Author Topic: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players  (Read 99468 times)

Offline QKO

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Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« on: September 02, 2013, 07:22:56 pm »
Yes, I'm gonna go dedicate a thread to this. I warned Wazulu I would do this, so here it is. This thread is about dealing with the influx of 'casual'... I mean 'bad' players; or bad players defining themselves as casual. Whatever you like. People that have played LoL, DotA, CS:GO, etc. know exactly what I'm talking about and can exactly tell where THIS community is headed. If you wish to ignore the issue or wouldn't want to read any more of my gibberish, press backspace now. If that didn't do anything, there's also the back button.

Previous weekend, I/crew I was on required moderator interference twice, last weekend once. While 2 measurements isn't enough to spot a trend, I am worried and I feel we need to deal with the issue. One of my friends has said we should stand our ground firmly right now. He also argued that while this might stunt growth a little, it will end up being beneficial for the current community and for the new players in the long run. And I am inclined to agree. If you let people in that have no interest in playing the actual game, you're inevitably going to drop standards. And while hardcore communities tend to be small, keep in mind that Quakeworld, Quake3 and Street Fighter 2 are still being played, if dicking around was the standard in those games, noone would've stayed that long.

I however do not believe we need to go full hostile on anyone that is new or 'just doesn't care'. New players as it is now are subject to abuse from players in the game. It's not because I like to yell at people, it's not because my friends like to yell at people, it's because they set us off and test our patience. And yes, I have met noobs that did really well in the first game, and I commend them on it, but others... lets just say they don't like me anymore; and I'm not a captain that is burning moonshine and complaining that his engines are broken.

Lets analyze the situation from their perspective. One of the reasons is: they just don't care about you or the games they are ruining by simply joining as captain and readying up immediately with a 3 mortar squid. These players are the ones that piss everyone off, because when you try to correct them, they just laugh at you or just ignore you. While in Guns of Icarus there is ways around them(if not many) and it often happens that two of these idiots join side by side in the same team, causing them to endure serious losses and leaving midgame... these players are going to be setting the standard if we don't eliminate these from the playing field.

The other reason is: the noob games are filled with retards(again, by the definition of the word). This is something that is undeniable and IS a problem. The lowlevel games are there to provide new players with an accessible learning curve, not a fuckbox(visualization is at your own discretion!). And while I have had the luck of finding teams that did care and where I could learn from, if the trend keeps up, others won't. For many potentially dedicated players this can be a MAJOR turn off.

It's in my opinion imperative that we discriminate between both types of players and treat them separately with separate standards. One of these groups can end up being respected, or even the best, players in our community if we let them. The other group... we could just as well toss them out in my honest opinion. But since  they paid for a product which they should be able to exploit, we should probably give them a way to still enjoy the product, but not bother us or the group that can succeed. Might they want to become proper players, they can follow the basic path and get there eventually.

So these are the three groups I separate and feel should be distinguished inside the game: the 'I play for fun' players, the new players and the experienced players. Giving these groups their own playing field gives each group a lot less stress which would mean the community would even become more friendly as a whole. The next issue is of course the movement of players. Players should be able to eventually move to the experienced players pool. I'm going to leave out the bad players pool for a bit. The new players pool will have players that learn slowly and players that learn quickly. It would be unfair to hamper fast learners because of the slow learners and so it would mean that they should have access to the experienced player pool fairly quickly. This is something I of course touched on before, new players that decide to enter the experienced pool will have to be approved by the experienced pool. When level 3 or maybe 4 is hit on a class, the player can always enter the experienced player pool and the experienced players don't have much to say about it. Yet if they are lower, they are going to have to rely on commendations from the experienced players to keep them in the experienced pool. The current way commendations are given, it means that players will have to jump through some serious hoops not to stay in the experienced pool and as long as it stays like that, the system will work fine.

Now, the other pool. Since there are no automated ways to determine if someone is a complete moron. I suppose a report system is in order. Since most of the problematic players are in the noob pool, the noob pool will have to report these players and flag them as 'bad'/'casual' players. If too many reports are triggered, these players will get a message notifying them that they are put in the 'casual' pool and that their leveling has STOPPED(3 years of experience in the 'casual' pool doesn't count). These players then have either the choice to accept it and continue to dick around in that pool like he has unimpeded or appeal the system after which a CA, CA Mod or Muse developer has to come in and judge the player's intentions. While the appeal is going, the player still has access to the regular pools until the decision has been made. The appeal can be made once a certain period, so if a player decides he wants to try the 'hardcore' pools, he gets judged and permitted/denied at that point.

The above system will make pubs accessible to ALL groups of players. It will smoothen the innate friction that the groups have and will also mean that the bufferzone that was put in place to help new players, actually helps new players.

Of course I am open to any suggestions there are. But mind you, coming with solutions tried in DotA, LoL or anything of the sort will most likely be ignored. Telling players to form private groups is the exact opposite of what I wish to achieve and bringing that to the table will also be ignored. They didn't work there and most likely will not work here.

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2013, 07:42:20 pm »

Offline Echoez

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2013, 07:43:53 pm »
If you are so dead set on not playing with who you consider a bad player, then simply avoid joining games with them in or simply only play with your friends, what you are suggesting here is just ludicrous in any degree.

Offline QKO

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2013, 07:55:26 pm »
If you have no alternatives, then just don't post here. Obviously this thread isn't meant for you.

Offline Commodore Phoenix

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2013, 08:02:09 pm »
I have an alternative to your problem of these less than pleasant players, it's called getting a hint that your ideas are so flawed you seem to be retarded. Or an even better one someone block this post and this guy because he doesn't understand the meaning of "freedom" or "free will" so he is going to be a moron about this and keep putting stupid threads on this forum.

Offline QKO

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2013, 08:03:25 pm »
Right, please do so, so this thread can be used for something more constructive than your bullshit.

Offline Wundsalz

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2013, 08:03:43 pm »
I'm not interested in seeing our community shifting even slightly into the direction of Dota/HoN, attitude wise. I've seen you ingame a few times and I've read/heard how you treat (new) players. Frankly I don't even slightly wonder why you're incapeable of utilizing new players in your crew. If you treat people like shit, you should better not expect them to improve on your ship. Did you ever consider to drop your "ZOMG!!1!! WHY DID YOU LET THE HULL DIE!?!!1!" attitude, chill your tits and go over to elaborating the game mechanics to our new players?
« Last Edit: September 02, 2013, 08:05:30 pm by Wundsalz »

Offline Xemkobankavareniya

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2013, 08:04:58 pm »
Lol, i'm actually agree with Phoenix.
dat RAGE :D
i'm losing patience for new players pretty often, but QKO, srsly, there is a limit.
At this point, you become an official *noob nazi* of the GOI.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2013, 08:09:28 pm by Xemko »

Offline Qwerty Kun

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2013, 08:08:01 pm »
Hey everyone,

This is just a quick reminder to keep this discussion civil. You can have a conversation without insulting anyone, if you believe something is the fault of a player then state it in a nice manner, words like 'retard' are not needed, neither is insulting news players.

This chat is now being monitored by myself and likely other mods and action will be taken if it gets out of hand.


« Last Edit: September 02, 2013, 08:18:02 pm by Qwerty Kun »

Offline QKO

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2013, 08:09:48 pm »
I'm not interested in seeing our community shifting even slightly into the direction of Dota/HoN, attitude wise. I've seen you ingame a few times and I've read/heard how you treat (new) players. Frankly I don't wonder even slightly why you're incapeable of utilizing new players in your crew. If you treat people like shit, you should better not expect them to improve on your ship. Did you ever consider to drop your "ZOMG!!1!! WHY DID YOU LET THE HULL DIE!?!!1!" attitude, chill your tits and go over to elaborating the game mechanics to our new players?
You almost make it sound as if you've been aboard my ship! Which you haven't, so you don't really know what you're talking about or what sets me off in the first place now do you? Should I be your crewmember and explicitly ignore you until you lose your patience? If you want to go all personal on me that's fine, but you can do that in PM, not here.

Offline Commodore Phoenix

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2013, 08:17:24 pm »
Qwerty I said it seems he is retarded as he has constantly posted this drivel on more than one thread its starting to seem that he either A) doesn't want any kind of disagreement and just wants everyone to shut up and do what he says or B) he has some kind of personality disorder that makes him not understand when someone tells him he is wrong which correct me if I'm wrong is a form of mental retardation.

This idea has been put forward by this guy so many times just look through his history you will see so he has got to be blocked because its getting ridiculous its not about making this game better its about him trying to have some kind of power which isn't there, none of his ideas have ever been validated and there have been many discussions where he has been proven wrong and never right so I'm not being some little immature child I am stating he must have some reason to not understand what has been clearly told to him several times. So you block him or he is going to get called more than a retard and not by me.

Offline Qwerty Kun

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2013, 08:20:43 pm »
Fair enough phoenix I understand why you did it. It's just you've been banned before and you're a mate so I don't want to see you banned again. As to the problems with the poster and this post as a moderator I must remain impartial. Until a post in here brakes the code of conduct in a large enough way to get reported or require action I can not lock it.

Offline Commodore Phoenix

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2013, 08:22:14 pm »
You can if enough people complain about it right?

Offline Eukari

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #13 on: September 02, 2013, 08:22:21 pm »
There's no danger in him stating his opinion. Call him wrong if you want (please, do), but overreacting and making personal attacks is not the way to get people to calm down and talk things out. It just makes them get defensive and even less likely to listen to reason.

QKO, we've had this conversation before- then, as now, I completely disagree with both your premise and conclusion.

Most people simply do not see the danger you are warning of. I certainly haven't. There is no contingent of players who are out to ruin everyone else's fun; there just isn't. You have a few bad apples here and there, but nothing on the scale necessitating the response you suggest. Most "bad" players are just people who are too new to know the game, or never had things explained properly to them and they picked up bad habits. Tune out the bad eggs and focus on helping those who need help. This is a solution in search of a problem.

Offline Nidh

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Re: Ok, time to deal with less than pleasant players
« Reply #14 on: September 02, 2013, 08:26:44 pm »
If you're looking for player segregation, I suggest you get the people who agree with you and make a clan of your own, and not play with anyone else. There, problem solved.