoN, attitude wise. I've seen you ingame a few times and I've read/heard how you treat (new) players. Frankly I don't wonder even slightly why you're incapeable of utilizing new players in your crew. If you treat people like shit, you should better not expect them to improve on your ship. Did you ever consider to drop your "ZOMG!!1!! WHY DID YOU LET THE HULL DIE!?!!1!" attitude, chill your tits and go over to elaborating the game mechanics to our new players?
You almost make it sound as if you've been aboard my ship! Which you haven't, so you don't really know what you're talking about or what sets me off in the first place now do you? Should I be your crewmember and explicitly ignore you until you lose your patience? If you want to go all personal on me that's fine, but you can do that in PM, not here.
I've played a match or two with you (not on your crew, but as a pilot of your opposing team). I've seen you complaining about your previous 'moronic crew' verbally prior to the match start. I've seen you complaining ingame about your present crew in match chat and I've heared you complaining about 'quitting noobs' verbally after the match. I don't even want to know what was going on in your crew (voice) chat.
And no - I definetly do not want to see you on my crew, ever.

Offline Commodore Phoenix

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #17 on: September 02, 2013, 08:30:40 pm »
I willingly accept him on my crew and I wish to see him preform in battle if he has a point that is worth making he should at least prove he isn't hypocritical.

Offline QKO

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #18 on: September 02, 2013, 08:33:39 pm »
Lol, i'm actually agree with Phoenix.
dat RAGE :D
i'm losing patience for new players pretty often, but QKO, srsly, there is a limit.
At this point, you become an official *noob nazi* of the GOI.
I do not hate noobs. If you are on my crew you will notice that I can be extremely patient with new players and that I will spend whatever time I can telling them everything I know about what they are doing at that moment. It is that other group which I explicitly separate from the actual new player that I deplore and that I prefer not to see in my games. While this might seem all rather extreme, I'm being very honest about the situation. I yell at people, I can yell very hard(strong voice, strong posture), but I only do so if I'm under the distinct perception that they are purposely screwing me(admittedly, I get that perception very fast, though I also apologize if I find out I'm wrong on the matter).

Qwerty I said it seems he is retarded as he has constantly posted this drivel on more than one thread its starting to seem that he either A) doesn't want any kind of disagreement and just wants everyone to shut up and do what he says or B) he has some kind of personality disorder that makes him not understand when someone tells him he is wrong which correct me if I'm wrong is a form of mental retardation.

This idea has been put forward by this guy so many times just look through his history you will see so he has got to be blocked because its getting ridiculous its not about making this game better its about him trying to have some kind of power which isn't there, none of his ideas have ever been validated and there have been many discussions where he has been proven wrong and never right so I'm not being some little immature child I am stating he must have some reason to not understand what has been clearly told to him several times. So you block him or he is going to get called more than a retard and not by me.
No, see, here is where the problem starts, yes it is the same story but I'm now here starting a dedicated thread where my own idea can get explored or alternatives can be offered. You're deciding to do neither of the two.
Furthermore, I've had support on nearly all my suggestions in the feedback thread and even some balance changes/weapons are planned for the game conform to what I entered that thread with. You are having a very lopsided view about me which I feel is unjustified. If you're looking for a war or something, just go look somewhere else, I don't have the time, nor the energy to deal with you.
You can if enough people complain about it right?
Now this would be nazism

Offline James T. Kirk

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #19 on: September 02, 2013, 08:33:51 pm »
Why can't I be experienced AND play 'just for fun'?

Just because I don't fly gat/mortar builds and play to win 100% doesn't mean I don't respect the game.

The way that me and my friends play (using lots of fire, for all of you new to the Forum) would probably get a lot of us 'reported.'

We already do have 'experienced' lobbies. They're even password protected. If you want in, there's one every Sunday at minimum.

One of the great joys (to me) of this game is not only its uniqueness (airship combat! :D) but also it's community. It's hopping into some random lobby, saying hello to everyone, getting a few 'hi's back and having idle conversation until the lobby fills up.

Sure, you get some people who just respond with a swift 'shut up,' but people often respond to that with a 'that's not cool' or 'Jesus, what's your problem?'

Maybe I just catch the lucky end of the 'Lobby Lottery,' if you will, but this is one of the best damn general communities I've ever encountered.

That's not to say I don't want to preserve it.

I think the way to go about that is to teach those who will listen and scold those who don't.

Those who try to play this game independently are quickly bored with it.

I may be misunderstanding you completely. If I am please correct me.

Offline Commodore Phoenix

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #20 on: September 02, 2013, 08:42:40 pm »
You can if enough people complain about it right?
Now this would be nazism
Actually its called democracy its what drives a lot of things like freedom, equality, all the things that make something good.

What you don't seem to understand is you posted a thread to come up with ways to make alternatives for your ideas, however you fail to understand we don't need your idea or alternatives for it, why? because your ideas are similar to ones that ruin almost every other game culture out there that are using the same basis and seems though we already have several things in place that makes this game and its community so enjoyable you ideas are just silly they would never be put through i'm not trying to start a war I am merely saying your ideas just shouldn't be here because they don't work and we don't need them to work when we already have a better system.

Offline QKO

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #21 on: September 02, 2013, 08:46:09 pm »
I willingly accept him on my crew and I wish to see him preform in battle if he has a point that is worth making he should at least prove he isn't hypocritical.
As you wish.

Why can't I be experienced AND play 'just for fun'?

Just because I don't fly gat/mortar builds and play to win 100% doesn't mean I don't respect the game.

The way that me and my friends play (using lots of fire, for all of you new to the Forum) would probably get a lot of us 'reported.'

We already do have 'experienced' lobbies. They're even password protected. If you want in, there's one every Sunday at minimum.

One of the great joys (to me) of this game is not only its uniqueness (airship combat! :D) but also it's community. It's hopping into some random lobby, saying hello to everyone, getting a few 'hi's back and having idle conversation until the lobby fills up.

Sure, you get some people who just respond with a swift 'shut up,' but people often respond to that with a 'that's not cool' or 'Jesus, what's your problem?'

Maybe I just catch the lucky end of the 'Lobby Lottery,' if you will, but this is one of the best damn general communities I've ever encountered.

That's not to say I don't want to preserve it.

I think the way to go about that is to teach those who will listen and scold those who don't.

Those who try to play this game independently are quickly bored with it.

I may be misunderstanding you completely. If I am please correct me.
I do not know how many ways I have to pinpoint the type of player I'm on about. Everyone does weird builds. Your clanleader has one of the most idiotic builds around and he's making it work pretty damn well. I'm not here about rules on how you're supposed to win. I'm here about players that join the game, say nothing, immediately ready with a full mortar ship. Then when in game you try to reach them they ignore you. Or how about the player that repairs a near depleted hull armor with a spanner rather than a mallet? And uses the mallet to restore a near full health hull armor? Of course, he continues doing this after 3 crew members explicitly told him to knock that off. Then there's the second pilot syndrome, or the second gunner syndrome. I even have the politeness to inform my opposing crew that their ship is going to fail during the upcoming game and they ignore me or tell me to shut the fuck up; of course they die in the game and guess what their crew has to go through?

You have seen me in game, you see me flying around with a carronade+flamethrower pyramidion, your clan has had me onboard their ships several times and had me play along just fine. You should know that I'm not targeting the way some people wish to approach this game in the context of the game. I'm trying to make clear that I'm targeting players that do not care about the game one damn bit; and if the game ends up completely ruined because of them they still don't care about it. They are the players you give advice and they tell you to stfu or use other verbal means to insult you. That is who I'm after.

And yes, right now this is one of the best gaming communities out there. That is correct and I agree with that. What is happening however, which is not only seen by me, but quite a few people around me is that CA intervention is becoming much more common now due to the friction between the types of players. And the suggestion I mention in OP is expressly designed to reduce or completely avoid that friction.

Offline QKO

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #22 on: September 02, 2013, 08:59:45 pm »
Actually its called democracy its what drives a lot of things like freedom, equality, all the things that make something good.

What you don't seem to understand is you posted a thread to come up with ways to make alternatives for your ideas, however you fail to understand we don't need your idea or alternatives for it, why? because your ideas are similar to ones that ruin almost every other game culture out there that are using the same basis and seems though we already have several things in place that makes this game and its community so enjoyable you ideas are just silly they would never be put through i'm not trying to start a war I am merely saying your ideas just shouldn't be here because they don't work and we don't need them to work when we already have a better system.
Mob justice does not apply to censorship.

The way I proposed this is an extension on what Alliance of Variant Arms (maintained by aeria games) is doing with their beginner pool. The beginner pool is even a means to attract new players because the experience gain there is higher. What I simply did was add one more pool in there that is explicitly designed for those who don't fit in either of the regular pools. This is to reduce friction. This means less interventions from CA and less yelling from me(which should be a good thing!) and other players. The AVA approach is successful. Players there, just like I propose right here, can skip the beginner pool if they so desire and immediately join up with the experienced players, they do so however at the experienced players consent. If the consent is withdrawn, which is usually because the player isn't qualified, the player is told to go to the beginner pool or kicked immediately in that game. Since Muse is against kicking and since the commendation system is used as liberal as it is now, new players wishing to enter the experienced player pool should have no real problem skipping the beginner pool if they so desire. That is the key idea of my (genius) plan.

The 'casual' pool can be compared to the low priority pool in DotA2, which up to an extend did work. However, DotA2's major flaw is the lack of manual intervention. I suspect that a lot of 'casual' players wouldn't really care about what pool they ended up in and won't bother to appeal them being put there. And for that an automated system would succeed in segregating properly. There's cases however of players that never ever should end up in such a pool and for them the appeal system is in place. Again, while segregating, I want to keep as much free movement as possible, but not to the point where friction occurs.

Offline Eukari

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #23 on: September 02, 2013, 09:09:00 pm »
...they do so however at the experienced players consent.

This is a big issue. Letting players, no matter how "experienced" essentially vet other players turns this whole thing into a popularity contest. In a game centered on building trust and camaraderie with your fellow players, "booting" people because you don't like how they do things is the worst thing you can do. We should be encouraging players to open up and be friendly and cooperative, not handing down summary judgement.

Offline Imagine

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #24 on: September 02, 2013, 09:16:11 pm »
Dude, literally all you do is post about how this game is going to turn into DOTA2 or LoL, and then come up with asinine plans of how to "combat it" to which, when, presented with arguments against it, you basically stick your fingers in your ears and sing "lalala can'thearyou".

No one agrees with your doomsday scenarios, and everything you've suggested either gets shot down quickly or is against Muse's philosophy, so please... just stop.

Offline Captain Smollett

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #25 on: September 02, 2013, 10:30:23 pm »
The problem presented by the OP is one easily solved.

Make friends, play with them, enjoy the game

Though we all play in pubs I know personally this is how I tend to have the most fun in GOI.

Offline Dutch Vanya

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #26 on: September 03, 2013, 12:00:36 am »
I just want to say that certain experienced/high level players can be just as bad to play with.. when doing things that are purposely detrimental to everyone else in the game.

Offline Eukari

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #27 on: September 03, 2013, 12:06:08 am »
I just want to say that certain experienced/high level players can be just as bad to play with.. when doing things that are purposely detrimental to everyone else in the game.

The only thing that legitimately bothers me is full-Phobos Mine Launcher builds. I just...hate mines. I guess if I got on a ship that actually knew what it was doing with them, but most don't. I can understand wanting to mess around and have fun- everybody gets bored now and then- but flying around in a Squid for 30 minutes and not hitting anything is more my definition of "boring." ;P

Anytime that happens I try to tough it out, then abandon the lobby as soon as the match is over.

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #28 on: September 03, 2013, 12:21:21 am »
as a cake, I am a frequent user of the 4 mine 1 harpoon mobula. This build is incredibly satisfying, far from boring, and shockingly effective (actually won more than a few matches)

Offline Eukari

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #29 on: September 03, 2013, 12:25:29 am »
as a cake, I am a frequent user of the 4 mine 1 harpoon mobula. This build is incredibly satisfying, far from boring, and shockingly effective (actually won more than a few matches)

Oh, I'm sure. But I've been in too many matches with a mine-layer Squid whose crew are "just messing around, man" and end up flying aimlessly at the edge of battlefields, dropping mines far away from any actual enemy ship. You sound like you actually know what you're doing; running all/mostly mines is fine if it's your strategy, but kinda lame when it's just for a lark.